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About Google Book Search Google's mission is to organize the world's information and to make it universally accessible and useful. Google Book Search helps readers discover the world's books while helping authors and publishers reach new audiences. You can search through the full text of this book on the web at |http : //books . google . com/ WORKS ISSUED BY Ubc DaWui^t Societis. THE HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF AFRICA OF LEO AFRICANUS. VOL. III. No. XCIV. THE HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF AFRICA AND OF THE NOTABLE THINGS THEREIN CONTAINED, WRI'ITEN BY AL-HASSAN IBN-MOHAMMED AL-WEZAZ AL-FASI, A MOOR, BAPTISED AS GIOVANNI LEONE, BUT BETTER KNOWN AS LEO AFRICANUS. DONE INTO ENGLISH IN THE YEAR 1600, BV JOHN PORY, Ann iiBtD VtiXtti, tottt an introlvuettoit anlr ^otre, BY Dr. ROBERT BROWN. IN THREE VGLUaiES.— VOL. III. LOWTTON : PRINTED FOR THE HAKLUYT SOCIETY, 4, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS, W.C M.rccc.xcvi. J) LONDON : PRINTRD AT THK BRDFORD PRRSS, 20 AND SI, BRDFORDBURY, W.C. COUNCIL OP THE HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Sir Clements R. Markham, K.C.B., F.R.S., Pres. R.G.S., President. The Right Hon. The Lord Stanley of Alderley, Vice-President. Sir a. Wollaston Franks, K.C.B., F.R.S., Vice-President. O. Raymond Beazley, EIsq., M.A. Miller Christy, Esq. Colonel G. Earl Church. The Right Hon. George N. Curzon, M.P. Albert Gray, Esq. The Right Hon. Lord Hawkesbury. Edward Heawood, Esq., M.A. Admiral Sir Anthony H. Hoskins, K.C.B. Rear-Admiral Albert H. Markham. A. P. Maudslay, Esq. E. Delmar Morgan, Esq. Captain Nathan, R.E. Admiral Sir E. Ommanney, C.B.. F.R.S. Cuthbert E. Peek, Esq. E. G. Ravenstein, Esq. CouTTs Trotter, Esq. Rear-Admiral W. J. L Wharton, C.B., R.N. Wjlli.\M Foster, Esq., Honorary Secretary. 10725:5 CONTENTS. VOLUME III. PACE The Fifth Book . .699 Notes to Book V . . -745 The Sixth Book . 773 Notes to Book VI . .803 The Seventh Book . .819 Notes to Book VII . .838 The Eighth Book 855 Notes to Book VIII . . .906 The Ninth Book . . .927 PoRY's Relation of the Great Princes of Africa . 973 His Discourse of thp Religions professed there . looi And of the Fortresses and Colonies maintained there BY THE Spaniards and Portuguese . 1064 Index of Places . 1073 Index of Persons, etc. . .1106 lOHN LEO HIS FIFTH BOOKE OF the Historic of Africa, and of the fuemorable things contained therein. A description of the kingdomes of Bugia and Tunis. ^Hen as in the former part of this my historic I diuided Barbaria into certaine parts, I determined to write of Bugia as of a kingdome by it selfe: and I found indeed that not many yceres ago it was a kingdome. For Bugia was subiect to the king of Tunis, and albeit for certaine yeeres the king of Telensin was Lord thereof, yet was it at length recouered againe by the king of Tunis, who committed the gouemment of the city vnto one of his sons, both for the tranquillitie of Bugia, and also that no discord might happen among his sonnes after his decease. He left behinde him three sonnes, the eldest whereof was called HabdulhaziSy and vnto him he bequeathed the kingdome of Bugia, as is aforesaide : vnto the second, whose name was Hutment he left the kingdome of Tunis : and the third called Hammare, he made gouernour of the region of dates. This Hammare began foorthwith to wage warre against his brother Hutmen, by whom being at length taken in the towne of Asfacos, & Y Y 2 700 THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE depriued of both his eies, he was carried captiue vnto Tunis, where he liued many yeeres bh'nde : but his brother Hutmen gouerned the kingdome of Tunis full fortie yeeres. The prince of Bugia being most louing and dutifull to his brother, raigned for many yeeres with great tranquilitic till at length he was by king Ferdinand of Spaine, and by the meanes of one Pedro de Nauarra^ cast out of his kingdome.^ A description of the great citie of Bugia. THis auncient citie of Bugia built (as some thinke) by the Romans, vpon the side of an high mountaine, neere vnto the Mediterran sea, is enuironed with walles of great height, and most stately in regard of their antiquitie The part thereof now peopled containeth aboue eight thousand families : but if it were all replenished with buildings, it were capeable of more then fower and twentie thousand housholds, for it is of a great length. The houses, temples, and colleges of this citie are most sumptuously built. Professors of liberal! sciences heere are great store, whereof some teach matters pertaining to the lawe, and others professe naturall Philosophie. Neither Monasterie^s Innes, nor Hospitals erected after their manner are heere wanting: and their market place is very large and faire: their strcetes either descend or ascend, which is verie troublesome to them that haue any busines in the towne. In that part of the citie next vnto the toppe of the mountaine standeth a strong castle, most sumptuously and beautifully walled : and there are such notable letters and pictures i most artificially carued vpon the plaister-worke and timber,, that they are thought to haue cost much more then the building of the wall it selfe.*-* The citizens were exceeding rich, and vsed with their warlike gallies continually to molest the coasts of Spaine ; which was the occasion d the vtter ouerthrowe oif their citie. For Pedro de Nauam IIISTORIE OF AFRICA. 70I was sent against them with a fleete of fowerteene sailes onely. The citizens being addicted whollie to pleasure The dUe of Bugia taken by and ease, and being terrified with the rumour of -wdLvrc, Pedro de bicause they were neuer exercised therein, were no sooner aduertised of Pedro de Nauarra his approch, but al of them togither with their king betooke themselues to flight, and left their citie abounding with all kinde of riches and wealth, to bee spoiled by the Spaniards, so that it was easily taken, in the yeere of MaJiomet his Hegeira nine hundred and seuenteene.^ Soone after Pedro de Nauarra hauing sacked the citie, built a strong forte vpon the sea shore, and repaired an other which had lien a long time waste, furnishing them both with soldiers and munition. And.sixe yeeres after, Bardarossa the Turke being desirous to winne this citie from the Christians, and hauing leuied onely a thousand soldiers, tooke the old forte, bicause he was fauoured by the inhabitants of all the mountaines adiacent : wherein hauing placed a garrison, he attempted to winne the other fort also : but at his first encounter he lost an hundred of his principall Turkes, & fower hundred of the mountainers that came to aide him ; insomuch that Barbarossa was enforced to flie vnto the castle of Gegel, as is aforesaid. Of the Castle of Gegel THis ancient castle built by the Africans, vpon an high rocke by the Mediterran sea, is distant about three- score miles from Bugia. Families it containeth to the number of fine hundred ; and the buildings thereof are very base. The inhabitants are of a trustie and ingenuous disposition, and do most of them exercise husbandrie : howbeit their fieldes are but barren, and apt onely for barly, flaxe, and hempe. They haue great store of figs and nuts, which they vse to carrie in certaine barkes vnto Tunis. They haue in despight of the kings of Bugia 702 THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE and Tunis continued alwaies free from tribute : for that impregnable mountaine can be surprised by no siege nor encounter of the enimie. At length they yeelded theni- selues vnto Barbarossa, who demaunded none other tribute of them, but onely the tenths of certaine fruits and cornc.* Of the towne of Mesila. MEsila founded by the Romans not far from the Numidian desert, and being distant from Bugia almost an hundred miles, hath stately wals about it, but base houses within. The inhabitants being partly artificers and partly husbandmen, goe very homely apparelled, and are most greeuously oppressed with the continuall exactions of the Arabians, and with the daily molestations of the king of Bugia. My selfe vpon a time trauelling this way, could not finde so much fodder as was sufficient for twelue horses onely.^ Of the towne of Stefe, THis towne also built by the Romans, sixtie miles southward of Bugia, vpon a certaine beautifull plaine, is enuironed with strong and stately walles. It was in times past exceedingly well stored with inhabitants: but since the Mahumetans were Lords thereof, it hath so decaied by the iniuries of the Arabians, who razed to the ground a great part of the wall, that within the whole circuit of this great and ancient towne, there are but an hundred houses at this present remaining.^ Of the towne of Necaus, THis towne built by the Romans neere vnto Numidia, and being distant from the Mediterran sea an hundred and eightie, and from the towne last mentioned cightic miles, is compassed with a strong and ancient wall. By this towne runneth a certaine riuer, on both sides HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 703 whereof grow the best wal-nuts and figs that are to be found in the whole kingdome of Tunis, being vsually carried to Constantina to be solde, which citie is thence distant an hundred and eightie miles. The fields of this towne are exceeding fruitfull, and the inhabitants are very rich, liberall, and curious in their apparell. Here is an hospital! maintained at the common charges of the towne, to entertaine strangers that passe by. Here is a college also, the students whereof are allowed their diet and apparell. Neither is this towne destitute of a most stately and well-furnished temple. Their women are white, hauing blacke haires and a most delicate skinne, because they frequent the bath-stoues so often. Most of their houses are but of one storie high, yet are they very decent, and haue each one a garden thereto belonging, replenished with damaske-roses, myrtles, cammomill, and other herbes and flowers, and being watred with most pleasant fountaines. In these gardens likewise there are most stately arbours and bowres, the coole shadow whereof in summer-time is most acceptable. And (to be briefe) all things here are so delightfull to the senses, and so alluring, that any man would be loth to depart from henceJ Of the towne of Owllo. THe great towne of Chollo founded by the Romans, vpon the Mediterran sea, at the foot of a certaine high mountaine, is enuironed with no walles at all : for the walles were razed to the ground by the Goths : neither did the Mahumetans, when they had got possession, build them vp againe. Howbeit this towne is notably well gouerned, and well stored with inhabitants, which are all men of a liberall and tractable disposition. They haue continually great traffique with the merchants of Genoa, and doe gather abundance of waxe and hides. Their fieldes vpon the mountaine are exceeding fruitfull, and they haue 704 THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE alwaies so defended themselues against the princes of Tunis and Constantina, that vntill this present they remaine free from tribute. From the iniurie of Constantina they are easily defended, both in regarde of the difficult moun- taines lying in the mid-way, and also in respect of the great distance ; for Constantina standeth almost an hundred and twentie miles off. Neither is there any citie through- out the whole kingdome of Tunis, either for wealth, or strong situation, any way comparable vnto this.^ Of the towne of Sucaicada. THis ancient citie built by the Romans also vpon the Mediterran sea, and standing about thirtie fiue miles from Constantina, was wasted and almost vtterly destroied by the Goths : howbeit by reason of the hauen being so famous and so frequented by the merchants of Genoa, the prince of Constantina caused certaine faire houses to be built thereabouts, for the said merchants of Genoa, to repose themselues and their goodes therein : and vpon a mountaine not farre off he built a strong castle, for the securitie and defence of the said merchants from all enemies whatsoeuer. From the said hauen to Constantina the high way is paued with certaine black stones, such as are to be seene in some places of Italie, being there called Le strade Romane, which is a manifest argument, that Sucaicada was built by the Romans.** Of the citie of Constantina, NO man can denie the Romans to haue beene founders of this citie, that shall consider the great strength, height, and antiquitie of the walles, and how curiously they are beset and adorned with blacke stones.^^ This citie standeth vpon the south side of an exceeding high moun- taine, and is enuironed with steepe rocks, vnder which rocks and within the compasse whereof runneth the riuer HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 705 called Susegmare,^^ so that the said deepe riuer with the rocks on either side, serueth in stead ol a towne-ditch to Constantina. The north part is compassed with a wall of great thicknes : and there are two extreme narrow passages onely, to enter into the citie, one on the east part, and another on the west The citie-gates are very large and stately. The citie it selfe containeth aboue eight thousand families. Buildings it hath very sumptuous, as namely, the chiefe temple, two colleges, three or fower monasteries, and other such like. Here euery trade and occupation hath a seuerall place assigned : and the inhabitants are right honest and valiant people. Here is likewise a great companie of merchants, whereof some sell cloth and wooll, others send oile and silke into Numidia, and the residue exchange linnen-cloth and other wares, for slaues and dates. Neither are dates so cheape in any region of all Barbaric besides. The kings of Tunis vsually commit the gouern- ment of Constantina vnto their eldest sonnes : and so he that is now king of Tunis bestowed Constantina vpon his The hard sue- . . . cesse 0/ the eldest Sonne m like sort: who wagmg warre agamst m^ king 0/ Tunis Arabians was slaine in the first battel. Then fel the smne7^ gouemment of Constantina vnto his second sonne, whose intemperate life was the cause of his sudden and vntimely death. After him succeeded the third and yoongest sonne, who in regarde of his insolent and shamelesse behauiour, was so hated of all the citizens, that some had determined to kill him : whereof his father hauing intelligence, sent for him, and kept him for certaine yeeres prisoner at Tunis. Afterward he committed the gouemment of Constantina to a certaine Renegado that of a Christian became a Mahumetan : this Renegado he trusted as Lis ownc brother, for he had made former trial! of him : who for many yccrcs gouemed the place with great tranquillitic.^'^ Vpon the north part of the citie standeth a certaine strong castle built at the same time when the citie it selfe was built ; 7o6 THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE which castle was more strongly fortified then before, by one Elcaied Nabil the kings lieutenant : and this castle greatly bridled both the citizens, and all the bordering Arabians, whose great captaine it held as prisoner, and released him not, till he had left his three sonnes for hostages. At length the said Elcaied grew so hautie, that he coined money, to the great contempt of his king and soueraigne, whom notwithstanding he endeuoured by many giftes and presents to appease. But when men perceiued Elcaied to degenerate from his first forme of gouernment, they that before loued him, and had him in high regarde, were presently of another minde, and vtterly forsooke him. So that laying siege vnto a certaine citie of Numidia called Pescara, he perceiued some treason to be attempted against him : and thereupon returning foorthwith to Constantina, he found the citie-gates shut against him : from whence he presently tooke his iourney to the king of Tunis, and was by him cast into prison, and not restored to libertie, till he had paid an hundred thousand duckats. Afterward by the kings aide he was restored to his former gouernment : but when he began to tyrannize ouer some of the chiefe citizens, he againe prouoked the whole citie vnto armes, who besieged foorthwith the castle whereunto he fled, which was such a corrasiue vnto Elcaied his minde, that within few daies he died for sorrow.^^ And so the people after they were reconciled to their king, would from thencefoorth neuer admit any forren gouernour : wherefore the king of Tunis was (as is aforesaid) againe constrained to send his owne sonnes thither. The fields belonging to this citie are exceeding fertil. And on either side the riuer which runneth through the plaines, there are nnost commodious gardens, if they were well husbanded. Also without the citie stand many faire and ancient buildings. About a mile and a halfe from the citie standeth a certaine triumphall arch, like vnto the triumphall arches at Rome, HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 707 which the grosse common people thinke to haue beene a castle where innumerable diuels remained, which (they say) were expelled by the Mahometans, when they came first to inhabite Constantina." From the citie to the riuer they descend by certaine staires hewen out of the rocke : and neere vnto the riuer standeth a little house so artificially cut out of the maine rocke, that the roofe, pillers, and walles are all of one continued substance, and here the women of Constantina wash their linnen. Neere vnto the citie likewise there is a certaine bath of hot water dispersing Hot baths. it selfe among the rocks : in this bath are great store of snailes, which the fond women of the citie call Diuels : and when any one falleth into a feuer or any other disease, they suppose the snailes to be the authors thereof ^^ And M^ci^t a fond and senseles super- onely remedie that they can apply vpon such an occasion stuion, is this : first they kill a white hen, putting her into a platter with her feathers on, and then verie solemnly with waxe candles they carry her to the bathe, and there leaue her : and many good fellowes there are, which so soone as the silly women haue set downe their hens at the bath, wil come secretly thither, and conuey away the hens to their owne kitchins. Somewhat farther from the citie eastward there is a fountaine of extreme cold water, and neere vnto it standeth a certaine building of marble adorned with sundrie Hieroglyphicall pictures or emblemes, such as I haue seene at Rome, and at many other places of Europe. But the common people imagine that it was in times past a Gramar-schoole, & because both the masters and schoUers thereof were most vitious, they were transformed (say they) into marble.^^ The inhabitants twise euerie yeere send great store of wares into Numidia : and because as they trauell, they are in danger of the Arabian theeucs, they hire certaine Turkish Harquebusiers for great wages to guard them. The merchants of Constantina trauelling to Tunis pay no tribute at all, but onely at their departure 708 THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE foorth of Constantina for the worth of euerie lOO. ducates in merchandise, they allow two ducates and a halfe. Of t/te towne of Mela. THis towne built by the Romans within twelue miles of Constantina, and enuironed with most strong walles, containeth almost three thousand families: but at this present there are but few buildings by reason of the warres that haue happened. Here are great store of artizans : the most whereof are such weauers as make couerlets. In the market place there is a most cleere fountaine. The citizens are valiant, though they bee of rude behauiour. Here is abundance, not onely of fruits (whereupon some thinke the name of the towne to be deriued) but also of cattle and come. Vnto this towne the gouernour of Constantina sendeth euery yeere a certaine ludge, to decide the townesmens controuersies, and to receiue the yeerely tribute: howbeit oftentimes the said ludge is slaine by the people.'^ Of the ancient towne of Bona, THis towne built by the Romans vpon the Mediterran sea, almost 120. miles more to the west was in auncient times called Hippo, where the reuerend father s. Augustine Saint Augustine was once Bishop. It was in processe of in times past % \ % /^ -i bishop of time subdued by the Gothes, and was afterward surprised and burnt to ashes by Hutmen the third patriarke after Mahuviet, And many yeeres after they built a new towne within two miles of the stones that were brought from the ruines of Bona : which new towne they called Beld Elhuneb, that is, the citie of the fruit called Ziziphus or luiuba, by reasoD of the great abundance of that fruit : the which they vse to dry in the sunne, and to keepe till wintcr.^^ It containeth almost three hundred families, and HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 709 all the houses and buildings thereof are verie base, saue one onely temple which standeth next the sea. The inhabitants are all of an ingenuous disposition, some of them being merchants, and the residue artizans. Here is great store of linnen-cloath wouen, the greatest part whereof is carried to Numidia. The inhabitants' of this towne hauing vpon a time slaine their gouernours, were so bold as to threaten the king of Tunis : and they had without all doubt betrayed the towne vnto the Christians, had not the king of Tunis taken speciall heed thereunto.^® In this towne are certaine lewd people and most beggerly apparelled, which notwithstanding are highly reuerenced by the citizens. Here are no fountaines, nor yet any water at all, but rainewater onely which is kept in cesterns.^ On the east side of the towne standeth a strong castle built by the king of Tunis, where the gouernour of the towne appointed by the king hath his aboad. Vnto this towne adioyneth a most large plaine, containing in length fortie, and in bredth fiue and twentie miles : verie commodious for corne, and is inhabited by certaine Arabians called Merdez : these Arabians haue great store of cattell and but little money ; and they bring good store of butter dayly vnto Bona. Vnto this towne the people of Tunis, of the isle of Gerbi, and of Genoa vse yeerely to resort, and to buy great abundance of come and butter. Euery friday they haue neere vnto the towne wals a market, which is well frequented euen till night. Not farre from hence there is a certaine place in the sea, abounding with great store of corall : and because the townesmen know not how Oreat store of corall. to fish for the same, the king of Tunis licenced certaine merchants of Genoa to fish for it : who in regard of the continuall assaults of pirates, because they could not speed of their purpose, they obtained leaue also of the king to build a castle neere vnto the place : but that the townesmen would in no case permit, saying that the Genoueses in times 7IO THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE past tooke their towne by such a wile, and that it was afterward recouered agatne by the king of Tunis.^^ Of the towne of Tefas, THE towne of Tefas founded by the Africans vpon the side of a mountaine, and standing almost an hundred and fiftie miles southward of Bona, was in times past verie populous, and full of braue buildings, but it hath beene since destroyed by the Arabians. Afterward being re- planted with new inhabitants, and remaining free from war for certaine moneths, it was the second time destroyed by the Arabians. Last of all (because it was a place com- modious for corne) it was inhabited the third time by certaine Africans, called Haoara, and that by the ayde of a certaine prince brother vnto him, which had slaine Enasir the king of Tunis his sonne : but now all that remained of this towne was vtterly razed by the king of Tunis.^^ Of the citie of Tebessa. THis great and strong citie built by the Romans neere vnto Numidia, and being distant two hundred miles southward from the Mediterran sea, is compassed with an high wall made of such stones as are to be scene vpon the Colosso at Rome : neither saw I, to my remembrance, any such wals in all Africa or Europe : and yet the houses and other buildings are verie base. Through part of this citie runneth a great riuer : and in the market, and diuers other places stand certaine marble pillers, hauing Epigrams and sentences with Latin letters engrauen vpon them : there are also other square pillers of marble couered with roofs. The plaines adiacent albeit verie drie, yet are they most fruitfull for corne. Fiue miles from hence grow such abundance of wall-nut-trees, as you would take them to be some thicke forrest. Neere vnto this towne standeth a certaine hill full of mighty caues, wherein the common HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 7II people say, that giants inhabited of olde : but it is most euident, that those caues were digged by the Romans at the same time when they built the citie : for certaine it is that the stones whereof the citie-walles consist, were taken out of those rockes. The inhabitants are people of a couetous, inhumane, and beastly disposition ; neither will they vouchsafe to looke vpon a stranger: insomuch that Eldabag a famous Poet of the citie of Malaga, in Granada, hauing in his trauell this .way receiued some discourtesie, wrote in disgrace of Tebessa certaine satyricall verses, which my selfe likewise h?iue thought good here to set downe in the dispraise thereof. Within this place here^s nought of any worthy Saue worthies nuts^ which Tebessa affourds. Softy I mistakey the marble walks are worth Your earnest vieWy so are tlie Christall-fourds : But Iience are banisht vertues all diuinCy T lie place is helly the people woorse than swine. This Eldabag was a most learned and elegant Poet in the Arabian toong, and out of measure satyricall, and bitter in his inuectiues. But to returne to our former purpose, these Tebessians haue alwaies rebelled against the king of Tunis, and haue slaine all the gouernours that he hath sent. Wherefore the king that now is, trauelling vpon a time towards Numidia, sent certaine ambassadours into the city, to know how the citizens stood affected towards him : vnto whom they (instead of God saue the King) made answerc : God saue our Citie-walles, Whereat the king waxing wroth, sacked the citie forthwith, beheaded and hanged diuers of the inhabitants, and made such hauock, that eucr since it hath remained desolate. This was done in the yeere of the Hegeira 915.^ 712 THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE Of tlie towne called Vrbs. BY the name of this towne it sufficiently appeareth that the Romans were the first founders thereof. Situate it is vpon the most beautifull plaine of al Africa, which by- reason of the abundance of fountaines is so wel stored with corne, that from thence to Tunis (which standeth 190. miles northward of this place) and to other regions adioyn- ing, great plentie of corne is transported. In this towne are to bee scene sundrie monuments of the Romans, as namely images of marble, and euerie where vpon the walles are sentences in Latin letters engrauen : the towne-walles are most artificially and sumptuously built. This towne the Gothes, being assisted by the Moores, surprised, when as it contained the chiefe treasure and wealth that the Romanes enioyed in all Africa. Afterward it remained for certaine yecres desolate, being at length notwithstand- ing inhabited a new, yet so, that it deserueth rather the name of a village then of a towne. Not far from this towne runneth a certaine riuer, vpon the which are diuers water- milles ; and this riuer taketh his beginning from a little hill but halfe a mile distant from the towne. All the inhabitants are either weauers or husbandmen, and are continually molested by the king of Tunis. Howbeit if the fertilitie of the soyle, the pleasantness of the place, and the holesome disposition of the aire, were as well knowne to the king, as they are to my selfe, I thinke verily that he would leaue Tunis, and goe and dwell in this region. The Arabians are well acquainted with the place, for from hence they yeerely transport great store of corne vnto their deserts.-* Of the towne of Beggia, THis towne built by the Romans vpon a mountaine almost twentie miles distant from the Mediterran sea, and about eightie miles westward of Tunis, standeth HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 713 right in the way from Tunis to Constantina. But because the name of this towne is no Arabian name, it seemeth, that the first name hath been oftentimes corrupted and changed. The ancient walles of this towne are as yet standing, and it is a most defensible place, and well furnished with all kinde of necessaries. It is inhabited with great store of weauers and husbandmen, and the fields thereof are so large and fruitfull for all kindes of graine, that the people of the same region could not sufficiently manure them, vnlesse they were assisted by certaine bordering Arabians : and yet a great part of their fields lieth vntilled : howbeit they send continually great store of come vnto Tunis. The king of Tunis surchargeth them with continuall and greeuous exactions, which is the cause why their estate so mightily decaieth.^ Of the towne called Haiti Sammtt. THis towne was in my time founded by the king of Tunis, being distant almost thirtie miles from Beggia. [t was built (they say) of purpose, that none of the fields thereabout might lie vntilled. But it hath since beene iestroied by the Arabians, at the commandement of the king of Tunis: and now there remaineth a tower and xrtaine other buildings onely, whereof some haue roofes irpon them and others none,*® Of the towne of Casta. THis towne built by the Romans vpon a large plaine of twelue miles compasse, is fower and twentie miles distant from Tunis. The towne-wall remaineth strong as ^et ; but the towne it selfe is destroied by the Arabians, ind the fields lie vntilled, and all by the negligence of the cing of Tunis, and of the inhabitants of the same region.^^ z z 714 THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE Of the castle of Choros. THis castle founded not many yeeres past by the Africans vpon the riuer of Magrida, and being about ten miles distant from Tunis, is enuironed with most fruitfull fields. Neere vnto this towne groweth a certaine wood greatly abounding with oliues. At length it >^^ destroied by certaine Arabians called Beni Heliy whidi make perpetuall warre against the king of Tunis, and Hue onely vpon theft and robberie.^ T' Oj the towne of Biserta. ^He ancient towne of Biserta otherwise called Bensart, founded by the Africans vpon the Mediterran sea, thirtie fiue miles from Tunis, is but of a small bignes, and is inhabited with most miserable people. Neere vnto this towne entreth a certaine creeke or arme of the sea, which • at the first being very narrow increaseth by little and little into a maruellous bredth. On either side thereof dwell great store of fishers and husbandmen : and westward of the said creeke lieth a most large and fruitfull plaine called Mater, which is greeuously molested by the king of Tunis, and by the Arabians. In this creeke are taken abundance of fishes : and after the moneth of October they catch a Thejishcaiud ccrtaine fish called by the Africans Giarrafa, which I take Laccia^ ^ to be the same that is at Rome called Laccia : for then by reason of the abundance of raine that falleth, the salt water of the baye becommeth somewhat fresh, wherewith those fishes (they say) are much delighted. Very deepe it is^ and affoordeth good fishing till the end of May : but then the fishes begin to decrease, and to be much drier in taste then before, like vnto the fishes taken in the riuer of Fez.^ HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 71 S Of the great citie of Carthage, THis famous and ancient citie was built at the first by a certaine people that came out of Syria. But others say that it was founded by a queene. The African chronicler Ibnu Rachich is of opinion, that it was built by a certaine people that came from Barca, being expelled thence by the king of Egypt : wherefore I cannot in this place affirme any certaintie as touching the founders thereof: for besides that the African historiographers disagree about this matter, there is none that hath left any writing thereof ancienter then the decay of the Roman empire : when as all the Romans that were found in Africa were expelled by the Goths. But afterward Tripolis of Barbaria and Capis being taken by the Mahumetans, the inhabitants of them both went vnto Carthage, whither the principall Romans and Goths had retired themselues, who endeuoured by all meanes to withstand the Mahumetans : and after many skirmishes the Romans fled to Bona, and the Goths left Carthage for a pray vnto the Mahumetans ; so that it remained desolate many yeeres after, till a certaine Mahumetan patriarke called Elmahdi brought in new colonies : howbeit he could scarce furnish the twentieth part with inhabitants. There are to be seene at this day certaine mines of the citie-walles, till you come to a deepe and large cesterne. And there remaineth as yet also a certaine conduct which conueieth water to the citie from a mountaine thirtie miles distant, being like vnto the conduct of the great palace at Rome. Neere vnto Carthage like- Mfise are certaine great and ancient buildings, the description ivhereof is out of my remembrance.^ On the west and south part of this citie are diuers gardens replenished with ill kinde of fruites, which are carried from thence to Tunis in great abundance. The plaines adioining to this citie are *xceeding fruitfull, though not very large : for vpon the ZZ 2 7i6 THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE 1526. The building of Cairaoan, north part thereof lieth a mountaine, the sea, and the gulfe of Tunis^ : on the east and south parts it loyneth to the plaines of Bensart. But ♦now this citie is fallen into extreme decay & miserie : merchants shops there are not aboue twenty or five and twenty at the most : and all the houses of the towne being scarce fiue hundred, are most base and beggerly. In my time here was a stately temple and a faire college also, but no students were therein.^ The townesmen, though very miserable, yet are they exceeding proud withall, and seeme to pretend a great shew of religion. And the greater part of them are either gardiners or husbandmen, and are greeuously oppressed with the kings daily exactions. A description of the mightie citie of Tunis, His citie is called by the Latines Tune- tunty and by the Arabians Tunus, which name they thinke to be corrupt because it signifieth nought in their language : but in olde time it was called Tarsis, after the name of a citie in Asia.^ At the first it was a small towne built by the Africans vpon a certaine lake, about twelue miles from the Mediterran sea. And vpon the decay of Carthage Tunis began to increase both in buildings and inhabitants. For the inhabitants of Carthage were loth to remaine any longer in their owne towne, fearing least some armie would haue beene sent out of Europe : wherefore they repaired vnto Tunis, and greatly enlarged the buildings thereof Afterward came thither one Hticba Vtmen the fourth Mahumetan patriarke, who perswaded the citizens, that no armie or garrison ought to remaine in any sea-townes : wherefore he built another citie called Cairaoan, being distant from the Mediterran sea thirtie, and from Tunis almost an hundred miles : vnto HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 717 which citie the armie marched from Tunis, and in the roome thereof other people were sent to inhabite.** About an hundred and fiftie yeeres after, Cairaon being sacked by the Arabians, the prince thereof was expelled, and became gouernor of the kingdome of Bugia : howbeit he left certaine kinsmen of his at Tunis, who gouerned that citie. And ten yeeres after, Bugia was taken by loseph the Sonne of Tesfin^ who seeing the humanitie of the foresaid prince, would not expel him out of his kingdome : but so long as it remained to the said prince and his posteritie, Joseph caused it to be free from all molestation. Afterward Abdul Muffun king of Maroco hauing recouered Mahdia from the Christians, marched towards Tunis, and got possession thereof also.* And so Tunis remained peaceably Tunis suHect ^ l^ / ynio Abdul- vnder the dominion of the kings of Maroco, so long as the Mumen and other kings of kmgdome was gouerned by the said Abdul^ and his sonne Maroco, Joseph^ and their successors lacob and Mansor. But after the decease of Mansory his sonne Mahumet Ennasir made war against the king of Spaine, by whom being vanquished, he fled to Maroco, and there within few yeeres ended his life. After him succeeded his brother loseph^ who was slaine by certaine soldiers of the king of Telensin.'^ And so vpon the death of Mahumet ^ and of his brother Joseph^ the Arabians began to inhabite the territorie of Tunis, and to make often sieges and assaults against the citie it selfe : whereupon the gouemour of Tunis aduertised the king of Maroco, that vnlesse present aide were sent, he must be constrained to yeeld Tunis vnto the Arabians. The king therefore sent a certaine valiant captaine, called Habduluahidi^ and borne in Siuill a citie of ♦Granada, ""Or perhaps Andalutia. with a fleete of twentie sailes vnto Tunis, which he found halfe destroied by the Arabians : but so great was his eloquence and wisdome, that he restored all things to their former estate, and receiued the yeerely tribute. After Habduluahidi succeeded bis sonne Abu Zachheria^ who 71 8 THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE in learning and dexteritie of wit, excelled his father. This Abu built a castle vpon a certaine high place of the west part of Tunis, which he adorned with faire buildings and with a most beautifull temple. Afterward taking his iourney vnto the kingdome of Tripolis, and returning home by the southerne regions, he gathered tribute in all those places : so that after his decease he left great treasure vnto his sonne. And after Abu succeeded his sonne,^ who grew so insolent, that he would not be subiect to the king of Maroco, because he perceiued his kingdome to decay : at the same time also had the Marin-familie gotten possession of the kingdome of Fez, and so was the familie of Bent Z^en possessed of the kingdomes of Telensin and Granada. And so while all those regions were at mutuall dissension, the dominions of Tunis began mightily to increase. Insomuch that the king of Tunis marched vnto Telensin, and demanded tribute of the inhabitants. Wherefore the king of Fez, who as then laid siege against Maroco, craued by his ambassadours the king of Tunis his friendship, and with great giftes obtained the same. Then the king of Tunis returning home con- querour from Telensin, was receiued with great triumph, and was saluted king of all Africa, because indeed there was no prince of Africa at the same time comparable vnto him. Wherefore he began to ordaine a roiall court, and to choose Secretaries, counsellers, captaines, and other officers appertaining to a king ; after the very same man- ner that was vsed in the court of Maroco. And from the time of this king euen till our times, the kingdome of Tunis hath so prospered, that now it is accounted the richest kingdome in all Africa, The said kings sonne raigning after his fathers death, enlarged the suburbes of Tunis with most stately buildings. Without the gate called Bed Suvaica*^ he built a streete containing to the number of three hundred families : and he built another HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 719 streete at the gate called Bed el Manera** consisting of more than a thousand families. In both of these streetes dwell great store of artificers, & in the street last mentioned all the Christians of Tunis, which are of the kings garde, haue their aboad. Likewise there is a third streete built at the gate next vnto the sea, called Beb el Bahar,^ and being but halfe a mile distant from the gulfe of Tunis. Hither doe the Genoueses, Venetians, and all other Christian merchants resort, and here they repose themselues out of the tumult and concourse of the Moores : and this street is of so great bignes, that it containeth three hundred families of Christians and Moores, but the houses are verie low, and of small receiL The families of the citie, togither with them of the suburbs, amount almost to the number of ten thousand. This stately and popu- lous citie hath a peculiar place assigned for each trade and occupation. Heere dwell great store of linnen- weauers, and the linnen that they weaue is exceeding fine, & sold at a great price ouer al Africa.** The women ^ s/rangg of this towne vse a strange kinde of spinning : for standing «j«^. vpon an high place or on the vpper part of the house they let downe their spindles at a window, or through a hole of the plancher into a lower roume, so that the weight of the spindle makes the thread verie equall and euen. And here the linnen-drapers haue many shops, and are accounted the wealthiest citizens in all Tunis: here are also great store of grocers, apothecaries, taylors, and of all other trades and occupations : butchers here are verie many which sell mutton for the most part, especially in the spring, and in summer: also here are abundance of all kinde of artificers, euerie of which to describe would prooue tedious : the apparell of their merchants, priests, and doctors is verie decent. Vpon their heads they weare a Dulipan, which is couered with a great linnen-cloth : the courtiers likewise ^nd the souldiers weare all of them 720 THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE Dulipans, but not couered with linnen. Rich men here are but few, by reason of the scarcitie of all kinde of graine: for a man cannot till a piece of ground, be it neuer so neere the citie, in regard of the manifold in- uasions of the Arabians. Corne is brought vnto them from other regions and cities, as namely from Vrbs, from Beggia, and from Bona. Some of the citizens of Tunis haue certaine fields in the suburbs walled round about, where they sowe some quantitie of barley and of other corne : howbeit the soyle is maruellous dry, and standeth in need of much watring: for which purpose euery man hath a pit, whereout with a certaine wbeele turned about by a mule or a camel, and through certaine conueyances and passages made for the nonce, they water all the vpper part of their ground : now consider (I pray you) what great crop of corne can be reaped out of so little a field, walled round about and watred by such cunning and industrie. Bread they make verie excellent, albeit they leauc the bran still among the flower, & they bake their loaues in certaine mortars, such as the Egyptians vse -to beat flaxe in. The merchants and most part of the citizens vse for food a kinde of homely pulse or pappe called by them Besis, being made of barley meale in forme of a dumpling, whereupon they powre oyle or the broth of Pome- citrons. And there is a certaine place in the citie where nothing but barley prepared in a rcadines to make the said pulse, is to be sold. They vse also another kinde of foode almost as homely as the former : for seething a quantitie of meale thoroughly in water, and after braying it in another vessell with a pestill, they powre oyle or flesh-pottage thereunto, and so eat it : and this meate they call Bezin : but the richer sort feed themselues with more daintie meats.** All their milles (except such as stand vpon a riuer not far from the citie) are turned about either by the strength of mules, or asses. In HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 721 this citie they haue no fountaines, riuers, nor welles of fresh water: but they all vse raine-water taken out of cestems, sauing that there is a fountaine in the suburbs, from whence certaine porters bring salt water into the citie to sell, which they thinke to be more holesome and fit for drinke then raine-water. Other wels there are that affoorde most excellent water, which is reserued onely for the king & his courtiers. In this citie there is one most stately temple, furnished with sufficient number of priests, and with rich reuenues. • Other temples there be also, but not endowed with so ample reuenues : here are colledges likewise and monasteries built after their maner, al of which are maintained vpon the common beneuolence of the citie. There are certaine people in this citie whom a man would take to be distraught, which goe bare-headed and bare-footed, carrying stones about with them, and these are reuerenced by the common people, for men of singular holines. Moreouer on the behalfe of one of these mad fellowes, called Sidi el'Dahi\ and for the residue of his fond societie, the king of Tunis built one of the foresaid monasteries, and endowed the same with most ample reuenues. All the houses of this citie are indifferently beautiful!, being built of excellent stones, and adorned with much painting and earning. They have verie artificiall pargettings or plaister-works, which they beautifie with orient colours : for wood to carue vpon is verie scarce at Tunis. The floores of their chambers are paued with certaine shining and faire stones : and most of their houses are but of one storie high : and almost euerie house hath two gates or entrances ; one towards the street, and another towards the kitchin and other back-roumes : between which gates they haue a faire court, where they may walke and conferre with their friends. The bath- stoues here are far more commodious than those at Fez, though not so large and sumptuous. In the suburbs are 722 THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE many pleasant gardens which yeeld fruit, albeit hot in great abundance, yet verie excellent : pome-citrons, roses, and other flowers here are great store, especially in that place which they call Bardo, where the king hath built a palace amidst those beautifull and sweete gardens. On all sides of the citie within fower or fiue miles, there growe such plentie of oliues, that the oyle thereof sufficeth not onely the citie, but is carried also in great quantitie into Egypt The wood of the oliue-trees which they cutdowne they vse to burneand to make char-coales thereof : neither do I thinke any place to be more destitute of wood then this. Pouertie constraineth some of their women to lead an vnchast life : they are decently apparelled, and going foorth of the house, they weare vailes or maskes before their faces, like vnto the women of Fez : for with one linnen-cloath they couer their foreheads, and ioine thereto another which they call Setfari : but about their heads they lap such fardels of linnen, as they seeme comparable to the heads of Giants. Most part of their substance and labour they bestow vpon perfumes and other such vanities. They haue here a compound called Lhasis, whereof whosoeuer eateth but one ounce falleth a laughing, dis- porting, and dallying, as if he were halfe drunken ; and is by the said confection maruellously prouoked unto lust."** Of the king of Tunis his court, and of the rites and ceremonies there vsed, SO soone as the king of Tunis hath by inheritance attained to his kingdome, all his nobles, doctors, priestes, and iudges, binde themselues by solemne oth vnto him. Immediately after any kings death, his sonne and heire apparent succeedeth in the kingdome : then the chiefe officer of the court (called the Munafid, because he is the kings vice-roy or high deputie) presenteth himselfe foorthwith vnto the new king, and giueth vp an account of HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 723 all things which he did while the olde king Hued : and then at the kings appointment euerie of the nobles receiue offices from the Munafid according to their seuerall places of dignitie. Another principall officer there is, called the Mesuare, that is, the great commander and gouernour of the warlike forces : who hath authoritie to increase or diminish the number of soldiers, to giue them their pay, to leuie armies, and to conduct the same whither he thinketh good. The third officer in dignitie is the Castellan, who with his soldiers taketh charge of the castle, and looketh to the sau^arde of the kings owne person : and he allotteth punishments vnto such prisoners as are brought into the said castle, as if he were the king himselfe. The fourth officer is the gouernor of the citie, whose dutie is to administer iustice in the common wealth, and to punish malefactors. The fift officer is the kings secretarie, who hath authoritie to write, and to giue answere in the kings name : he may open and read any letters whatsoeuer, except such as are sent vnto the Castellan and gouernour of the citie. The sixt is the kings chief chamberlaine, who is to furnish the walles with hangings, to appoint vnto euery man his place, and by a messenger to assemble the kings counsellours, and this man hath great familiaritie with the king, and hath accesse to speak with him, as often as he pleaseth. The seuenth in dignitie is the kings treasurer, who receiueth all customes, tributes, and yeerly reuenues, and paieth them, with the kings consent, vnto the Munafid. The eight officer is he that receiueth tribute for merchandize that are brought by land, who taketh custome also of forren merchants, which are constrained for the value of euery hundred duckats to pay two duckats and a halfe : this customer hath many spies and officers, who hauing intelligence of any merchants arriuall, they bring him foorthwith before their master, in whose absence they keepe him so long in their custodie, till their said master 724 THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE be present, and till the merchant hath deliuered all such custome as is due, and being bound with many othes, he is dismissed. The ninth officer receiueth tribute only of such wares as are brought by sea, and dwelleth in a house by the hauens side. The tenth is the steward of the kings houshold, whois to prouide bread, meate,and other necessarie victuals, and to apparell all the kings wiues, eunuches, and the Negro-slaues that attend vpon him. He also taketh charge of the kings sonnes and of their nurses, and allotteth busines vnto the Christian captiues. These are the chiefe officers vnder the king of Tunis : the residue (least I should seeme tedious to the reader) I haue of purpose omitted to intreate of. The king of Tunis hath fifteene hundred most choise soldiers, the greatest part of whom are Renegadoes or backsliders from the Christian faith : and these haue liberall pay allowed them. They haue a captaine ouer them also, who may increase or diminish their number as he pleaseth. Also there are an hundred and fiftie soldiers being Moores, who haue authoritie to remoue the tents of the kings armie from place to place. There are likewise a certain number of crossebowes, which attend vpon the king whithersoeuer he rideth : but next of all to the kings person is his garde of Christians, which (as we signified before) dwell in the suburbs. Before the king marcheth a garde of footemen, being all of them Turkish archers, and gunners. Imme- diately before the king goe his lackies or footemen. One there is that rideth on the one side of the king, carrying his partizan, another on the other side beareth his target, and the third comming behind him carrieth his crossebowe. Others there are also that attend vpon the king, whom (for breuities sake) we omit here to speak of. These are the principall rites and ceremonies of the ancient kings of Tunis, being much different from them which are vsed by the king that now 13, I could here make a large HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 7^5 discourse of the kings vices that now raigneth (at whose hands I confesse my selfe to haue receiued great benefits) but that is not my purpose at this present : this one thing I can affirme, that he is maruellous cunning to procure money out of his subiects purses. But he himselfe liueth sometimes in his palace, and sometimes in gardens, in the companie of his concubines, musicians, stage-plaiers, and such like. When he calleth for any musician, he is brought in blindfold or hoodwinked in manner of a hawke. The golden coine*^ of Tunis containeth fower and twenty charats apeece, that is to say, a duckat and one third part of the coine of Europe : there is a kind of siluer-money coined also, being fower square in forme, which waieth sixe charats apeece: and thirtie or two and thirtie of these peeces are equall in value to one peece of their gold coine, and they are called Nasari : the Italians call the gold- coine of Tunis Doble.*^ And thus much concerning the ^^^'* king of Tunis, and the customes of his court. Of the towne of Neapolis. THis ancient towne built by the Romans vpon the Mediterran sea almost twelue miles eastward of Tunis is inhabited by certaine Moores called Nabell. It was in times past very populous, but now there dwell but a few pesants therein, which exercise themselues onely about sowing and reaping of flaxe.*® Of the towne of Cammar. THis towne is very ancient also and neere vnto Carthage, standing eight miles northward of Tunis. The inhabitants being many in number are all of them gardiners, and vse to bring their herbes and fruits to Tunis to be solde. Here also growe great store of sugar-canes, Sugar-Canes. which are brought likewise vnto Tunis : but because they 726 THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE haue not the arte of getting out the sugar, they vse onely after meales to sucke the sweete iuice out of the said cancs.^ Of the towne of Marsa, THis ancient towne standing vpon the Mediterran sea neere the same place where the hauen of Carthage \yas of olde, remained certaine yeeres desolate, but now it is inhabited by certaine fishers and husbandmen : and here they vse to white linnen-cloth. Not far from hence are certaine castles and palaces, where the king of Tunis ordinarily remaineth in summer-time.^^ Of the towne of Ariana, MOreouer this ancient towne was built by the Goths almost eight miles northward of Tunis. It is enuironed with most pleasant and fruitful! gardens, and it hath a strong wall, and containeth many husbandmen. Certaine other little townes there are not far distant from Carthage, some inhabited, and the residue desolate, the names whereof I haue quite forgotten.^^ Of the towne of Hammamet THis towne built by the Mahumetans of late yeeres, and enuironed with a wall of great strength, is distant from Tunis almost fiftie miles. The inhabitants are miserable people, and oppressed with continuall exactions, being the greatest part of them either fishers or colliers.^ Of the town of Heraclia, THis little and ancient towne was founded by the Romans vpon a certaine mountaine, and was after- ward destroied by the Arabians.^* HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 727 Of the towne of Susa. THis exceeding great and ancient towne was built by the Romans vpon the Mediterran sea, being distant from Tunis about an hundred miles. The plaines adioyning abound with oliues and figs : their fieldes are most fruitfull for barlle, if they could be tilled, but the Arabians often incursions are the cause why they lie waste. The inhabitants being most liberall and courteous people, and great friends unto strangers, make voiages most of them vnto the easterne regions and vnto Turkie ; and some also frequent the next townes of Sicilia and Italie. The residue of the inhabitants are either weauers, or graziers of cattell, or such as tume wooden vessels, wherewith they furnish the whole kingdome of Tunis. When the Mahumetans first woon that prouince, this towne was the seate of the vice-roy, whose palace is as yet remaining. A most stately towne it is, enuironed with strong walles, and situate vpon a most beautifull plaine. It was in times past well stored with inhabitants, and with faire buildings whereof some, together with a goodly temple, are as yet extant. But now it containeth very few people, and but fine shops in all, by reason of the kings continuall exactions. I my selfe was constrained to stay in this towne for fower daies, in regarde of the danger of the time.^* Of the towne of Monaster. THe ancient towne of Monaster built by the Romans vpon the Mediterran sea, and distant almost twelue miles from Susa, is enuironed with most impregnable and stately walles, and containeth very faire buildings : but the inhabitants are most miserable and beggerly people, and weare shooes made of sea-rushes : most of them are either weauers or fishers : their fare is barlie bread, and a kinde 728 THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE of foode mingled with oile, which we called before Bezzin, which is vsed in all the townes thereabout : the soile will yeeld no other corne but barlie. The territorie adiacent aboundeth with oranges, peares, figs, pomegranates, and oliues, sauing that it is continually wasted by the inuasion of the enemie.* Of the towne of Tobulba, THis towne built also by the Romaines vpon the Mediterran sea, standeth about tweluc miles east- ward of Monaster. For certaine yeeres it was very popu- lous, and greatly abounded with oliues : but afterwarde it was so wasted by the Arabians, that now there are but few houses remaining, which are inhabited by certaine religious men: these religious men maintaine a faire hospitall for strangers trauelling that way, where they courteously entertaine euen the Arabians themselues.*^ Of the towne of El Mahdia, otherwise called Africa, EL Mahdia founded in our time^ by Mahdi the first patriarke of Cairaoan vpon the Mediterran sea, and fortified with strong wals, towers, and gates, hath a most noble hauen belonging thereto. Mahdi when hee first entred into this region, fained himselfe in an vnknowne habite to be descended of the linage of Mahuntet^ whereby growing into great fauour of the people, he was by their assistance made prince of Cairaoan, and was called El Mahdi Califa: afterward trauelling fortie daies iourney westwarde into Numidia to receiue tribute due vnto him, he was taken by the prince of Segelmesse,*® and put in prison, howbeit the said prince of Segelmese being presently mooued with compassion toward him, restored him to his former libertie, and was for his good will not long after slaine by him : Afterwarde tyrannizing ouer the people, and perceiuing some to conspire against him, he erected HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 729 this towne of Mahdia, to the end he might there finde safe refuge when neede required. At length one Beiezid^ a Mahumetan prelate (whonr) they called the cauallier or knight of the asse, bicause that riding continually vpon an asse he conducted an armie of fortie thousand men) came vnto Cairaoan : but Mahdi fledde vnto his new towne, where with thirtie saile of ships sent him by a Mahumetan prince of Cordoua, he so valiantly encountered the enimie, Hi'dX.Beiezid^XiA his sonne were both slaine in that battaile : afterward returning to Cairaoan, he grew in league and amitie with the citizens, and so the gouernment remained vnto his posteritic for many yeeres. But an hundred and thirtie yeeres past this *towne was taken by the Christians, * ^^ Mahdia, and was afterwards recouered by a certaine Mahumetan patriarke of Maroco called Abdel Mumen^^ but nowe it is subiect vnto the king of Tunis, by whom it is continually oppressed with most grieuous exactions. The inhabitants exercise traffike with forraine nations : and they are at so great dissention with the Arabians, that they are scarce permitted to till their grounds. Not many yeeres ago Pedro de Nauarra assailing this towne onely with nine ships, was defeated of his purpose, and constrained to returne with great losse of his men. This hapned in the yeere of our Lord 1519.®^ Of the towne of Asfachus. THis towne was built by the Africans vpon the Mediterran sea, at such time as they waged warre against the Romaines. It is compassed with most high and strong wals, and was in times past very populous, but now it containeth but three or fower hundreth families at the most, and but a fewe shops. Oppressed it is both by the Arabians, and by the king of Tunis. All the inhabitants are either weauers, marriners, or fishermen. They take great store of fishes called by them Spares, 3 A 730 THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE which worde signifieth nought in the Arabian and Bar- barian, much less in the Latine toong. This people Hue also vpon barly bread and Bezin : their apparell is base, and some of them traffike in Egypt and Turkie.® Of the great citie of Cairaoan, THE famous citie of Cairaoan otherwise called Careen," was founded by Hucba^ who was sent generall of an armie out of the Arabia deserta, by Hutmen the thirde Mahumetan Califa. From the Mediterran sea this citie is distant sixe and thirtie, and from Tunis almost an hundred miles ; neither was it built (they say) for any other purpose, but onely that the Arabian armie might securely rest therein with all such spoiles as they woone from the Barbarians, and the Numidians. He enuironed it with most impregnable walles, and built therein a sumptuous temple, supported with stately pillers. The saide Hucba after the death of Hutnien was ordained prince of Muchauia, and gouerned the same till the time of Qualid Califa the sonne of Habdul Malic^ who as then raigned in Damasco : this Qualid sent a ccrtaine captaine called Muse the sonne of Nosair^ with an huge armie vnto Cairaoan : who hauing staied a fewe daies with his armie not farre from Cairaoan^ marched westward, sacking and spoiling townes and cities, till he came to the Ocean sea shore, and then he returned towards Cairaoan againe. From whence he sent as his deputie a ccrtaine captaine into Mauritania, who there also conquered many regions and cities. Insomuch that Muse being mooued with a iealous emulation, commanded him to staie till himselfe came. His said Deputie therefore called Ji^rrirA encamped himselfe not far from Andaluzia, whither Muse within 4 months came vnto him with an huge armie. From whence both of them with their armies crossing the seas, arriued in Granada, and so marched by lande against the Goths. HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 731 Against whom T/ieodoricus the king of Goths opposing himselfe in battaile. was miserablie vanquished. Then the foresaide two captaines with all good successe proceeded euen to Castilia, and sacked the citie of Toledo, where amongst much other treasure, they founde many reliques of the saints, and the very same table whereat Christ sate with his blessed Apostles, which being couered with pure gold and adorned with great store of precious stones, was esteemed to be woorth halfe a million of ducates, and this table Muse carrying with him as if it had beene all the treasure in Spaine, returned with his armie ouer the sea, and bent his course towarde Cairaoan. And being in the mcane space sent for by the letters of Qualid Califa, he sailed into Egypt : but arriuing at Alexandria, it was tolde him by one Hescian^ brother vnto the saide Calif a^ that the Califa his brother was fallen into a most dangerous disease : wherefore he wished him not to goe presently unto Damasco, for feare least if the Califa died in the meane season, those rich and sumptuous spoiles should be wasted and dispersed to no ende. But Muse little regarding this counsell, proceeded on to Damasco, and presented all his spoiles to the Califa^ who within fiue daies after deceased. After whom his brother succeeding Califay depriued Muse of his dignitie, and substituted one lezid into his roome, whose sonne, brother, and nephewes succeeding, gouerned the citie of Cairaoan,^^ till such time as the familie of Qualid was depriued of that dignitie, and one Elagleb was appointed lieutenant, who gouerned not the towne as a Califa : from that time the Mahumetan Calif as leauing Damasco, remooued vnto Bagaded, as we find recorded in a certaine Chronicle.^ After the decease of Elagleb^ succeeded his sonne, and the gouernment remained vnto his posterie for an hundred threescore and ten yeeres, till such time as they were depriued thereof by one Mahdi Califa.^ But at the same time when Elagleb was 3 A 2 732 THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE gouernour, the citie of Cairaoan was so increased both with inhabitants, and buildings, that a towne called Recheda was built next vnto it, where the prinee and his nobles The isle of ysed to remained® In his time also the Isle of Sicilia was Sicilie subdued byttugouem- woone : for -ff/^^/^^ sent thither a certaine captaine called Halcama, who built vpon the said Island a towne instead of a forte, calling it according to his owne name HaUania, which name is vsed by the Sicilians euen till this present/^ Afterward this new towne was beseiged by certaine people that came to aide the Sicilians. Whereupon one Ased was sent with an armie, & so the Moores forces being augmented they conquered the residue of Sicilia, by which meanes the dominions of Cairaoan began woonderfully to increase. The citie of Cairaoan standeth vpon a sandie and desert plaine, which beareth no trees, nor yet any corne at all. Corne \s brought thither from Susa, from Monaster, and from Mahdia, all which townes are within the space of forty miles. About twelue miles from Cairaoan standeth a certaine mountaine called Gueslet, where some of the Romaines buildings are as yet extant: this mountaine aboundeth with springs of water and carobs, which springs run downe to Cairaoan, where otherwise they shoulde haue no water but such as is kept in cesternesJ^ Without the wals of this citie raine water is to be found in certaine cesternes onely till the beginning of lune. In sommer time the Arabians vse to resort vnto the plaines adioining vpon this towne, who bring great dearth of corne and water, but exceeding plentie of dates and flesh with them, and that out of Numidia, which region is almost an hundred threescore and ten miles distant. In this citie for certaine yeercs the studie of the Mahumetan lawe mightily flourished, so that heere were the most famous lawyers in all Africa. It was at length destroied, and replanted againe with newe inhabitants, but it coulde ncuer attaine vnto the former estate. At this present it is inhabited by none but HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 733 leather-dressers, who sende their leather vnto the cities of Numidia, and exchange it also for cloth of Europe. How- beit they are so continually oppressed by the king of Tunis, that now they are brought vnto extreme miserie.'^* Of the citie of Capes, THis ancient citie built by the Romaines vpon the Mediterran sea, was fortified with most high and stately walles, and with a strong castle.*^* lust by it runneth a certaine riuer of hot and salt water.^^ It hath continually been so molested by the Arabians, that the inhabitants abandoning their citie, resorted vnto certaine plaines replenished with great abundance of dates, which by a certaine arte are preserued all the yeere long. Heere is also digged out of the grounde a kinde of fruite about the bignes of a beane, and in taste resembling an almond. This fruite being ordinarie ouer all the kingdome of Tunis, is called by the Arabians Habhazix.^^ The inhabitants The fruit of the foresaide plaine are blacke people, being all of them ^hazit. either fishers, or husbandmen. Of the towne called El Hamma. THis most ancient towne ^ founded also by the Romans, and being distant from Capes almost fifteene miles, is enuironed with most stately and strong walles : aud vpon certaine marble stones therein are engrauen diuers monuments of antiquitie. The streets and buildings of this towne are very base, and the inhabi- tants miserable, and addicted to robberie. Their fields are barren and vnprofitable, and will bring foorth nought but certaine vnsauorie dates. A mile and a halfe to the south of this towne beginneth a certaine riuer of hot water to A riuer of hot spring, which being brought thorough the midst of the citie by certaine chanels is so deepe, that it will reach vp to a mans nauell : howbeit by reason of the extreme heat 734 THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE of the water, there are but few that will enter thereinto. And yet the inhabitants vse it for drinke, hauing set it a cooling almost an whole day. At length this riuer not far from the towne maketh a certaine lake, which is called the The lake of lake of leaoers : for it is of woonderfull force to heale the leper$. ^ disease of leprosie, and to cure leprous sores : wherefore neere vnto it are diuers cottages of lepers, some of whom are restored to their health. The saide water tasteth in a manner like brimstone, so that it will nothing at all quench a mans thirst, whereof I my selfe haue had often triall. Of the castle of M ochres. THe castle of Machres ^® was built by the Africans in my time vpon the entrance of the gulfe of Capes, to defend the same region from the inuasion of the enemie. It is almost fiue hundred miles distant from the isle of Gerbi. All the inhabitants are either wcauers, shipwrights, or fishermen, and haue traffike & recourse ouer all the foresaid isle. They haue al the same language that the people of the isle of Gerbi vse: but because they want grounds and possessions, al of them, saue the weauers. Hue only vpon theft & robbery. Of the isle of Gerbi or Zerbi^ where lohn Leo the Author of this Historic was taken by Italian pirates^ and carried thence to Rome, THis isle"^® being neere vnto the firme land of Africa, and consisting of a plaine and sandie ground, aboundeth exceedingly with dates, vines, oliues, and other fruits, and containeth about eighteen miles in compasse. It hath also certaine farmes and granges, which are so farre distant asunder, that you shall scarce finde two or three in one village. Their ground is drie and barren, which though it be neuer so well tilled, will yeeld but a HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 735 little barlie. -And here corne and flesh is alwaies at an exceeding rate. At the sea shore standeth a strong castle, wherein the gouernour of the whole Island and his retinue haue their abode. Not farre from hence there is a certaine village,*' where the Christian, Mauritanian, and Turkish merchants haue their place of residence ; in which place there is a great market or faire weekely kept, whither all the merchants of the Island and many Arabians from the maine land with great store of cattle and wooll doe resort The inhabitants of the Isle bring cloth thither to sell, which they themselues make, and this cloth togither with great store of raisins they vsually transport vnto Tunis, and Alexandria to be solde. Scarce fiftie yeeres sithence this Isle was inuaded and conquered by Chris- tians : but it was immediately recouered by the king of Tunis.*^ And presently after (new colonies being heere planted) the foresaide castle was reedified : which the kings of Tunis afterwarde enioied. But after the death of king Hutmen the Islanders returned to their former liber- tie, and presently broke the bridge from the Island to the maine lande, fearing least they shoulde be inuaded by some land-armie. Not long after the said Islanders slaying the king of Tunis his goiiernours of the Isle, haue themselues continued gouernours thereof till this present. Out of this Island is gathered the summe of fowerscore thousand Dobles (euery Doble containing an Italian ducate, and one third part) for yeerely tribute, by reason of the great concourse and resort of the merchants of Alexandria, Turkie, and Tunis. But now because they are at continuall dissension and controuersie, their estate is much impaired. In my time Don Ferdinando king oiThearmieof Spaine, sent a great armada ageinst this Island, vnder the nando defeated, conduct of the duke of Alua, who not knowing the nature of the same, commanded his soldiers to land a good distance from thence : but the Moores so valiantly defended 736 THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE their Island, that the Spaniards were constrained to giue backe : and so much the greater was their distresse, in that they coulde not finde water sufficient to quench their extreme thirst. Moreouer at the Spaniards arriuall it was a full tide, but when they would haue returned on bourd, it was so great an ebbe, that their ships were con- strained to put to sea, least they shoulde haue beene cast vpon the sholdes. The shore was drie for almost fower miles togither, so that the Spanish soldiers were put vnto great toile, before they coulde come to the waters side. And the Moores pursued them so eagerly, that they slew and took prisoners the greatest part of them, and the residue escaped by shipping into Sicilia. Afterwarde the Gerbimade Emperour Charlcs the fift sent a mightie fleete thither trihutarie vnto Charles the fift vndcr the conduct of a Rhodian knight of the order of by ntecines of a knight of the Saint lokfi dc Messina^ who so discreetly behaued himselfe in that action, that the Moores compounded to pay fiue thousand Dobles for yeerly tribute, vpon condition of the Emperours league and goodwill, which yeerely tribute is payde vntil this present.®^ Of the towne of Z oar a, THis towne built by the Africans vpon the Mediterran sea, standeth eastward from the Isle of Gerbi almost fiftie miles. The towne wall is weak and the inhabitants are poore people, being occupied about nothing but making of lime and plaistring, which they sell in the kingdome of Tripoli. Their fields are most barren : and the inhabitants haue continually beene molested by the invasions of the Christians, especially since, the time that they woon Tripolis.^ HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 737 Of the towne of Lepide, THis ancient towne founded by the Romans, and enuironed with most high and strong walles, hath twise been sacked by the Mahumetans, and of the stones and ruines thereof was Tripolis afterward built®* Of the olde citie of Tripolis, OLde Tripolis built also by the Romans, was after woon by the Goths, and lastly by the Mahumetans, in the time of Califa Homar the second. Which Mahumetans hauing besieged the gouernour of Tripoli six moneths together, compelled him at length to flee vnto Carthage. The citizens were partly slaine, and partly carried captiue into Egypt and Arabia, as the most famous African Historiographer Ibnu Rachith reporteth.®^ Of the new citie of Tripolis in Barbarie, Fter the destruction of old Tripolis,®^ there was built another city of that name : which city being inuironed with most high and beautifull wals, but not verie strong, is situate vpon a sandie plaine, which yeeldeth great Pientieo/ dates. Store of dates. The houses of this citie are most stately in respect of the houses of Tunis : and heere also eueric trade and occupation hath a seuerall place. Weauers here are many. They haue no wels nor fountaines ; but all their water is taken out of cesterns. Corne in this citie is at an exceeding rate ; for all the fields of Tripoli are as sandie and barren as the fields of Numidia. The reason whereof is, for that the principall and fattest grounds of this region are ouerflowed with the sea. The inhabitants of this region aflRrme, that the greatest part of their fields northward are swallowed vp by 738 THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE the Mediterran sea, the like whereof is to be seene in the territories of Monaster, Mahdia, Asfacos, Capes, the Isle of Gerbi, and other places more eastward, where the sea for the space of a mile is so shallow, that it will scarce reach vnto a mans nauell. Yea, some are of opinion, that the citie of Tripolis it selfe was situate in times past more to the north, but by reason of the continuall inundations of the sea, it was built and remooved little and little south- ward ; for proofe whereof there stand as yet ruines of houses drowned in certaine places of the sea.^ In this citie were many faire temples and colledges built, and an hospitall also for the maintenance of their owne poore people, and for the entertainment of strangers. Their fare is verie base and homely, beeing onely the forenamed Besis made of barley meale : for that region affoordeth so small quantitie euen of barley, that he is accounted a wealthie man that hath a bushell or two of cornc in store. The citizens are most of them merchants ; for Tripolis standeth neere vnto Numidia and Tunis, neither is there any citie or towne of account between it and Alexandria : neither is it far distant from the Isles of Sicilia and Malta : and vnto the port of Tripolis Venetian ships yeerly resort, and bring thither great store of merchandize. This citie hath alwaies been subject unto the king of Tunis : but when Abulhasen the king of Fez besieged Tunis, the king of Tunis was constrained with his Arabians to flee into the deserts. Howbeit when Abulhasen was conquered, the king of Tunis returned to his kingdome : but his subiects began to oppose themselues against him : and so that common-wealth was afterward greuiously turmoyled with ciuill dissensions and warres. Whereof the king of Fez hauing intelligence, marched the fifth yeere of the said cuill warre with an armie against the citie of Tunis, and hauing vanquished the king thereof, and constrained him to flee vnto Constantina, he so straitly besieged him, that HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 739 the citizens of Constantina seeing themselues not able to withstad the king of Fez, opened their citie gates to him and to all his armie. Whereupon the king of Tunis was carried captiue vnto Fez, and was afterward kept a while prisoner in the castle of Septa.®^ In the meane season Tripolis was by a Genouese fleete of twentie sailes surprised J^^^ctl^o/^ and sacked, and the inhabitants carried away captiue. ^ » de Nauarra. carried away many captiues with him. The gouernour of Tripolis and his sonne in lawe were sent prisoners vnto Messina. Where, after certaine yeeres imprisonment, they were restored by the Emperour Charles the fift vnto their former libertie, and returned vnto Tripoh's, which towne was afterward destroyed by the Christians. The castle of Tripolis being enuironed with most strong walles, begin (as I vnderstand) to be replanted with new inhabitants. And thus much as concerning the cities of the kingdome of Tunis.®^ T' Of the mountaines belonging to t)u state of Bugia. 'He territorie of Bugia is full of ragged, high, and woodie mountaines : the inhabitants being a noble, rich, and liberall people, and possessing great store of goats, oxen, and horses, haue alwaies continued in libertie, since the time that Bugia was surprised by the Christians. The people of these mountaines vse to haue a blacke crosse vpon one of their cheekes, according to the ancient custome before mentioned. Their bread is made of barly, and they haue abundance of nuts and figs vpon those mountaines, especially which are neere vnto Zoaoa : in Iron-mines. somc placcs of these mountaines are certaine mines of iron, whereof they make a kinde of coine of halfe a pound weight They haue also another sort of siluer coine weighing fower graines a pecce : these mountaines yecld abundance of wine and hempe ; but their linnen-cloath that they weaue is exceeding course. And these mountaines of Bugia extende in length vpon the coast of the Mediterran sea almost a hundred and fiftie, and in bredth fortie miles : each mountaine containeth inhabitants of a diuers kinred and generation from others, whom because they liue all after one manner, we will passe ouer in silence.^^ HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 74 1 Of mount A uraz, THis exceeding high and populous mountaine is in- habited with most barbarous people, that are wholy addicted vnto robberie and spoile. From Bugia it is distant fowerscore, and from Constantina almost three- score miles. Also being separated from other mountaines it extendeth about threescore miles in length. Southward it bordereth vpon the Numidian deserts, and northward vpon the regions of Mesila, Stefe, Nicaus, and Constantina. From the very toppe of this mountaine issue diuers streames of water, which running downe into the next plaines, increase at length into a lake, the water whereof in sommer time is salt. The passage vnto this mountaine is very difficult, in regard of certain cruell Arabians.®^ Of the mountaine of Constantina, A LI the north and west part of the territorie belonging to the citie of Constantina is full of high moun- taines, which beginning at the borders of Bugia, extend themselues to the Mediterran sea, euen as farre as Bona, that is to say, almost an hundred and thirtie miles. Their fields vpon the plaines are replenished with oliues, figges, and all other kindes of fruites, which are carried in great quantitie vnto the next townes and cities : all the inhabi- tants for ciuill demeanour excell the citizens of Bugia, and do exercise diuers manuarie arts, and weaue great store of linnen cloth. They are at continuall dissention among themselues, by reason that their women will so often change husbands. They are exceeding rich, and free from all tribute : and yet dare they not till their plaines, both for feare of the Arabians, and also of the goucrnours of the next cities. Euerie weeke vpon sundry daies heere is a market, greatly frequented with merchants of Constan- tina, & of other places: and whatsoeuer merchant hath no 742 THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE friend nor acquaintace dwelling vpon the mountaines, is in great hazard to be notablie cozened. Vpon these moun- taines they haue nether ludges, priests, nor yet any learned men : so that when any of the inhabitants would write a letter vnto his friend, he must trudge vp and dbwne some- time twclue, and sometime fifteene miles to seek a scribe. Footemen for the warres they haue almost fortie thousand, and about fower thousand horsemen. The inhabitants are men of such valour, that if they agreed among themselues, they woulde soone be able to conquer all Africa.*^ Of the mountaines of Bona, THc citie of Bona hath on the north part the Mediter- ran sea, on the south and west parts certaine mountaines adioining almost vnto the mountaines of Con- stantina, and on the east side it hath most fruitfull fieldes and large plaines, whereupon in times past were diuers townes and castles, built by the Romains : the ruiiies whereof are now onely remaining, and the names quite forgotten. All these regions by reason of the Arabians crueltie are so desolate, that they are inhabited in but very fewe places ; and there they are constrained to keepe out the Arabians by force of armes. The mountaines of Bona extend in length from east to west almost forescore miles, and in bredth about thirtie miles. Heere are great store of fountaines, from whence certaine riuers issue, running through the plaines into the Mediterran sea. Of the mountaines standing neere vnto Tunis. THe citie of Tunis standing vpon a plaine hath no mountaines nigh vnto it, but onely on the west side towards the Mediterran sea, where it hath a moun- taine like vnto that which enuironeth Carthage. Neere vnto Tunis standeth another high and colde mountaine called Zagoan : inhabitants heerc are none at all but a HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 743 fewe that tende the Bee-hiues, and gather some quantitie of barly. Vpon the toppe of this mountaine the Romaines built certaine forts, the ruines whereof are yet to be seene, hauing epitaphes engrauen vpon them in Latine letters. From this mountaine vnto Carthage, water is conueighed by certaine passages vnder the ground.^ Of the mountaines of Beni Tefren and Nufusa, THese high and colde mountaines are distant from the desert, from Gerbi, and from Asfacus almost thirtie miles, and yeelde very small store of barly. The inhabi- tants being valiant, and renouncing the law of Mahumet, do follow the doctrine of the patriarke of Cairaoan in most points, neither is there any other nation among the Arabians that obserue the same doctrine. In Tunis and other cities these people earne their liuing by most base occupations, neither dare they openly professe their religion.^ Of mount Garian. THis high and cold mountaine containing in length fortie & in bredth fifteene miles, and being separated from other mountaines by a sandie desert, is distant from TripoHs almost fiftie miles. It yeeldeth great plentie of barly and of dates, which vnlesse they be spent while they are new, will soon prooue rotten. Heere are likewise abundance of oliues : Wherefore from this mountaine unto Alexandria and other cities there is much oile conueighed. There is not better saffron to MostexceiUnt be found in any part of the world besides, which in regard of the goodnesse is solde very deere. For yeerely tribute there is gathered out of this mountaine threescore thousand ducates, and as much saffron as fifteene mules can carric. They are continually oppressed with the exactions of the Arabians, and of the king of Tunis. They haue certaine base villages vpon this mountaine.** 744 HISTORIE OF AFRICA. Of mount Bent Guarid. THis mountaine being almost an hundred miles distant from Tripolis, is inhabited with most valiant & stout people, which Hue at their owne libertie, and are at continual war with the people of the next mountaines, & of the Numidian desert.®' Of the castle called Cost Acmed. THis castle builte vpon he Mediterran sea by a captaine which came with an armie into Africa, standeth not farre from Tripolis, and was at the last laide waste by the Arabians * O^ the castle of Subeica. THe castle of Subeica erected about the same time when the Mahumetans came into Africa, was in times past wel furnished with inhabitants, being afterward destroied by the Arabians, and nowe it harboreth a fewe fishers onely.^ Oj the castle called Casr Hessin, THis castle was founded by the Mahumetans vpon the Mediterran sea, and was afterward destroyed by the Arabians.^^ Here endeth the fifth booke. \ NOTES TO BOOK V. ( I ) Bujaia, Bejaia, the modem Bugia, or Bougie, an ancient kingdom now part of Algeria. Its history is identical with that of the city of same name, which was for so long its capital and a seat of the Arabic learning. One of the most beautifully situated spots in the world, it seems to have been occupied at a very early date. The Carthaginians had an emporium here, and a colony was established in this place by Augustus, under the name of Saldae, or, according to an inscription, Colonia Julia Augusta Saldantum. For a time it was part of the suffragan kingdom of Juba II, and until ruined by the Arab invasion must have been an important centre. In a.d. 484 Paschasin, its bishop, took part in the Council of Carthage convoked by Hunerik. Even after the Vandals captured it, Gurala (mountain), as they re-named it (and the name is still retained for a hill in the vicinity), remained their capital until the taking of Cartjiage. En-Naser (a.h. 460, A.D. 1067-1068), called it (according to Ibn Khaldoun) after himself, En-Naceria, after he made it his capital, though all the world spoke of it as " Bedjaia, the name of a tribe". His son, El-Mansur, by the help of 1,100 artizans sent here by the Pope, with whom he was on excellent terms, still ftirther beautified "the mountain" city. Under the Almohades, Beni-Hafs, Beni-Merini, Beni- Zeiyan, and again under the Beni-Hafs (who held it until 5th January 1 5 10, when Pedro Navarro captured it). Bougie enjoyed a chequered prosperity. After the repulse of Charles V at Algiers (1545), the Algerines, under Saleh Reis, so far took courage as to compel the Spaniards to surrender (1555). After this Bougie continued in their hands, gradually decaying, until on the 29th Sept. 1833, it was easily occupied by the French. The King of Tunis who recovered Bougie from the Beni-Zeiyan of Tlemsen was Abu Fares (p. 691), who died A.H. 837 (a.d. 1 4 14). The division of his empire among three sons is mentioned by Marmol, copying Leo. These sons were Abu Abd Allah Abd el-Aziz (" Habdulhaziz")— who, according to El-KairouAni i^Hist. de PAfrique^ trans. Pellissier et R^musat, p. 260), succeeded him in the government of Tunis, no mention being made of the civil wars— Othman (" Hutmen"), and Omar (" Hammare"), who was captured in Sphax (" Asfacos"). It was not Othman, but Abd er- Rahman, a descendant of that Prince, who had to surrender to Pedro Navarro in 15 10, though in reality his nephew, Abd Allah, who had 3B 746 NOTES TO BOOK V. been dethroned by his uncle, was the legitimate sovereign.— Pellissier, "Memoires historiquesetg^ographiques s\irVh\%€r\^^{ExpLsctentifique de rAigMe^ t. vi, pp. 14, 22, 84) ; Lapene, Vin^-six tnois d BougU^ ou Collection de Mimoires sur sa Conquite, etc., pp. 4-7 ; Feraud, " Histoire de Bougie", Rec, de Not, et Mim, Soc, Arch, Constantine^ 1869, pp. 85-408, etc. ; Letter of Ferdinand the Catholic to Count Don Pedro Navarro, Captain- General in Africa, De la Primaudace, Hist. deP occupation Espagnole enAfrique (i 506-1574), p. 14. (2) This was probably the fort erected by En-Naser and destroyed by the Spaniards. Its former name was Borj el-Ahmar — ^'^ the red fort*'. At a later date it was re-erected and called Borj bu-laila, that is, the fort erected in a single night. The ground in the vicinity is covered with stones and earth of a brownish-red colour, testifying to the origm of its primitive name. In the Azuagues, whom Marmol speaks of as the Berbers in the vicinity of Bougie, Feraud recognises the Bene-Azak (lazaguen). Revue Africaine^ t. ii, 458, t. iii, 45, 296. For "plaster work", mosaics (musaiche) is the proper rendering. " Stufe", stove rooms (baths), is omitted in the translation. (3) The date of Pedro Navarro capturing Bougie is given by Leo as A.H. 917, and Marmol affirms that the town was thirty-five years "in the power of the Kings of Castile". In reality, both dates are wrong, for the Spaniards, as we have seen, took Bougie in 15 10, and lost it in 1555. (4) Jejel, Jijelly, built on the site of the Roman Colonia Igilgilis. —Feraud, " Hist, de Gigelli", Rec. de Not. et M^m. Soc. Arch. Consi.^ vol. xiv, p. I. (5) M'sila, the Messeelah of Shaw, on the southern skirts of El- Huthna. It is the El-Mesila of Abu-1-feda, who says that it was "a modem town built by the Fatimites of Egypt". El-Azzi asserts that its founder was Kdim-Billa, the Fatemite (a.h. 315), who called it El- Mohammadiyya. According to him it was a " superb city", plentifully supplied with water. Hence its name, M'sila, which means "watered by a stream". El-Bekri is equally lavish in his praise of M'sila, and speaks of the beauty of the peach, apricot, and other fruit-tree gardens around it. Though the climate was too cold for dates, cotton was grown. Ibn Haukel gives Wad Seker as the name of the river by which it stands, and also notes cotton, wheat and barley among its crops, adding that horses, cattle, and sheep were very plentiful on the mountain pastures. The Algerines kept a small garrison here, — Dureau de la Malle, Province de Constantine; Recueil de Renseigne- ments pour Vexp^diiion ou V^ablissement des Frangais dans cette partie de PA/rique septentrionale (1837), p. 73. NOTES TO BOOK V. 747 (6) Setif, the Setifis Colonia of the Romans, and the capital of Mauritania Setifensis. Recently disinterred inscriptions show that it was also called Augusta Martialis, and Colonia Nerviana. It was the seat of a bishop. Though frequently plundered by the Vandals and Arabs, and in 419 almost ruined by. an earthquake, of which St. Augustine takes notice, El-Bekri described the city of his day as well populated and flourishing. The present town, which lies 3,573 feet above sea level, is entirely modem. (7) Nekaus, Nigaous, Mgaous, Nic-kowse of Shaw, " Ben-cowse as the Turks call it, where there is a garrison of one Suffrah [a com- pany of about twenty], a mud-walled rampart, and three pieces of cannon". Their patron saint was, and is, Sidi Laffan, in that day so popular that out of the revenues of his sanctuary two hundred Talibs were supported. The rivulet (Wad Barika) which runs past is so impregnated with nitrous particles from the soil, as to be unfit for domestic purposes. A rival to the Rusgunia (p. 698) tale of the Seven Sleepers is pointed out here in the shape of a ruined city — out of the pillars of which they build houses— and the actual tombs of the legendary youths, the Mosque of the Seven Sleepers, is divided by three lines of columns, two of which bear inscriptions. Mannert considered the ruins from which these columns were taken to be those of Ad oculum Marin um. The shade of trees and beautiful fountains of Nekaus impart to it the materials for an attractive town, built for the most part of " tob" or sun-dried bricks. (8) CoUo, El-Kollo, the Kollops Magnus (KovXXov or KfJXXo-v}/ fLsyag) of Ptolemy, the Chulli municipium of the Antonine Itinerary^ the Colonia Minervia Chullu and Colonia Chullitana of inscriptions found here. Pliny and Solinus write the name Cullu, and in the list of bishops the same orthography is used. — Mercelli, Africa Christiana. The Arab historians refer to the Mersa el-Collo, the Ancollo of the older geographers. The town is now an unimportant native trading place of 2,000-3,000 inhabitants. It was at Collo that Pedro of Aragon landed, on the 28th June 1282 (A.H. 681), nominally to help Abu Bekr Ibn Uizer, governor of Constantine, in his war against his brother, the King of Tunis — though actually to mask his own designs against the House of Anjou — El-KcUroudni^ pp. 249 etseq, Pellissier, Mim. hist, et g^ographiques sur PAlgMe^ pp. 5-6 ; Zureta, Annates d^Aragon^ 1. iv, etc. Solinus mentions Culla as a flourishing centre for purple-dyeing, a prosperity which it maintained in wax and leather to the Middle Ages, when the Pisans and Genoese did a great traffic with the mountain Berbers and plain Arabs, who met here on neutral ground. As late as 1684- 168 5, 3 B 2 748 NOTES TO BOOK V. it was one of the principal posts of the French African Company, but it never recovered from the rise of Philippeville. (9) Skidda, the ancient Rustcada, the modem Philippeville. The ancient city appears to have been dedicated to Venus, and the name to have been derived from the Phoenician Rus Cicar, or Rus Saddeh (the Cape of the Plain), from which comes the Arabic Ras Skidda. Scylax, however, speaks of Tapsus, a Phoenician town, having preceded the Roman one. In that case the etymology given above is scarcely acceptable. Possibly, however, the .Saf-saf River, which falls into the sea at this point, may be a corruption of Tapsus ? Sucaicada may be Suk el-Ahda — the Sunday market ? — Playfair, Algeria^ p. 119 ; Piesse, AlgMe^ p. 247. The archaeological treasures discovered are numerous and of great interest. (10) Constantine (Cugtin of Marmol) — the Kosantina or Kostantina of the Arabs, which name it owes to Flavius Constantinus, who, after the town had been wrecked in a.d. 311 in the war of Maxentius against Lucius Domitius Alexander, restored and embellished it, is perhaps to the historian and archaeologist the most interesting town in Algeria, and has had such full justice done as to make any general note upon it superfluous. It was the Kerth of the Massylanean kings, and up to 311 the Certa Sitianorum, or Cirta Juliana, of the Romans. The " blacke stones " which Leo described as embedded in the walls of Constantine, and as paving the road between that city and Philippeville, must have been slabs of the volcanic rock of the Hamman Meskutin, which stretches to Constantine. — Shaw, Travels^ p. 127 ; Poiret, Voyage en BarbariCy t. i, p. 166 ; De la Malle, Constantine^ p. 46. (11) The Rummel. The Sufegmare is also called the Sufmare. Both names are variants of the Arab Sufjim-mar. — De la Malle, Constantine^ pp. 25, 35, 45 ; Hebenstreit, Nouv, ann, des Voyages^ t. xlvi, p. 64. Marmol calls the river the Sufegmar or Bumarzoc. There is a Wad Ramleh, pronounced indifferently Wad Rummel, near Taguira or Tripoli. It means, according to the Beecheys, " sandy river or sandy- valley''. — Proceedings of the Expedition to explore the Northern Coast of Africa^ p. 41, with Corpus Inscrip, Lat (1881), vol. vii, and "Qoxssx^xey L^AlgMe Romaine, 2 vols. {\%%2t\ passim ^ ior the Roman antiquities of Algeria. (12) The King of Tunis "that now is" must have been Mula.i Mohammed, who reigned from a.d. 1488 to a.d. 1526. Marmol, who copies Leo's account of the transactions described, adds in a note that he was the grandfather of Mulai Hassan. This could not be ; NOTES TO BOOK V. 749 for Mulai Mohammed succeeded his cousin, and Mulai Hassan succeeded his father Mohammed, whose reign extended over more than the entire period of which Leo had any personal knowledge. (13) The "strong castle " strengthened by El-Kaid Nabil was the old Kasba which dates back to the Romans, and, though rebuilt, is still the French citadel. (14) The ruins of this arch were standing at the time Shaw wrote : — " Among the ruins to the south-west of the bridge, upon the narrow strip of land just now described, we have the greatest part of a triumphal arch called The {Cassir Goulah) Castle (as they interpret it) of the Gianty consisting of three arches, the middlemost of which is the most spacious. All the Mouldings and Frizes are curiously embellished with the Figures of Flowers, Battle Axes, and other Ornaments. The Corinthian Pilasters, erected on each side of the grand Arch, are panelled, like the side-posts of the Gates of the City, in a Gusto^ as far as I have observed, peculiar to Certa ; but the Pillars of the same Order, which supported the Pediment, are brSken down and defaced." — Travels^ etc., ist ed., p. 128. The Ksar Gula, or "giant's castle", was perhaps part of the hippodrome, the remains of which were cleared away when the railway station was built. (15) This passage is extremely absurd in Por/s translation. For the word *" tartarughe^' (turtles, Clemmys leprosa (Schweigger) the conunon little fresh-water species of Barbary) is Englished " snailes", though Florianus translates "infinita quantity dt tartarughe" as '* testudinum copia". Probably neither Florian nor Pory ever saw a tortoise or turtle. The turtles are still found in the hot water pools, though, since most of these have been utilised for baths, no longer as plentifully as before. Shaw described the " Kabat beer a-haal"— a " neat transparent fountain" — as " full of tortoises". The superstitions described were commoner in his day, but are not yet extinct. (16) This building does not now exist, having apparently, like so many Roman and Arab works, been destroyed to furnish materials for the rococo palaces of the Turkish beys. — For historical notes, cf, Feraud, Rec. de Not, et Mim, Sac, Arch. Constantine^ vol. xiii, p. i, etc. (17) Mila, the Roman colony of Milevum or Milev — "Colonia Samenis" (from the river Samus close by) " Milevitana". EI Bekri described it as one of the principal towns of the province of Zab, and in other respects gave much the same information as Leo. Edrisi also refers to the trees and forests in the Mila gardens. Ibn Khaldoun mentions it among the towns belonging to the powerful Berber tribe of Ketama. As the residence of Saint Optat, an eminent father of the African Church, " Milevin" enjoyed a prominent position during the 750 NOTES TO BOOK V. early days of Christianity, and within its walls councils were held in 402 and 406. The Roman fountain, bubbling up in the centre of the town into a square basin, is still one of the sights of the place. The fruits, especially the pomegranates, are so fine that it is thought the town derived its name from them. Constantine is still largely supplied with vegetables and fruit from Mila— now a French city with a Berber quarter. — Tissot, Gdog. Comp. de la Province Ronuune d*A/riquey t. ii, pp. 406, 407. (18) Annaba, Bona, Hippo Regius, Hippene, hence Bone, the modem name. A Berber village rose on its ruins, which in the time of El- Bekri bore the name of Medina Zaui. But the same geographer refers to it as Bona, and mentions that the place had received the designation of Bonat el-Jadida (the New Bona). Bled el-Anab, or Annaba, seems to date from the sixteenth century. There is some foundation for the belief that the city was the still more ancient Aphro- disium, which some Arabic writers call Bouna. Ibn Haukel, writing in A.D. 970, describes it as having many bazaars, fine gardens, and abundance of everything, including mines of iron ; so that by attaching the Berbers to his person, the governor of the town was independent ; it was not, however, walled until a.d. 1058. Bone was a seat of some early Berber dynasties, which probably gave it the name of royal — '* et antiquis dilectus regibus Hippo" {Silius Italicus^ iii, v, 259X The Vandals do not appear to have ruined it, for Procopius refers to it in 534 as a strong place. By the time the Byzantine historian took notice of it, the second word seems to have become part of the name~-'l9r7rovgf>«^/^. — Temple, Excursions^ tXz.^ vol. i, pp. 64-80. (19) In 1152-53 a fleet sent by King Roger of Sicily, under the command of Philip of Mehedia, captured Bone and reduced the inhabitants to slavery. In A.D. 1249 the town was in the hands of the Hafsidi Sultan of Tunis, and a century later fell to Abu-1-Hassan, the Merinide (Beni-Merini). Towards the beginning of the sixteenth century the Tunisians again recovered it. In 1535 Kheir ed-Din garrisoned it, but the Turks evacuated the place on the capture of Tunis by Charles V. A Genoese garrison under Alvar Zagal took their place. But these free-lances, after having destroyed the fortifications, retired on the death of their commander, when the Tunisians once more entered, only in their turn to give way to the Algerine Turks. After the French obtained possession of Algiers in 1830, the people of Bone threw off their allegiance to the Bey of Constantine, and became subject to France. Othman, the third Khalif, completed what the Vandals (Goths) left undone. Leo only refers to St. Augustine as having been Bishop of Hippo. But here also he died in 431, during the long siege of the city NOTES TO BOOK V. 751 by the Vandals, and in the Basilica of the city where he had resided for thirty-five years he was buried. Removed to Cagliari, his remains lay there for 223 years, until they were transferred to Pavia, where, with the exception of an arm which was taken to Bone in 1842, they still lie. (20) The town is now well supplied with water from the Jebel Edough, though, as the remains of the cistern and aqueduct show, the Romans had tapped the same sources. (21) Coral fishing is one of the most ancient industries of the coast. La Calle — Borj el-Kala — a short distance from the Tunisian frontier, was frequented for this purpose as early as a.d. 960 ; and, as Pliny mentions the rich coral fisheries hereabouts, it was, no doubt, still earlier a seat of this trade. The Bastion de France was built in a little bay west of the town for the convenience of the industry, and about as absolutely unscrupulous a set of scoundrels were engaged in it as can well be imagined. — Playfair,./4^^r/ii and Tunis, pp. 126, 127, and The Scourge of Christendom, pp. 239-241 ; Poiret, Voyage en Barbarie^i. i, pp. 6-24 ; Du Thiers Lacaze, Hist. Nat. du Coratl; organisation, r^roduction, piche en Algerie et industrie (1864) ; De Cuverville de Cavalier, "La pSche du corail sur les cotes de I'Alg^rie" (Jiev. Maritime et Colon., 1875, pp. 404-43 ; PP- 657-87), etc. The locality referred to by Leo was probably the same — the Mers el-Jun of Edrisi, the Mers el-kharaz of El-Bekri, noted by both authors as seats of the coral fishery. The spot is close to Cape Rosa, still, or until very recently, noted for the beauty and abundance of its coral. — Shaw, Travels, p. 98 ; De la Malle, Constantine, p. 100. (22) Tifesh, the Tefacet of the Arabs, the ancient Tipasa referred to by El-Bekri as a place of great antiquity, containing many ancient ruins. It resisted the Arab invaders of Africa for a long time, but was finally ruined and rebuilt later. Musa en-Naser destroyed it a second time, and after rising from its ashes it fell, a.d. 1057, under the dis- pleasure of Mulai Nazer, son of the King of Tunis. — Tissot, La Province Romaine d^Afrique, t. ii, pp. 387, 389. (23) A Roman station at least as early as the reign of Vespasian, when it was called Theveste (Civitas Thevestinorum). It was one of the earliest seats of an African bishopric, and here Saints Maxi- milian and Crispin suffered martyrdom. An Arab tradition says that Tebcssa was taken by Okba in a.h. 45. At present the numerous Roman remains, scattered in or about the town, are its chief sources of interest It is watered by a tributary of the Wad Chabroa, the " great river" of Leo, which in its turn is an affluent of the Wad Meskiana. The modem town is really contained within the ancient Byzantine citadel, the walls of which, as described by Leo are still in 752 NOTES TO BOOK V. tolerable preservation, though Playfair considers — ^justly, no doubt — built of still older materials. — Playfair, Travels in the Footsteps of Bruce^ pp. 103, 399 ; S^riziat, " Etudes sur Tebessa et ses environs", Bull, deV Acad, dHippone, No. 22 (1887), PP- 27-66. The chastisement described was inflicted in a.d. 1510, and therefore in the reign of Mulai Abu Abd Allah Mohammed of Tunis. It is not mentioned by El-Kairouini. (24) Urbs is perhaps a misprint, or a misreading of the editor for El-Orbes (El-Kairou4ni, p. 249, etc.), the ancient Lares (ablative Laribus), the Laribus of Procopius {De Bello Vandalicoy II, 23). Edrisi also refers to Arbes, Le.y Loribus, or Laribus, or Lares, and Ebn Haukal writes of Obba (the modem Ebba), and Al-Orbos. — Mannol, LAfrique^ t. ii, 449 ; Mannert, Giog, Ancienne des Etats Barbaresques (ed. Marcus et Duesberg), pp. 394, 687, 688 ; Gu^rin, Voyage Archiologique dans la R^gence de Tunis^ t. ii, pp. 86, 87 ; Tissot, Za Province Romaine^ t. ii, 454, 459. (25) Beja, EI-Beja, the Roman Vacca, or Vaga, was as early as Sallust's day a busy mercantile centre. It is the Baya of Procopius (the /3 pronounced as the V in Latin), the Oppidum Vagense of Pliny, the Colonia Septima Vaga of the inscription on a stone built in the mosque of Sidina Aissa ("Our Lord Jesus"), formerly a Christian basilica. Edrisi speaks of it as a great com market, and El-Bekri declares that it took 1,000 camels and other beasts of burden to carry off the surplus grain offered for sale in Beja. It was the seat of a bishop. — Gudrin, Voyage Archiologique dans la R^gence de Tunis^ t. ii, pp. 38-49 ; Tissot, La Province Romaine^ t ii, pp. 6, 302 ; Playfair, Travels in the Footsteps of Bruce^ pp. 232-237. Cagnat, Revue Archiologique^ t. i, pp. 39-46, etc (26) Perhaps Ain Samsed — cold spring. Destroyed in Leo's day, its site cannot now be identified. (27) Kasba=." the castle". (28) Destroyed before Leo's day. It cannot now be identified with any certainty. The name of " Coros" seems to have vanished. (29) Bizerta, a cormption of the Arabic Benzert, which appears again to be derived from Hippo Zarytus, or Diarrhytus, its name during its period as a Roman colony, to distinguish it from Hippo Regius (p. 750) — " Col. ivliae. Hipp. Diarr.", according to an inscrip- tion on a stone built into the wall of the Bordj Sidi Bu Hadid or " Spanish fort". Before this it was a Tyrian colony. The ** lake " (Mazuka of the Arabs, Hipponitus Pallus of the Romans) still teems with fish, as it did in Leo's day. The exclusive right of fishing here, NOTES TO BOOK V. 753 at Colette, and at Porto Farina, is let by the Tunisian government for a large annual rent. In two days Sir Lambert Playfair saw 10,000 dorados, weighing about ten tons, and worth about ;£4oo in Tunis, taken from the outer lake, and 5,000 large mullets, worth ;£ioo, caught in the Tinja Channel (Wad Tinja) between the two lakes. (30) From what Leo says it would seem that four centuries ago there was still some of Carthage standing. £1-Bekri describes the cisterns, the gymnasium, the aqueduct, the theatre, and the port as still in existence or easily traceable. Edrisi, a century and a half later, notices the same monuments of the city's greatness. But in addition vast ruins everywhere met the eye. For though Hassan ben el-Numan, a general of the Kalif Abdul Melik, is said to have entirely destroyed it in A.D. 706 (A.D. 689, or a.d. 694, according to other versions), that was a figure of speech. It was not in the power of anyone, far less the Arabs of twelve centuries ago, to have as completely effaced the Roman Carthage as the Romans razed the Punic city which preceded it. They simply burnt what would bum, and gutted temples and private houses. But for generations subsequently the Arabs pulled down walls and dug out cellars in search of hidden treasure, of which to this day amazing oriental tales are told (Davies, Carthage y pp. 38, 41). Indeed, until the crusade in which St. Louis fell in 1270, the ruined town was not abandoned by Arabs of a higher type than the poor wretches who live and stable their cattle in the cisterns at Malka. Even in Leo's day there were 500 houses, and about 25 shops, a mosque and a school. Yet down to a comparatively recent date, the ruins of Carthage formed an unexhausted mine of wrought marble for the Tunisians, the Pisans, and the Genoese. They provided, for instance, a store of materials for Ahmed Bey's palace at Constantine. Scarcely a ship came to Goletta but it carried off a load of the marble out of which so much of Carthage had been built. When Bruce visited it in 1765 little remained except " the cisterns, aqueduct, and a magnificent flight of steps up to the temple of iEsculapius". At present the two first of these objects are all that appear above ground, and the many excava- tions have not of late revealed much more under the surface. (31) '* Lago della Goletta", erroneously translated " Lake of Tunis", is the ancient Stagnum. The Gulf of Tunis proper is the old Sinus Carthaginensis. A canal is now cut through the shallow lake (El- Bahira) from Goletta (Halk el-Wad) to Tunis. Pory has added " 1 526 " as the date when Leo wrote this brief description of Carthage. He must, however, have been there some time before 1520: for 1526 is simply the date of his Italian MS., which was written some years after he had been in Rome (see Introduction), y ' 754 NOTES TO BOOK V. (32) Here a characteristic trait of the Barbary sovereigns is omitted in the translation. For Leo explains that the reason for the Carthage College having no pupils was that the revenues might go to the king's court — " dimodoche Tentrata h della Camera del r^\ He adds, in mentioning the exactions of the king on the residents of Carthage — " che niuno pub esser padrone di dieci ducati : la cui ingiuztizia a tutti h nota". The injustice of the king, and the difficulty of anyone becoming master of ten ducats, are old tales in Tunis. (33) This statement, which is also made by Edrisi (ed. Hartmann, p. 264), is evidently a fable due to the error of some copyist who has altered "Tounes" into '*Tharsis" or Larsio. Such blunders are easily made in Arabic. — Castiglioni, Af^m. G^og. et Numismatique sur la Partie Orientate de ta Barbarie^ etc, p. 37. (34) Kairwan was founded by Okba ben Nafi ben Abdullah ben KaTs el-Fahri, A.D. 675 (a.h. 55). The passage is obviously mistrans- lated. It is in the original **un Capitano detto Ucba di Utmen quarto pontefice". Okba was not a khalif, but as the text quite accurately states, a captain of Othman, the third Khalif. (35) Yussuf Ibn Tashfin, A.H. 453 (a.d. 1061). (36) Abd el-Mumen took Mehdia from Roger II of Sicily in A-D. 1 160 (A.H. 555), leaving Ifrikia to the feeble Hassan Ibn Ali, the last prince of the Beni-Menid Senhaja, whom he re-established as his vassal. (37) These sovereigns were : Abu Yakub Yussuf (Joseph) and Abu Yussuf Yakub (Jacob). El-Mansur was Jacob. His son was Moham- med en-Naser (Mahomet Ennasir). The blunder is in Leo's original Italian, " e i discendenti Giacob e Mansor*'. Yussuf el-Mostansir was the son, not the brother, of En-Naser. (38) Abu Mohammed Abd el-Wahed ben Abu Hafs. (39) Abu Zakaria Yahia (a.D. 1228). He built the Kasba and its mosque in Tunis. (40) Abd Allah Mohammed el-Mustamer. His father had in reality (a.h. 639, a.d. 1242) made himself master of Tlemsen during the reign of lagnum ben-Zeiyan (El-Kairou4ni, p. 220). (41) Bab Suwaika — in original Beb Suvaica — on the north, leading to Susa and the coast. (42) Beb el-Manera in the original. It does not now exist, or at least not under that name. (43) Bab el-Bahr, on the east —the " sea gate" proper, opening to the lake — "lago della Goletta", not " Gulfof Tunis" as translated. NOTES TO BOOK V. 755 The other gates are the Bab el-Hathera, the Bab Abd er-Salem, and the Bab es-Sajen, the Bab Sidi Abdullah, and the Bab Sidi Alewa, leading to Zaghuan. The Bab es-Silsah, near the Kasbah, under which it was death for a Christian to pass, is now closed. (44) Textile work is still the chief manufacturing industry of Tunis. The kind of spinning described may still be occasionally seen in the old Moorish streets. (45) Besis, el-Bezin, Zumeita, Mogatta, Dweeda, Fetaat, etc., are dishes of which the chief ingredient is Rour or some other fonn of farina. They are still commonly used among the Arab and Berber races. The making of Bezin (Bazeen, in Fezzan called Aseeda) is minutely described by Lyon, Travels in Northern Africa, pp. 49-50. (46) The description given by Leo still applies ; though the occu- pation of Tunis by the French has naturally altered the city, the court, and in many respects the habits of the people, etc. " Lhasis'' {ihasis in the original Italian) is " hashish", or Indian hemp. (47) "Ilducatod'oro." (48) " Dobble'*, dobla — a pistole. For Tunisian weights, measures, and com, cf. Dusgato, Notice sur les poids^ tnesures, et tnonnaies de Tunis (1^32). (49) Napoli in the original Italian, Nabel, a corruption of the Arabic Nabel el-Kedima (the old Nabel), the Neapolis (NsctTroA/g) noticed by Thucydides, Strabo, Scylax, Diodorus Siculus, Pliny, and Ptolemy ; the Colonia Julia Neapolis of inscriptions. It was captured by Agathocles in A.D. 309. It seems from the ruins, however, to have been previously a Carthaginian station. It is now a town of 5,000 people, mostly occupied in making the pottery for which it is famous. Under the Romans it seems to have been a place of some importance ; but it early began to decay, for Edrisi notes that in his day it was of little account. (50) Kamart, where there are several Arab country houses, amid olives and gardens, and a ruined palace. Close by is Cape Kamart, (51) Now a collection of villas and gardens belonging to the Consuls and other well-to-do residents of Tunis, with a few caffs, etc. Near this quarter was one of the principal necropoles of ancient Carthage. Hartmann (Edrisi, Africa, p. 273) imagines it to be a city. (52) At present merely a village, notable for its villas belonging 7S6 NOTES TO BOOK V. to wealthy Arabs and Europeans connected by business with Tunis, and for its pretty gardens — hence the name " Reihan" (the Sweet- smelling). The locality in the vicinity of Carthage mentioned by Procopius {De Bella Vandalico^ I, liv) as Ad Decimum, must, Mannert considers, have nearly covered the site of Ariana (Mannert, G^og, Anc.y ed. Marcus et Duesberg, p. 685). But Tissot contends very positively, though not very satisfactorily, that this spot was in the defile of Sidi Fathallah — the scene of the first victory of Belisarius over the Vandals. (53) Arab Hammima. The town does some trade in lemons and olive oil. (54) Hergla, Herkia, the Heraclea of the lower Empire : not the Hadrumetum, as Shaw " conjectured", but the Horrea Caelia, of the Antonine Itinerary, (55) Susa or Suse, a former Carthaginian station, the Roman Hadrumetum. It was destroyed by the Vandals, restored by Justinian, and ruined a second time by Okba, who used the material for the construction of Kairwan. The Aghlabites restored the place, which was attacked by Charles V in 1537 and by Andrea Doria in 1539. It is now one of the most flourishing towns of Tunisia, Leo wrongly describes it as built on a plain : its site is a slope, rising to the plain through which Kairwan is reached. (56) Monastir, Mistir (the Roman Rushina, the 'Pou(fH"/i>a of Ptolemy, the *Pou(r9r/^ov of Strabo) is a pleasant place embosomed amid olive groves, which impart a dark green shade to the shore. Davis {Ruined Cities within the Numidian and Carthaginian Territories, p. 321), in adopting Castiglione's and Banks's idea that Monastir was built by Christians, and was a site of one of the monasteries (jUvagrfifiov), which the Arabs transformed into " Mahres"or "rabat", is most likely in error. El-Bekri attributes the foundation of the part-Roman town to Harthema ibn Aien (a.h. 180, a.d. 796, 797), and notes that in his day it was a favourite place of retirement for holy men. Hence the number of tombs of saints within and without its walls — a circum- stance which led En-Naser to call Monastir "the best of sepulchres and the worst of habitations". — Gubematis, Lettere sulla Tunisia^ pp. 191, 192 ; Barth, Kustenlander des Mittehneeres, p. 159; Gu^rin, Voyage Archeologique^ t. i, pp. 1 19, 124. (57) Teboulba, Tbourba, the Thuburbo minus, Thuburbi minus of the Tabula Peutingeriana (ed. G. Harini, 1654), Tuburbo minus of the Antonine Itinerary. The orthography Thuburbo is according to an inscription. This little Arab town does not occupy more than a small part of the old site. It was founded towards the close of the fifteenth NOTES TO BOOK V. 757 century by a colony of expatriated Spanish Moors. — Tissot, Lax Province RamcUney vol. ii, pp. 247, 248 ; Barth-, Kiistenldnder des MittelmeereSy p. 349 ; Gudrin, Voyage Archiologigue, t. i, p. 129. (58) Mehediyya (variously spelt Mehdia, Mehedia, Mahdia, Mahadia, El- Medea) was a Phoenician emporium, as the many tombs to the north of the town demonstrate. It was founded, according to the current belief, as his maritime capital, by the founder of the Obeidite empire — Obeid Allah el-Mahdi (a.h. 300, a.d. 912-913), who gave it his own title. But the defaced capitals and other pieces of ancient masonry show that Obeid was really built on a Roman site. This place may have been Alipota (or Salipota), and not SuUectum, or Salecto, which must be sought for at Salekta. But either there or at Mehdia was the Tunis Hannibalis, where Hannibal embarked after his flight from Carthage. Shaw (p. 193), who was the first to make this suggestion, founded his identification on a passage in Livy (xxxii, xlviii), " postero die mane inter Achollam [El- A leal et Thapsum [Henchir ed-Dimas\ ad suam turrim pervenit". Davis {Ruined Cities, etc., p. 302) imagines — " proves", he contends — that Mehdia was Thapsus. (59) Sigelmessa (Sijilmassa) was at that period (a.d. 909) the seat of £1-Isda, the sovereign of the petty kingdom of the Beni-Medran, which exercised authority over the Meknasian tribes of the upper Muluia. — Foumel, Berbers, t. ii, pp. 30-98. (60) Abu Yezid, son of Makled ben Keidad, a Zeneta of the tribe of Beni-Ifren, a mulatto who had studied under the Mokaddem of the Abu Ammar at Takius and Tuzer. His revolt in Ifrikia was in A.D. 942, when £I-Kiim was Khalif, and not £1-Mahdi as the text implies. But Abu Yezid was finally crushed and slain (a.d. 947) in the reign of £1-Kdim's successor Ismail el-Mansur. (61) Mehdia was captured by Roger II of Sicily in A.D. 1147, and recaptured by Abd el-Mumen in 11 60. (62) In the reign of Richard II (1390), the Duke of Bourbon, who (as Froissart and Holinshed tell) was accompanied by several English knights, laid siege to it, but disease breaking out, he returned without taking "Africa", as Mehdia was often called. In 15 19 Pedro Navarro also made a fruitless attempt on it ; but in 1 55 1 Charles V, aided by the Knights of Malta, seized the place. — Stella, De Aphrodisio expugnato quod vulgo (Aphricam) vocant, Commentarius (1552); Nucula, De bello Aphrodisiensiy 1552 (the former idea being that Mehdia was the ancient Aphrodisium) ; Salazar, Historia de la Guerra y presa de Africa, 1 5 52, etc. ; Rerum a Carolo VCcesare A ugusto in Africa bello gestarum, etc. ; 1 155 (several narratives). 758 NOTES TO BOOK V. -A tomb of one of the knights who died here still exists. It is, however, curious that until lately the Mehdia people buried all their dead at Monastir. £1-Bekri and Edrisi praise the splendours of Mehdia. The French have much improved the place (both from a sanitary and a commercial point of view), but of ancient glories there are few traces. — Gu^rin, Voyage ArcUologique^ t. i, pp. 131-144 ; Tissot, La Province Romaine^ t. ii, pp. 176-178; Castiglioni, Mimoire sur Afrikia^ pp. 5-29 ; Piesse, AlgMe et Tunisie, pp. 451, 453. (63) Sfax, or Sfakes, " the city of cucumbers'*, the ancient Taphura, or Taparura, the seat of a bishop— the Episcopus Taprurensis. It is now a prosperous town of more than 32,000 people, and certainly more deserving of the praise bestowed upon it by El-Bekri and Edrisi than in Leo's day. — De Clam, Pastes Chronologiques de la vilU de Sfaks (1890); Lafitte et Servonnet, Golfe de Gates en 1888, pp. 12-87; Graham and Ashbee, Travels in Tunisia (1887), pp. 92-95, etc. (64) Kairwan, Kairawan, Kairouan, Kerouan, "Carvan, named properly in Arabic Cay raven" (Marmol), was often confounded by the older writers with Cyrene, a place more than 600 miles to the east, and occupying a site now called Grenna. The reason is that it was called Kuren, which is the same word as " Cairoan", pronounced with the first vowel short, according to the vulgar accent, and with the guttural sound of q&f^ approaching that of gy before the letter r. — Castiglioni, M^moire^ etc., p. 30. Kairwan (to use the English pronunciation) is, however, now a well- known city, though until the French occupation of it in 188 1, tabu to Jews and Christians, except with a special permit from the Bey ; and even then the curious visitor had to run the risk of rough treatment in this holy city of Islam. Now it is possible to visit it without any difficulty, and even to trundle from Susa over a tramway built for the use of the military authorities. Abd er- Rahman Ibn Abd el-Hakem, the oldest historian of the Arab invasions of Northern Africa, credits Moawiya ibn Hodeij with having founded the city, and Okba ben Nefa with having enlarged it. For '*here", he exclaimed, **will be our Kairwan!" — or caravan station. But En-Nuairi and most other chroniclers attribute its foundation to Okba, A.H. 50 (a.d. 669-70), in the Khalifate of Moawiya I, in the presence of eighteen "Companions" of the Prophet, who, St. Patrick-like, ordered all snakes and wild beasts to disappear from the spot : a mandate indifferently obeyed, since the plain is not free from either. In all likelihood, however, the Arabs merely built on a Roman foundation. The Vicus Augusci, one of the episcopal cities of Byzacena, must NOTES TO BOOK V. 759 have been almost on this spot, while Hauch-Sabra, two miles to the south, has been claimed, and with greater probability, by Berbrugger and Lapie as the site of that station. NuaTri, indeed, speaks of a castle built by the Greeks and called Kamunea, being on the site chosen for Kairwan, thus by no means confirming the Arab legend about its being all desert. The material of these buildings most probably served for building Okba's new city — the pillars and the mosques being evidently Roman or Byzantine. — Temple, Excursions, etc., vol. ii, pp. 92-102 ; Cagnat, Explorations^ t. iii, p. 21 ; Pellissier, Description dela Rigencede Tunisie, p. 279 ; Gu^rin, Voyage ArcJUolo- gique^ t ii, pp. 324-327; Playfair, Travels, etc., pp. 167-171 ; Broadley, Tunis, Past ami Present, vol. ii, p. 127 : Rae, The Country of the J/iW?rj,pp. 21 5-31 3, etc. For some anachronisms in Leo and Marmol,cf Castiglioni, Mint. Giog. et Numismatique, pp. 32, 72. (65) Okba had been deprived of his government of Ifrikia (Muchauia ^Mauretania) by Moawiya I, and Dinar Abu el-Mohijer had been appointed in his place. He was restored by Yezid I, on the death of Moawiya in A.D. 680. He retained his position, according to Leo, until the reign of El-Walid I, son of Abd el-Melik, when he was slain by the Berbers who had taken Kairwan : but seeing that El-Walid did not succeed until a.d. 705, and that Okba, by the best accounts, died in 683, that is, during the reign of Abd el- Malik, there is a confusion in Leo's chronology. (66) Musa ben Noseir, who arrived at Kairwan a.d. 705 as governor of Ifnkia. What follows refers to the conquest of Spain by Musa and Tarik (governor of Tangier^ and the death of Roderic, King of the Goths, A.D. 710-11. For the history of this last, cf. Al-Makkari, Hist, of Moka»nmedan Dynasties in Spain, vol. i, pp. 288 et seq, (67) Musa reached Egypt at the close of a.d. 714, when he received this warning from Hishim (" Hescian"). He came to Damascus two and a half months later, just before the death of El-Walid and the succession of Sulaiman. This Khalif accusing Musa — no doubt with good reason — of peculation, had him beaten with rods, fined him 100,000 pieces of gold, and confiscated all his goods, while Musa's son, 'Abd ul- AzTz (who had been left governor of Spain, and had married Egilone, widow of King Roderic), was put to death, and his head sent to his father. Tarik after this disappears from history. Taking warning by the fate of his colleague and jealous rival, the shrewd Berber seems to ha\e letired into private life. Mohammed ben Yezid ("lesul") succeeded Musa as governor of Ifrikia. Leo is too sweeping when he says that the rest of the Ommeyad governors were related to each other. 76o NOTES TO BOOK V. (68) The Abasside general, El-Aghlab (" Elagleb"), took possession of Kainvan in the name of the Eastern Khalif. Bat, as Leo says, " il quale domino a guisa di signore'' — he ruled after the fashion of a prince ("not ... as a Califa")— and founded the dynasty of the Aghlabites. Abu Jafar el-Mansur founded Baghdad, and made it the capital of the former Khalifate of Damascus. (69) Obeid Allah, a.d. 903. (70) En-Nueiri (pp. 424 etseq.) says that this great castle — not town — of Rakkada, situated in a very healthy place, four miles from Kairwan, was built during the government (or reign) of Ibrahim ben Ahmed (a.d. 875). When the free negi'oes rebelled and interrupted communi- cation between Rakkada and Kairwan, they were crucified or put to death in ways equally horrible (Mercier, Hisi. de PAfrique Sept,^ t. i. p. 290). Rakkada occurs frequently in the history of El-KairouAni, who wrote about a.d. 1691. But both the name and the building seem now to have disappeared. It was Ibrahim ben Ahmed who completed the conquest of Sicily, begun in 827 a.d. by Ziadet Allah, when the Kadi Ased ("one Ased") was sent with a fleet and army at the request of Euphemios, or Euthymeos of Syracuse (who had rebelled against Michael the Stammerer, and was defeated by an imperial army). (71) Alcamo, on the post road from Palermo to Calatafimi. CiuUo d'Alcamo, one of the earliest Sicilian poets, was a native of the town. (72) " Gueflet" is almost certainly Jebel Ouslet, and the Roman remains, those of Aqvae Regiae, close at hand ; though little now remains to justify their identification except Leo's description. — Tissot, La Province Romaine^ t. ii, pp. 586-588. (73) The history of Kairwan, subsequent to A.D. 1500, it is unneces- sary to follow. It varied with the fortunes of the Tunisian dynasties, until Tunis became a protectorate of France, since when, curiously enough, the most fanatical city in the Regency has become the only one in which an infidel can enter a mosque. It has no resources, and lives by its traditions and the souls of its prophets. (74) Kabes, Gabes, Kapes, Gabs, the ancient Tacape, Tacapa, Tacapae, Tacapas. Leo simply repeats the description of El-Bekri, who describes it as a large town surrounded by a high wall of massive stones of antique construction, with a strong castle, several suburbs, bazaars, and caravanserais, a great mosque, and many baths, the whole within a deep ditch, which in case of need could be flooded. Finally, it had three gates. Edrisi says much the same. Nowadays it consists of several villages, scattered over a beautiful oasis of date palms and NOTES TO BOOK V. 761 olives. Sidi Bu-1-Baba is perhaps the village which occupies the site of Tacape ; like most of the other villages (particularly Menzel and Dhara) it is built of the remains of the Roman town which preceded it. But with the exception of a few mosaics, capitals of columns, and other carved stones, little remains to mark the spot where stood a Carthaginian emporium, a Roman city, and, in the Christian epoch, the residence of the Episcopus Tacapiianus, Strabo refers to Tacape as an important entrepot of the Lesser Syrtes. — Playfair, Travels^ etc., p. 269 ; V€\X\ss\tr^ Revue ArMolo^que^ 1847, p. 395 ; Gudrin, Voyages ArcIUologiqueSy t. i, p. 196 ; Moulezun, Bull, Arch, du ComiU des travaux historiques^ 1885, p. 126 ; Tissot, La Province Romaine^ t. ii, p. 196 ; Shaw, Travels^ p. 209 ; Temple, Excursions^ vol. ii, pp. 133, 134 ; Lafitte et Servonnet, Le Golfede Gabh en 1888, pp. 216-269. (75) This is not quite correct, though repeated on p. 334 ; for the water is both cool and sweet. There is, however, salt and warm water not fer away (note ']^), The walls have now disappeared. (76) As far as I can learn, the " habhaziz" {habb ^azts " the beloved berry^) is the ground or pea-nut. But, apart from its not being dug, it is difficult to imagine this fruit being beloved by anyone. The jujube {Zisyphus lotus) grows abundantly in the vicinity. (77) El-Hamma or El-Hammat el-Kabes, " the warm fountain of Kabes" (Gabes), so called to distinguish it from another Hamma near Tozer, the ancient Aquae Tacapitanae, the Arab name being thus an exact translation of the ancient one. It is situated in the Hamma Oasis, exactly eighteen Roman miles from Gabes, which is the distance given in the Antonine Itinerary, Shaw, who was the earliest writer to identify the site, mentions that at the date of his visit the hot baths were frequented by invalids from all parts of Tunis. The baths were sheltered from the weather by thatched huts, while in the basins, which are about 12 feet square and 4 feet deep, there were benches of stone for the bathers to sit upon. One of the baths was called the Bath of the Lepers. Below it the water stagnates and forms a pool, which seems to be the Lake of Lepers (lago de' Leprosi) mentioned by Leo. The water supplying the baths forms a small rivulet, which, after running through various gardens and the palm groves, and the " Eastern extremity of the Lake of Marks (Melrir) . . . , loseth itself, at a few Miles Distance, in the Sand".— TVav^/j, etc., pp. 213, 214. The ruins of the old town display a few marks of antiquity, such as carved stones, but the inscriptions noted by Leo had already disappeared in 1739. Nowadays scarcely a relic remains, the stones 3C 762 NOTES TO BOOK V. of Aquae Tacapitanae having been utilised for building the modem villages in the oasis, and the Borj el-Hamma, the fort erected here. The temperatures of the hot baths vary from 45** C. to 34° C. Leo's data are, however, not quite accurate, for, instead of the water " tasting like brimstone", it is perfectly sweet, and when cool is drunk with avidity. Leo, in fact, seems to have depended too much on his memory in describing these hot springs.— Playfair, Proc. R.CS, (1890), p. 625 ; Gu^nn, Voyage Archdologiquty t. i, pp. 235, 269, 270; Tissot, La Province Romaine^ t. ii, pp. 654, 699; Temple, Excursions^ vol. ii, p. 149. (78) Mahres, Mahares, Maharess of Shaw, a large fishing village at the southern ^int (Pt. Mahares) of the Bay of Sfax. It bears distinct evidence of having been a much larger place. But Shaw {Travels^ p. 195) is, I believe, wrong in regarding it as the Macomades minores ('* Macodama")» an ancient Roman municipium ; though it is still an open question whether M. Tissot is much more correct in finding the latter at Henchir Oghelt el-Khififa. There are ruins there — that is alL —Revue Africaine^ t. i, pp. 194-196; La Province Romaine^ t ii, pp. 191, 192. The discovery of inscriptions could alone settle the point.— -Lafitte et Servonnet, Le Golfe de Gabls en 1888, pp. 160-163. There was at one time a Sultan of Mahres. It is not "almost fiue hundred miles distant from the isle of Gerbi", but about fifty — (circa a cinquanta miglia). The castle of which Leo speaks is now half ruined. (79) Gerbo in the original Italian, the Bracheon of Scylax, the Meninsc, or Meniks (M^y/7^), of Strabo, who used the name then applied to it by the natives, though Ptolemy makes Menensc only one of two towns on the "Island of the Lotophagi" (^ Aoaro^a^ftfv wjtfof Awro^ay/r/g) of Homer, an identification now generally accepted. Meninx, probably El-Kantara, seems from its ruins to have been a large city. The island was afterwards called Girba, and Aurelius Victor notes that two Emperors — Trebonianus Gallus and his son Voluscanes (a.d. 252-254) — were both raised to the Imperial dignity here — " creati in insula Meninge quae nunc Girba dicitur" {Epitome^ etc., chap. xlv). It is the modem Gerba or Jerba (to use the pro- nunciation of the people of the island, mostly Berbers), and the Gelves or Xerves of the Spanish historians. (80) Humt es-Suk is now the trading quarter, and corresponds to this description. The Kaid, who is responsible for the government, has his residence at Humt-sedrien near at hand. NOTES TO BOOK V. 763 (81) Roger de Loria conquered the island in 1284, and received it in fief from Peter of Aragon. He erected the great fortress called Borj el-Kebir, which still stands. In 131 5, it was made over by Roger III (de Loria's descendant) to Frederick of Sicily. In 1333, the island recovered its independence ; but in 1431 it was subdued by Alfonso V of Aragon, who had made an attempt on it in 1424. He is said to have built £1-Kantara — not the town, but the causeway from the island to the mainland and the Borj Cartel. This is perhaps the invasion and conquering of the island by Christians to which Leo refers : though if he, and not the Aragoneseof 1284, constructed the works mentioned, this shows that the recovery of Jerba by the King of Tunis was not so rapid as the Arab historians whom Leo follows are fond of imagining : unless, indeed, between the invasion of Alfonso V in 1432, and that of Ferdinand the Catholic in 15 10, there was an evacuation and a renewed attempt to gain possession. In any case, the date was not about fifty years before Leo wrote, but nearer ninety. It also appears that it is to this date that must be attributed the famous Borj er-Ru'us (or Tower of Skulls), twenty feet high and ten feet broad, which up to 1848 stood near the Humt es-Suk. Sir Grenville Temple saw it in 1832. " No tradition", he tells us, "is preserved of its origin, except that the skulls are those of Christians. I think it probable that they are remnants of the Spanish soldiers, who, under the command of the Duke of Alva, landed at Jerbeh during high water, were attacked and defeated by the Moors, and obliged to fall back upon their boats ; but these, unfortunately for them, were now high and dry, the tide having during the action receded, and the ships and transports, to avoid the same predicament, had stood out to sea. The heavily-accoutred Spaniards tried to regain them, but while floundering in the mud and weeds, were shot or speared by their exasperated and more lightly-accoutred enemies, who, it is probable, erected with the dead bodies this tower in commemoration of their victory and deliverance from foreign invasion. To preserve it, it is occasionally covered with a coat of mortar ; when I saw it, a great part of this had fallen down, and exposed to view the ghastly grinning skulls." — Excursions^ yoX, i, pp. 157, 158. This expedition was in 15 10. The view more generally adopted is that the skulls were the ghastly memorials of the expedition sent in 1559-1560 by Charles V under the command of Juan de la Cerda, Duke of Medina-Coeli, Viceroy of Sicily, which was massacred by Dragut. But this is mere speculation. The native historians, like £1- Kairoudni, have nothing to say to this effect. On the other hand, in a curious little account of Jerba written by Mohammed En- I4aser, it is "^ expressly noted that it was in A.H. 835 (a.d. 1432), in the reign of Abu Fares, that the tower was constructed out 3 C 2 764 NOTES TO BOOK V. of the bodies of the slaughtered Spaniards. " The Jerbians", he tells us, " cut off the heads of the Spaniards slain in the combat, and in constructing a tower employed the arms and legs to intercalate with the heads. This tower, which still exists [i.e., at the time he wrote, A.D. 1797], is situated in the north on th^ sea-shore, between the Borj el-Kebir and the place of embarcation : it attains a height of sixteen cubits, and four in breadth." In 1848 the representative of Monseigneur Sutter (Vicar- Aposto- lic of Tunis), Padre Giuseppe de Maria, and the foreign consul Ahmed Bey, gave orders for the removal of the hideous trophy and the burial of the bones in the cemetery of Humt es-Suk. This decree was carried out, though not without furious opposition on the part of the Jerbians. (82) The people of Jerba have been frequently in rebellion, not only against their foreign conquerors but also against their native mlers. In 1 5 10, there was an invasionof Spaniards, nominally under Garcia Alvarez de Toledo, Duke of Alva, and father of the more celebrated duke of that name, though actually under Pedro Navarro. It is the one described by Sir Grenville Temple {u^ supra). In 1520, Charles V sent a more successful expedition under Hugo de Moncada (a " Rhodian Knight of the Order of Saint John de Messina") and Diego de Vera, who granted peace to the Sheikh of the island on his agreeing to pay an annual tribute of five thousand golden dinars (two thousand crowns = twelve thousand francs), and pledging himself to deny asylum to pirates. As Leo was writing a year or two after this compact, " to this day " meant little. Actually the Spaniards had scarcely turned their backs before the treaty was regarded as waste paper, and the island was used as an arsenaj, first by Barbarossa (1524), and a little later by the redoubtable Dragut. This brought Andrea Doria with a fleet to Jerba in 1551, when Dragut escaped by cutting a channel for his ships through the sandbanks into Bu Giara,and capturing several galleys sent for the reinforcement of Doria's squadron. In 1599, Felipe II sent Juan de la Cerda on the unfortunate expedition above mentioned. After this, Jerba was permitted to remain masterless, so far as any European power was concerned, until in 1881 it quietly accepted the French protectorate. The quarrels of the Jerbians, between the death of Dragut before Valetta in 1565 and the present year, have been family differences or struggles between Algerines, Tripolitans, and Tunisians. — Description et histoire de rile de D jerba, traduite du manuscrit du Cheikh Mohammed Abou Rasse Ahmed en-Naccur, par Eriga dit Kayser, Interpr^te Mili- taire Auxiliaire de i« Classe (Tunis 1884). This valuable brochure. NOTES TO BOOK V. 765 with a facsimile of the original Arabic, is scarcely known in Europe. I obtained my copy in Sfax. — Lafitte et Servonnet, Le Golfe de Gabh en 1888, pp. 270-314; Brulard,Z'w/f /^/^'^^^(Besangon, 1885). For antiquities, Tissot, La Province Romaine^ t. i, pp. 190-200 ; t. ii, 788, 790, 820 ; Galindo y de Vera, Hist. Vicissitudes y politica tradicional de Espaha respecto de sus posesiones en las castas de Africa^ pp. 74, 100, 120, etc. The Jerba dialect referred to by Leo is treated of by Basset in his Notes de Lexicographie BerbhrCy 1883 ; while many curious facts about Jerba and its Christian enemies may be found in De Mas Latrie's Relations et Commerce de PA/rique Sept, avec les Nations Chritiennes^ 1866. (83) 2^via, Soirah, or Soirih, properly Zuagha, or Soiga (Barth, Wanderungen durch die KUstenldnder des Mittelmeeres^ pp. 273, 274, 288, 289). The Zuigha Berbers figure in El-Bekri, and the Jerba wars are described by En-Naceur. The place is called Zuighat esh-Sherkiyya, to distinguish it from another Zuagha. Delia Cella refers to the salt deposits of "Zoara, about four leagues west of Tripoli" {Narrative of cat Expedition from Tripoli in Barbaryy etc., Aufrfere's trans., p. 76). It also appears on the Catalan Portulan as Zoyara. A little north of Zuighat esh-Sherkiyya are the ruins of a large town which the Arab authors of the middle ages called Sabra (Et-Tij^ni, p. 175). " Not far from Zuigha on the sea shore, we see the ruins of an ancient city called Sabra (Ibn Haukal, Journ. Asiaiique^ February 1842, p. 166 ; El-Bekri, p. 44, cf Tissot, p. 210), which is the ancient Sabrata, Sabaratha, Sabathra, Saratha, etc. It sometimes appears on old charts as " Tripoli vecchia", or Old Tripoli, from forming one of three old Byzantine cities called Tripoli s (sec the Beecheys' Report of the Expedition to explore the Northern Coast of Africa from Tripolis^ etc., pp. 25 et seq.), Leo refers to it under that name. The identity of Sabrata with the Abrotonum (A^por6¥ov) of Scylax, Strabo, and Pliny, has now been satisfactorily traced (Barth, Miiller, Vivian Saint-Martin, Tissot), so that the learning which placed it at Tajuira (Delia Cella) or at Tripoli (Beechey) was thrown away. It was at "Soara" that, on the i6th of August 1 551, the Knights of St John (of Malta) under Leon Strozzi were defeated. This affair, and the poor success which attended their possession of Tripoli, no doubt determined the order to refuse Charles the Fifth's offer of Mehdia, which they had helped to capture. The Knights had no stomach for more of Africa. (84) Lepede in original, Lebida, Lebda, or Lepda, the ancient Leptis (ij Afvrtf) Magna. The ruins (extensive, "but all in bad taste : 766 NOTES TO BOOK V. chiefly done in the time of Aurelian — ^indeed very bad " in the opinion of Bruce) are yearly vanishing, owing to the fine granite and marble pillars being exported for the vilest uses, such as the manufacture of mortars and oil mills.— Playfair, Mediterraneany p. 45 ; Rae, The Country of the Moors ^ pp. 45-48. Leo is in this passage labouring under an error. Leptis was originally a Sidonian settlement (Sallust, Jugurtha^ cap. 80), and flourished under the rule of Rome, though to the last markedly Phoenicianised, owing to the marriage and intercourse of the colonists with the neighbouring Numidians speaking the Berber language. During the Vandal occupation, Genseric, adopting his usual policy of destroying the fortifications of African cities, razed those of Leptis, with the result that the town was so subject to Barbarian inroads, that many of the inhabitants deserted it. Justinian, therefore, on the citizens adopting Christianity, rebuilt the walls both of Leptis and the neighbouring city of Sabrata (Procopius, De Edificiis^ lib. vi, cap. iv). During the reign of Constans II (a.d. 647-8), the Levatae, a well-known Berber tribe, from whom in RennelVs opinion the word Libya was derived, again invested the place. These inroads, combined with the drifting sands of the desert, made Leptis so uncomfortable a place of residence that it was gradually abandoned for Tripolis, built on the site of the ancient Oea. Then the barbarians poured in, so that when Abd Allah's Arabs arrived, there must have been comparatively little to destroy, and that little — together with the ruins of Sabrata— may possibly have been employed in the rebuilding of the Roman town of Tripoli, the modem Tripoli of Barbary, the Tarabolus (Trabilis) al-Gharb of the Arabs, (to distinguish it from Tripoli in Syria). Tarabolis is simply Tripoli Arabised. Leptis is referred to by Scylax, Strabo, Ptolemy, Pomponius Mela and other writers, as Neapolis (NgasroXig), which was, perhaps, as Bartil suggested, a particular quarter of the city. The favourable situation for commerce — far more so than Tripoli— made the citizens so wealthy, that at the time the city was part of the Carthaginian territory, they were assessed at a tribute of one talent (more than ;£222) a day (Livy, xxxiv, 64). Even after it came under Roman rule, the Leptis people paid annual taxation amounting to 300,000 pounds of oil, keeping their Punic constitution so far as to be governed (an inscription shows) by Suffetes as late as the first century of our era. The last mention of Leptis is in an ecclesiastical text of A.D. 482. (85) Tripoli Vecchia— Old Tripoli, or Sabrata (note 83). Oea, Sabrata, and Leptis Magna constituted a feudal union, and the district of the Three Cities governed by a Concilium Annum was called NOTES TO BOOK V. j67 Libya Tripolitana. This name has been reserved for Oea, after it was occupied by Greek-speaking colonists. Gea (Mela and Pliny) 'Eoia (Ptolemy), Occa (of the Antonine Itinerary)^ Osa (in the Peutinger Itinerary)^ Ocea in some old geographical treatises by the blunder of copyists — was founded by the Romans at a date which from lack of material evidence we cannot yet settle, and peopled partly by colonists from Sicily and partly by the more civilised Libyans. (86) By this is meant, not as sometimes supposed Gea, on the site or out of the ruins of which the present city is built, but («/ supra) " Tripoli Vecchia", or Sabrata. The walls of Tripoli now standing are said to have been constructed, with other fortifications, by Dragut, (the corsair chief, whose Kubba, or tomb, is one of the most venerated in the city), and, though now decaying, show signs of very solid work- manship ; not agreeing, therefore, with Leo's description of their being high and beautiful but " not verie strong". Leo and Dragut were not contemporaries — Dragut being the later of the two — so that the present walls may have been built or strengthened after the former visited Tripoli. The date-palms are still as plentiful as ever, the sandy plain of which our traveller speaks being thickly dotted with them. But nowadays, at least, the houses bear no comparison with those of Tunis. Tunis, indeed, until the French conquest gave an impetus to Algiers, was the most civilized of all the Barbary cities. — Borsari, Geografia etnologica e storica delta Tripolitania Cirenaica e Fczzan (1868), pp. 102-126. (87) This theory of the inroads of the sea cannot be entirely accepted. The sea on all this part of the coast is shallow — at ebb-tide it is possible to wade from Jerba to the mainland by Tank el-Jemel, " the camel's way" — ^mainly because it is constantly being shoaled by the drifting into it of the desert sands, which the wind sweeps seaward, now more than ever since the scantiness of cultivation has interposed fewer obstacles against the encroachments of the Sahara. The result of the soil not being bound together by plants, is that the desert has in places encroached to the very walls of Tripoli, and has no doubt covered what in former days was cultivated ground. This portion of the ancient ruins does not quite support the popular view of the encroachment of the sea, or the sinking of the land. In Tripoli few memorials of the past have survived the wreck wrought by the Arab invaders — nomads, and, like the Saxon invaders of England, haters of towns and town life, until effeminacy, the love of trade, and the necessity of possessing strongholds compelled them to build castles and walled collections of houses, or to reconstruct after their own 768 NOTES TO BOOK V. taste the ruins of the Roman cities which they had sacked and left to the jackals. But one, now jammed in among poor houses near the sea gate (Bab el-Bahr) is sufficiently notable to make some amends for the absence of others. This is the splendid quadri-frontal white marble arch which, as an inscription on it records, was reared by the Consul Scipio iEfritus, in the reign of Antoninus Pius, and subsequently dedicated to Marcus Aurelius and Lucius AureliusVerus, his successors. This triumphal arch proves (i) that the coast cannot have undergone much change in level since the seventh century ; and (2) that, contrary to the notion of Leo and his copyists, the present city of Tripoli is erected on much the same site as the Roman one. The latter, no doubt, covered a greater space- of ground, and may have extended, as Leo contends, a little further nonh ; but it could not have gone far, even admitting the sinking of the land, for the depth soon sinks to six or seven fathoms, and a depression to this extent must have overwhelmed the entire site. Moreover, to the eastward is a tract of rocky and elevated ground, on which was the ancient Roman cemetery, where many sepulchral urns have been found. — Beechey, Proceedings of the Expedition to explore the North Coast of Africa^ etc., pp. 15, 19). The arch is well figured in Bruce's drawings on Plates xxvii and xxviii of Playfair's TrctuelSy etc., and in Lyon's Travels^ etc., p. 18. It is also referred to but not figured in TuUy's Narrative of a Ten Year^ Residence at Tripoli in Africa (pp. 8, 9), a valuable work, though full of historical inaccuracies. The scarcity of com is due partly to the limited amount of agricultural land, and partly to the uncertainty of the rain-fall. In good seasons Tripoli still exports grain, but in dry ones it does not grow enough for the use of the people in the Vilayet At the same time, the sandy plain to the S.W. is in part occasionally flooded during the prevalence of strong northerly gales, and there is marshy ground to the westward of the town between these celebrated places and the sea. Captain (afterwards Admiral) Beechey, in commenting on Leo*s assertion about the old com lands being under the sea, remarks : — "From this account, contrasted 'with the actual appearance of the place in question, we must either suppose that the level of the lands here alluded to, which are those in the immediate neighbourhood of Tripoly, is higher at the present time than it was in the age of Leo, or that the sea has retired since that period. For although the soil of Tripoly still continues to be sandy, there is now no part of it over- flowed to the southward of the town." This, an examination by the editor, bears out, and it is possible that, since Leo's day, earthquake movements may have altered the level of this part of the Barbary coast. NOTES TO BOOK V. 769 (88) Abu-1-Hassan went to war against Abu Hafez Omar in A.H. 748 (A.D. 1348), the latter not fleeing to the desert as Leo has it, but, according to El-KairouAni, to Gabes, where he was slain by the partisans of Abu-1-Hassan. But the latter, having suffered a great disaster before Kairwan, had to return to save his Moroccan and other western dominions, where his son Abu Einan had raised a rebellion, and various subject cities had revolted. Then Abu el- Abbas of Tunis recovered the throne of the Beni- Hafez of Tunis. Abu Einan, in a.d. 758, forced Abu Ishak Ibrahim of Tunis to evacuate his capital and take refuge in Mehdia, where nearly all central Maghrebs recognised the conqueror ; but a mutiny of his troops compelled Abu Einan to repair to Fez without consolidating the advantages gained. Then Abu Ishak Ibrahim was therefore permitted to return to Tunis. El-Kairouini says nothing about his being imprisoned at Ceuta and restored by Abu Selim. On the contrary, he is said to have died twelve years after his restoration, though the native historians differ as to the exact date, which £l-Kairouini gives as A.H. 779 (A.D. 1369). In the original the names of Abu-1-Abb4s (" Abulabbis"), King of Tunis, and Abu Einan ("Abuenan"), King of Fez, are given. Florianus omits them in his translation, and Pory follows suit. (89) This seizure of Tripoli was made in 1355 by Philip Doria, Admiral of the Republic of Genoa, who acted without the authorisation of his government. The latter being at peace with Tripoli, and fearing the consequences to their merchants in Tunis and other Barbary ports, disallowed the act Yet the filibusters, after remaining four months in Tripoli, plundering freely, were permitted to return to Genoa laden with loot, and received only a nominal punishment A ransom is said to have been negotiated through Ibn Mekki, the ruler of Gabes. The date is given in a footnote to El-Kairouini's history as. 1342. But as El-Kairouini himself gives it as 1355 (A.H. 756), which corresponds to that stated by Genoese historians, MM. Pellissier and Rdmusat must have made a slip of the pen. — Istorie di Maiteo Villaniy c. 47, 48, 49, 60; El-KairouAni, pp. 248, 249, Ibn Khal- doun ; Hisi, des Berblres^ t iii, pp. 49, 51, 52, 164, 173, De Mas- Latrie ; Traites de paix^ etc., pp. 224 eU seq, \ Wailles, Bibliography in BulL de Correspondance Africcdne (1884), pp. 227-237 ; and Playfair, Supp. Papers R,G,S, (1889), pp. 559-614, for fuller references and titles of works briefly cited. (90) This portion of Leo's history is very confused and inaccurate. Pedro Navarro captured Tripoli in 15 10. For a long time pre- viously it had been governed by the Beni-Amer. Abu Fares, King of 770 NOTES TO BOOK V. Tunis, had conquered the last prince of that dynasty. But at the time when Navarro attacked it, the city and neighbouring territory was governed by an independent Sheik, some of whose predecessors are named by Leo. The place was stubbornly defended, street by street, house by house. But though it was much knocked about, and many of the inhabitants and Genoese merchants, impoverished by the sack — in which enormous booty was obtained — deserted it, Tripoli was not, as Leo and Marmol declare, " destroyed by the Christians". On the contrary, Diego de Vera, being appointed governor, made it stronger than ever. Indeed, Leo, while previously describing the walls as not very strong, now notes them as " most strong". Jayme de Requesens, for long the successor of de Vera, carried on the work of the latter ; while Guillem de Moncada, brother of Hugo de Moncada, Viceroy of Sicily, also continued to repair the damages committed during Pedro Navarro's assault. In 1530 Charles V gave Tripoli and Malta to the Knights of St. John, who had just then lost Rhodes. But in 155 1 (according to Marmol) they were expelled by Sinan Pasha and Dragut. After this the place continued, with brief intervals, in Turkish hands. The piracies of the Tripolitans were, however, so notorious that again and again was the city bombarded by European fleets. The Bashawi also became independent. After 17 14 Ahmed Pasha Karaminli and his descendants ruled the city and province as a dynasty, owning allegiance to the Sultan of Turkey, just as the Beys of Tunis did— that is, in the most nominal way. But in 1835 the Sultan, taking advantage of one of the many Arab outbreaks, reasserted his authority, and has ever since ruled Tripoli as a vilayet of the empire. (91) The Berber girls have still a habit of tattooing crosses on their arms and cheeks, though it is only a pious belief that the ornamenta- tion has anything to do with their pristine veneer of Christianity, which in the inaccessible retreats affected by them might have long remained uninfluenced by Islam. It is even possible that some of the Roman Christians retreated from the ravaging Arabs to the mountain houses of the race with whom they had formed alliances of friendship, marriage, and a common faith. (92) Aures, properly Auragh, the Audon of Ptolemy, one of the most interesting mountain regions in Algeria. Its inhabitants, the Khawia or Zenate, a Berber people, who have no doubt Roman blood in their veins, are the dAris of the Vandal and Byzantine colonists who found a refuge here from religious persecution and the harass- ment of successive conquerors. Their physiognomy, language, and customs bear evidence to this. In youth the women are very beautiful, NOTES TO BOOK V. 77 1 with fine classical features. Latin words occur in the ordinary speech, and they observe the 25th of December as a feast under the name of Milid (the Birth), and keep three days' festivals both at springtime and harvest. They use the solar instead of the Mohammedan lunar year, and the names of the months are the same as our own. The interesting remains of Timegrad, the ancient Thamugas, are in this district, though not noticed by Leo, from which it may be inferred that he knew personally little of this region " inhabited by most barbarous people". — Playfair, Travels^ etc., pp. 60-68 ; Boeswill* wald-Cagnat, Timegad^ une Citd Africaine (1891) ; Masqueray, ^Formation des CiUs chez les Populations Sidentaires de VAlgdrie (1886), and De Aurasio monte ab initio secundi p. Ch, saculi usque ad Salomones Expeditionem Thesis Facultatis Utterarum in Academia Parisiensi^ etc. (1886) ; Graham, " Remains of the Roman Occupation of North Africa,** etc. {Trans, Roy. Inst, Brit, Architects vol. i, N.S. 1885), etc. (93) For notes on this and other early accounts of Constantine, see Dureau de la Maille, Province de Constantine^ pp. 167-197, etc. (94) Zaghuan, the ancient Zengis, which gave its name to Zengitana (Africa propria). On a mountain over one of the springs, the ancient Zucchara Civitas (the village of Ben Saida) now supplying Tunis, as of old they supplied Carthage, there was in Shaw's day an inscription : — "Rorisii totivsque Divinae Domvs ejvs civitas Zvccharia fecit et dedicavit." There are many Roman remains in this district. (95) Jebel Neftisa, a name applied by the natives to that part of the Tripolitan chain which extends between Wazzen (of Tripoli) and Rejban. The Ater mons of the Romans was perhaps the chain between Jebel es-S6da and Jebel Nefftsa. — Tissot, La Province Romainey L ii, pp. 698, 708, 715. (96) Jebel Ghurian, an inhabited volcanic mountain district, 2000 ft. high, due south of Tripoli. Many of the inhabitants, who bear traces of Jewish ancestry, live in subterranean houses. Their saffron (Crocus) plantations are still famous, though under endless tyrannies and oppres- sion the population has much decreased. There are many Roman ruins in this district. — Lyon, Travels in Northern Africa^ p. 25 ; Barth, Travels in North and Central Africa^ vol. i, pp. 48, 49. (97) Beni Houarah ? Sir Lambert Playfair suggests to me. (98) Ksar Ahmed, possibly* named after either Ahmed ben Omar, the Aghlabite general, or Ahmed ben Hassan el-Kelbi, both of whom 772 NOTES TO BOOK V. would answer to Leo's description. Ksar Ahmed has now disap- peared, though a place near Mesurata (Ras Bu Sheifa) is still known by that name and marked by a Marabout's tomb. — Delia Cella, p. 49. Not far from this place, on the shores of the Syrtes, lived the robber tribe of Uled Ali, which as late as 181 5 was exterminated by Mohammed Karam^nli, eldest son of the Bashaw of Tripoli, an inci- dent which may give a clue to the disappearance of tribes before and smce Leo's day. (99) Sueka, the Sudeyca of Marmol, near — according to him — ^to Ptolemy's Cape Trieri — the three-pointed. (100) Ksar Husn — the Ca^ar Hascen of Marmol, built by theamiy of Okba after the ruin of Old Tripoli. lOHN LEO HIS SIXTH BOOKE OF the Historic of Africa, and of the memorable things contained therein. Of the village called Gar. Auing hitherto intreated of the moun- taines, it now remaineth that we say somewhat as touching certaine villages, hamlets, and territories : and afterward we will describe in order the cities of Numidia. And first the village of Gar, situate vpon the Mediterran sea, and abounding with dates, offereth it selfe : the fields thereto belonging are drie and barren, and yet bring they foorth some quantitie of barley for the sustenance of the inhabitants.^ Of Garell Gare. IT is a certaine little territorie or Grange, containing caues of a maruellous depth, whence (they say) the stones were taken wherewith olde Tripolis was built, because it is not far distant from that citie.* T Of the village of Sarman, His large village standing not farre from old Tripolis, aboundeth with dates, but no come will grow there.^ 774 THE SIXTH BOOKfe OF Ttit Of t}u village called Zauiat Ben larbuh, THis village being situate near vnto the Mediterran sea, yeeldeth great plentie of dates, but no corne at all and is inhabited by certaine religious persons.* Of the village of Zauzor. THis villaige also standing neere vnto the Mediterran sea, within twelue miles of Tripolis, is inhabited by sundrie artificers, and aboundeth with great store of dates, pomegranats, and peaches. The inhabitants haue beene verie miserable euer since Tripolis was taken by the Christians ; and yet they traffique with the citizens of Tripolis, and carrie dates thither to sell.^ Of the village of Hamrozo. IT standeth sixe miles from Tripolis, and the gardens thereof bring forth great plentie of dates, and of all other kinde of fruits.® Oftheplaine of Taiora, THis plaine standing two miles eastward of Tripolis, containeth many granges exceedingly replenished with dates and other fruits. The surprise of Tripolis was verie profitable for this place, for then many principall citizens fled hither for refuge. The inhabitants being ignorant and rude people, and altogither addicted to theft and robberie, build their cottages with the boughes of palme-trees. Their food is barley bread, and Bezin before described : all round about are subiect vnto the king of Tunis and the Arabians, saue those onelythat inhabit vpon this plaine.7 HlSTORlE OF AFklCA. 77^ Of the Prouince of Mesellata, THis Prouince standing vpon the Mediterran sea about fiue and thirtie miles from TripoHs, and being fraught with rich villages, castles, and inhabitants, aboundeth also with great plentie of oliues and dates. The inhabitants being free from all forren authoritie, haue a Captaine among themselues, which gouemeth their common- wealth, and fighteth their battles against the Arabians : and the soldiers of this Prouince are about 5000.® Of the Prouince ofMesrata. THis Prouince being situate also vpon the Mediterran sea, about an hundreth miles from TripoHs, hath manie villages both vpon the plaines and mountaines. The inhabitants are rich and pay no tribute at all, and exercise traffique with the Venetians resorting to this Prouince with their galleies, carrying the Venetian wares to Numidia, and there exchanging the same for slaues, muske, and ciuet, which is brought thither out of Ethiopia.® Of the desert of B area, THis desert beginning at the vtmost frontire of Mestrata, and extending eastward as farre as the confines of Alexandria, containeth in length a thousand and three hundreth, and in bredth about 200. miles. It is a rough and vnpleasant place, being almost vtterly destitute of water and corne. Before the Arabians inuaded Africa, this region was void of inhabitants : but now certaine Arabians lead here a miserable and hungrie life, being a great way distant from all places of habitation : neither haue they any come growing at all. But corne and other necessaries are brought vnto them by sea from Sicilia, which that euerie of them may purchase, they are constrained to lay their sonnes to gage, and then goe rob and rifle trauellers 776 THE SIXTH BOOKE OF THE Tk£AraHani to redecme them againe. Neuer did you heare of more of Barca most ° ^ cpuiiand cruell and bloodie theeues : for after they haue robbed merchants of all their goods and apparell, they powre warme milke downe their throats, hanging them vp by the heeles vpon some tree, and forcing them to cast their gorge, wherein the lewd varlets search diligently for gold, suspecting that the merchants swallowed vp all their crownes before they entred that dangerous desert.^^ I Of the citie of Tesset in Nutnidia. N the first booke of this present discourse we said that Numidia was accounted by the African Cosmographers the basest part of all Africa, and there we alleaged certaine persons for the same purpose : we signified also in the second Booke, writing of the prouince of Hea, that certaine cities of Numidia stood neere vnto mount Atlas. • Error. Howbeit *Sus, Guzula, Helchemma, and Capes, are within the kingdome of Tunis, albeit some would haue them situate in Numidia." But my selfe following the opinion of Pioiemeyy suppose Tunis to be a part of Barbaric. Being therefore about to describe all the cities and townes of Numidia, I will first begin with Tesset : which ancient towne built by the Numidians neere vnto the Libyan deserts, and enuironed with walles of sunne-dried bricke^ deserueth scarcely the name of a towne ; and yet con- taineth fower hundred families. It is compassed round about with sandie plaines, sauing that neer vnto the towne grow some store of dates, of mill-seed, and of barley, which the miserable townesmen vse for food. They are constrained also to pay large tribute vnto the Arabians inhabiting the next deserts. They exercise traflSque in the land of Negroes and in Guzula, insomuch that they spend most of their time in forren regions. They are of a blacke colour, and destitute of all learning. The women indeed teach their yoong children the first rudiments of learning HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 777 but before they can attaine to any perfection, they are put to labour, and to the plough-tayle. The said women are somewhat whiter then other women : some of them get their liuing by spinning and carding of wooll, and the residue spend their time in idlenes. Such as are accounted richest in this region, possesse but verie few cattell. They till their ground with an horse and a camel 1, which kinde of plowing is obserued throughout all Numidia,^* Of the village of Guaden. THis village situate vpon the Numidian desert neere vnto Libya, is inhabited by most miserable and grosse people. Here groweth nothing but dates : and the inhabitants are at such enmitie with their neighbours, that it is dangerous for them to go abroad. Howbeit they giue themselues to hunting, and take certaine wilde beasts t'^ ^e^^t **' called Elamth called Elamth, and ostriches, neither do they eate any other flesh. All their goates they reserue for milke. And these people also are blacke of colour.^* Of the castles of If ran, FOwer castles there are called by this name, built by the Numidians three miles each from other vpon a certaine riuer, which in the heat of sommer is destitute of water. Neere vnto these castles are certaine fields greatly abounding with dates. The inhabitants are verie rich, for they haue traflSque with the Portugals at the port of Gart The port of Guessem, whose wares they came to Gualata and Tombuto. These castles containe great store of inhabitants, which make certaine brazen vessels to bee solde in the land of Negros : for they haue copper-mines in sundrie places Copper-mines, thereabout. Euery castle hath a weekly market ; but come and flesh are at an extreme rate there. They goe decently apparellecj, and haue a faire temple to resort vnto, 3D . I 778 THE SIXTH BOOKE OF THE and a ludge also that decideth none but ciuill controversies : for criminall matters they vse to punish with banishment onely.^* Of the castles of A cclia, THree castles of this name built vpon the Numidian deserts not far from Lybia were in times past well stored with inhabitants, but at length by ciuill wars they were vtterly dispeopled. Afterward (all matters being pacified) there were, by the meanes of a certaine religious man, who gouerned the same people, certaine new colonies planted. Neither haue the poore inhabitants any thing tc do, but onely to gather dates.^ Of the prouince of Data, THis Prouince beginning at mount Atlas extendeth it selfe southward by the deserts of Lybia almost two hundred and fiftie miles, and the bredth thereof is verie narrow. All the inhabitants dwell vpon a certaine riuer which is called by the name of the Prouince. This riuer sometime so ouerfloweth, that a man would thinke it to be a sea, but in sommer it so diminisheth, that any one may passe ouer it on foote. If so be it ouerfloweth about the beginning of Aprill, it bringeth great plentie vnto the whole region : if not, there followeth great scarcitie of corne. Vpon the banke of this riuer there are sundrie villages and hamlets, and diuers castles also, which are enuironed with walles made of sunne-dried bricke and mortar. All their beames and planchers consist of date-trees, being notwith- standing vnfit for the purpose ; for the wood of date-trees is not solid, but flexible and spungie. On either side oi the said riuer for the space of flue or sixe miles, the fieldj abound exceedingly with dates, which with good keeping will last many yeeres : and as here are diuers kindes ol dates, so they are sold at sundry prices : for a bushell o! HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 779 r- some is woorth a duckat, but others wherewith they feede L':^ their horses and camels, are scarce of a quarter so much value. Of date-trees some are male and some are female : The strange the male bring foorth flowers onely, and the female fruit : paime or date- but the flowers of the female will not open, vnlesse the -^ boughes and flowers of the male be joined vnto them : And ' if they be not ioined, the dates will prove starke naught ^' and containe great stones. The inhabitants of Dara Hue vpon barlie and other grosse meate : neither may they eate any bread but onely vpon festiuall dales. Their castles are inhabited by goldsmithes and other artificers, and so are all the regions lying in the way from Tombuto to Fez : in this prouince also there are three or fower proper townes, frequented by merchants and strangers, and containing many shops and temples. But the principall towne called Beni Sabih,^^ and inhabited with most valiant and liberall people, is diuided into two parts, either part hauing a ' seuerall captaine or gouernour: which gouernours are oftentimes at great dissension, and especially when they moisten their arable grounds, by reason that they are so skanted of water. A merchant they will most courteously entertaine a whole yeere together, and then friendly dismissing him, they will require nought at his hands, but wil accept such liberalitie as he thinkes good to bestow vpon them. The said gouernours so often as they fall a skirmishing, hire the next Arabians to aide them, allowing them daily halfe a duckat for their pay and somtimes more, and giuing them their allowance euery day. In time of peace they trim their harquebuzes, handguns, & other weapons : neither saw I euer (to my remembrance) more cunning harquebuziers then at this place. In this prouince groweth great store of Indico being an herbe like vnto indUo. [ wilde woad, and this herbe they exchange with the merchants of Fez and Tremisen for other wares. Corne is very scarce among them, and is brought thither from 3 D2 78o THE SIXTH BOOKE OF THE Fez and other regions, neither haue they any great store of goats or horses, vnto whom instead of prouender they giue dates, and a kinde of herbe also which groweth in the kingdome of Naples, and is called by the Neapolitans Farfa. They feede their goates with the nuts or stones of their dates beaten to powder, whereby they grow exceeding fat, & yeeld great quantitie of milke. Their owne food is the flesh of camels and goates, being vnsauorie and displeasant in taste. Likewise they kill and eate The flesh of the ostriches, the flesh whereof tasteth not much vnlike to the Ostrich. flesh of a dunghill-cocke, sauing that it is more tough and of a stronger smell, especially the ostriches leg, which con^ sisteth of slimie flesh. Their women are faire, fat, and courteous : and they keepe diuers slaues which are brought out of the land of Negros. Of the prouince of Segelmesse, THis prouince called Segelmesse,^® according to the name of the principall citie therein contained, begin neth not farre from the towne of Gherseluin, and stretcheth southward by the riuer of Ziz an hundred and twentie miles, euen to the confines of the Libyan deserts.^* The said prouince is inhabited by certaine barbarous people of the families of Zeneta, Zanhagia, and Haoara, and was in times past subiect vnto a certaine prince, which bare rule ouer the same prouince onely. Afterward it fell into the possession of king loseph of the Lun tune-family, and then into the hands of one Muahidin^ and not long after it was enioyed by the king of Fez his sonne. But since that time, the prince of this region was slaine in a rebellion, and the citie of Segelmesse was destroied, and till this day remaineth desolate. Afterward the inhabitants built certaine castles, whereof some are at libertie, and others are subiect to the Arabians. T HISTORIE Ol- AFRICA. 78 1 Of tJte prouince of Cheneg. His region^ extending it selfe by the riuer of Ziz vnto mount Atlas, containeth many castles, and bringeth forth great abundance of dates, which dates are but of small value. Their fields are barren and of little circuit, saue only betweene the riuer Ziz and the foote of mount Atlas, where some store of barlie vsed to grow. The inhabitants are some of them subiect to the Arabians, others to the citie of Gherseluin, and the residue Hue at their owne libertie. And vnto these the high way leading from Segelmesse to Fez is subiect, and they exact great tribute of the merchants trauelling the same way. Neere vnto the said high way stand three castles, the first whereof being situate vpon an exceeding high rocke, seemeth to touch the cloudes. Vnder this castle there is a certaine house where a garde of soldiers continually stand, who for the load of euery camell that passeth by, demand one fourth part of a duckat. The second castle being fifteene miles distant from the first, standeth not vpon an hill but on a plaine, and is farre more stately and rich then the former. The thirde castle called Tammaracroft is situate vpon the common high way about twenty miles southward of the second. There are certaine villages also, and other castles of meaner account. Corne is maruellous scarce among them : but they haue goates great plentie, which in winter they keepe in certaine large caues, as in places of greatest safctie, whereinto they enter by a most narrow passage. Likewise the entrance into this region for the space of fortie miles is so narrow, that two or three armed men oncly may withstand mighty forces. 782 THE SIXTH BOOKE OF THE T Of the region of Maigara, His region*^ beginning southward from the region last described, containeth many castles built vpon the riuer of Ziz, the principall whereof is called Helel, wherein remaineth the gouernour of the whole region being an Arabian by birth. The soldiers of this Arabian gouernour dwell in tents vpon the plaines : and he hath other soldiers attending vpon his owne person also, who will suffer no man to passe but vnder safe conduct, without depriuing him of all his goods. Here are likewise diuers other vill^es and castles, which not being woorthy the naming I haue of purpose omitted. R Of the territorie ofReteL Etel^ bordering vpon the region last described, extendeth also fiftie miles southward along the riuer of Ziz, euen to the confines of Segelmesse. It containeth many castles, and yeeldeth plentie of dates. The inhabi- tants are subiect vnto the Arabians, being extremely courteous, and so faint harted, that an hundred of them dare scarce oppose themselves against ten Arabians : they till the Arabians ground also as if they were their slaues. The east part of Retel bordereth vpon a certaine desolate mountaine, and the west part vpon a desert and sandie plaine, whereunto the Arabians returning home from the wilderness, do resort. Ofihe territorie of Segelmesse, THis territorie extending it selfe along the riuer of Ziz from north to south almost twenty miles, containeth about three hundred and fiftie castles, besides villages and hamlets : three of which castles are more principall than the rest. The first called Tenegent, and consisting of a HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 783 thousand and moe families, standeth neere vnto the citie of Segelmesse, and is inhabited with great store of artificers. The second called Tebuhasan, standeth about eight miles to the south of Tenegent, being furnished also with greater numbers of inhabitants, and so frequented with merchants, that there is not in that respect the like place to be found in all the whole region besides. The third called Mamun is resorted vnto by sundry merchants, both lewes and Moores. These three castles haue three seuerall gouernours, who are at great dissension among themselues. They will oftentimes destroy one anothers chanels, whereby their fieldes are watered, which cannot without great cost be repaired againe. They will stow the palme-trees also to the very stocks : and vnto them a companie of lewd Arabians associate themselues. They coine both siluer and gold-money : but their gold is not very speciall. Their siluer coine weighel-h fower graines apeece, eightie of which peeces are esteemed to be woorth one peece of their gold-coine. The lewes and Arabians pay excessiue tribute here. Some of their principall men are exceeding rich, and vse great traffique vnto the land of Negros : whither they transport wares of Barbarie, exchanging the same for gold and slaues. The greatest part of them Hue vpon dates, except it be in certaine places where some corne grow. Here are infinite numbers of scorpions, but injinit num- no flies at all. In summer-time this region is extremely plons. hot, and then are the riuers so destitute of water, that the people are constrained to draw salt water out of certaine pits. The said territorie containeth in circuit about eightie miles, all which, after the destruction of Segelmesse, the inhabitants with small cost walled round about, to the ende they might not be molested by continuall inrodes of horse- men. While they liued all at vnitie and concord, they retained their libertie : but since they fell to mutuall debate, their wall was razed, and each faction inuited the 784 THE SIXTH BOOKE OF THE Arabians to helpe them, vnder whom by little and little they were brought in subiection.** Of the towne or citie of Segelnusse. SOme are of opinion that this towne was built by a certaine Romaine captaine, who hauing conducted his troupes foorth of Mauritania, conquered all Numidia, and marching westward, built a towne, and called it Sigillummesse, because it stood vpon the borders of Messa, and was as it were the seale of his victories, and afterward by a corrupt worde it began to be called Segelmesse. The common people togither with one of our African Cosmographers, called Bicriy suppose that this towne was built by Alexander the great, for the reliefe of his sicke and wounded soldiers. Which opinion seemeth not probable to me : for I coulde neuer read that Alexander the great came into any part of these regions. This towne was situate vpon a plaine neere vnto the riuer of Ziz, and was enuironed with most stately and high wals, euen as in many places it is to be seene at this present. When the Mahumetans came first into Africa, the inhabitants of this towne were subiect vnto the family of Zeneta; which family was at length dispossessed of that authority by king Joseph the sonne of Tesfin, of the family of Luntuna. The towne it selfe was very gallantly builte, and the inhabitants were rich, and had great traffike vnto the land of Negros. Heere stoode stately temples and colleges also, and great store of conducts, the water whereof was drawen out of the riuer by wheeles. The aire in this place is most temperate and holesome, sauing that in winter it aboundeth with ouermuch moisture, which breedeth some diseases. But now since the towne was destroied, the inhabitants began to plant themselues in the next castles and villages, as we haue before signified. I my selfe HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 785 aboade in this region almost seuen moneths at the foresaid castle of Meniun.^* Of the castle of Essuoathila, THis castle was built by the Arabians in a certaine desert place, twelue miles southward of the towne last described ; and here they keepe their wares free from the danger of their enimies. Neere vnto this castle there is neither garden nor field, nor any other commoditie, but onely certaine blacke stones and sand.^ Of the castle of Humeledegi. THis castle was built also by the Arabians vpon a desert eighteene miles from Segelmesse, like as was the former. Neere vnto it lieth a certaine dry plaine, so replenished with sundrie fruits, that in beholding it a farre off a man would thinke the ground were strewed with pome-citrons.** Of the castle of Vrntnelhesen. IT is a forlome and base castle, founded by the Arabians also fiue and twentie miles from Segelmesse vpon a desert, directly in the way from Segelmesse to Dara. It is enuironed with blacke wals, and continually garded by the Arabians. All merchants that passe by, pay one fourth part of a ducate for euery camels lode. My selfe trauelling this way vpon a time in the companie of fourteene lewes, and being demaunded how manie there were of vs, we saide thirteene, but after I began particularly to reckon, I founde the fowerteenth and the fifteenth man amongst vs, whom the Arabians woulde haue kept prisoners, had we not affirmed them to be Mahumetans : howbeit not crediting our words, they examined them in the lawe of Mahumet, which when they perceiued them indeed to vnderstand, they permitted them to depart^ 786 THE SIXTH BOOKE OF THE Of the village of TebelbelL THis village standing in the Numidian desert, two hundred miles from Atlas, and an hundred south- ward of Segelmesse, is situate neere vnto three castles, well stored with inhabitants, and abounding with dates. Water and flesh is very scarce amongst them. They vse to hunt and take Ostriches, and to eate the flesh of them : and albeit they haue a trade vnto the land of Negros, yet are they most miserable and beggerly people, and subiect to the Arabians.^ Of the prouince of Todga, THis little prouince standing vpon a riuer of the same name, hath great plentie of dates, peaches, grapes, and figs. It containeth fower castles and ten villages, the inhabitants being either husbandmen or lether-dressers. And it standeth westward of Segelmesse about fortie miles.^ Of the region of Farcala, IT standeth also vpon a riuer, and aboundeth with dates and other fruites, but corne is greatly wanting heere. Heere are in this region three castles, and fiue villages. It standeth southward of mount Atlas an hundred, and of Segelmesse almost threescore miles. The poore inhabi- tants are subiect to the Arabians.^ Of the region of Teserin, THis beautifuU region situate vpon a riuer, is distant from Farcala thirtie, and from mount Atlas about threescore miles. Dates it yeeldeth in abundance, and containeth villages to the number of fifteene, and sixe castles, togither with the ruines of two townes, the names whereof I coulde by no meanes enquire. And the worde Teserin in the African language signifieth a towne.*^ HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 787 Of the region called Beni Gumi. THis region adioining vpon the river of Ghir, aboundeth greatly with dates. The inhabitants are poore and miserable, and buie horses at Fez, which they sell after- warde vnto merchants that trauell to the lande of Negros. It containeth eight castles, and fifteene villages, and standeth southeast of Segelmesse about an hundred and fiftie miles.^ Of the castles of Mazalig and Abuhinan, THey are situate in the Numidian desert vpon the riuer of Ghir, almost fiftie miles from Segelmesse. Inhabited they are by certaine beggerly Arabians : neither doth the soile adiacent yeeld any come at all, and but very fewe dates.** T Of the towne of Chasair, His towne standing vpon the desert of Numidia twentie miles from Atlas, hath mines of lead and antimonie Mines cf lead neere vnto it, whereby the inhabitants get their liuing ; for this place yeeldeth none other commoditie.** Of the region of Beni Besseri. THis little region situate at the foote of mount Atlas, and abounding with all kinde of fruits saue dates, will beare no come at all. It containeth three castles and a certaine iron-mine, which serueth all the prouince oi An iron-mine. Segelmesse with iron. Villages heere are but fewe, which are subiect partly to the prince of Dubdu, and partly to the Arabians ; and all the inhabitants employ themselues about working in the foresaid iron-mine.^ 788 THE SIXTH BOOKE OF THE Of the region of Guachde. THis region standing seuentie miles southward of S^el- messe hath three castles and sundrie villages situate vpon the riuer of Ghir. Dates it yeeldeth great plentie, and but very little corne. The inhabitants exercise traflRque in the land of Negros ; and are all subiect, and pay tribute to the Arabians.^ Of the castles of Fighig. THe three castles of Fighig stand vpon a certaine desert maruellously abounding with dates. The women of this place weaue a kinde of cloth in forme of a carpet, which is so fine, that a man would take it to be silke, and this cloth they sell at an excessiue rate at Fez, Telensin, and other places of Barbary. The inhabitants being men of an excellent wit, do part of them vse traffique to the land of Negros, and the residue become students at Fez : and so soone as they haue attained to the degree of a doctor, they returne to Numidia, where they are made either priestes or senatours, and prooue most of them men of great wealth and reputation. From Segelmesse the said castles are distant almost an hundred and fiftie miles eastward.^ Of the region of Tesebit. THe region of Tesebit being situate vpon the Numidian desert, two hundred and fiftie miles eastward of Segelmesse, and an hundred miles from mount Atlas, hath fower castles within the precincts thereof, and many villages also, which stand vpon the confines of Lybia, neer vnto the high way that leadeth from Fez and Telensin to the kingdome of Agadez and to the land of Negros. The inhabitants are not very rich, for all their wealth consisteth in dates, and some small quantitie of corne. The men of HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 789 this place are black, but the women are somewhat fairer, and yet they are of a swart and browne hue.'® Of the region of Tegorarin, THis great and large region of the Numidian desert standing about an hundred and twentie miles east- ward of Tesebit, containeth fiftie castles, and aboue an hundred villages, and yeeldeth great plentie of dates. The inhabitants are rich, and haue ofdinarie traffique to the land of Negros. Their fields are very apt for corne, and yet by reason of their extreme drouth, they stand in neede of continuall watering and dunging. They allow vnto strangers houses to dwell in, requiring no money for rent but onely their dung, which they keepe most charily : yea they take it in ill part if any stranger easeth himselfe without the doores. Flesh is very scarce among them : for their soile is so drie, that it will scarce nourish any cattell at all : they keepe a few goates indeede for their milks sake : but the flesh that they eate is of camels, which the Arabians bring vnto their market to sell : they mingle their meate with salt tallow, which is brought into this region from Fez & Tremizen, There were in times past many rich lewes in this region, who by the meanes of a certaine Mahumetan preacher, were at length expelled, and a great part of them slaine by the seditious people ; and that in the very same yeere when the lewes were expelled out of Spaine and Sicily. The inhabitants of this region hauing one onely gouernour of their owne nation, are notwith- standing often subiect to ciuill contentions, and yet they do not molest other nations : howbeit they pay certaine tribute vnto the next Arabians.^ 790 THE SIXTH BOOKE OF THE Of the region of Meszab. THis region being situate vpon the Numidian desert 300. miles eastward from Tegorarin, and 300. miles also from the Mediterran sea, containeth sixe castles, and many villages, the inhabitants being rich, and vsing traffike to the land of Negros. Likewise the Negro-merchants, togither with them of Bugia and Ghir make resort vnto this region. Subiect they are and pay tribute vnto the Arabians.*® Of the towne of Techort, THis ancient towne of Techort was built by the Numidians vpon a certaine hill, by the foote whereof runneth a riuer, vpon which riuer standeth a draw-bridge. The wall of this towne was made of free stone and lime, but that part which is next vnto the mountaine hath instead of a wall an impregnable rocke opposite against it : this towne is distant fiue hundred miles southward from the Mediterran sea, and about 360. miles from Tegorarim. Families it containeth to the number of fiue and twentie hundred : all the houses are built of sunne-dried brickes, except their temple which is somewhat more stately. Heere dwell great store both of gentlemen and artificers : and bicause they haue great abundance of dates, and are destitute of corne. the merchants of Constantina exchange cornc with them for their dates. All strangers they fauour exceedingly, and friendly dismisse them without paying of ought. They had rather match their daughters vnto strangers, then to their owne citizens : and for a dowry they giue some certaine portion of lande, as it is accustomed in some places of Europe. So great and surpassing is their liberalitie, that they will heape many gifts vpon strangers, albeit they are sure neuer to see them againe. At the first they were subiect to the king of Maroco, afterward to HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 79 1 the king of Telensin, and now to the king of Tunis, vnto whom they pay fiftie thousand ducats for yeerely tribute, vpon condition that the king himselfe come personally to receiue it. The king of Tunis that now is, demanded a second tribute of them. Many castles, and villages, and some territories there be also, which are all subiect vnto the prince of this towne : who collecteth an hundred and thirtie thousand ducates of yeerely reuenues, and hath alwaies a mightie garrison of soldiers attending vpon him, vnto whom he alloweth very large paie. The gouernour at this present called HabduUa^ is a valiant and liberall yoong prince, and most curteous vnto strangers, whereof I my selfe conuers- ing with him for certaine dales, had good experience.*^ Of the citie of Guargala. His ancient citie founded by the Nu- midians, and enuironed with strong wals vpon the Numidian desert, is built very sumptuously, and aboundeth exceedingly with dates. It hath some castles and a great number of villages belonging thereunto. The inhabitants are rich, bicause they are neere vnto the kingdome of Agadez. Heere are diuers merchants of Tunis and Constantina, which transport wares of Barbaric vnto the lande of Negros. And bicause flesh and corne is very scarce with them, they Hue vpon the flesh of Ostriches and camels. They are all of a blacke colour, and haue blacke , slaues, and are people of a courteous and liberall disposi- tion, and most friendly and bountifuU vnto strangers. A gouernour they haue whom they reuerence as if he were a king : which gouernour hath about two thousand horse- men alwaies attending vpon him, and collecteth almost fifteene thousand ducates for yeerely reuenue.*^ 792 THE SIXTH BOOKE OF THE Of the prouince of Zeb, ZEb a prouince situate also vpon the Numidian desert, beginneth westward from M esila, northward from the mountaines of Bugia, eastward from the region of dates over against Tunis, and southward it bordereth vpon a certaine desert, ouer which they trauaile from Guargala to Techort This region is extremely hot, sandie, and destitute both of water and come : which wants are partly supplied by their abundance of dates. It containeth to the number of fiue townes and many villages, all which we purpose in order to describe.** Of the towne of Pescara, THis ancient towne built by the Romans while they were lords of Mauritania, and afterward destroied by the Mahumetans at their first enterance into Africa ; is now reedified, stored with new inhabitants, and enuironed with faire and stately wals. And albeit the townesmen are not rich, yet are they louers of ciuilitie. Their soile yeeldeth nought but dates. They haue beene gouemed by diuers princes : for they were awhile subiect vnto the kings of Tunis, and that to the death of king Huttnen^ after whom succeeded a Mahumetan priest : neither coulde the kings of Tunis euer since that time recouer the Deadly dominion of Pescara. Here are great abundance of scorpions, scorpions, and it is present death to be stung by them : wherefore all the townesmen in a manner depart into the countrey in sommer time, where they remaine till the moneth of Nouember.** Of the citie of Borgi, ANother towne there is also called Borgi, which standeth about fowerteene miles eastward of Pescara. Heere are a great many of artificers, but more husbandmen. And HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 793 bicause water is very scarce in this region, and yet their fieldes stand in neede of continuall watering, euery man may conueigh water in his field by a certaine sluce, for the space of an hower or two, according to the bredth or length of his ground ; and after one hath done watering his ground, his next nighbour beginneth, which oftentimes breedeth great contention and bloudshed.*^ Of the towne of Nefta, NEfta is the name of the towne it selfe, and also of the territorie adiacent ; which territorie containeth three castles, the greatest whereof seemeth by the manner of building to haue beene founded by the Romains. Inhabi- tants heere are great store, being very rusticall and vnciuill people. In times past they were exceeding rich, for they dwell neere vnto Lybia, in the very way to the land of Negros : howbeit by reason of their perpetuall hostilitie with the kings of Tunis, the king of Tunis that now is destroied their towne ; and themselues he partly slue, and partly put to flight. Likewise he so defaced the wals and other buildings, that now a man woulde esteeme it to be but a base village. Not farre from hence runneth a certaine riuer of hot water, which serueth them both to drinke, and to water their fields withall.*® I Of the towne of Teolacka. T was built by the Numidians, and compassed with slender wals, and hath a riuer of hot water also running thereby. The fields adiacent yeeld plentie of dates, but great scarcitie of corne. The miserable inhabi- tants are oppressed with continual exactions, both by the Arabians, and also by the king of Tunis. Yet are they extremely couetous and proud, and disdainfull vnto strangers.*^ 3E 794 THE SIXTH BOOKE OF THE Of the towne of Deusen, DEusen a very ancient towne, founded by the Romains in the same place where the kingdome of Bugia ioineth to Numidia, was destroied by the Mahumetans at their first entrance into Africa, bicause of a certaine Romaine captaine, which endured the Saracens siege for a whole yeere togither; the towne being at length taken, this captaine and all the men of the towne were put to the sword, but the women and children were carried away captiue. Howbeit after the towne was sacked, the wall thereof remained entire, by reason it was built of most hard stone, and that a woonderfuU thicknes, though in some places it seemeth to be ruined, which (I thinke^ might be caused by an earthquake. Not farre from this towne are diuers monuments of antiquitie like vnto sepulchers, wherein are founde sundrie peeces of siluer coine, adorned with certaine letters and hieroglyphicall figures, the interpretation whereof I could neuer finde out« Of the prouince of Biledulgerio, FRom the territorie of Pescara this prouince extendeth it selfe vnto the Isle of Gerbi, and one part thereof, in which Cafsa and Teusar are situate, is almost three hundred miles distant from the Mediterran sea. It is an extreme hot and drie place, bringing foorth no corne at all, but great plenty of dates, which bicause they are speciall good, are transported vnto the kingdome of Tunis. Here are diuers townes and cities, which we will describe in their due place.*^ Of the towne of Teusar, THis ancient towne built by the Romans vpon the Numidian desert, neere vnto a certaine riuer spring- ing foorth of the southren mountaines, was enuironed with HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 795 most stately & impregnable wals, and had an ample territorie thereunto belonging, but it was since so destroied by the Mahumetans, that now instead of the woonted sumptuous palaces thereof it containeth nought but base cottages. The inhabitants are exceeding rich both in wares and money, for they haue many faites euerie yeere ; whereunto resort great numbers of merchants from Numidia and Barbarie. The foresaid riuer diuideth the towne into two parts, one whereof being inhabited by the principall gentlemen and burgo-masters, is called Fatnasa : and in the other called Merdes dwell certaine Arabians, which haue remained there euer since the towne was destroyed by the Mahumetans. They are at continuall ciuill wars among themselues, and will performe but little obedience to the king of Tunis : for which cause he dealeth alwaies most rigorously with them.^ Of the towne of Caphsa. THe ancient towne of Caphsa built also by the Romans, had for certaine yeeres a gouernour of their owne : but afterward being sacked by one Hucba a Captaine of Hutmen Califa^ the walles thereof were razed to the ground ; but the castle as yet remaineth, and is of great force ; for the wall thereof being fiue and twentie cubits high, and fiue cubits thick, is made of excellent stones, like vnto the stones of Vespasians Amphitheatre at Rome. Afterward the towne-walles were reedified, and were destroyed againe by Mansor^ who hauing slaine the Gouernour of the towne and all the inhabitants, appointed a new Gouernour ouer the same place. Now this towne is verie populous, all the houses thereof, except the temple and a few other buildings, being verie deformed and base, and the streets are paued with blacke stones, like vnto the streets of Naples and Florence. The poore inhabitants are continually oppressed with the exactions of the king of 3 E 2 796 THE SIXTH BOOKE OF THE Tunis. In the middest of the towne are certaine square, large, and deepe fountaines walled round about, the water whereof is hot and vnfit to bee drunke, vnlesse it be set an hower or two a cooling. The ayre of this place is verie vnholesome, insomuch that the greatest part of the inhabitants are continually sicke of feuers. People they are of a rude and illiberall disposition, and vnkinde vnto strangers : wherefore they are had in great contempt by all other Africans. Not far from this towne are fields abounding with dates, oliues, and pome-citrons : and the dates and oliues there are the best in all the whole prouince : here is likewise most excellent oyle. The inhabitants make themselues shooes of buckes leather.^^ Oftfte castles of Nefzaoa. THree castles there are of this name being well stored with inhabitants, but verie homely built, and oppressed with the king of Tunis his continuall exactions. And they are distant from the Mediterran sea, about fiftie miles.** 0/ the region of Teorregu, THis little territory belonging to the kingdome of Tripolis, & bordering vpon the desert of Barca, containeth three castles of the same name, which abound greatly with dates, but haue no come at all. The inhabitants being farre distant from other townes and cities, lead a most miserable life.^ Of the territorie of lasliten, IT lieth vpon the Mediterran sea, and containeth many villages abounding with dates. The inhabitants because they dwell so neere the sea, haue great trafiique with the people of Sicilie and Egypt.^ HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 797 Of the region of Gadenus, THis large region hauing many castles & villages therin, standeth southward of the Mediterran sea almost three hundred miles. The inhabitants being rich in dates and all other kinde of merchandise, and trafficking into the land of Negros, pay tribute vnto the Arabians ; albeit for a certaine time they were subiect vnto the king of Tunis, and the Prince of Tripolis. Corne and flesh are maruellous scarce here.** Of the region of Fezzen, THis ample region containing great store of castles and villages, and being inhabited with rich people, and bordering vpon the kingdome of Agadez, the Libyan desert, and the land of Egypt, is distant from Cairo almost threescore daies iourney : neither is there any village in all that desert besides Augela, which standeth in the bounds of Libya. This region of Fezzen hath a peculiar gouemour within it selfe, who bestoweth the reuenues of the whole region according to his owne discretion, and payeth some tribute vnto the next Arabians. Of corne and flesh heere is great scarcitie, so that they are constrained to eat camels flesh onely.^ A description of the deserts of Libya^ and first of Zanhaga, FAuing hitherto described all the regions of Numidia, let vs now proceed vnto the description of Libya; which is diuided into fiue parts, as we signified in the beginning of this our discourse. We will therefore begin at the drie and forlorne desert of Zanhaga, which bor- dereth westward vpon the Ocean sea, and extendeth 798 THE SIXTH BOOKE OF THE eastward to the salt-pits of Tegaza, northward it abutteth vpon Sus, Haccha, and Dara, regions of Numidia ; and southward it stretcheth to the land of Negros, adioyning it selfe vnto the kingdomes of Gualata and Tombuto. Water is here to be found scarce in an hundred miles trauell, being salt and vnsauorie, and drawen out of deepe wcls, especially in the way from Segelmesse to Tombuto. Here are great store of wilde beasts and creeping things, whereof we will make mention in place conuenient In this region there is a barren desert called Azaoad, wherein neither water nor any habitations are to be found in the space of an hundred miles ; beginning from the well of Araoan, which is distant from Tombuto about 150. miles. Here both for lacke of water and extremitie of heat, great numbers of men and beasts daily perish.^^ Of the desert inftabited by the people called Zuenziga. THis desert beginneth westward from Tegaza, extending eastward to the desert of Hair which is inhabited by the people called Targa : northward it bordereth vpon the deserts of Segelmesse, Tebelbelt, and Benigorai ; and southward vpon the desert of Ghir, which ioineth vnto the kingdome of Guber. It is a most barren and comfortlesse place : and yet merchants trauell that way from Telensin to Tombuto : howbeit many are found lying dead vpon the same way in regard of extreme thirst Within this desert there is included another desert called Gogdem, where for the space of nine daies ioumey not one drop of water is to be found, vnlesse perhaps some raine falleth : wherefore the merchants vse to carrie their water vpon camels backes.^ HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 799 Of the desert inhabited by the people called Targa. THis desert beginneth westward vpon the confines of Hair; and extendeth eastward to the desert of Ighidi ; northward it bordereth vpon the deserts of Tuath, Tegorarin, and Mezab, and is inclosed southward with a certaine wildemesse neere vnto the kingdome of Agadez. It is a place much more comfortable and pleasant then the two deserts last described ; and hath great plentie of water, also neere vnto Hair. The ayre is maruellous holesome, and the soyle aboundeth with all kinde of herbes. Not farre from Agadez there is found great store of Manna, Great store of ^ ^ Manna, which the inhabitants gather in certaine little vessels, carrying it while it is new unto the market of Agadez : and this Manna being mingled with water they esteeme very daintie and pretious drinke. They put it also into their pottage, and being so taken, it hath a maruellous force of refrigerating or cooling, which is the cause that here are so few diseases, albeit the ayre of Tombuto and Agadez be most vnwholesome and corrupt This desert stretcheth from north to south almost 300. miles.^® Of the desert inhabited by the people of Lemta. THE fourth desert beginning at the territorie of Ighidi and extending to another which is inhabited by the people called Berdoa, bordereth northward vpon the deserts of Techort, Guarghala, and Gademis, and south- ward vpon the kingdome of Cano in the land of Negros. It is exceeding drie, and verie dangerous for merchants trauelling to Constantina. For the inhabitants chalenge vnto themselues the signiorie of Guargala : wherefore making continuall warre against the prince of Guargala, they oftentimes spoile the merchants of all their goods : and as many of the people of Guargala as they can catch, they kill without all pitie and compassion.^ 800 THE SIXTH BOOKE OF THE Of the desert inhabited by the people called Berdoa. THE fift desert beginning westward from the desert last mentioned, and stretching eastward to the desert of Augela, adioyneth northward vpon the deserts of Fezzen and Barca, and trendeth southward to the desert of Borno. This place is extremely drie also, neither haue any but the Gademites, which are in league with the people of Berdoa, safe passage through it : for the mer- chants of Fezzen, so often as they fall into their enimies hands, are deprived of all their goods. The residue of the Libyan desert, that is to say, from Augela to the riuer of Nilus is inhabited by certaine Arabians and Africans com- monly called Leuata : and this is the extreme easterly part of the deserts of Libya.®^ 0/ t/ie region of Nun. THis region bordering vpon the Ocean sea, containeth many villages and hamlets, and is inhabited with most beggerly people. It standeth betweene Numidia and Libya, but somewhat neerer vnto Libya. Here groweth neither barley nor any other corne. Some dates here are, but very vnsauorie. The inhabitants are continually molested by the Arabians inuasions : and some of them traffique in the kingdome of Gualata.®^ Of the region of Tegaza, Salt mines. T N this region is great store of salt digged, beeing whiter 1 then any marble. This salt is taken out of certaine caues or pits, at the entrance wherof stand their cottages that worke in the salt-mines. And these workmen are all strangers, who sell the salt which they dig, vnto certaine merchants that carrie the same vpon camels to the king- dome of Tombuto, where there would otherwise be extreme scarcitie of salt. Neither haue the said diggers of salt any HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 8oi victuals but such as the merchants bring vnto them : for they are distant from all inhabited places, almost ti^'entie daies ioumey, insomuch that oftentimes they perish for lacke of foode, whenas the merchants come not in due time vnto them : Moreouer the southeast winde doth so often blind them, that they cannot Hue here without great perill. I my selfe continued three daies amongst them, all which time I was constrained to drinke salt-water drawen out of certaine welles not far from the salt-pits.** Of the region of Angela. AVgela beeing a region of the Libyan desert, and distant fower hundred and fiftie miles from Nilus, containeth three castles, and certaine villages. Dates heere are great plentie, but extreme scarcitie of come, vnlesse it be brought hither by merchants out of Egypt. Through this r^ion lieth the way by the Libyan desert from Mauritania to Egypt.** Of the towne of Serte. SErte an ancient towne built (according to the opinion of some) by the Egyptians ; of others, by the Romans ; and (as some others suppose) by the Africans, was at length destroied by the Mahumetans, albeit Ibnu Rachich affirmeth the Romans to haue sacked it But now there is nought remaining but onely a few mines of the walL*^ Of the region of Berdeoa. BErdeoa a region situate in the midst of the Libyan desert, and standing almost fiue hundred miles from Nilus, containeth three castles and fiue or six villages, abounding with most excellent dates. And the said three castles were discouered eighteene yeeres agoe by one Hamar in manner following : the carouan of merchants 802 HISTORIE OF AFRICA. wandering out of the direct way, had a certaine blinde man in their companie which was acquainted with all AwhoUearo- those regions: this blinde euide riding foremost vpon uan conducted ^, *;, ,,,,-,. by a blinde his camell, Commanded some sand to pe giuen him at them by sent euery milcs end, by the smell whereof he declared the Thu present the situation of the placc : but when they were come within Mwra^oare fortie miles of this region, the blinde man smelling of the ^tZfu^n^ sand, affirmed that they were not farre from some places fuZ!' ^ ^'''^' inhabited ; which some beleeued not, for they knew that they were distant from Egypt fower hundred and eightie miles, so that they tooke themselues to be neerer vnto Augela. Howbeit within three daies they found the said three castles, the inhabitants whereof woondering at the approch of strangers, and being greatly astonied, presently shut all their gates, and would giue the merchants no water to quench their extreme thirst But the merchants by maine force entred, and hauing gotten water sufficient, betooke themselues againe to their ioumie.®® Of the region of Alguechet ALguechet also being a region of the Libyan desert, is from Egypt an hundred and twenty miles distant Here are three castles and many villages abounding with dates. The inhabitants are black, vile, and couetous people, and yet exceeding rich : for they dwell in the mid way betweene Egypt and Gaoga. They haue a gouemour of their owne, notwithstanding they pay tribute vnto the next Arabians.^ Here endeth tfte sixth booke. NOTES TO BOOK VI. (i) Gar, "a cavern" — perhaps Gheriah, Garria, or Geria, on the shores of the Greater Syrtes, but the description is too vague for so insignificant a place to be accurately identified {Delia Cella^ p. 80). Marmol, who seems to have known it, describes Gar as unfortified, with a ruined wall and tower, and *' what some call the Cisteme". It was inhabited by Berbers subject to the Chief of Tajuira (Tachore). (2) The same remark applies to Gar el-Gare, and though the quarries ought to afford a clue to the locality, it is not mentioned by Marmol, Delia Cella, Barth, the Beecheys, or any other writer known to me. The Gara (or Gala of Ptolemy) is a small islet off Ain Naga, close to the shore of the Greater Syrtes (Syrtes Magna). There are great quarries at the ruins of Ksar Yahilye (which may be " Garell- gare ") to the west of Tripoli, and the sanctuary of " El-Gar " in the district of Zenzur is close at hand beside a ruined castle. Caverns are frequent along the coast. (3) Sarman is described by Marmol as a large open town, well- peopled by Hoarsa Berbers, who recognised the Tripoli authorities, and who had plenty of dates. It is, in all probability, the modem Aserman, a village scattered among the date palms. (4) The Zauia, or Sanctuary of Sidi Barhab, near Zenzur, the Zaort or Zauit ben Giarbu of Marmol. (5) Zenzur— a poor place, still in the rich, well- watered district of the same name, which contains four or five thousand people. It is the Gienzor of Marmol. (6) Hamron of Marmol, an open village in his day. There is a market gardeners' village of this name. (7) Tajiura, Tajuia, Tadschura, the Tachore of Marmol, Taguira of Delia Cella and the Beecheys ; a series of scattered villages, sur- rounded by gardens, date palms and olive groves ; the people are occupied in agriculture or market gardening, and in making coarse barracans (the representation of the Morocco jellaba), and mats of the date palm leaves. 804 NOTES TO BOOK VL (8) Mecellat of Marmol, the great Plain of Mesellata, still well populated and prosperous, and celebrated for the industry of its people. The Castle of Mesellata at the northern end of the village of Kasabat (" the castle ") was probably erected by the Spaniards, at the end of the sixteenth century. — Barth, Travels^ etc., vol. i, p. 77. (9) Mesurata, Msarata, Mezrata, a large plain covered with olives and date palms, the chief town of which is called Mesurata, about a mile from the extremity of Cape Mesurata. It occupies the site of the ancient Thubactis municipium. The Mezurateens, who live in small detached houses, are mostly agriculturists. But they also manufacture carpets, and send caravans to Fezzan and the Sudan. They have played a warlike part in the turmoils of Tripoli. (10) Barca still bears the name which the Arab invaders adopted from the Romans, who are said to have taken it, in turn, from an ancient city called "Barce", which was built by Battus, son of Arcesilas, King of Egypt, and afterwards destroyed by Amasis. — Herodotus^ lib. iv ; StrabOj lib. xvii ; Ptolemy^ lib. iv, c. 4 ; Pomponius Mela^ lib. i, c. 8. The promontory of Barca, and the modem El-Mergi or El- Medina, recalls the ancient Barca and its port of Ptolemais, the modern Tolemeta. This district was the Greek Cyrenaica and the country Pentapolis — " the Land of the Five Cities. But Leo is too liberal in comprising under Barca all the country between Mesurata and Egypt, and in stating, as the natives still do, that the ^' Desert of Barca", was uninhabited until the Arabs came to Africa. In reality, here were flourishing Greek and Roman colonies, with cities to whose former splendour their ruins attest, and a soil rivalling that of Egypt in fertility. Much of it is sandy, and tracts once cultivated are now permitted, either from lack of irrigation or the desert encroach- ment, to return to barrenness. But the Barca promontory, instead of being " a sandy or rocky waste, with a few rare oases", is described by Sir Lambert Playfair as consisting " of a succession of wooded hills and smiling prairies, well watered by rain and perennial springs : the climate is healthy and cool even during the summer months, and the moist sea breezes blowing over it protect the country from the devastating wind of the desert". Leo, no doubt, describes Serte as an ancient city, the builders of which some believed to be the Egyptians and others the Romans, from which {fnter alia) it is clear he had not seen the place in question ; otherwise with his Italian experience he would at once have seen that the Egyptians could have had nothing to do with the sculptures then more in evidence than now. He also grossly exaggerates the length and breadth of the region he takes to be Barca. It is from this erroneous description of Leo's that the persistent modem impression of "the district and desert of NOTES TO BOOK VI. 8oS Barca " has been derived. Yet had Herodotus been accepted as an authority, it would be seen that he describes the region as not only not barren throughout, but in places remarkable for its fertility. The Beecheys indeed characterise the present inhabitants as a healthy, good-looking race, though, as their treatment of Rohlfs' expedition proved, still as treacherous and predatory as Leo described. — Rohlfs, Reise von Tripoli nach Alexandrien (1871) ; Borsari, Geog, etnol. e Storica delta Trifiolitana, Cyrenaica e Fezzan^ pp. 159 et seq, ; Beechey, Report^ etc., p. 266. (11) There is some slip of the pen here, for Pory rightly marks the passage. Sus (p. 248) and Guzula (p. 281) have already been described in Morocco. Capes {Gabes^ p. 760) is in Tunis, but " Hel- chemna" (Elchemma) is not so clear : it is not mentioned under that name in any other part of Leo's narrative. (12) Tesserit, Tenzert, or Tichert. Perhaps Tizzert and Tizzut are different places. (13) For "Elmath'V see Edrisi (ed. Hartmann), p. 130. The addux antelope is, in the language of the Northern Tuaregs, el- mehd» — Duveyrier, Les Touaregs du Nord^ p. 225, Marmol describes Guaden as a large open village, which he visited with the Shereef Mohanmied. The people of it trafficked with the Portuguese at Arguin, a statement a little difficult to credit, unless the village lay much farther south than Leo puts it. The place, if not Wadan (Ouadan), a short journey from Arguin, may be Wad Nun — Renou, ExpL Scientifique de VAlgiriCy t. ii, p. 281. (14} Also called Ofran, Oufran, Offeran, and under these names known to the Morocco traders. Marmol calls it Ufaran. The in- habitants traded in Leo's day with Agadir or Gartguessem (p. 253) the Carguesse of MarmoL Cochelet enumerates 150 houses, the popula- tion being half Jewish. — Naufrage du brick franqcds La Sophie perdus U 30 mai 1819, sur la cSie occidentale d^A/rique^ etc., t. ii, p. 331. (15) The Aca of Marmol, the well-known oasis of Akka. Lenz, Timbuktu^ vol. i, p. 85, vol. ii, p. 6. {16) Dra, Drah, Draa. In summer this river is almost dry, and the Debaia, an expansion on its upper course, which has been described as a " great lake", becomes a Sebka or marsh. Indeed, it is filled with water for only a short period of the year, and at times can be culti- vated for quick-growing crops. (17) The Beni Sbih, an important place in the district of Ktaua visited by Rohlfs. Ktaua is evidently MarmoPs Quiteoa, while Tan- zetta is his Tinzeda. He also mentions Taragale, Tinzulin (Rohlfs* 8o6 NOTES TO BOOK VI. TunsuHn), Tamegrut, Tabemost (perhaps Tabemoust), Afra, and Timesquit (probably Rohlfs' Mesgeta, or Mezquitta, or Tineskit, the Berber name for a mosque). Mouette's Lafera, a cavernous mountain in the vicinity of Zaimby, called by Marmol Taragale, or Taragalelt, or TareggMet, is the Jebel Sagora. — Rohlfs, Mein Erster Aufenthalt in Marokko (Dritte Ausgabe), p. 440 ; De Castries, " Notice sur la region de Toued Drai," BulL de Soc, Giog, Paris^ December 1880, p. 497. (18) Sigilmdsiyah, Segelmessa, Sigilmassa, Sugulmesse, Sedschel- mesa, has been always reckoned as practically synonymous with Tafilet, as indeed it is, the place being spoken of long after it was destroyed and its successor established in its stead. But, in reality, though the area of the modem kingdom of Tafilet — the cradle of the present dynasty of Morocco— is nearly coterminous with that of Segelmessa, the two towns are quite distinct, as are also the past and the present divisions of the country. The history of the town of Segelmessa is much the same as that of the country. It was founded, according to El-Bekri, not by the Romans, but in A.H. 140 (a.d. 757), at the period when the Khalifs of Cordova declared themselves independent of the Khalifs of the East, and caused the ruin of the towns of Terra (Berah) and Ziz. After being successively under the rule of Yussuf Ben Tashfin and Abd el-Mumen, the civil wars during the reign of the Beni-Marini ended in the ruin of the city, the inhabitants retreating into detached Kusiir (plural of Ksar), which they erected in different oases. These really constitute the modem Tafilet. Yet long after the place had lost all its former importance and had even ceased to exist, Arab and European writers copying them, spoke of Segelmessa as only another name for Tafilet. Leo does so, and Marmol, after copying all that Leo says about Tafilet, adds that it is an ancient Berber town, built on a sandy plain, and of some commercial importance. Walckenaer {Recherches^ p. 285), D'Avezac {fitudeSy p. 162), and Cooley {Negroland^ p. 5) actually contended that the two names were really those of the same city. Graberg de Hemso {SpecchiOy pp. 63, 64), a most uncritical writer, was in this case more accurate. But as late as a.h. 1218 (a.d. i 803) Abu-1-Kllsim ben Ahmed EzziAni refers to an army under Dahman Essoueda, Amil of the Sahara, marching to Segelmessa. Mr. Harris describes the Tafilet ksars as large and strongly fortified, and possessing each one a gate at which the stranger is keenly scratinised by the " boab", or door- keeper. The mins of Segelmessa are in the district of Wad Ifii, and bear evidence to the city having been a large one. Nothing now remains of its former greatness but crumbling walls, a mosque and minaret in tolerable repair, and a broken-down bridge over the Wad Ziz. "Tabia" seems to have been chiefly used in its constmction, { NOTES TO BOOK VI. 807 and there are few traces of stone buildings. The very name of the town seems to have disappeared with its greatness ; for, though the fame of " Segelmessa" is remembered, its ruins are known as Medinat ul-'imira — " the Royal City". The canal made to carry the water supply from the deep river-bed to the town is of such unusually good workmanship that the water still flows fast and clear between its well-formed banks, and several little bridges in good repair cross the ditch. Yet Segelmessa in its lowly condition is still revered for what it was ; and twice a year, on the 'Id el-Kebir and the 'Id es-Saghir, the two great Moslem feasts, a large concourse of people meet to pray at the MusalliL, or "place of prayer** near the old mosque, which has been a silent witness of so many unwritten events in the lurid history of Morocco. Major Raverty tells us that it is mentioned, among other Arabic documents, in the Maslik wa Mamdlik^ and about A.D. 950 Ibn Haukal {^Oriental Geog,y p. 17) refers to it as distant nearly fifty "merhalah" (or days' journey) from Kairwan. Edrisi mentions " Segelmesa", under which name it is also referred to by Ibn el-Wardi. Abu-1-feda, on the authority of Ibn Said, describes " Sedgelmasah" (Solvet's ed., p. 67 ; Reinaud's ed, t. ii, p. 189) as the capital of a considerable province watered by a river bordered with gardens. It had eight gates, and by whichever of them the traveller passed out he saw the river, date palms, and other trees. A wall of forty miles in circumference surrounded city and gardens alike. The Obaidian Ismailian, or Fatimite dynasty of Egypt rose to power here (a.d. 909, A.H. 296) in the person of Obaid Allah al-Mahdi, who on the 8th of Rabi' ul-Awwal, a.h. 297 (November, a.d. 910), was proclaimed Khalifa. It is not until early in the sixteenth century that Tafilet is generally spoken of by the Moorish historians. In 1530 the Shereefs Ahmed and Mohammed occupied Tafilet and left a garrison there. Tafilet, Tafilelt, or Tafililt is, however, a comparatively modem name, and is said, according to a local legend, to be derived from a Shereef who settled here, or at Faja, and taught the Berbers to fertilise the dates which had hitherto produced little fruit— a circum- stance which gave the Shereefs a monopoly of date-planting. In memory of this public benefactor, Faja, even then a considerable place, was named Filil, after his birthplace in Arabia, and by Berber orthography it became Fafilelt and its inhabitants Filili — or Fild el- Fil^i, as they are called in Algeria. The present Imperial dynasty is the Fil&li, its founder having been a Shereef of this still favourite retreat of his descendants. This legend is perhaps substantially correct, except in ascribing to the FilAl Shereef the fecundation of dates : for, though he might have introduced some improvement in the culti- vation of a fruit which is now the almost sole wealth of the oases, and is sent for the most part to England, he could not have quite done 8o8 NOTES TO BOOK VI. what the exaggeration of ages attributes to him, since in the neighbour- ing countries, well known to the Berbers of this region, the Romans grew dates, exactly as their successors do at this moment. — Renou, Exploration Sdentifique de PAlg^rie, t. viii, p. 129 ; and in addition to Mr. Harris's paper {Geog, Journal^ April 1895, vol. v, pp. 317-336) ; Delbrel, " Notes sur le Tafilet"; BulL Soc. Gdog, Paris^ t xv (1894), pp. 109-227 (with caution) ; De Castries, BulL Soc, Giog. PariSy April 1867, p. 337 ; Rohlfs, Reise durch Marokko, etc. (Vierte Ausgabe), pp. 60, ei seq, ; Cailli^, Travels through Central Africa^ etc- (Eng. Trans.), vol. ii, pp. 174, et seq, \ " On the Vicissitudes of Segel- messa", Notices etExtraitSy t. xii, pp. 600, etseq, ; and Raverty, Geog. Journal^ vol. vi (August 1895), p. 189. Major Ravert/s letter contains a valuable series of notes on ** Sigilmasiyah". But it quotes Leo incorrectly in saying that he refers to " Tafilat" as famous for dates. Leo does not mention the name. (19) In Leo's day, the province of Segelmessa extended from Gher- seluin for nearly 120 miles, according to the boundaries he indicates. (20) This is a defile "40 miles" long (according to Leo's over- estimate) between Tamrakescht (Tamaracrost, Tamaroc of Cailli^) and Ksar es-Suk, called Kheneg, a name applied to several canon- like glens in Southern Morocco. The one under consideration is noticed by the " Imam el-'Aiachi " in his journey made in A.D. 1662-63 {ExpL Sdentifique de VAlgdrie^ vol. ix, p. 6). It is also mentioned in the native itineraries printed by D'Avezac, Etudes de Giog. critique sur une partie de PAfrique Sept.y p. 160. (21) Medrara, Metrara, Mdaara, Mdaghra,or Medgharah (///Vf^rary of Ahmedel-Melsyuni ; W \vt,z9s:y Etudes de Giog, critique ^ etc., p. 60), a well-known oasis with about forty ksars. — De Foucauld, Recon- naissance au MaroCj pp. 227, 233, etc. (22) Reteb, Reseb, or Ertib. It is noticed under that name by El-'Aiachi {lib, dt,^ p. 9) as early as 1662, and in D'Avezac's native itineraries {Etudes de Giog, critique, p. 160). Marmol calls it Retel, or Arratane, and remarks that it was inhabited by the " Antgariz " Berbers, who spoke a corrupt dialect of the Berber language. (23) In the Tafilet country "castles" or ksars— that is, fortified villages — are very numerous, as noticed by El-'Aiachi more than two centuries ago — that voyager, however, still describing the country as Segelmessea {Expl. Sdent, de PAlgirie, t. ix, pp. xxxi, 9, 10). Tene- gent (Teneguent), Tebru'acant (Tebuhasan of Leo, Tebua^ant of Marmol), and Mimum, misprinted " Meniun", ut infra (Ksar el- Mdmun), are all known from native itineraries or by actual observation. NOTES TO BOOK VI. 809 M. Delbrel describes the ksars and dwellings of Tafilet as all " built by earth mixed with dung" — a kind of " tabia" or concrete. (24) There is no proof that the Romans had anything to do with Segelmessa. But in quoting El-Bekri ("Becri") for the first time Leo is incorrect, as that historian puts its foundation in a.d. 757. " The common people " who are fond of attributing works to the "Two-Homed Isckander" (Alexander), may, however, have enter- tained the absurdity mentioned ; see note 18. (25) This is, perhaps, "Zuaihila'*; but it is not now known to be in existence. It is the Suahyla of Marmol {LAJrique^ t. iii, p. 22), who describes it as close to the River Ziz, which forms a large lake in the Sahara sands. This "sebka" forms at times (under the name of Daia et Daura), but is not constant. (26) (H)umeledgr is not now known to be in existence. (27) Umelhefet, as the name probably was, is not known to any traveller, or to any visitor whom I have had an opportunity of questioning. Marmol, who calls it Vmelhefel, and repeats Leo^s description, mentions that it was garrisoned by the Shereef 's people, who levied a quarter of an escu (crown) for every camel, and from the Jews who visited the place the same taxes as they were accustomed to pay when the Ksar was under an Arab Sheikh. This is, however, a mere variation of Leo's account. (28) Tebelbelt is mentioned in the Itinerary of Mohammed, a Shereef of Feda, as three days' journey from that place, and one from Tidelkelt, the principal place in the Tuat oasis. Caillie also notes "Tabelbat" as six days' journey east of Mimsina {Journal (tun Voyage^ etc., t. iii, p. 54). — Renou, ExpL Scientifique de PAlgdrie^ t. viii, p. 142. (29) Todgha, or Todga district, and the Wad Todgha, or Todra (as De Foucauld spells it), are both well known. — Reconnaissance au Maroc^ p. 223, etc Mr. Harris visited the locality in 1893. — Geog. Joumaly vol. v, pp. 327, 328. (30) The modem Ferkla, on the Wad Todgha (Map 16 of De Foucauld, Reconnaissance au Maroc, pp. 223, 224, 356, etc.). (31) Tazarin, on a tributary of the Draa. The district is an oasis, larger and better peopled than Todgha. Its ksars are inhabited by Sheila Berbers. There are no Jews in the district, but a ruined Mellah at Ait Abbariul is a proof of their former residence. (De Foucauld, Reconnaissance^ etc, p. 364.) It is the Tezerin of Marmol, who adds that here were the ruins of two towns destroyed by the first 3F 8lO NOTES TO BOOK VI. Arab hordes who entered Africa : but their name was not known. This, too, is a mere variation on Leo's account Tezzerin is not an uncommon name in Barbary. (32) Beni Gumi, according to Marmol, had eight ksars and fifteen open villages, the inhabitants of which were poor and sought employ- ment in Fez, where they filled the humblest offices. No locality bearing that name is known in the vicinity of the Wad Gir ; and it is scarcely permissible to accept Quatrem^^re's suggestion that the " Tenhhayimyn" of El-Bekri {Notices et extratts, etc., p. 173) is really "Bendjamin", which by another corruption became Beni Gumi. Besides, the one name is as little known as the other at the present day. Marmol makes the blunder of putting the distance of the Beni Gumi as 50 leagues, instead of 150 miles, to the south-east of Segel- messa. (33) These ksars cannot be satisfactorily identified, and, like many similar wasps'-nests in this region, may very probably have been destroyed since Leo's day. The Uled Bu Anan country is on the upper Ghir in the vicinity of EI-Bahariat. (34) Perhaps Ksar, the castle or fortified place (?) The presence of antimony and lead mines ought to help us to identify the locality. Antimony (kohl) is commonly sold in Fez, and is described as being brought from beyond the Atlas. But the exact spot, either through ignorance, or quite as likely unwillingness to impart information, could never be ascertained by me. (35) The situation of Beni-Besseri is still very uncertain, in spite of ils iron mine. (36) Guachde or Gualde of Marmol cannot now be identified. (37) The oasis of Figig, or Figiug, is well known ; it is likely to figure extensively in the political complications of the future as a point whence a force could advance from Algeria upon Fez. — Vtnoi^ BulL de Soc, G^og. Par/'j (October, 1881), p. 273, and map; Ibid,^ January, 1872 ; Castries, Idid,, 1882, 2e trimestre, p. 401 (with maps). (38) Tesebit, Tecevin of Marmol, is the Te(jibet of El-'Aiachi. (39) "Tegorarin" (Tiguririn) is in El-Aiachi's Itinerary written Tedjourarin. Tegoririn is the ancient Berber name of Gurira, a well-known town and district. — Bissuel, Le Sahara Frcmqais {i^\)y p. 13, et seq, : Carette, Expl. Scientifique de PAlgMe^ t. ii, pp. 102-3, etc M. Carette, and M. Renou following him, affirms that Tegoaren is the Berber plural of Gurira. In reality the plural is Grain — Deporter, Extreme Sud de PAlgMe (1890), p. 105. i NOTES TO BOOK VI. 8ll In A.H. 989 (a.d. 1581-82), though De Slane translating the same passage n\akes the event to have happened in A.H. 998 ( A. D. 1588-89). Abu-1-Abbds Ahmed el-Mansur (Ahmed Sherif) sent an army under the Kaids Ahmed ben Barka (Bereka) and Ahmed ben El-Haddid £1-Ghamri El-Ma4kili to subdue Tiguririn and Juat.— De Slane, " Conqudte du Soudan par les Marocains en Tan 998 ( 1 588-89 de J.C.)'' ; Revue Africcdne^ N0.I4, t i, p. 288 ; ^\Q\xh^\^ Nozket ElhdcUy pp. 154, 155, 173- (40) The M'zab country consists of five oases, and contains about 40,000 people, owning 200,000 date palms. In 1882 the country was annexed to Algeria. Gurira or Guerara, a prosperous — almost luxurious — Saharan town, is included in the M'zab (note 39). — Tris- tram, The Great Sahara^ p. 195. (41) Tuggurt, a prosperous town, built for the most part of sun- dried bricks, still bears traces of its former connection with Tunis. It is now part of Algeria, but of the population of 8,000 very few are Europeans. Tuggurt (Tougourt, Tekkert, Ticart, Ticurti, Techor, Tacort, Teggourt, Ticarte, Tuggart), the capital of the Wad Rir, was formerly under the fJEunily of Yussef Ibii Obeid Allah, and until lately Under that of the Beni-Jellib, who were related to the Beni-Marini. In A.D. 1341-42, Mohajnmed Ibn Hakim, the Beni Hafs general, after putting Biskra under tribute, sacked and, it is believed, destroyed Tuggurt, the site of which was more than a mile firom the present town. Haedo tells us that in 1552 Salah Reis of Algiers took "Ticart", plundered it, and sold 12,000 of the inhabitants into slavery. Two hundred years later (1789) Sallah, Bey of Constantine, after a six months' siege, only spared it from destruction on Sheikh Ferrat's payment of a heavy ransom. In 1821, the Tuggurt people, not paying their tribute regularly, were besieged by Ahmed el-Mameluk, Bey of Constantine, who was, however, repulsed. After the capture of Biskra in 1844, Tuggurt recognised the French authority, and, with the exception of revolts in 1854 and 1870, " the belly of the desert" has since then remained sulkily faithful to the masters of Algeria. — Piesse, Algdrie^ p. 322 ; Tristram, The Great Sahara^ p. 268, et seq. \ Duveyrier, Comptes rendus de la Soc, Gdog, Paris (iSS6\ No. i, p. 26. The Kasba is built of dressed stone, which is by some antiquaries taken as a proof of its Roman origin, in fact of its being the Turaphylum of Ptolemy ; but there is no evidence for this theory. Leo — probably following the Arab maxim that in the Sahara " he who is not reaped by the sword sees days without end" — says nothing about the marshes and salt lakes near Tuggurt, which in April give rise to a most malignant fever. (42) Wargla (Ouargla), Guerguela and Guerguelen (Marmol), Huerguela(Hacdo), Ou^rkeldn (Edrisi), Vareklan (Hartmann), Ouir- 3 F 2 8l2 NOTES TO BOOK VI. quelan (El-Bekri), Wurglah (Shaw), Wargalah (Shales), Wurgelah (Hodgson), Guargala or Huerguela (Gramaye, according as he copies Leo or Haedo), Ouergelah (D'Avezac, Etudes de GSog. Critique^ p. 27). This is an old town ; its citizens, indeed, declare it to be the oldest in the Sahara. Ibn Khaldoun mentions that Ibn Yezid, the Nekanti, took refuge here in A.H. 325 (a.d. 957), and in A-D. 1372 the re- bellious Abu Zeiyan made a stand in Wargla. Abu Zekeria, of the Beni-Hafsi, was amazed at the prosperity of the town, and reared in it a mosque which bears the name of its founder, and which, when El-Aiachi visited the town in A.D. 1663, was the most notable object in it. Many M'zab inhabit the city, but none are found in the Beni-Braham quarter, all those who lived there having been massacred in one night (1652). — Colomieu, Tour du Monde {iZ62,\ pp. 161-208 ; Demaeght, Bull, Soc. Giog, Oran^ vol. i, p. 82 ; Holland, Rem^e Scientifiquey January 6th, 1883, etc. (43) Zab, or Zibin, a number of oases, consisting in Ibn Khaldoun's day of Zab Shergi, Zab Gebli, and Zab Dahriwiiin, respectively on the East, South, and North. Urbain, "Les Zibans — Oases du Sahara Algerien", Revue de P Orient^ 1844, t. v, pp. 316-19^ Rasch, Nach den Oasen von Seban in der grossen Wuste Sahara (1866) ; Piesse, "Voyage aux Zibans", Bull, Trim, de Giog, Oran (1885), pp. 66-78. Ziban is pi. of Zab, from the Roman Savus, the Wad Jedi, " the river of the Kid" (of Shaw), flowing from W. to E. from El-Aghut towards Biskra (Playfair, Bib, of Algeria^ No. 4391). Zab was the Zebe or Zabe of the ancients, once a part of Mauritania Sitifensis (Procopius, De Bello Vandalico^ lib. xi, c. 20). (44) Biskra, Biscara of Shaw, Biskra en-Nokkel (Biskra among the Palms) of the Arabs, a well-known oasis, becoming rapidly a favourite watering-place. Biskra was the Ad Piscinam of the Romans. In Ibn Khaldoun's day it was the capital of the 21ab, and El-Bekri describes it as rich in dates and olives, surrounded by a wall and ditch, and containing many mosques and baths. Ibn Sai^, according to the information communicated to Abu-1-feda, mentions its trade in dates with Tunis and Bougie. Edrisi also takes note of it as a central spot, from and to which he reckons the distances of other places. Scorpions and other venomous animals are by no means unknown in the oases, but are not so troublesome as in Leo*s day ; and the " Biskris" are celebrated as snake-charmers, though most of the performers come from El-Faid and Chegga to the south. (45) Borgi, or Bourg of the " Carte des R^gences d' Alger et de Tunis", attached to Macarth/s French translation of Shaw ( Voyage dans la Rdgence d^Alger^ etc., 1830). NOTES TO BOOK VI. 813 (46) Nefta, an oasis town of Tunis, with 9,000 inhabitants, occu- pied in the growth of splendid dates, oranges, figs, and other fruits, and the weaving of wool into gauzy " sefsars", etc. An ancient city which preceded Nefta, but is now buried under the sands, may be the Aggar Selnepte, or Aggarsel-Nepte of the Peutinger Table^ mentioned as the Episcopus Neptitanus, or Neptensis. Nefta is sometimes called Mersat es-Sahira (the Desert Port), and a Kadi of Jerid declared to M. Tissot in 1853 that towards the close of the last century the remains of a ship had been found at Ghaltilln esh-Shurafi, the spot which tradition assigns for the port of Nefta on the Shatt el-Jerid. The barrage of the Wad Nefta is built of Roman hewn blocks of stone. Temple regarded Nefta as the Negeta of Ptolemy. — Temple, Excursions^ etc., vol. ii, pp. 172, 173; Tissot, La Province Romaine^ t, ii, 685, 686 ; Piesse, AlgMe et Tunisie^ p. 448. (47) This place is mentioned by Edrisi (Dozy and de Goeje's edition, p. 124) as Louhaca ; by Ibn Haukal as LiQha, or Lidja, and by El-Bekri as Tulka. But the difference is not great in reality, for the letter /, by which the name is begun by El-Bekri and Leo, is doubtless the Berber article. It is the Tulgah of Shaw, and the Taolgha of D'Avezac, who cites "Thoulqah" as El-Bekri's orthography. — Etudes de Giog, Critique^ etc., p. 74. (48) Dousan of Shaw. (49) Biledulgerio is a misprint for Biledulgerid, which, again, is a rude spelling of Bildd el-Jerid —the Dry Country. (50) Tozer, a Tunisian oasis town embosomed in date-palms, which form the chief source of the wealth of the 7,000 inhabitants. It occupies the site of Ptolemy's Tisurus (T/Vou^o;), the Thusurus of the Peutinger Table, In El-Bekri's day it was a fine town, with many mosques, bazaars, strong walls, and several gates. In one quarter Roman remains are often found. Wells, a basilica with several rows of columns, the base of a minaret, etc., are among the most prominent remnants of antiquity in a town which Shaw (who never saw it) declared would dissolve and drop to pieces were it subjected to a tolerably heavy shower of rain (see Introduction), This is, however, an exaggeration ; for though mud hovels are plentiful, the town con- tains some really substantial and even handsome houses. — Temple, Excursions^ etc., vol. ii, p. 272. (51) Kafsa, Gafsa, the Capsa in which Jugurtha took refiige, and out of the materials of which ancient town the modem one is largely built " Built of clay ... no antiquities" was about all that Bruce found to say about this town, which lies near the Wad Baiach. But since then some inscriptions have been found, and from Leo's description it would seem that in his day the Roman pavenknt was in 8 14 NOTES TO BOOK VI. existence. But nothing now remains of the marble porticos described by El-Bekri {Description de VAfrique^ p. 113). The bad character which Leo attributes to the citizens is taken from a libellous rhyming proverb of the Bilid el-Jerid : " Kafsa is miserable — its in- habitants are weary — its water blood — its air poison — ^you stay there a hundred years without making a friend." The place must, however, have always been of strategic importance, and from its position commercially advantageous. Taken by El-Mansur in the war which he carried on against Ishak el-Mayorki, it was dismantled after having arisen from the ruin which had more than once previously — notably when Marius wreaked his vengeance — overtaken it. The walls, then levelled, have not been rebuilt, but its citadel, one of the most curious specimens of ancient Arab architecture, still remains.— Tissot, La Province Romaine^ t. ii, pp. 664-673 ; Gu^rin, Voyage Archdologique^ t i, p. 272 ; Tourdu Monde^ 1885, t. ii, p. 415 ; 1886, pp. 193, 195, 197 ; Cagnat, Explorations^ t. iii, p. 66 ; Playfair, Travels in the Foot- steps ofBrucCy p. 267. (52) A group of little oases — Nefzdwa. (53) Teggery of Lyon {Travels in North Africa^ p. 239), the most southern town in Fezzan, is the Teg^rri of Barth {Travels ^ etc., vol. v, p. 442) ; a poor place, scarcely more than a village. (54) Yaslite of Marmol. As early as the seventh century the Ben Isliten were a Nefziwa tribe of Berbers, who had their home in the eastern part of Barbary. The Beni Isliten were also a division of the Ursettif, a great family of western Berbers. Many tribes mentioned by Ibn Khaldoun are now entirely extinct, or have co- alesced with others. The lasliten of Leo were likely the first men- tioned, and lay west of the Nefziwa country already mentioned. (55) Ghadames (the Cydamus of Pliny, according to an identifica- tion of D'Anville and Mannert) is still a great place of trade. Merchants from Timbuktu and Tuat meet here, and inhabitants of the town may be found at these places and at Kano, Katsena, and other centres in the Sudan. (56) Fezzan, the ancient Phazania or country of the Garamantes, now a Kdimakdmlik of the Vilayet of Tripoli, but, at the time Leo wrote, it was an independent state under the dynasty of Uled Mohammed. The last of the Uled Mohammed Sultans was killed in 181 1 by El- Mukkeni, a lieutenant of Yussuf Pasha, the last sovereign of the Karaminii dynasty of Tripoli. After being for twenty years under El-Mukkeni, Abd el-Jelil usurped the throne and kept the country in a ferment, until Bakir Bey of Tripoli defeated and slew him, and annexed Fezzan to the Ottoman empire. Muzuek is the present NOTES TO BOOK VI. 815 capital of the Kdimakdmlik. There is little trade, though until recently many slaves passed through the country to be surreptitiously sold in Tripoli and Tunis, and to reach Egypt through Augila (Augela). Indeed, only lately there were reports of slaves having come by way of Fezzan to Bengazi. Dates form the staple food ; camels are commonly eaten in this region, though too valuable to be utilised as an article of diet, if cheaper supplies can be obtained. (57) Gualata is Walata, the position of which puzzled the geo- graphers of eighty or ninety years ago. The Desert of Zanhaga is the country of the Zenega or Zanzaga of some early native itineraries. The desert, which Leo thus divides up after his usual plan of geographical nomenclature by the tribes inhabiting it, is, of course, the Sahara ; though, unlike some of his successors, he was well aware that it was not all sand nor even all desert. All he could have intended to indicate by the " Desert of Zanhaga '' was that the section of Berbers so-called extended at the time he wrote over the region of which the bounds were noted. — Renou, ExpL ScienH- fique de VAlg^rie^ t. ii, pp. 291, 292 ; Barth, Travels^ etc, vol. iv, pp. 591-594, V, 486. (58) Gogadem appears in Edrisi (ed. Jaubert, p. 260) as Cocaden in the Gerewah or Upper Nile. Mr. Cooley considers that the desert and town may have derived their name from Goghedem in the Atlas. In reality, the desert described by Leo seems to be the well-known drifting sands of Igidi, lying in the caravan route from Morocco to Timbuktu. The desert of Ghir may be Ibn Batuta's Kahir ; in any case, it is no doubt the desert country south of the Gir river. Guber is, as we shall see in Book vii, G6ber. (59) Targa, the now familiar Tuaregs or Tuariks, the roaming ** pirates of the desert", a Berber race. Targa is the name of their country, Targi of the inhabitants— fem., Targiyya. Tuireg is the plural of Targi. So Leo Africanus speaks of these tribes of the desert as " Tar- gha Popolo" — Richardson. Travels in the Great Sahara Desert^ vol. ii, p. 139. Richardson — who, however, spoke of Agades simply from hearsay — rightly characterises Leo's account of this part of Africa as extremely meagre and unsatisfactory. No mention is made of the TuAregs of Ghat, and " the story about the abundance of manna gathered in the districts of Aheer seems to have been inserted to please the Christian doctors of Rome ; at any rate, nothing of the kind is now seen or known at Aghadez. But with respect to foreigners who visit Aheer and 'Aghadez enjoying good health, I have no doubt the renegade is correct, for I have not heard of either of these places being unhealthy, their salubrity arising, we may imagine, from the elevation at which they are placed" {Jbid,^ vol. ii, p. 146). Leo's description may 8l6 NOTES TO BOOK VI. nevertheless be approximately correct, the desert whirlwinds not unfrequently strewing portions of Central Africa with lichen torn from the mountains ; and it has been suggested that these constitute the manna which is described as falling in the desert of the Exodus. The inin which exudes from the tamarisk of the Sinai Peninsula, and has generally been accepted as the manna of the Exodus, is still an article of commerce. " Fura", or " Ghusub", water drunk or supped, may be the " daintie and pretious drinke" described (Barth., Travels^ etc., vol. i, p. 414). But it is not made with manna, but by water being poured on Ghusub grain, after the grain — a species of millet {JPatdcum millia' ceum) — has been parboiled or otherwise prepared. A milky substance oozes from the kernels, and makes a very pleasant beverage, greatly esteemed for its cooling quality in summer. Sometimes a few dates are pounded with the ghusub. Gusub (Guegob) is, however, a sort of generic name applied by the Arabs to several plants. "Tuath" is Tuat, the oasis of that name. — Duveyrier, Les Tauareg du Nord^ p. 207. (60) The Lemta were in the middle ages a very powerful Berber race, and from them sprung the Lemtuna tribe, who gained for the Almoravides the throne of Morocco and much of the rest of North Africa. The Lemta occupied originally the western part of the Sahara contiguous to the Atlantic, their country extending from Morocco to the Niger. Splitting into a number of tribes, the area of the section bearing their name seems to have shrunk in Leo's days, though it was still very large. — Carette, ExpL ScienHfique de FAlgiriey t. iii, chap. v. (61) Berdoa is generally regarded (as D'Anville and Delisle suggested) as the same as Burgu or Burku ; as such it appears on RennelFs nmp attached to HommBXi^s Journal of Travels from Cairo to Mourzouk (1802), p. 158. In reality, it is a little further east near the Libyan desert, though the Berdoa (Bardoa, Birdeva, Berdeva) divide with the Touareg the distinction of being the nomads of the great African desert. They are of the Tibbu stock, or, as they call them- selves, Ted^ of which they are the most easterly branch. — Nachtigal, Sahara und Sudan, vol. ii, pp. 187- 191. (62) The Wad Nun country on the Atlantic, Leo having a habit of jumping about rather suddenly in the region which he is describing. Guaden we have tentatively identified as the town of Wad Nun. (63) Tegazza or Teghiza. Rennell suggested that it might be Tishit, where there are salt mines. Teghiza is described by El-Bekri {NoL et Ext., p. 436) as being two days from the Great Desert, over which passes the road from Ghdnah, and twenty from Segelroessa. Though there are many "salines" in NOTES TO BOOK VI. 817 that country, Cooley considers that Ghaza (at which the Morabite general, Abu Bekr ben Omar, purchased negro slaves, whom he sent to Spain in exchange for European slaves to recruit his army), was merely Teghdza, mutilated by the Spanish writers (Conde, Historia de la dominacion de ios Arabes en Espana^ etc., vol. ii, p. 86). When Ibn Batuta visited it in a.h. 753 (a.d. 1352) he found it a poor place, with no culture and few resources. The houses and mosque were built of blocks of salt-stone and roofed with camels' skins. There was no cultivation around the town ; all was sand, in which lay the salt mine (Ibn Batuta, ed. Defrdmery et Sanguinette, t. iv, p. 377). It is generally accepted that the wells called by Cailli^ {Journal d^un Voyage, etc, t. ii, p. 417) Trarzas, or Trasas, mark the site of Teghiza, though Cooley, with characteristic love of contradiction, inclines to think that they owe the name to the tribe which dug them. In all this region, on the caravan road through the desert to Morocco, there are many ruined towns, deserted owing to the decay of the salt trade. (64) Augila (Auy/Xa) was known to Herodotus as the centre of a district in which the Nasamones from the shores of the Great Syrtis gathered dates (Herodotus, iv, chap, clxxii). It is curious to find that when Pacho visited it in 1825, the nomades from the same district came in autumn to lay in a supply of dates at " Audjelah", just as their forefathers had done five hundred years B.C., and no doubt a great deal earlier {Voyages dans la Cyrinatque^ p. 263). Abu-1-feda (ed. Solvet, p. 29) simply mentions " Audjalah " (spelt with a jim and a ldm\ as an isle with dates and springs in the midst of the sands between Maghreb and the Wahat. Edrisi goes further, and characterises it as a populous little town, most of the inhabitants of which were merchants doing business with Negroland. Horniman, who was the first European to visit it in modem times, though he left but a meagre account, described the place as consisting (in 1798) of badly-built limestone houses of one story, lighted by the doors, and generally arranged round a small courtyard. The inhabitants for the most part follow sedentary occupations, though some travel with the caravans between Cairo and Murzak, in Fezzan. Round the town the sandy soil (being well watered) is tolerably fertile. But, as Leo says, com is so scarce as not to suffice for the people's wants, their supply being obtained by bartering sheep for it with the Bengazi Arabs. See also Beaufoy, Proc. African Assoc, chap. v. (65) This place is mentioned by Edrisi (ed. Hartmann, pp. 135, 294, 295, 296, 304, 305) as Sort, 246 geographical (230 Arabic) miles from Tripoli, which would place it near either Mahad Hassan or at Zaffian, or perhaps at Jedid, at all of which places there are piles of ruins. One of these is evidently Leo's Sert, though his 8l8 NOTES TO BOOK VI. details do not admit of localising it in a country foil of the vestiges of vanished cities. Abu-1-feda (ed. Solvet, p. 141) also describes the remains of Sort as east of a gulf called Rodaik, or Rodakiah, the Zadic Sinus of Edrisi, a bay too loosely indicated to admit of its identification. El-Bekri {Not, et £xtrai/s,etc.,t,xu, p. 45o)also notices it. The term Sort, or Sert, is not now applied by the Arabs to any town, but is merely used to desijjnate the tract of country which lies between Suleb and Barca. Within this district are the ruins of Medina, " /A^ city'', which also puts in a claim to be Sert. — Beechey, Proceedings^ etc., 150-154. Barth identifies it with Medinet Sultan, Wanderungen^ etc., pp. 334, 388. (66) This method of the guides piloting the " akkabaahs'' or caravans across the desert by smelling the earth is described by Pellow {Adventures^ etc., p. 198) and ]^.c\iSOTi {Account of Morocco^ p. 295). And Ibn Batuta, a much greater traveller than any of his successors, notes how on his journey into the Sudan, the conductor of the caravan with which he travelled, though more than half blind, never mistook the road. (67) The true orthography of " Alguechet" is Al Wehet— or Wahat — " the oasis". It is difficult to identify it with any of the Egyptian oases already noticed. lOHN LEO HIS SEUENTH BOOKE OF the Historic of Africa, and of the memorable things contained therein. W Iter tin he intreateth of the land of Negros, and of the confines of Egypt. ^Vr ancient Chroniclers of Africa,' to wit, Bichri and Meshudi knew nothing of the land of Negros but onely the regions of Guechet and Cano : for in their time all other places of the land of Negros were vndiscouered. But in the yeere of the Hegeira 380, by the meanes of a certaine Mahumetan which came into Barbarie, the residue of the said land was found out,^ being as then inhabited by great numbers of people, which liued a brutish and sauage life, without any king, gouer- nour, common wealth, or knowledge of husbandrie. Clad they were in skins of beasts, neither had they any peculiar wiues : in the day time they kept their cattell ; and when night came they resorted ten or twelue both men and women into one cottage together, using hairie skins instead of beds, and each man choosing his Icman which he had most fancy vnto. Warre they wage against no other nation, ne yet are desirous to trauell out of their owne countrie. Some of them performe great adoration vnto 820 THE SEUENTH BOOKE OF THE the sunne rising : others, namely the people of Gualata, worship the fire : and some others, to wit, the inhabitants of Gaoga, approch (after the Egyptians manner) neerervnto ^Mect^nto ^^ Christian faith. These Negros were first subiect vnto ^Maroco"^^^ king loseph the founder of Maroco, and afterward vnto the fiue nations of Libya ; of whom they learned the Ma- hometan lawe, and diuers needfull handycrafts : a while after when the merchants of Barbarie began to resort vnto them with merchandize, they learned the Barbarian lan- guage also. But the foresaid fiue people or nations of Libya diuided this land so among themselues, that euery third part of each nation possessed one region.* Howbeit AbuacreiZ' ^hc king of Tombuto that now raigneth, called Abuacre Izchia^ is a Negro by birth : this Abuacre after the decease of the former king, who was a Libyan borne, slue all his sonnes, and so vsurped the kingdome. And hauing by warres for the space of fifteene yeeres conquered many large dominions, he then concluded a league with all nations, and went on pilgrimage to Mecca, in which iournie he so consumed his treasure, that he was con- strained to borrow great summes of money of other princes.^ Moreouer the fifteene kingdomes of Negros knowen to vs, are all situate vpon the riuer of Niger, and vpon other riuers which fall thereinto. And all the land of Negros standeth betweene two vast deserts, for on the one side lieth the maine desert betweene Numidia and it, which extendeth it selfe vnto this very land : and the south side thereof adioineth vpon another desert, which stretcheth from thence to the maine Ocean : in which desert are infinite nations vnknowen to vs, both by reason of the huge distance of place, and also in regarde of the diuersitie of languages and religions. They haue no traffique at all with our people, but we haue heard oftentimes of their traffique with the inhabitants of the Ocean sea shore. HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 82 1 A description of the kingdome of Gualata, THis region in regarde of others is very small : for it containeth onely three great villages, with certaine granges and fields of dates. From Nun it is distant south- ward about: three hundred, from Tombuto northward fiue hundred, and from the Ocean sea about two hundred miles. In this region the people of Libya, while they were lords of the land of Negros, ordained their chiefe princely seate : and then great store of Barbarie-merchants frequented Gualata : but afterward in the raigne of the mighty and rich prince Heli^ the said merchants leauing Gualata, began to resort vnto Tombuto and Gago, which was the occasion . that the region of Gualata grew extreme beggerly. The language of this region is called Sungai, and the inhabi- tants are blacke people, and most friendly vnto strangers. In my time this region was conquered by the king of Tombuto, and the prince thereof fled into the deserts, whereof the king of Tombuto hauing intelligence, and fearing least the prince would returne with all the people of the deserts, graunted him peace, conditionally that he should pay a great yeerely tribute vnto him, and so the said prince hath remained tributarie to the king of Tombuto vntill this present. The people agree in manners and fashions with the inhabitants of the next desert Here groweth some quantitie of Mil-seed, and great store of a round & white kind of pulse, the like whereof I neuer saw ^^'^ ^^*^^ and white pulse in Europe ; but flesh is extreme scarce among them. Both »j called Maiz the men & the women do so couer their heads, that al their indies. countenance is almost hidden. Here is no forme of a common wealth, nor yet any gouernours or iudges, but the people lead a most miserable life.* 822 THE SEUENTH BOOKE OF THE T' A description of the kingdome of Ghinea. ^His kingdome called by the merchants of our nation Gheneoa, by the natural inhabitants thereof Genni, and by the Portugals and other people of Europe Ghinea, standeth in the midst betweene Gualata on the north, Tombuto on the east, and the kingdome of Melli on the south. In length it containeth almost fiue hundred miles, and extendeth two hundred and fiftie miles along the riuer of Niger, and bordereth vpon the Ocean sea in the same place, where Niger falleth into the saide sea. This place lotmfditu/o/ exceedingly aboundeth with barlie, rice, cattell, fishes, and Ghinea. cotton : and their cotton they sell vnto the merchants of Barbaric, for cloth of Europe, for brazen vessels, for armour, and other such commodities. Their coine is of gold with- out any stampe or inscription at all : they haue certaine iron-money also, which they vse about matters of small value, some peeces whereof weigh a pound, some halfe a pound, and some one quarter of a pound. In all this kingdome there is no fruite to be found but onely dates, which are brought hither either out of Gualata or Numidia. Heere is neither towne nor castle, but a certaine great village onely, wherein the prince of Ghinea, together with his priestes, doctors, merchants, and all the principall men of the region inhabite. The walles of their houses are built of chalke, and the roofes are couered with strawe : the inhabitants are clad in blacke or blew cotton, wherewith they couer their heads also : but the priests and doctors of their law go apparelled in white cotton. This region during the three moneths of lulie, August, and September, is yeerely enuironed with the ouerflowings of Niger in manner of an Island ; all which time the merchants of Tombuto conueigh their merchandize hither in certaine Canoas or narrow boats made of one tree, which they rowe all the day long, but at night they binde them to the HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 823 shore, and lodge themselues vpon the lande. This king- dome was subiect in times past vnto a certaine people of Libya, and became afterward tributarie vnto king Soni Heli^ after whom succeeded Soni Heli Izchia^ who kept the prince of this region prisoner at Gago, where togither with cltifeakepi^^ a certaine nobleman, he miserably died. ^cfuZ^^ Of the kingdome of Melli, THis region extending it selfe almost three hundred miles along the side of a riuer which falleth into Niger, bordereth northward vpon the region last described, southward vpon certaine deserts and drie mountaines, westward vpon huge woods and forrests stretching to the Ocean sea shore, and eastward vpon the territorie of Gago. In this kingdome there is a large and ample village con- taining to the number of sixe thousand or mo families, and called Melli, whereof the whole kingdome is so named. And here the king hath his place of residence. The region It selfe yeeldeth great abundance of corne, flesh, and cotton. Heere are many artificers and merchants in all places: and yet the king honourably entertaineth all strangers. The inhabitants are rich, and haue plentie of wares. Heere are great store of temples, priests, and pro- fessours, which professours read their lectures onely in the temples, bicause they haue no colleges at all. The people of this region excell all other Negros in witte, ciuilitie, and industry; and were the first that embraced the law of Mahumet, at the same time when the vncle of Joseph the king of Maroco was their prince, and the gouernment re- mained for a while vnto his posterity: at length Ischia ThepHnceoj * "^ , . Melli subdued subdued the prince of this region, and made him his by izchia. tributarie, and so oppressed him with greeuous exactions, that he was scarce able to maintaine his family.^ 824 THE SEUENTH BOOKE OF THE Of the kingdome of Tombuto, am'uer^Jir T^^^ name was in our times (as some thinke) imposed thekingof X vDon this kingdome from the name of a certain Maroco 1589. ^ ^ from whence he xs^y^ri^ SO Called, which (they say) king Mense Sideintan hath for yeerly ' \ J JJ & tnbutemightu founded in the yeere of the Hegeira 610/ and it is situate summes of gold, , .1 /• • 1 1 /• xt. withm twelue miles of a certame branch of Niger, all the houses whereof are now changed into cottages built of chalke, and couered with thatch. Howbeit there is a most stately temple to be scene, the wals whereof are made of stone and lime ; and a princely palace also built by a most excellent workeman of Granada.^ Here are many shops of artificers, and merchants, and especially of such as weaue linnen and cotton cloth. And hither do the Barbarie- merchants bring cloth of Europe. All the women of this region except maid-seruants go with their faces couered, and sell all necessarie victuals. The inhabitants, & especially strangers there residing, are exceeding ^ rich, *i526. insomuch, that the king that* now is, married both his The kingof daughters vnto two rich merchants. Here are many wels, Tombuto his daughters mar- contdAmrxg most swcete water; and so often as the riuer rich merchants. Niger ouerflowcth, they conueigh the water thereof by certaine sluces into the towne. Corne, cattle, milke, and Great scarcitie butter this region yeeldeth in great abundance : but salt L/tf. which^ is verie scarce heere ; for it is brought hither by land from might be sup- Tegaza, which is fiue hundred miles distant. When I my £ngiuh^m^r- sclfe was hcrc, I saw one camels loade of salt sold for 'vn^pc'akcM^'' 80. ducatcs. The rich king of Tombuto hath many plates gaine. ^^^ sccptcrs of gold, some whereof weigh 1300. poundes : and he keepes a magnificent and well furnished court When he trauelleth any whither he rideth vpon a camell, which is lead by some of his noblemen ; and so he doth likewise when hee goeth to warfar, and all his souldiers ride Reuerence used vpon horscs. Whosoeuer will speakc vnto this king must ofTombuto!^^ first fall downe before his feete, & then taking vp earth HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 825 roust sprinkle it vpon his owne head & shoulders : which custom is ordinarily obserued by them that neuer saluted the king before, or come as ambassadors from other princes. He hath alwaies three thousand horsemen, and a great number of footmen that shoot poysoned arrowes, attending vpon him. They haue often skirmishes with ^^^**' ^''' those that refuse to pay tribute, and so many as they take, they sell vnto the merchants of Tombuto. Here are verie few horses bred, and the merchants and courtiers keepe certaine little nags which they vse to trauell vpon : but their best horses are brought out of Barbarie. And the king so soone as he heareth that any merchants are come to towne with horses, he commandeth a certaine number to be brought before him, and chusing the best horse for him- selfe, he payeth a most liberall price for him.* He so deadly hateth all lewes, that he will not admit any into his citie: and whatsoeuer Barbarie merchants he vnder- standeth haue any dealings with the lewes, he presently causeth their goods to be confiscate. Here are great store of doctors, iudges, priests, and other learned men, that are bountifully maintained at the kings cost and charges. And hither are brought diuers manuscripts or written bookes out of Barbarie, which are sold for more money than any other merchandize.^® The coine of Tombuto is ^^^^^ vsedfor cotne like as tn of gold without any stampe or superscription : but in the kingdome of Congo, matters of smal value they vse certaine shels brought hither out of the kingdome of Persia, fower hundred of which shels are worth a ducate : and sixe peeces of their golden coine with two third parts weigh an ounce. The inhabi- tants are people of a gentle and chereful disposition, and spend a great part of the night in singing and dancing through all the streets of the citie : they keep great store of men and women-slaues, and their towne is much in danger of fire : at my .second being there hallfe the town almost was burnt in fiue howers space. With- 3G 826 THE SEUENTH BOOKE OF THE out the suburbs there are no gardens nor orchards at all. Of the towne of Cobra. THis large towne built without walles in manner of a village, standeth about twelue miles from Tombuto vpon the riuer Niger : and here such merchants as trauel vnto the kingdomes of Ghinea and Melli embarke them- selues. Neither are the people or buildings of this towne any whit inferiour to the people and buildings of Tombuto ; and hither the Negros resort in great numbers by water. In this towne the king of Tombuto appointeth a judge to decide all controuersies ; for it were tedious to goe thither so oft as need should require. I my selfe am acquainted with Abu Bacr, sirnamed Pargama, the kings brother, who is blacke in colour, but most beautifull in minde and con- ditions. Here breed many diseases which exceedingly diminish the people ; and that by reason of the fond and loathsome mixture of their meats ; for they mingle fish, milke, butter, and flesh altogither. And this is the ordi- narie food also in Tombuto.^^ Of the towne and kingdome of Gago. THE great towne of Gago^^ being vnwalled also, is distant southward of Tombuto almost fower hundred miles, and enclineth somewhat to the southeast The houses thereof are but meane, except those wherein the king and his courtiers remaine. Here are exceeding rich merchants : and hither continually resort great store of Negros which buy cloth here brought out of Barbarie and Europe. This towne aboundeth with corne and flesh, but is much destitute of wine, trees, and fruits. Howbeit here is plentie of melons, citrons, and rice : here are many welles also containing most sweete and holesome water. Here is likewise a certaine place where slaues are to be sold, especially vpon such daies as the merchants vse to HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 827 assemble ; and a yoong slaue of fifteene yeeres age is sold for sixe ducatcs, and so are children sold also. The king of this region hath a certaine priuate palace wherein he maintaineth a great number of concubines and slaues, which are kept by eunuches : and for the guard of his owne person he keepeth a sufficient troupe of horsemen and footmen. Betweene the first gate of the palace and the inner part thereof, there is a place walled round about wherein the king himselfe decideth all his subiects con- trouersies : and albeit the king be in this function most diligent, and performeth all things thereto appertayning, yet hath he about him his counsellors & other officers, as namely his secretaries, treasurers, factors, and auditors. It is a woonder to see what plentie of Merchandize is dayly brought hither, and how costly and sumptuous all things be. Horses bought in Europe for ten ducates, are here sold againe for fortie and sometimes for fiftie ducates a piece. There is not any cloth of Europe so course, which Rich sale for will not here be sold for fower ducates an elle, and if it be anything fine they will giue fifteene ducates for an ell: and an ell of the scarlet of Venice or of Turkie-cloath is here worth thirtie ducates. A sword is here valued at three or fower crownes, and so likewise are spurs, bridles, with other like commodities, and spices also are sold at an high rate : but of al other commodities salt is most ex- tremelie deere. The residue of this kingdome containeth nought but villages and hamlets inhabited by husbandmen and shepherds, who in winter couer their bodies with beasts skins ; but in sommer they goe all naked saue their priuie members : and sometimes they weare vpon their feet certaine shooes made of camels leather. They are ignorant and rude people, and you shall scarce finde one learned man in the space of an hundred miles. Th^y are continually burthened with grieuous exactions, so that they haue scarce any thing remaining to Hue vpon. 3 G 2 828 THE SEUENTH BOOKE OF THE Of the kingdonte of Guber. IT standeth eastward of the kingdome of Gago almost three hundred miles ; betweene which two kingdomes lieth a vast desert being much destitute of water, for it is about fortie miles distant from Niger. The kingdome of Guber^' is enuironed with high mountaines, and containeth many villages inhabited by shepherds, and other herdsmen. Abundance of cattell here are both great and small : but of a lower stature then the cattell in other places. Heere are also great store of artificers and linnen weauers : and heere are such shooes^* made as the ancient Romans were woont to weare, the greatest part whereof be carried to Tombuto and Gago. Likewise heere is abundance of rice, and of certaine other graine and pulse, the like whereof I neuer saw in Italie. But I thinke it groweth in some Tfuirmaner places of Spaine. At the inundation of Niger all the fields of sowing came at the inunda- of this region are ouerflowed, and then the inhabitants cast tion of Niger, . , . • , » i . . i - their seede into the water onely. In this region there is a certaine great village containing almost sixe thousand families, being inhabited with all kinde of merchants, and here was in times past the court of a certaine king, who in Vui^r^^cfne "^^ ^^^^ ^^^ slaine by Izchia the king of Tombuto, and by Izchia. his sonncs were gelt, and accounted among the number of the kings eunuches. Afterward he sent gouernours hither who mightily oppressed and impouerished the people that were before rich : and most part of the inhabitants were carried captiue and kept for slaues by the said Izchia, Of the cttte and kingdome of Agadez. THe citie of Agadez^^ standing neere vnto Lybia was not long since walled round about by a certaine king. The inhabitants are all whiter then other Negros : and their houses are stately built after the fashion of Barbarie. The greatest part of the citizens are forren HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 829 merchants, and the residue be either artificers, or stipen- daries to the king. Euery merchant hath a great many of seruants and slaues, who attend vpon them as they trauell from Cano to Borno : for in that iourney they are ex- ceedingly molested by certaine theeues called Zingani, Zingani. insomuch that they dare not trauell the same way vnlesse they be well appointed : in my time they vsed crosse- bowes for their defence: when the said merchants be arriued at any towne, they presently employ all their slaues about some busines, to the end they may not Hue in idlenes : ten or twelue they keepe to attend vpon them- selues and their wares. The king of this citie hath alwaies a notable garde about him, and continueth for the most part at a certaine palace in the midst of the citie. He hath greatest regarde vnto his subiects that inhabite in the deserts and fields : for they will sometime expell their king and choose another: so that he which pleaseth the in- habitants of the desert best is sure to be king of Agadez. The residue of this kingdome lying southward is inhabited by shepherds and herdsmen, who dwell in certaine cottages made of boughes, which cottages they carrie about vpon oxen from place to place. They erect their cottages alwaies in the same field where they determine to feede their cattell ; like as the Arabians also doe. Such as bring merchandize out of other places pay large custome to the king : and the king of Tombuto receiueth for Agadez tnbu- yeerely tribute out of this kingdome almost an hundred /b«^<;/7V?»i- and fiftie thousand ducats.^® Of the prouince of Cano. THe great prouince of Cano^^ stadeth eastward of the riuer Niger almost fiue hundred miles. The greatest part of the inhabitants dwelling in villages are some of them herdsmen and others husbandmen. Heere groweth abundance of corne, of rice, and of cotton. Also here are 830 THE SEUENTH BOOKE OF THE many deserts and wilde woodie mountaines containing many springs of water. In these woods growe plentie of wilde citrons and limons, which differ not much in taste from the best of all. In the midst of this prouince standeth a towne called by the same name, the walles and houses whereof are built for the most part of a kinde of chalke. The inhabitants are rich merchants and most ciuill people. Their king was in times past of great puissance, and had mighty troupes of horsemen at his command ; but he hath since beene constrained to pay tribute vnto the kings The kings of of Zecfzecf and Casena. Afterwarde Ischia the kincf of Casena, and of Torahuto faining friendship vnto the two foresaid kings Cano subdued a t t 1 by izchia the trecherously slew them both. And then he waged warre buto. against the king of Cano, whom after a long siege he tooke, and compelled him to marie one of his daughters, restoring him againe to his kingdome, conditionally that he should pay vnto him the third part of all his tribute : and the said king of Tombuto hath some of his courtiers perpetually residing at Cano for the receit thereof. Of the kingdome of Casena. CAsena bordering eastward vpon the kingdome last described, is full of mountaines, and drie fields, which yeeld notwithstanding great store of barlie and mill- seed. The inhabitants are extremely black, hauing great noses and blabber lips. They dwell in most forlome and base cottages : neither shall you finde any of their villages containing aboue three hundred families. And besides their base estate they are mightily oppressed with famine : Izchia. a i^ing they had in times past whom the foresaid Ischia slew, since whose death they haue all beene tributarie vnto Ischia}^ HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 83 1 Of the kingdome of Zegzeg, - ^ THe southeast part thereof bordereth vpon Cano, and it is distant from Casena almost an hundred and fiftie miles. The inhabitants are rich and haue great traffique vnto other nations. Some part of this kingdome is plaine, and the residue mountainous, but the mountaines are extremely cold, and the plains intolerably hot^^ And because they can hardly indure the sharpnes of winter, they kindle great fires in the midst of their houses, laying the coles thereof vnder their high bedsteads, and so be- taking theraselues to sleepe.^ Their fields abounding with water, are exceeding fruitful, & their houses are built like the houses of the kingdom of Casena. They had a king of their owne in times past, who being slaine by Ischta (as is izchia. aforesaid) they haue euer since beene subiect vnto the said Ischta, Of the region of Zanfara. THe region of Zanfara bordering eastward vpon Zegzeg is inhabited by most base and rusticall people. Their fields abound with rice, mill, and cotton. The in- habitants are tall in stature and extremely blacke, their visages are broad, and their dispositions most sauage and ztnflri sfaine brutish. Th^ir king also was slaine by Ischia^ and them- ^^ i^hia, and *^ ** ^ ^ the feapU made selues made tributarie.*^ tHbutaHe. Of the towne and kingdome of Guangara, THis kingdome adioineth southeasterly vpon Zanfara, being very populous, and hauing a king raigning Guer it, which maintaineth a garison of seuen thousand archers, and fiue hundred horsemen, and receiueth yeerely great tributes. In all this kingdome there are none, but base villages, one onely excepted, which exceedeth the rest both in largenes and faire building. The inhabitants are 832 THE SEUENTH BOOKE OF THE very rich, and haue continuall traffique with the nations adioining. Southward thereof lieth a region greatly Gold, abounding with gold. But now they can haue no traffique with forren nations, for they are molested on both sides with most cruell enemies. For westward they are oppressed ixchia, by Ischia^ and eastward by the king of Borno. When I my selfe was in Borno, king Abraham hauing leuied an huge armie, determined to expell the prince of Guangara out of his kingdome, had he not beene hindred by Homar the prince of Gaoga, which began to assaile the kingdome of Borno. Wherefore the king of Borno being drawne home into his owne countrie, was enforced to giue ouer the conquest of Guangara. So often as the merchants of Guangara trauell unto the foresaid region abounding with gold, because the waies are so rough and difficult that their camels cannot goe vpon» them, they carrie their wares vpon slaues backes ; who being laden with great burthens doe vsually trauell ten or twelue miles a day. Yea some I saw that made two of those lourneies in one day : a woonder it is to see what heauie burthens these poore slaues are charged withall ; for besides the merchandize they carrie victuals also for their masters, and for the soldiers that goe to garde them.^ Of the kingdome of Borno, THe large prouince of Borno bordering westward vpon the prouince of Guangara, and from thence ex- tending eastward fiue hundred miles, is distant from the fountaine of Niger almost an hundred and fiftie miles, the south part thereof adioining vnto the desert of Set, and the north part vnto that desert which lieth towards Barca. The situation of this kingdome is very vneuen, some part thereof being mountainous, and the residue plaine. Vpon the plaines are sundry villages inhabited by rich merchants, and abounding with corne. The king of this region and HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 833 all his followers dwell in a certaine large village.® The mountaines being inhabited by herdesmen and shepherds doe bring foorth mill and other graine altogether vnknowen to vs. The inhabitants in summer goe all naked saue their priuie members which they couer with a peece of leather: but al winter they are clad in skins, and haue beds of skins also. They embrace no religion at all, being neither Christians, Mahumetans, nor lewes, nor of any other profession, but liuing after a brutish manner, and hauing wiues and children in common : and (as I vnder- stood of a certaine merchant that abode a long time among them) they haue no proper names at all, but euery one is nicknamed according to his length, his fatnes, or some other qualitie.** They haue a most puissant prince, being lineally descended from the Libyan people called Bardoa. Horsemen he hath in a continuall readines to the number of three thousand, & an huge number of foot- men ; for al his subiects are so seruiceable and obedient vnto him, that whensoeuer he commandeth them, they wil arme themselues and follow him whither he pleaseth to conduct them. They paye vnto him none other tribute but the tithes of all their corne : neither hath this king any reuenues to maintaine his estate, but ouely such spoiles as he getteth from his next enimes by often in- uasions and assaults.^ He is at perpetuall enmitie with a certaine people inhabiting beyond the desert of Seu ;^ The desert oj who in times past marching with an huge armie of footemen ouer the said desert, wasted a great part of the kingdome of Borno. Whereupon the king of Borno sent for the mer- chants of Barbary, and willed them to bring him great store of horses : for in this countrey they vse to exchange horses for slaues, and to giue fifteene, and sometime twentie Fifteene or - - , A t f 1 • 1 twentie slaues slaues for one horse. And by this meanes there vf^re exchanged for abundance of horses brought : howbeit the merchants were ^ constrained to stay for their slaues till the king returned 834 THE SEUENTH BOOKE OF THE home conquerour with a great number of captiues, and satisfied his creditors for their horses. And oftentimes it falleth out that the merchants must stay three months togither, before the king returneth from the warres, but they are all that while maintained at the kings charges. Sometimes he bringeth not home slaues enough to satisfie the merchants: and otherwhiles they are constrained to awaite there a whole yeere togither ; for the king maketh inuasions but euery yeere once, & that at one set and appointed time of the yeere. Yea I my selfe met with sundrie merchants heere, who despairing of the kings paiment, bicause they had trusted him an whole yeere, determined neuer to come thither with horses againe. And yet the king seemeth to be marueilous rich ; for his spurres, his bridles, platters, dishes, pots, and other vessels wherein his meate and drinke are brought to the table, are all of pure golde : yea, and the chaines of his dogs and hounds are of golde also. Howbeit this king is extreamely couetous, for he had much rather pay his debts in slaues than in gold. In this kingdome are great multitudes of Negros and of other people, the names of whom (bicause I tarried heere but one moneth) I could not well note. Of the kingdome of Gaoga. GAoga bordering westward vpon the kingdome of Borno, and extending eastward to the confines of Nubia, adioineth southward vnto a certaine desert situate vpon a crooked and winding part of Nilus, and is enclosed northward with the frontiers of Egypt. It stretcheth from east to west in length fiue hundred miles, and as much in bredth. They haue neither humanitie not learning among them, but are most rusticall and sauage people, and especially those that inhabite the mountaines, who go all naked saue their priuities : their houses are made of boughes & rafts, and are much subiect to burning, and HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 835 they haue great abundance of cattel, whereunto they giue dih'gent attendance. For many yeers they remained in h'bertie, of which libertie they were depriued by a certaine Negro slaiie of the same region. This slaue lying vpon a ^^^f^M^^ certaine night with his master that was a wealthie j/«»^Aw2^^ gf€w to great merchant, & considering that he was not far from \i\s might and authcritie. natfue countrey, slue his saide master, possessed his goods, and returned home : where hauing bought a certaine number of horses, he began to inuade the people next adioning, and obtained for the most part the victorie : for he conducted a troupe of most valiant & warlike horsmen against his enimies that were but slederly appointed. And by this means he tooke great numbers of captiues, whom he exchanged for horses that were brought out of Egypt : insomuch that at length (the number of his souldiers in- creasing) he was accounted of by all men as soueraigne K. of Gaoga. After him succeeded his son, being no whit inferiour in valour & high courage vnto his father; who reigned for the space of fortie yeeres. Next him succeeded his brother Moses y & after Moses his nephew Honiara ^ who beareth rule at- this present. This Honiara hath greatly enlarged his dominions, and hath entred league with the Soldan of Cairo, by whom he is often presented with magnificent gifts, which he most bounti- fully requiteth : also diuers merchants of Egypt, and diuers inhabitants of Cairo present most pretious and rare things vnto him, and highly commend his surpassing liberalitie. This prince greatly honoureth all learned men, and especi- ally • such as are of the linage of Mahumet. I my selfe being in his court, a certaine noble man of Damiata brought him very rich and roiall gifts, as namely, a gallant horse, a Turkish sworde, and a kingly robe, with certaine other particulars that cost about ah hundred and fiftie ducates at Cairo: in recompence whereof the king gaue him fiue slaues, fiue camels, fiue hundred ducates of that region, and an hundred elephants teeth of woonderfull bignes.^ 836 THE SEUENTH BOOKE OF THE Theriuerqf Nilus not nauigable be- tweene Nubia and Egypt. The rick com- modifies of Nubia, Most strong Poyson. Of the kingdome of Nubia, NVbia bordering westward vpon the kingdome last described, and stretching from thence vnto Nilus, is enclosed on the southside with the desert of Goran,^ and on the north side with the confines of Egypt. Howbeit they cannot passe by water from this kingdome into Egypt : for the riuer of Nilus is in some places no deeper then a man may wade ouer on foote. The principall towne of this kingdome called Dangala is exceeding populous,® and containeth to the number of ten thousand families. The wals of their houses consist of a kinde of chalke,*® and the roofes are couered with strawe. The townesmen are exceeding rich and ciuill people, and haue great traffike with the merchants of Cairo & of Egypt : in other parts of this kingdome you shall finde none but villages and hamlets situate vpon the riuer of Nilus, all the inhabitants whereof are husbandmen. The kingdome of Nubia is most rich in corne and sugar, which notwithstanding they knowe not how to vse. Also in the citie of Dangala there is great plentie of ciuet and Sandall-wood.^^ This region aboundeth with luory likewise, bicause heere are so many elephants taken. Heere is also a most strong and deadly poison, one graine whereof being diuided amongst ten persons, will kill them all within lesse then a quarter of an hower : but if one man taketh a graine, he dieth thereof out of hand. An ounce of this poison is solde for an hundred ducates ; neither may it be solde to any but to forraine merchants, & whosoeuer buieth it is bound by an oath not to vse it in the kingdome of Nubia. All such as buy of this poison are constrained to pay as much vnto the king, as to the merchant : but if any man selleth poison without the princes knowledge, he is presently put to death.^ The king of Nubia maintaineth continuall warre, partly against the people of Goran (who being descended of the people HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 837 called Zingani, inhabite the deserts, and speake a kinde of Zin^ani. language that no other nation vnderstandeth) and partly against certaine other people also dwelling vpon the desert which lieth eastward of Nilus, and stretcheth towards the red sea, being not farre from the borders of Suachen. Their language (as I take it) is mixt, for it hath great affinity with the Chaldean toong, with the language of Suachen, and with the language of Ethiopia the higher, where Prete Gianni is said to beare rule : the people them- Prete Gianni. selues are called Bugiha, and are most base and miserable, Bugiha. and Hue onely vpon milke, camels-flesh and the flesh of such beasts as are taken in those deserts. Sometimes they receiue tribute of the gouernour of Suachen, and sometimes of the gouernours of Dangala. They had once a rich towne situate vpon the red sea called Zibid, whereunto belonged a commodious hauen, being opposite vnto the hauen of Zidem, which is fortie miles distant from Mecca. But an hundred yeeres since it was destroied by the Soldan, bicause the inhabitants receiued certaine wares which should haue beene carried to Mecca, and at the same time the famous port of Zibid was destroied, from whence notwithstanding was gathered a great yeerely tribute. The inhabitants being chased from thence fledde vnto Dangala and Suachin, and at length being ouercome in battaile by the gouernour of Suachin, there were in one day slaine of them aboue fower thousand, and a thousand were carried captiue vnto Suachin, who were massacred by the women and children of the citie.^ And thus much (friendly reader) as concerning the lande of Negros : the fifteene kingdomes whereof agreeing much in rites and customes, are subiect vnto fower princes onely. Let vs now proceed vnto the description of Egypt. Here ettdeth the setienth booke. NOTES TO BOOK VII. (i) Leo takes this account avowedly from Mas'iidi's MurHtj uz- Zahab ("Meadows of Gold"), A.D. 943-44, and El-Bekri's Kitab ul-mesdUk-wiil'memdlek (** The Book of Roads and Realms"), A.D. 1067. But he is quite wrong in affirming that nothing was known of Negroland until the Barbary traders crossed the desert (a.d. 994); for Ibn Haukal, who began his travels in A.D. 943, gives the distances between Segelmessa and Audaghort, Ghama, Kuku, Kugha, and " Ulil", where there were salt mines (Afi*. in Leyden University Library, p. 34 ; ^2X^ ^^ fullest information is embodied on the history and condition of the city prior to the French occupying it on the loth January, 1893. Its subsequent fate has been chronicled by MM. Hubert et Delafosse in Tombouctou, son histoire^ sa conquiU (1894) and by Zoudevan in Tijdschrift Nctherlandsch Aardrijk' Genootschap^ vol. ix (1892), pp. 375-400. In the Comptes Rendus of the Paris Geographical Society, 1894, Nos. 18, 19, and 1895, p. 62, the information collected by the French military officers is embodied. I may, however, supplement Leo's description by a few explanatory remarks. Timbuktu means in the Songhai language a hollow, and perhaps got the name from being built in the cavity of the sand hills. It was founded towards the end of the fifth century of the Hegeira Ca.d. 1087-8) by the Tuireg, who have since used its site as an occasional camping-place. — Barth, Travels^ vol. iv, p. 584. (8) Since Leo's day the influence of the Moors has been most marked ; for, with the exception of some conical mat huts, the houses NOTES TO BOOK VII. 843 are now well built of clay ("chalice" =creta) around courtyards, and with terraces, not thatched, as described by the viator of four centuries ago. Pory, copying Florianus, has not quite correctly translated this passage — " Le cui case sono capanne fette di pali, coperte di crela [in the Latin Cujus domus omnes in tuguriola cretace(p\ coi cortivi di paglia." It should be : The houses here are built like cabins, the walls are hurdles plastered over with clay, and the houses covered with reeds (straw). Moore, by his ingenuity in mistranslating "capanne" (which he mistakes for " campane"), as " bells", still further confuses Leo's meaning ; though, no doubt, bell-shaped or conical is very applicable to the usual Nigritic style of architecture. The statement that almost half of the city was, during Leo's second visit, burnt down in the course of five hours, and that fires were one of the perils to which it was peculiarly subject, rather confirms the description of the inflammable character of the buildings in 1 500. — See M. Jomard's remarks in Cailli^'s Travels (English ed.), vol. ii, P.343- The Great Mosque and the palace were built by Mansa Musa, King of Meli, as a half-legible inscription over the principal gate attests. The architect — "un excellente maestro di Granata" — was Ishak, commonly called Es-Saheli, as if he were a native of Morocco, not of Granada. But the Sankor^ mosque is generally regarded as the oldest in the city. (9) This description of the magnificence of Askia is no doubt quite accurate. For his plunder must have been accumulating fast, while his military forces and the merchants whom they attracted to Timbuktu must have given employment to a great many people during the moderately enlightened rule of Askia's brother, Omar, as " Tumbutu- koy" (Viceroy of Timbuktu), in spite of Sonni Ali having sacked it thirty years previously (a.d. 1468-9, A.H. 873). Timbuktu has decayed very greatly during the last four centuries : for at the date of Lenz's visit — 1880 — the entire population did not exceed 20,000, with a few traders and their followers during the caravan season ; and until the French occupation the place still further approached insignificance by reason of the anarchy and pillage of the Tudreg, and their riyals, the Fulahs, added to the competition of the European trading ports on the Niger. Askia did not, as Leo seemed to have imagined, reside habitually in Timbuktu, Gogo being his capital. But unless he de- rived his information regarding Askia's regal state from second-hand information, the king must at the period of one of Leo's two visits (probably within an interval of a few months) have been in the city or its vicinity, as indeed was his custom at that period of his life. Kabara was also one of his favourite residences, but Gogo was most frequently Askia's home. 3 H 2 844 NOTES TO BOOK VII. (10) " Books and firearms" were the articles which Barth found most in demand, and to this day the Mogador traders in fitting out caravans for Timbuktu always include MSS. of the Koran and other religious works among their regular merchandise. There are several good libraries in the place, containing many valuable MSS., with the contents of which Europe is now likely to become better acquainted. The exclusion of Jews from Timbuktu continued until the year 1858, when the late Rabbi Mordokhai Abi Serour, of Akka, succeeded in gaining permission to reside and trade in the city ; and since that date several of his relatives and co-religionists have established themselves there, and it is understood that many more — now that anarchy is at an end — are likely to become per- manent citizens. — Beaumier, Bull, de la Sac. Gdog. Parisy April-May, 1870. The Cowrie currency mentioned by Leo is still in use over a wide extent of the Niger country. To show the approximate value of the shells — Barth bought in Timbuktu, forty years ago, a piece of good bleached calico—" shigge", or " sehem hindi" as it is still called, as it was in Silla more than eight centuries ago (£1-Bekri, ed. Slane, 1857, p. 173) — for 13,500 shells, and three pieces of unbleached calico for 8,000 each. Three thousand shells were accounted equal to one Spanish dollar — a much higher rate of exchange than prevailed in Leo's time. (11) Kabara, the port of Timbuktu, situated on a cul de sac of the Niger, five miles from the city — not "twelve", as in the rather obscure statement of Leo, not improved by his translators — the desert space between the two being known as Ur-immandes (" He — God — does not hear") from the fact that people are murdered here without their cries reaching anyone able to succour them. Ibn Batuta, on his visit to "Tomboktu" in 1352-53, sailed on the river from Kabara to Gogo. At one time Kabara was even more important than Timbuktu, but it is nowadays a somnolent village of some 2,000 people, living in dome-shaped houses, and in no way distinguished either by wealth or intelligence. The sanitary condition of the place has not improved since Leo's visit. — See Caron, De Saint Louis au port de Tombouktou (1891), pp. 281, et seq, ; Deportes, Extrime Sud de rAlgdrU^ Li Gourara^ Le Touaty In-Sulahy Le Tidikelty Le Pays de Touaregs^ PAdrary Tin Bouctouy Agades {iZ<)o)y pp. 380-413. Askia had many brothers, whom he entrusted with great power, and who requited him better than did his mutinous and almost patricidal sons. Ex- cept for Leo's reference to Abu Bakr, sumamed Pergama, they are not known in history. — See, also, for some now obsolete criticisms on certain passages in Leo, Cock, in Adams's apocryphal Narrativey p. 188. NOTES TO BOOK VII. 843 (12) Gogo, Gago, Gagho, Gawo, or Gao, the capital of the Songhai empire, and during Askia's reign a very important place. Makhled Ibn Kaid&d (better known as Abu Yezid, the Nekarite), who figured in the revolutions of Northern Africa, was bom here. His father, however, came from Tozer for trading purposes, which shows the antiquity of commercial relations between Barbary and the Sudan (Ibn Khaldoun, Hist des Berblres^ ed. Slane, t. iii, p. 201). Wargla, by which he travelled, and where his son took refuge in A.H. 325 (A.D. 957), Barth regards as the Bakalitis of Ptolemy (lib. iv, c. vii, p. 305? ed- Wilberg), and therefore even more ancient than is supposed. In El-Bekri's time " Gogo" consisted of two towns, one the residence of the King and the Mohammedans, the other the Pagan quarter, though already Islam had made such progress that no one but a Moham- medan could rule. Gogo was at that time the chief market for salt, which was brought from the Berber town of Tautek, distant fifteen days* travel About a century later (A.D. 11 53) Edrisi tells us that the people of Gogo dominated over the surrounding country, and were rich in horses and camels. The great men were clothed handsomely, and wore the " litham", or face covering ; while humbler folk dressed in leathern shirts or upper garments. So well advanced were commercial relations between Negroland and North Africa (which Leo affirms began about the close of the tenth century after Christ), that already Gogo did a brisk trade with Augila. About A.D. 1770, the town and principality hitherto ruled by the "Ruma" or descendants of the soldiers left as garrison by Mulai Ahmed Abu-1- .Abbis el-Mansurof Morocco in 1590, was taken by the Awleimmeden TuAreg. This spot, from whence the powerful princes whose capital it was, extended their conquests far and near (and at a time when Timbuktu was — what indeed it always has been — a mere trading provincial town), is nowadays a poor place, with few signs of having seen better days. The great mosque in which the victorious Askia is buried has been allowed to fall into ruins, and the private dwellings are little better than hovels. The town seems (as Leo states) never to have been surrounded by a wall, and to have had in its most flourishing days a circumference of something like six miles. But nothing now remains of the palace, which so little impressed Jaudar, the Moorish general, that he wrote to Mulai Ahmed that the house of the Sheikh el-Haram in Morocco was much finer than the palace of the Askia. Indeed, the architecture of Gogo seems to have been on a par with that of the rest of the Niger cities, until they aped that of Barbary, introduced perhaps after Jaudar's conquests in A.D. 1588-9 (see Introduction), As the valiant eunuch of Mulai Ahmed wished to accept Ishak Askia's ransom of 1,000 slaves and 100,000 mithkal of gold — a piece of com- plaisance which cost Jaudar his command— it is just possible that he minimised the modest splendour of Gogo. Leo reached it by sailing 846 NOTES TO BOOK VII. from Kabara, so that it is absurd to argue that he had never been on the Niger, and was ignorant of its course, simply because he gave its general direction to the Atlantic as westerly (Cock, in Adams's Narrative^ p. 191). RennelPs criticism on Leo placing Ghana to the westward of Timbuktu is based on the supposition that Ghana and Kano were identical. — Thomson, Mungo Pctrky p. 193. (13) Gober, the most northern of the Haussa states, the home of the Imim. Othman ben-Fodio (Fodiye), by whom the great Fulah revolution, in progress about the time of Mungo Park's explorations, was brought about. The Goberawa were at one time masters of Air, or Arben. Barth doubts Leo's statements about Askia's later pro- ceedings, being inclined to think that the Moorish traveller had confounded Askia with Kanta, the ruler of Leka, in the province of Kebbi. (14) For shoes read sandals (calzolaj)? Gober was at one time celebrated, as are still some of the Niger towns, for its leather wares. (15) Agades, on the right bank of the Wad Tilua, is still a prosperous town, the citizens of which possess, as in Leo's day, numbers of male slaves employed on their trading expeditions in the Sudan. Amid many ruins there are still plenty of substantial houses betokening wealth and even culture of the African order. But the palace of the Sultan — "un bel palazzo in me/zo della cittk" — where he housed his court and a large garrison, seems to have disappeared, since the huge ruin in the southern quarter can scarcely be identified with this building. Of the seventy mosques which are said to have formerly existed, only ten are still in use. Leather working, mat-plaiting, and blacksmithing are carried on here. The iron-work, though barbarous in design, is especially interesting ; and in most parts of Africa, as in mediaeval Europe, the smith is an important personage. (16) Agades was at one time regarded as identical with Audaghost, or Aoudarast of Edrisi and of El-Bekri, merely owing to the simi- larity of the names. But Mr. Cooley {Negroland of the Arabsy p. 6 et seq^ showed this to be erroneous, with which judgment most late commentators agree (De Slane, Rev. AfrUaine^ L i, p. 289), though whether Auderas (Wateran of Rennell), between Air and Agades, is a safer guess, is not worth discussing (Renou, ExpL Scientifique de PAigMe^ t. ii, p. 327). But Agades, or E^edesh, is a pure Berber word, of frequent occurrence, particularly among the Awleimmeden, and in no way connected with Audaghost. Accord- ding to Barth {Travels, vol. i, p. 458), the name means "family", and NOTES TO BOOK VII. 847 is well chosen for a town consisting of mixed elements. Audaghost was, moreover, in existence at the time that El-Bekri wrote — namely, in the eleventh century. When Agades was built is not certain ; for MarmoFs statement that it was founded 160 years before the time when he wrote (that is to say, 1460) must be received with some doubt. Other- wise, Leo would have been certain to have noted the fact of a place which he describes with some minuteness being not older than fifty or sixty years when he visited it. But all that he says is — " Agadez h una cittk murata, edificata dai modemi r^ " — " by a certain King " being simply a translation of *'a quodam Rege", one of the many liberties with the text which Florianus took. Yet in a.d. 151 5 the great Askia captured this town, and drove out of it the few Berber tribes who had settled here, establishing in their place most likely a colony of his own people ; which explains why, so far from its original centre, a dialect of Songhai language, mixed with Berber elements, is spoken in Agades. In Leo's day the place had not yet undergone the change. But even then he seemed to regard it as a negro town : — " The inhabitants are all whiter than other Negroes " (E questa cittk h quasi vicina alia cittJl dei Bianchi piu che alcun'altra de' Negri). Yet though he does not men- tion Askia's expedition against Agades, he takes note of those against Katsena and Kano, which took place two years earlier, and states that the King of Agades paid a tribute of 150,000 ducats to " the King of Tombuto*' (Gogo). Indeed, considering that Leo accompanied his uncle on an official visit to Askia, he seems to have come very little in contact with the great conqueror, if at all, and to have received his information about him largely at second hand ; and though the details regarding Askia's proceedings are generally correct, he is at times strangely confused. Thus he mentions that Askia having reigned fifteen (quindici) years, and made peace with his neighbours, went on the Mecca pilgrimage. Yet this event is not correctly stated ; for Askia ascended the throne on the 14th Jumad, 898 (a.d. 1493), and went on the Mecca pilgrimage in Safer, 902 (A.D. 1495), returning to Gogo in A.H. 903 (August, 1497-8) — consequently in the fifth (Moham- medan) year of his reign. Yet Leo obtained information, perhaps from later writers, after his return to Barbary, of Askia's expedition against Katsena and the adjoining provinces, which was made in a.h. 919 (A.D. 1 5 13). Consequently, Barth was induced to believe that Leo, in describing Agades, speaks of its condition prior to Askia's expedi- tion of A.D. 1 515, a date at which Leo must have completed his Niger- land travels (see Introduction), But as Leo gives us no exact dates it is often impossible to say how far he is speaking as an eye-witness, or how far from more or less trustworthy information picked up among the trader caravans. Leo also describes the king as a Berber ; and certainly the unruly, restless character of the Berber population so unlike the easily-governed Negro, is markedly characteristic of the 848 NOTES TO BOOK VII. Tulreg population of Agades to this day. The tradition of the people is that the city was originally peopled fix>m a small town in the Irnallen Valley, of which some vestiges, with two or three date trees, remnants of a large plantation, remain to the present day (Barth, Travels^ vol. iv, pp. 462-68). Founded evi- dently as a trading centre more convenient than Tegidda (famous in Ibn Batuta, and Ibn Khaldoun's days for copper, and now for reddish-coloured salt), it speedily attained great prosperity. It had its own standard weight of gold — the mithkal — which even yet regulates the circulating medium. Thus while the Tim- buktu mithkal is in regard to the Spanish dollar as ij^ to i, the Agades one is only as | to i. For wholesale business a greater weight was used. This was the " karruive", of which the smaller con- tained 33 mithkals and a third, equal to 2 rottls and a 117th, while the larger karruive contained 100 mithkals, equal to 6 rottls and a half. The Sultan is chosen by a compact among the tribes from among a Sherifian family, and lives, not in Agades, but m a Gobes town : this ruler being really the chief of the Tuireg tribes, who are almost con- stantly at war with each other. Now, as in Leo's time, the Sultan's chief source of revenue is the tax of ten mithkals (four Spanish dollars) on all merchandise — food excepted — entering the town. ("Riceve il re gran rendita delle gabelle che pagano le robe de' foresticri, e anco di quello che nasce nel regno".) At present the population numbers seven or eight thousand, many of whom are always absent on trading expeditions, though the commerce is now inconsiderable compared with what it was in former times. Money, or its representative, either in cowries or cloth, is rarely in the market, the standard being millet {Pennisetum typhotdeutn) durra, or sorghum {Holcus 5orghum\ (List of prices in Barth, lib, ciL^ vol. iv, p. 479). Grain is the main object of speculation by the Tuates, who still form the most numerous section of the foreign traders, though not indulging in large transac- tions ; and then in the greater number of cases they are merely the commission agents or middlemen of the Ghadames capitalist. Hence, while well-dressed epicures from Tuat are frequent, wealthy ones are rare. The word " Zingan^ " is translated by Temporal as Gypsies {Bomiens ou Egyptiens\ and no doubt correctly. The shepherds' huts are built to-day in the very manner described by Leo. — Walck- enaer, Recherches GiographiqueSy etc., pp. 316-320, 449 ; Richard- son, Narrative of a Mission to Central Africa^ vol. ii, p. 57 (mainly a summary of Barth's account). (17) Kano, not Ghana or Ghanata of El-Bekri, as at one time generally supposed, the question having been decided by Cooley {Negrolandof the Arabs^ p. 5, et seq,), Kano is still a large busy town, much frequented by traders, especially since the occupation of Katsena NOTES TO BOOK VII. 849 by the Fulahs in 1807. Barth gives a view of the place in 1 850 ( Travels ^ vol. ii, p. no) ; but considers that in his account of its history Leo confounds Kano with Katsena. In the second half of the sixteenth century the fortress of Dala, which withstood the Bomuese attack, must have been the only part of Kano in existence. According to Clapperton and Banks's estimate, the modern town may contain from 30,000 to 40,000 inhabitants of a very mixed character ; though during the influx of caravans between January and April the number some- times rises to 60,000. Cotton cloth of native weaving is the chief article of sale, though artificers of various fabrics flourish, and in the bazaar Manchester and Sheffield wares are quite common. The province itself (in the original Leo calls it " una gran pro- vincial) comprises a fertile, well- populated district, the inhabitants being now alternately subject to Bomu and Sokoto, though the governor is practically independent. The conquest of Zezeg, Katsena (Casena) and Kano by Askia is mentioned in such set terms by Leo that it is difficult to accept Barth's doubt whether the Moorish historian did not confound Askia with Kanta, the ruler of Kebbi. Leo's information must have been second- hand — obtained in an exaggerated form from traders ; for Ahmed Baba makes no allusion to any expedition of Askia's three years after his first. Indeed, *' such an expedition is", Barth affirms, " wholly impossible, on account of the hostility of Kanta, who made himself independent of Songhay, the second year after the expedition to Katsena (a.d. 15 14), and there was no road from Songhay to Kano except through Kebbi". " Chalk" (creta) should here, as else where, be translated "clay". These Nigritic kings seem to have had at an early date communication with the Portuguese, who about A.D. 1471 sent an embassy to Sonni Ali, asking permission to establish a factory at Wadan (Hoden), which, however, being in too barren a spot and too far from, the coast, was soon abandoned. Again, when the Moors took Gogo, they found in that town " a piece of artillery bearing the Portuguese arms, a small image of Our Lady, and a metal crucifix". — Jorge de Mendoza Da Franca, among Papeles Curiosas, in the Egerton Collection, Brit. Mus. Additional MSS., No. 10,262, p. 235. (18) Katsena, or Kashna, Kachene, and Cachenah of the older writers, one of the Hansa regions, or, as Leo — who evidently did not know that name — says a kingdom, like Zaria and Kano, speaking the Gober language. But, in affirming that Wangara (Guangara) used the same tongue, he falls into an error ; as he does in crediting Meli with the Songhai : he, as a foreigner, was addressed in it by traders and " educated" people. In Leo's day there does not seem to have been any capital in the province of Katsena : nothing but '* piccoli casali fatti a guisa di capanne, e tutti tristi". Yet there aro 850 NOTES TO BOOK VII. lists of Katsena kings dating back to A.H. 600, though perhaps Kat- sena did not receive the name of the province till it became important about the middle of the sixteenth century of the Christian era, when a number of poor villages coalesced into one town. Katsena — capital and province — is now much decayed. The town fell on evil times with the rest of Kano, while the province — one of the richest portions of Negroland— is now much curtailed since the bulk of it passed into the Fulahs' hands. (19) The province of Zegzeg under the Governor of Kano. (20) This custom, which seemed to have tried the faith of some of Leo's readers, is, on the contrary, quite accurately related. In Senegal (just as in Western America and other regions), in order to keep off the mosquitoes, the traveller is compelled to sleep under the lee of a " green smoke" in order to obtain some respite from these plagues, or to fill the house with pungent fumes. The late Mr. Joseph Thomson remarks on this passage as an instance of Leo's accuracy. ** Even when he seems to draw most upon credulity, he is generally quite accurate : as, for instance, when he describes the people of one district kindling fires at night under their bedsteads to keep them- selves warm. To the truth of this statement the writer of these lines can testify from personal observation ; the precaution being adopted, however, not to ward oflf external cold, but that of ague — a disease to which many places on the Niger are subject at certain times of the year." — Thomson, Mungo Park and the Niger^ p. 17. (21) Zanfara,with its capital Zyrmi,is of more importance now than in Leo's day. It forms part of the Fulah empire, and is better governed than when Clapperton visited it, and found the place a mere asylum for vagabonds from neighbouring states. The province is very ancient, being mentioned by Edrisi when it was much more extensive than at present, half of it being under the Fulah yoke, while the rest was struggled for by the Goberawa and other turbulent neighbours. (22) Wangara, or Ungara. The Wangarawa or Wakore are a numerous and scattered people, to whom belong the Susa and Eastern Mandingoes, so called. These Wangarawa are found busily engaged in trade all over the Niger country and in Katsena. Barth notes that all the more considerable merchants belong to this nationality. When Leo states that Abraham, King of Bornu, meditated driving the Wangarawa out of his kingdom, his memory perhaps deceived him. Most probably he refers to AH ben-Dunama, sumamed for his conquests EI-GhAzi, but better known as Mai AH Ghazideni (a.h. 877- 909, A.D. 1472- 1 504). It may have been in this King^s reign that Leo NOTES TO BOOK VII. ' 85 1 visited Bomu, though his son and successor Idris reigned from A.H. 910-932 (a.d. 1 504- 1 526). Barth also learnt from various sources that it was Ali Ghazideni who had to abandon the conquest of Wangara to repulse an invasion of the Bulala (Gaoga — quite different from Gogo). But Omar is probably another lapse of memory for Selma or *Abd el-Jelil, the father of the prince whom Idris («/ supra) conquered. The name Omar does not occur in the Bulala djmasty. (23) Until the reign of Mai Ali Ghazideni the Bomu people, as Leo describes them, lived in temporary encampments in the conquered country. These famous warriors, however, built Bimi, or Ghasr- eggomo, the first capital, though Nanigham (" a certaine large village") had for some time previously served t"he purpose, being the usual royal residence. Bimi, on the river Wau, three days west of Kukawa, the present capital, is now a ruin six miles in circumference, thickly over- grown with rank grass. (24) This refers mainly to the Pagan mountaineers, for even in Leo's day most of the more civilised Kanuri and other races of Bomu must have been as strict Mohammedans are they are at present. (25) This "puissant prince" must have been Mai Ali Ghazideni. The Kanuri language does not now contain any Libyan (Berber) elements, but the tongue of the conqueror may have been effaced by that of the conquered, just as the Bulala (Gaogo), who in Leo^s time spake Kanuri, have now entirely forgotten it, adopting the language of the Kuka tribe, among whom they founded a dynasty. The Bardoa, a tribe mentioned by Makrizi as Berdoa (between which names and Bemu or Bomu, Borgu, Berdama, Berauni, and Berber, Barth thinks there is an "ethnological connection") are, however, more nearly allied to the Teda or Tibu than to the Berber or Mazigh. The Sultan Bello expressly traces the Bomu dynasty to a Berber origin : hence the Hausa people call every Bomu man " ba-Berbersh" and the Bomu nation "Berbere"; and Makrizi says that it was a common tradition of the kingdom that they were descended from the Berbers. — Barth, Travels^ vol. ii, p. 269. (26) Seu, Shawi. See also Cooley, Negroland^ p. 129, and Claudius Ptolemy and the Nile^ p. 9. The "fontaine of Niger" (" capo donde nasce il Niger") is evidently " the Lake of the Desert of Gaoga", in which he places the sources of that river — Lake Tshad of more modem explorers. The " Desert of Set" is the easterly portion of the Sahara. Beside millet {Pennisetum) and durra {Sorghum) in various varieties, Sesamum is cultivated, and the seeds of a grass {Poa abyssinica ?) referred to by Denham, are extensively eaten. 852 NOTES TO BOOK VII. (27) Gaoga or Gaogao is the powerful empire of the Bulala dynasty, founded by the successors of Jil Shikomeni among the Kuka. The similarity of the name to Gogo, capital of the Songhai empire, has caused much confusion and given origin to many superfluous theories. Leo's statements, though vague in places, leave no doubt about its being what the Bomu people know as Bulala. It derived the name Gaogo (Kaoka) from the Kuka tribe, in whose territory the Bulala of the princely family of Kanem, guided by Jil (sumamed Shikomeni) (" a certaine Negro slaue"), founded an empire which at one time stretched from Eastern Bagirmi to the interior of Darftir. Islam is generally believed not to have been introduced into Gaoga until the seventeenth century. But Leo speaks of the rulers of the country, who, like the Kanem princes, were Mohammedans even in Makrizi's time — that is, a century before Leo wrote. (28) Goran, Gorham (Marmol), corrupted by Pory, Blome, and other compilers into Gorham, is Kordofan. (29) Dongola Aguse, or Old Dongola, the capital of the ancient kingdom of that name, then independent, now in ruins, has never recovered from the ravages of the Mamlukes in 1820 and the rise of New Dongola ; the barracks of which are said to have been built after a plan by Ehrenberg, the famous German Naturalist, who just then happened to be visiting the Nile Valley. (30) " Ma le case sono tutte triste, fabricate con creta e pali" — that is, the houses are all wretched, built of clay and poles — in short, " wattle and daub". (31) " Molto zibetto e legno di sandalo." But the true sandal wood is not found in Africa. Sanderswood is sometimes called sandalwood. One of the civets ( Viverra civetta) inhabits North Africa. (32) This story is apparently one of the legends told by the traders : for there is no poison known in Africa, much less in Nubia, which at all conforms to this description. (33) Leo*s account of Nubia is very perfunctory, and to a large extent suspiciously second-hand. He gives the term a very wide significance ; for he makes Nubia to march with Bomu on the west- ward, with Kordofan on the south, and on the north with the Nubian Desert, which four centuries ago seems to have been recognised as about the southern boundary of Egypt. Nubia is thus only a geo- graphical expression, since even at that date it comprised several independent kingdoms, including Kordofan, Darfiir, and Dongola. Nor, unless Leo considered the Blue or Abyssinian Nile the main river, is the Nile in any place, even in the driest season, capable of NOTES TO BOOK VII. 853 being waded. The Zingani of whom he has already spoken cannot be classed with any known people of the region described. From the Italian "Zingani" (gypsies, vagabonds) being used, they are doubtless intended to be described as wanderers, they "speake a kinde of language that no one understandeth". The ethnology of . Nubia is, however, very complicated. But though the origin and relationship to the three great stocks inhabiting it are doubtful, their distinctness is clear enough. There are the Arabs, now very mixed, intruders of a comparatively recent date, the Hamitic Ababdeh, and Beja or Bisharin, the "Bugia" of Leo (the Begas of Makrizi, the Bugas of Greek and Axumite inscriptions, perhaps the Buka of the Egyptian hieroglyphs), and the Negro or Negroid Barabira, the nearest relatives of the original Nubos, from whom Nubia derived its name. (Lepsius, Nubische Gramtnatiky 1880 ; Reinisch, Die Nuba-Sprachey 1879.) The tongue is therefore correctly described as " mixt ", but it is, of course, absurd to regard the Chaldean as akin to it ; though as the Bejas occupy most of the upland country between Upper Egypt and Abyssinia, their language may have some Himyaritic elements in it. The "tribute'' they received from the rulers of Dongola and Suakin must have been blackmail. — Keane, Ethnology of the Egyptian Sudan (1884) ; Burckhardt, Travels in Nubia (1822). Ziden is Jiddah, Juddah, Jeddah, Djiddah, or Djeddah, as it is vari- ously spelt. But in the translation Leo is made to say that both Jeddah and " Zibid'* were destroyed. In reality it was only the latter, owing to the Soldan of Egypt (in 1426) being provoked at the Bejas of the town pillaging caravans bound for Mecca, while the ruler (signor) and people of Suakin, helped by the Turks armed with bows and fire-arms, took terrible vengeance on the fugitives who sought refuge in that town: — " Ma da ceto anni in qua, per cagione, che costoro rubarono vna carouana che portaua robba & vettouaglia alia Mecca il Soldano si sdnegno, & maado un' armata pel mar rosso la quale assedio & disfece la detta cittk, & il porto di Zibid, che daua loro d' entrata du gento mila sarafii ; allhora quelli che fuggirono, incominciarono a girsene a Dangala & Suachin, qualche piccola cosa quadag- nando. Ma dipoi il Signor di Suachin, col favor di certi turchi armati di scheoppi & d'archi, gli dett6 vna rotta, perciocchi in vna giomata anmiazzarono di questa canaglia che andaua nuda, piu che quattro mila persone, e mi lie ne menarono via a Suachin ; i quali furono vccissi dalle femmine & da fanciulli " (Ramusio, ed. 1630, p. 80 b). At the time Suakin wreaked this characteristic vengeance on the Beja — with whom the inhabitants had many old scores to settle, though the majority of the people belonged then, as still, to that stock— it was probably under an independent ruler. Like all places on the coast, Suakin was almost invariably under foreigners. Thus, when Ibn 854 NOTES TO BOOK VIL Batuta visited the place, he found a son of the Amir of Mecca reigning over the Beja, by reason of his mother having belonged to that race, kinship and succession going among these people in the female line. (Makrizi, Khitdt^ vol. i, p. 194^/ seq, ; trans, in Burckhardt's Travels in Nubia^ App. III). Makrizi says that the chief inhabitants were nominal Moslems, and were called Hadarib. In 1814 the "Emir of Hadarib " was still sovereign of the mainland, though Suakin had an aga appointed by the Turkish pasha of Jiddah. The place was settled by the Turks on its conquest by Selim I, about a.d. 15 17, some years subsequent to Leo's visit. The Circassian Mamluk, £1-Ashraf Bursabey, the same who captured Jeddah and laid John III of Cyprus under tribute, was the Sultan who destroyed Zibid, or Zaibeth, as it appears on Sanson's maps. lOHN LEO HIS EIGHT BOOKE OF the Historic of Africa, and of the memorable things contained therein. Of Egypt HE most noble and famous prouince of Egypt bordering westward vpon the deserts of Barca, Numidia, and Libya ; eastward vpon the deserts lying betweene Egypt it selfe and the red sea: and northward vpon the Mediterran sea ; is inclosed southward with the land of the foresaid people called Bugiha, and with the riuer of Nilus. It stretcheth in length from the Mediterran sea to the land of the people called Bugiha about fower hundred and fiftie miles : but in bredth Egypt 450 it is very narrow ; so that it containeth nought but a small distance betweene both the banks of Nilus and the barren mountaines bordering vpon the foresaid deserts, being inhabited onely in that place where Nilus is separate from the saide mountaines : albeit towards the Mediterran sea it extendeth it selfe somewhat broader. For Nilus about fower-score miles from the great citie of Cairo is diuided into two branches, one whereof running in his chanell westward, returneth at length into the maine stream from whence he tooke his originall, and hauing passed about 856 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE three-score miles beyond Cairo, diuideth it selfe into two other branches, whereof the one runneth to Damiata, and the other to Rosetto. And out of that which trendeth to Damiata issueth another branch, which discharging it selfe into a lake passeth through a certaine gullet or streit into the Mediterran sea, vpon the banke whereof standeth the most ancient citie of Tenesse^ : and this diuision of Nilus into so many streames and branches causeth Egypt (as I haue beforesaid) to be so narrow. All this prouince is plaine, and is most fruitfull for all kind of graine and pulse. There are most pleasant and greene medowes, and great store of geese and other fowles. The countrey people are of a swart and browne colour : but the citizens are white. Garments they weare which are streite downe to their wastes, and broad beneath, and the sleeues likewise are streight They couer their heads with a round and high habite called by the Italians a Dulipan. Their shooes are made according to the ancient fashion. In sommer they weare garments of particoloured cotton : but in winter they vse a certaine garment lined with cotton, which they call Chebre: but the chiefe citizens and merchants are apparelled in cloth of Europe. The inhabitants are of an honest, cheerful, and liberall disposition. For their victuals they vse a kinde of newe and extreme salt cheeses, and sowre milke also artificially congealed ; which fare albeit they account very daintie, yet cannot strangers digest it, and into everie dish almost they put sower milk. A diuision of Egypt. SINCE the Mahumetans were Lords of Egypt, it hath beene diuided into three parts. For the region from Cairo to Rosetto is called the shore of Errif : and from Cairo to the lande of Bugiha it is called Sahid, that is to say, The firme land : but the region adioining vpon that branch of Nilus which runneth towardes Damiata and HISTORIF. OF AFRICA. 857 Tenesse, they call by the name of Bechria or Maremma. All Egypt is exceeding fertile : but the prouince of Sahid excelleth the two other parts for abundance of corne, cattle, fowles, and ilaxe : and Maremma aboundeth with cotton and sugar.* Howbeit the inhabitants of Maremma and Errif are farre more ciuill then the people of Sahid : bicause those two prouinces lie neerer vnto the sea, and are more frequented by European, Barbarian, and Assirian merchants : but the people of Sahid haue no conuersation with strangers, except it be with a few Ethiopians. Of the ancient pedigree and originall of tJte Egyptians. THE Egyptians (as Moses writeth) fetch their originall ^«- ^o- 6. from ^Mesraint the sonne of ChuSy the sonne oi^Mesraimis recorded to be Chanty the sonne oi Noe ; and the Hebrewes call both the the brother of countrie and the inhabitants of Egypt by the name oi sonne of Cham- Mesraim. The Arabians call Egypt it selfe Mesre, but the inhabitants Chibith. And Chibith (they say) was the man, that first took vpon him the gouernment of this region, and began first to builde houses thereon. Also the inhabitants call themselues by the same name : neither are there left any true Egyptians,- besides a fewe Christians, which are at this present remaining. The residue embracing the Mahumetan religion haue mingled themselues amongst the Arabians & the Moores.* This kingdome was gouerned many yeeres by the Egyptians themselues, as namely by the kings that were called P/iaraOy (who by their monu- ments and admirable buildings, seeme to haue beene mightie princes) and also by the kings called Ptolomcei. Afterward being subdued vnto the Romaine Empire, this kingdome since the comming of Christ was conuerted vnto the Christian religion, vnder the saide Romaine gouernment : since the decay of which Empire, it fell into the possession of the Emperours of Constantinople ; who being very carefull to maintainc this kingdome, were at 31 858 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE length depriued thereof by the Mahumetans, vnder the conduct of Hamrus the sonne of Hasi^ being appointed captaine generall ouer the Arabian armie of Hotnar the second Califa or Mahumetan patriarke of that name : who permittinp^ all men to haue their owne religion required nought but tribute at their hands. The said captaine built vpon the banke of Nilus a ccrtaine towne called by the Arabians Fustato, which word signifieth in their language tabernacle : for when he first vndertooke this expedition, he marched through wilde and desert places voide of inhabitants, so that his armie was constrained to lye in tents. The common people call this towne Mesre Hatichi, that is to say, the auncient citie ; which notwithstanding in comparison of Cairo may not vnfitly be called the New citie.^ And as concerning the situation of this towne many excellent men both Christians, lewes, and Mahumetans haue in these our times beene deceiued. For they thinke Mesre to be situate in the same place where king Pharao in the time of Moses, and king Ptiarao in the time of Joseph had their aboade : because they suppose the towne of Pharao to haue stood in that part of Africa where Nilus stretcheth out one of his armes westward towards Africa, and where the Pyramides are as yet to be seene : which the holy Scripture also seemeth to auouch in the books of Genesis, where it is said, that the lewes in Moses time were employed about the building of the town of The unone of Aphthun, which was founded by Pharao : namely in that place where Nilus trendeth towards Africa, being about fiftie miles southward of Cairo, and neere vnto the most westerly arme or branch of Nilus. They alleage also another probabilitie, that the towne ol Pharao was built in the same place, because that at the verie head or confluence of the branches of Nilus there standeth a building of marucllous antiquitie, called the sepulchre of Joseph^ ot'jou-^h. wherein the dead bodie of Joseph lay, til! it was by the HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 859 lewes transported vnto the sepulchre of their fathers.® To be briefe, neither Cairo nor any place neere vnto it, can by any likelyhood chalenge that they were at any time in- habited by the ancient Pfiaraos, But heere it is to be noted, that the nobilitie of the ancient Egyptians dwelt in times past in the region of Sahid beyond Cairo, in the cities of Fium, of Manfichmin, and in other such famous cities. Howbeit after Egypt was conquered by the Romans, the Egyptian nobilitie planted themselues in the region of Errif, vpon the sea shore thereof, namely about the cities of Alexandria, Rosetto, and other famous townes retayning as yet the Latine names. Also when the Roman. Empire was translated into Greece, the said nobilitie still inhabited vpon the sea-shore, the Emperors lieutenant re- siding at Alexandria : but after the Mahumetans got the dominion of Egypt, the foresaide nobilitie retired them- selues into the inland, hoping thereby to reape a double commoditie : namely first in that they might be a meanes to pacifie the kingdome on both sides of them, and secondly that they might be free from the inuasions of the Christians, whereof they should haue beene in danger, had they remained any longer vpon the sea coast. Of the qualitie and temperature of the ayre in Egypt, THe ayre of this countrey is hot and vnholesome : and it raineth here verie seldome or neuer. And raine is the cause of many diseases in Egypt : for in rainie weather some of the Egyptians are subiect vnto dangerous rheumes and feuers : and others vnto a strange kinde of swelling in their priuie members : which swelling the Phisicians impute vnto salt-cheese and beefe, which are the common diet of the Egyptians. In sommer time this countrey is most extremely hot, for a remedie of which heat they build in euerie towne certaine high towers, hauing one doore aloft, and another beneath, right ouer 3 I 2 86o THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE against the houses, through the tops whereof the winde passing downward, doth somewhat coole and refresh the ayre : otherwise in regard to the intolerable heat of the sun it were impossible for any man to Hue there. Some- fence!^^^^^ time the pestilence is so hot among them, especially at Cairo, that almost euery day there die twelue thousand wf/oS^^j/ persons thereof. But with the French poxe I thinke rife in Egypt, that no Other countrey vnder heauen is so molested, nor that containeth so many people infected therewith.^ About the beginning of Aprill they reape their corne, and hauing reaped it, they presently thrash the same ; neither shall you see one eare of their corne standing till the twentith of May. The inundation or overflow of Nilus beginneth The increase of 2!ciOvX the middest of lunc, increasing afterward for the space of fortie daies, and for the space of other fortie daies also decreasing : during which time all the cities and townes of Egypt are like vnto Hands, which none can come vnto but by boates and barges. At this time also Nilus is verie fit to be sayled vpon with vessels of burthen ; some whereof are so big that they will containe sixe thousand bushels of corne, and an hundreth head-cattell : and in these vessels they sayle onely downe the streame : for against the streame it were impossible for them to passe emptie. The Egyptians according to the increase of Nilus doe foresee the plentie or dearth of the yeere following : as we will more at large declare, when we come to speake of the island of Nilus ouer against the olde citie, where the inundation of Nilus is measured. Neither is it our pur- pose in this place particularly to describe all the cities of Egypt, because our African writers are of diuers opinions thereabout ; for some would haue Egypt to be a part of Africa, but others are of a contrarie minde. Diuers there are that affirme that part of Egypt adioyning vpon the deserts of Barbarie, Numidia, and Libya, to belong vnto Africa. Some others ascribe vnto Africa all those places HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 86 1 that border vpon the principall and rhaine chanel of Nilus : but as for other places, as namely Manf, Fium, Semenud, Damanhore, Berelles, Tenesse, and Damiata, they thinke them not to be situate in Africa : which opinion I my selfe also vpon many and great reasons take to be true. Where- fore my purpose is to describe none other cities but such as stand neere the maine and principall chanell of Nilus. Of the citie of Bosirt, THe ancient citie of Bosiri built by the Egyptians vpon the Mediterran sea, and standing twenty miles west- ward from Alexandria, was in times past enuironed with most strong walles, and adorned with most beautifull and stately buildings. At this present it is compassed with many possessions or grounds bearing dates, whereof no man taketh charge nor reapeth any commoditie : for when Alexandria was woon by the Christians, the inhabitants abandoned this citie, and fled towards the lake called Buchaira.^ Of the great citie of Alexandria in Egypt. THe great citie of Alexandria in Egypt founded by Alexander the great, not without the aduise of most famous and skilfull architects, vpon a beautifull point of land stretching into the Mediterran sea, and being distant 40. miles westward of Nilus,® was in times past, till it grew subiect vnto the Mahumetans, most sumptuously and strongly built, as diuers and sundry authors beare record. Afterward this citie decaying many yeeres together, was depriued of the ancient renowme and honour, and remained in manner desolate, because no merchants of Greece, nor of any other part of Europe exercised any longer traffique therein. Howbeit a certaine craftie Mahumetan patriarke made the rude people beleeue, that by the prophecie of Mahutnet most ample indulgences were granted vnto all 862 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE such as would inhabite the citie or garde it for certaine dales, and would bestow some almes for a publike benefite : by which wilie stratagem the citie was in short time (illed with forren people, which from all places resorted there- unto : by whom were built many houses neere vnto the citie-walles, and many colleges of students, and diuers monasteries for the reliefe of pilgrims.^^ The citie it selfe is fower square, and hath fower gates to enter in at : one standing on the east side towards Nilus, another on the south side towards the lake of Buchaira,the third westward towards the desert of Barca, and the fourth towards the Mediterran sea, and the hauen ; whereat stand the searchers and customers, which ransacke strangers euen to their verie shirts : for they demaund custome not onely for wares and merchandize, but also some allowance in the hundred for all kinde of money. Neere vnto the citie-walles there are two other gates also, being diuidcd asunder by a faire walke, and a most impregnable castle, which standeth vpon the stand or wharfe of the port commonly called Marsa el Bargt, that is to say, the port of the castle : in which port ride the principal! and best ships, namely such as come from Venice, Genoa, Ragusa, with other ships n'^^wtZ^En- ^^ Europe. For hither resort the English, the low Dutch, ^lishvnto the Biscaines, the Portugals, and men of all other Alexandncu ^ nations in Europe for traffiques sake. Howbeit this port is most vsually frequented by the ships of Appulia, Sicilia, and of Greece, which are Turkish ships ; all which resort into this harbour to saue themselues from pirates, and from tempestuous weather. Another port there is also called Marsa Esil Sela^ that is to say, the port of the chaine, wherein the ships of Barbarie, namely those of Tunis & of the isle of Gerbi harbor themselues.^^ The Christians are constrained to pay about the lo. part for all w^ares that they bring in & carie out, but the Mahumetans pay but the 20. part : and whatsoeuer wares HLSTORIE OF AFRICA. 863 are caried by land to Cairo pay no custom at all. And at this present that part of the citie which is next vnto Cairo is the most famous and best furnished with merchandize brought by merchants from al places of the world. The other parts of this city are destitute both of ciuilitie & inhabitants : for except one long street, and that part of the citie next the hauen which is full of merchants shops, & inhabited by christians, the residue is void and desolate. Which desolation happened at that time, when Lewis the fourth king of France being restored to libertie by the Soldan, the king of Cyprus with a fleet partly of Venetians & partly of '^J^^^and Frenchmen suddenly assailed Alexandria, and with ^Q^,t\^f^i^y^^ ^ * ^ kin^/o Cyprus. slaughter surprized and sacked the same. But the Soldan comming with an huge armie to rescue Alexandria, so discouraged the Cyprians, that they burnt downe the houses thereof and betooke themselues to flight.^- Whereupon the Soldan repairing the walles, and building a castle neere vnto the hauen, the citie grew by little and little into that estate, wherein it standeth at this present. In the citie of Alexandria there is acertaine high mount fashioned vnto the place called Testaccio at Rome, whereon, although it hath no naturall situation, are found diuers earthen vessels of great antiquitie. Vpon the top of the said mount standeth a turret, where a certaine officer is appointed to watch for such ships as direct their course towards the citie, who for euery ship that he giueth notice of vnto the customers, receiveth a certain fee : but if he chanceth to fall asleep, or be out of the way at the arriuall of any ship, whereof he certifieth not to the customers, he paieth double for his negligence into the Soldans exchequer.^* Vnder each house of this citie there is a great vaulted cesterne The water of built upon mightie pillers and arches : whereinto the water ^^a^h^fnL of Nilus at euery inundation is conueied vnder the walles ^^^^*^^^^^' of the citie, by a certaine woonderfull and most artificiall sluce standing without the city it selfe. But these cesternes 864 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE growing sometime corrupt and fowle, are often in summer the occasion of many diseases and infirmities. This citie standeth in the midst of a sandie desert, and is destitute of gardens and vines, neither is the soil round about it apt to beare corne ; so that their come is brought them from places fortie miles distant Howbeit neere the foresaid sluce, whereby the water of Nilus is conueied into the citie, are certaine little gardens, the fruits whereof being growen to ripenes are so vnholesome, that they breed feuers and other noisome diseases among the citizens. Sixe miles westward of Alexandria, among certaine ancient buildings, standeth a piller^* of a woonderfull height and thicknes, which the Arabians call Hemadussaoar, that is to say, the piller of trees. Of this piller there is a fable reported, that Ptolemey one of the kings of Alexandria built it upon an extreme point of land stretching from the hauen, whereby to the end he might defend the citie from the inuasion of forren enemies, and make it inuincible, he placed a certaine steele- glasse upon the top thereof, by the hidden vertue of which glasse as many ships as passed by while the glasse was vncouered should immediately be set on fire ; but the said glJisse being broken by the Mahumetans, the secret vertue thereof vanished, and the great piller whereon it stood was remooued out of the place. But this is a most ridiculous narration, and fit for babes to giue credit vnto. At this present there are amongst the ancient inhabitants of Certaine Alexandria many Christians called lacobites, being all of Christians . o i t w i . • called Jacob- them artizans & merchants : these lacobites haue a church of their own to resort vnto, wherein the body of S. Mark the Euagelist lay in times past interred, which hath since beene priuily stolne by the Venetians, & carried vnto Venice. And the said lacobites pay tribute vnto the gouernour of Cairo.^^ Neither is it to be passed ouer in silence, that in the midst of the ruinous monuments of Alexandria there remaineth as yet a certaine little house ites. HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 865 built in forme of a chappell, and containing a sepulchre much honoured by the Mahumetans, wherein they affirme out of the authoritie of their Alcaron, that the bodie of the high prophet and king (as they terme him) Alexander the great lieth buried. And thither resort yeerely great multi- tudes of pilgrimes fromforren nations, to adore and reuerence the said sepulchre, and oftentimes to bestow large almes thereupon.^^ Other things woorthie the noting I purposely passe ouer, least I should seeme too tedious vnto the reader. Of the citie of Bochin. THis ancient and small citie situate in times past vpon the Mediterran sea shore eight miles eastward of Alexandria, lieth at this time vtterly desolate, nought re- maining thereof, but certaine mines of the walles. It is now planted with date-trees, wherewith the poore in- habitants dwelling in base and solitarie cottages sustaine themselues. Neere vnto this citie standeth a towre vpon a certaine dangerous rocke, against which many ships of Syria being driuen in the night, doe suffer shipwracke, because they cannot in the darke finde the right course to Alexandria. Round about this citie there are no fields but sandie deserts euen to the riuer of Nilus.^^ Of the citie of Rasid called by the Italians Rosetto, THe citie of Rosetto was built by a slaue of a certaine Mahumetan patriarke and gouernour of Egypt,^® vpon the easterne banke of Nilus three miles from the Mediterran sea, not farre from the place where Nilus dis- chargeth his streames into the said sea. It containeth most beautifull houses and palaces built vpon the shore of Nilus, and a faire market-place, enuironed on all sides with shops of merchants and artizans, with a stately and sumptuous temple also, hauing some gates towards the 866 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE market-place, and others toward Nilus, and certaine com- modious staires to descend into the same riuer. Neere vnto the temple there is a certaine harbour for the safetie of ships and barks of burthen that carrie wares vnto Cairo : for the citie being unwalled resembleth a village rather then a citie. About this citie stands diuers cottages, wherein they vse to thrash rice with certaine wooden instruments, & to make ready each moneth three thousand bushels thereof. A little farther from this citie there is a place like vnto a village, wherein great store of hackney- mules, and asses are kept for trauellers to ride vpon vnto Alexandria : neither neede the trauellers to guide the saide hackneyes, but to let them run their ordinarie course, for they will goe directly to the same house or Inne where they ought to be left : and their pace is so good, that they will from sunne-rising to sunne-set carrie a man fortie miles : they trauell alwaies so neere the sea-shore, that sometimes the waues thereof beat vpon the hackneyes feete. Neere vnto this citie are many fields of dates, and grounds which yeeld aboundance of rice. The inhabitants are of a cheer- full disposition and courteous to strangers, especially to such as loue to spend their time in iollitie and disport. Here is a stately bath-stoue also, hauing fountaines both of cold and hot water belonging thereunto, the like whereof for stately and commodious building is not to be found in lohn Leo was Effvpt bcsidcs. I my selfe was in this citie when Se/tm the atRasidtfu ^ , f ,. ^ ^, ,. , .. same iitm when great Turkc rctumcd this way from Alexandria, who with Turkepassed his priuate and familiar friends beholding the said bath- ^ ^^^' stoue, seemed to take great delight and contentment therein.^® Of the citie called Ant htus, 'His citie was built vpon the easterne banke of Nilus T' by the Romans, as many Latin inscriptions en- grauen in marble, and remaining til this present do beare HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 867 sufficient record. It is a beautifull and well-gouemed citie, and is furnished with men of all kinde of trades and occu- pations. The fields adiacent abound with great plentie of rice, corne, and dates. The inhabitants are of a cheerefull and gentle disposition, and gaine much by rice which they transport vnto Cairo.®* Oftlie citie of Bamabal. THis citie was founded at the same time when the Christian religion began to take place in Egypt, vpon the easterne banke of Nilus, in a most pleasant and fruitfull place. Here is such abundance of rice, that in the citie there are more then fower hundred houses for the thrashing and trimming thereof. But they that impose this task vpon the inhabitants, are men of forren countries, and especially of Barbaric, which are so lasciuiously and riotously giuen, that almost all the harlots of Egypt resort hither vnto them, who shaue off their haires to the very bones without any cizzers or rasors.*^ Of the citie of Thebe, BY whom this ancient citie of Thebe^ standing vpon the westerne banke of Nilus should be built, our African chroniclers are of sundry opinions. Some affirme it to be built by the Egyptians, some by the Romans, and others by the Grecians, because there are as yet to be seene most ancient monuments, partly in Latine, partly in Greeke, and partly in Egyptian characters. Howbeit at this present it containeth but three hundred families in all, being most of them very stately and sumptuously built^ It aboundeth with corne, rice, and sugar, and with certaine fruits of a most excellent taste called Muse.^ It is also Thefruits furnished with great store of merchants and artificers : but *' the most part of the inhabitants are husbandmen : and if a man walke the streetes in the day-time he shall see none 868 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE but trim and beautifull women. The territorie adiacent aboundeth with date-trees which grow so thicke, that a man cannot see the citie, till he approcheth nigh vnto the walles. Here grow likewise store of grapes, figs, and peaches, which are carried in great plentie vnto Cairo. Without the citie there are many ancient monuments, as namely pillers, inscriptions, and walles of a great thicknes built of excellent stone, and such a number of ruinous places, that this citie seemeth in times past to haue beene very large. T' Of the citie of Fuoa, ^His citie being distant about 45. miles southward from Rosetto, was built by the Egyptians on the side of Nilus next vnto Asia. The streetes thereof are narrow, being otherwise a well gouerned and populous citie, and abounding with all necessarie commodities. Heere are likewise very faire shops of merchants and artificers, albeit the inhabitants are much addicted vnto their ease and pleasure. The women of this towne Hue in so great libertie, that they may go whither they will all the day-time, returning home at night without any controlement of their husbands. The fieldes adiacent abounde greatly with dates, and neere vnto them there is a certaine plaine which is very apt for sugar and corne: howbeit the sugar canes there bring not foorth perfect Sugar. sugar, but in steede thereof a certaine kind of honie like sope, which they vse throughout all Egypt, because there is but little other hony in the whole countrey.^ Of Gezirat Eddeheb^ that is to say^ the golden Isle. OVer against the foresaid city the riuer of Nilus maketh an Isle, which being situate on an high place, bringeth forth all kinde of fruitefull trees except Oliues. Vpon this Island are many palaces and beautifull buildings. HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 869 which cannot be scene through the thicke and shadie woods. The soile of this Island being apt for sugar and rice, is manured by most of the inhabitants, but the residue are imploied about carrying of their merchandize vnto Cairo.«* Oftlie citie of Medulla, THis citie builte by the Mahumetans in my time vpon the easterne shore of Nilus, and enuironed with a lowe wall, containeth great store of inhabitants, the most part of whom being either weauers or husbandmen, are voide of all curtesie and ciuilitie. They bring vp great store of geese which they sell at Cairo ; and their fields bring foorth plentie of corne and flaxe.^ Of the citie of Derotte, WHen Egypt was subiect to the Romaine empire, this towne was built also vpon the easterne banke of Nilus : which as it is very populous, so is it adorned with stately buildings and large streets, hauing merchants shops on either side of them. They haue a most beautifuU temple, and the citizens are exceeding rich : for their grounde yeeldeth such abundance of sugar, that they pay Great abun- yeerely vnto the Soldan an hundred thousande peeces of ^"^^^^ ^^^''' golde, called in their language Saraffi, for their libertie of making and refining thereof. In this citie standeth a certaine great house like vnto a castle, wherein are their presses and caldrons, for the boiling and preparing of their sugar. Neither did I euer in all my life see so many workemen emploied about that busines, whose daily wages (as I vnderstood by a certaine publike officer) amounted to two hundred Saraffi.^® 870 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE Of the citie called Mecliellat Chats, THe Mahumetans hauing conquered Egypt, built this citie vpon an high hill standing by the westerne banke of Nilus. The fields of this citie being high ground, are apt for to plant vines vpon, bicause the waters of Nilus cannot ouerflow them. This towne aflToordeth new grapes vnto Cairo, almost for halfe the yeere long: but the inhabitants are vnciuill people, being most of them water- men and bargemen.^ A description of the huge and admirable citie of Cairo. CAiro is commonly reputed to be one of the greatest and most famous cities in al the whole world. But leauing the common reports & opinions thereof, I will 1-26. exactly describe the forme and estate wherin it * now standeth. And that I may begin with the Etymology or deriuation of the name, Cairo is an Arabian word, corruptly pronounced by the people of Europe : for the true Arabian worde is El Chahira, which signifieth an enforcing or im- perious mistresse.^ This citie built in ancient times by one Gehoar Cfietib a Dalmatian slaue (as I haue before signified in the beginning of my discourse) containeth within the wals not aboue eight thousand families, being inhabited by noblemen, gentlemen, and merchants that sell wares brought from all other places.^^ The famous temple of Cairo commonly called Gemih Hashare, that is to say, the glorious temple, was built also by the foresaide slaue, whom we affirmed to be the founder of the citie, and whose surname was Hashare^ that is to say, famous, being giuen him by the Mahumetan patriarke that was his prince. ^^ This city standeth vpon a most beautifull plaine, neere vnto a certaine mountaine called Mucatun,** about two miles distant from Nilus, and is enuironed with stately wals, and fortified with iron gates : the principall of which HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 87 1 gates is called Babe Nanfre,^ that is, the gate of victory, which standeth eastward towards the desert of the red sea ; and the gate called Beb Zuaila^ being next vnto the old citie and to Nilus ; and also Bebel Futuh,^ that is to say, the gate of triumph, standing towards the lake and the fieldes. And albeit Cairo aboundeth euerie where with all kinde of merchants and artificers, yet that is the principall streete of the whole citie which stretcheth from the gate of Nanfre to the gate of Zuaila; for in it are builte most stately and admirable palaces and colleges, and most sumptuous temples, among which is the temple of Gemith Elhechim^ the third schismaticall Califa of Cairo. Other temples there are of a maruellous bignes, which to describe in particular, I thinke it superfluous. Heere are many bath- stoues also very artificially built. Next of all is the streete called Beinel Casrain,^ containing to the number of three- score cooks or victualers shops, furnished with vessels of tinne : there are certaine other shops also, wherein are to be solde delicate waters or drinkes made of all kinds o{ Delicate drinks fruits, being for noblemen to drinke of, and these waters ^ind of fruits. they keepe most charily in fine vessels, partly of glasse, and partly of tinne : next vnto these are shops where diuers confections of hony and sugar, vnlike vnto the confections of Europe, are to be sold : then follow the fruiterers shops, who bring outlandish fruits out of Syria, to wit, quinces, pomegranates, and other fruits which grow not in Egypt : next vnto them are the shops of such as sell egges, cheese, and pancakes fried with oile. And next of all there is a streete of the principall artificers shops. Beyond which streete standeth a college built by the Soldan soidan called Gfiauri^ who was slaine in a battaile against Selim ^'^'^"'^• the great Turke.^ And next vnto the college are diuers rankes of drapers shops. In the first ranke there is most outlandish linnen cloth to be sold, as namely fine cloth of cotton brought from Balabach,^® and cloth called Mosall 872 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE brought from Ninou*** of a maruellous bredth and finenesse, whereof noblemen and others of account haue shirts made them, and scarfTes to weare vpon their Dulipans. Besides these there are certain e mercers shops where the rich stuffes of Italy, namely silke, damaske, veluet, cloth of golde,*^ and such like are to be bought, vnto which stuffes I neuer sawe anie comparable (to my remembrace) in Italy, where they vse to be made. Next vnto the mercers are the woollen drapers which bring cloth out of Europe, as namely from Florence, Venice, Flanders, and other places. Next of all there are chamblets to be sold : and from thence the way lieth to the gate of Zuaila, at which gate dwell great store of artificers. Neere vnto the saide way standeth the famous Burse called Canel Halili,*^ wherin the Persian merchants dwell. It is built very stately in maner of a kings palace, and is of three stories high : beneath it are certaine conuenient roomes w^hither merchants for the exchange of rich and costly wares do resort : for heere do the principall and most wealthie merchants abide ; whose wares are spices, precious stones, cloth of India, and such like. Next vnto the Burse standeth a streete of shops where all kinde of perfumes, namely ciuet, muske, amber, and such like are to be solde :** which commodities are heere in so great plentie, that if you aske for twentie pounds of muske they will presently shewe you an hundred. Next followeth the streete of the paper merchants where you may buie most excellent and smooth paper : heere also are to be sold iewels and precious stones of great value, which the brokers carrie from one shop to another. Then come you to the gold- smiths streete being inhabited for the most part by lewes, who deale for riches of great importance.** And next vnto the goldsmiths are certaine streets of vpholsters or brokers, who sell the apparell and rich furniture of noblemen and other citizens at the second hande ; which are not cloakes. . HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 873 coates, napery, or such like, but things of exceeding price and value : amongst which I my selfe once sawe a beautiful! pauilion embrodered with needle-worke, and beset with pearles that weighed fortie pounds, which pearles being taken out of it were solde for ten thousand Saraffi. In this citie also there is a most stately hospitall built hy A stately hospi- Piperis the first Soldan of the Mamalucks race*^: the yearly reuenues whereof amount vnto two hundred thousand Saraffi. Hither may any impotent or diseased persons resort, and be well prouided of phisitions, and of all things necessarie for those that are sicke, who if they chance to die heere, all their goods are due vnto the hospitall. Of the suburb called Beb Zuaila. THis great suburbe belonging vnto Cairo, and containing about twelue thousand families, beginneth at the gate of Zuaila, and extendeth westward almost a mile & a halfe ; southward it bordereth vpon the palace of the Soldan, and stretcheth northward for the space of a mile vnto the suburbe called Beb Elloch. Heere dwell as many noble men and gentlemen almost, as within the city it selfe ; and the citizens haue shops both heere and in the citie, as likewise many inhabitants of this suburbe maintaine families in the citie also. Amongst all the buildings of this suburbe the principal! is that stately college built by Soldan Hesenf^ being of such a woonderfuU height and great strength, that oftentimes the colleges haue presumed to rebell against the Soldan, and therein to fortifie themselues against the whole citie, and to discharge ordinance against the Soldans castle which is but halfe a crosse-bowe shot distant. Of the suburbe called Gemeh Tailon. THis huge suburt)e confining eastwarde vpon the fore- said suburbe of Beb Zuaila extendeth westward to certaine ruinous places neere vnto the olde citie. Before 3K 874 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE the foundation of Cairo this suburbe was erected by one Tailon, who was subiect vnto the Califa of Bagdet, and gouernour of Egypt, and was a most famous and prudent man>^ This Tailon leauing the old citie, inhabited this suburbe, and adorned the same with a most admirable palace, and sumptuous temple. Heere dwell also great store of merchants, and artificers, especially such as are Moores of Barbarie. Of the suburbe called Beb Elloch}^ THis large suburbe being distant from the wals of Cairo about the space of a mile, and containing almost three thousand families, is inhabited by merchants, and artizans of diuers sorts as well as the former. Vpon a certaine large place of this suburbe standeth a great palace and a stately college built by a certaine Mammaluck called lazbachy counseller vnto the Soldan of those times ; and the place it selfe is called after his name lazbachia.*® Hither after Mahumetan sermons and deuotions, the com- mon people of Cairo, togither with the baudes and harlots, do vsually resort ; and many stage plaiers also, and such as teach camels, asses, and dogs, to daunce : which dauncing is a thing very delightfull to behold, and especially that of the asse : who hauing frisked and daunced a while, his master comes vnto him and tels him with a loude voice, that the Soldan being about to builde some great palace, must vse all the asses of Cairo to carrie morter, stones, and These asses are Other neccssarie prouision. Then the asse falling presently to Banks his to the ground, and lying with his heeles vpward, maketh plaid /I'is prises ^^^ belly to swcll, and closeth his eies as if he were starke oiin"^^"^"^ dead. In the meanewhile his master lamenting the mis- fortune of the asse vnto the standers by, earnestly craueth their friendly assistance and liberalitie to buie him a newe asse. And hauing gathered of each one as much money as he can get ; you are much deceiued my masters (quoth HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 875 he) that thinke mine asse to be dead : for the hungrie lade knowing his masters necessity hath wrought this sleight, to the end he might get some money to buie him pro- uender. Then turning about to the asse, he commandeth him with all speede to arise: but the asse lyeth starke still, though he command and beate him neuer so much : whereupon turning againe to the people, Be it knowen (quoth he) vnto you all, that the Soldan hath published an edict or proclamation, that to morrow next all the people shall go foorth of the citie to beholde a triumph ; and that all the honourable and beautifull ladies and gentlewomen shall ride vpon the most comely asses, and shall giue them otes to eate, and the christall water of Nilus to drinke. Which words being scarce ended, the asse suddenly starteth from the ground, prancing & leaping for ioy : then his master prosecuting still his narration ; but (saith he) the warden of our streete hath borrowed this goodly asse of mine for his deformed and olde wife to ride vpon. At these wordes the asse, as though hee were indued with humaine reason, coucheth his eares, and limpeth with one of his legges, as if it were quite out of ioint. Then saith his master ; What, sir lade, are you so in loue with faire women ? The asse nodding his head seemeth to say, yea. Come on therefore sirra (quoth his master) and let us see among all these prettie damosels, which pleaseth your fancie best. Whereupon the asse going about the com- panie, and espying some woman more comely and beautiful then the rest, walketh directly vnto her and toucheth her with his head : and then the beholders laugh and crie out amaine : Lo, the asses paramour, the paramour of the asse. Whereupon the fellow that shewed all this sport leaping vpon the backe of his asse rideth to some other place.*^ There is also another kinde of charmers or Soothsaying Hrds, iuglers, which keepe certaine little birds in cages made after the fashion of cupboords, which birds will reach vnto 3K2 8/6 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE any man with their beaks certaine skroules contayning either his good or euill successe in time to come. And whosoeuer desireth to know his fortune must giue the bird an halfepenie : which shee taking in her bill carrieth into a little boxe, and then comming foorthagaine bringeth the said skroule in her beake. I my selfe had once a skroule of ill fortune giuen me, which although I little regarded, yet had I most vnfortunate successe then was contained therein. Also there are masters of defence playing at all kinde of weapons, and others that sing songs of the battels fought betweene the Arabians and Eg^yptians, whenas the Arabians conquered Egypt, with diuers others that sing such toyes and ballads vnto the people." Of the suburb called Bulach, THis large and ancient suburb of Cairo standing two miles distant from the walles of the citie vpon the banke of Nilus, containeth fower thousand families. Vpon the way lying betweene the suburb and this citie, stand diuers houses, and mils turned about by the strength of beasts. In this suburb dwell many artificers and mer- chants, especially such as sell corne, oyle, and sugar. Moreouer it is full of stately temples, palaces, and coUedges : but the fairest buildings thereof stand along the riuer Nilus, for from thence there is a most beautiful! prospect vpon the riuer, and thither do the vessels and barkes of Nilus resort vnto the common stathe of Cairo being situate in this suburb : at which place you shall see at some times, and especially in the time of haruest, aboue looo. barkes. And here the officers appointed to receiue custome for wares brought from Alexandria and Damiata haue their aboad : albeit but little tribute be demaunded for the said wares, because it was payd before at the port of their arriuall : but those wares that come out of the firme land of Egypt allow entire custome.^^ HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 877 Of the suburb called Ckarafa, THE suburbe of Carafa built in manner of a towne, and standing from mount Muccatim a stones cast, and from the walles of the citie about two miles, containeth almost two thousand housholds. But at this day the greatest part thereof lyeth waste and destroyed. Here are many sepulchres built with high and stately vaults and arches, and adorned on the inner side with diuers emblemes and colours, which the fond people adore as the sacred shrines, & monuments of saints, spreading the pauement with sumptuous and rich carpets. Hither euerie friday morning resort out of the citie it selfe and the suburbs, great multitudes of people for deuotions sake, who bestow liberall and large almes.^ Of the old citie called Mifrulhetich, THis citie being the first that was built in Egypt in the time of the Mahumetans, was founded by Hamre captaine generall ouer the forces of Honiar the second Muahmetan patriarke vpon the banke of Nilus, resembling a suburb because it is vnwalled, and containing to the number of fiue thousand families.*^ It is adorned, especially by the riuer Nilus, with diuers palaces and houses of noblemen, and also with the famous temple of Hamre^ being of an huge bignes, and most stately built. It is also indifferently well prouided of tradesmen and artificers. And here standeth the famous sepulchre of a woman reputed most holy by the Mahumetans, and called by them Saint Nafissa^ which was the Saint Najissa. daughter of one called Zenulhebidin being the sonne of Huseifiy the son of Heli, who was cousin-german vnto Mahumet, The said Nafissa seeing all of her family to be depriued of the Mahumetan patriarkship, left Cufa a gitie of Arabia Felix, and came and dwelt in this citie ; 8/8 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE partly because she was of the linage of Mahumet, and partly for that she liued an innocent and blamelesse life, the people after her death ascribed diuine honours, canonizing her for a Saint. Wherefore the schismaticall patriarks of her kinred hauing got the vpper hand in Egypt, began to build for Nafissa most beautifull shrine or sepulchre, which they adorned also with siluer-lamps, with carpets of silke, and such like precious ornaments. So great is the renowne of this Nafissa^ that there commeth no Mahumetan either by sea or land vnto Cairo, but hee adoreth this sepulchre, and bringeth his offering thereunto, as likewise doe all the Mahumetans inhabitating there- about : insomuch that the yeerely oblations and almes offered at this sepulchre, partly for the reliefe of the poore kinsfolkes of Mahumet, and partly for the maintenance of the priests which keep the saide sepulchre, amount vnto looooo. Saraffi: which priests by fained and counterfeit miracles do dayly delude the mindes of the simple, to the ende they may the more inflame thir blinde deuotion, and may stirre them to greater liberalitie. When Selim the great Turke woone the citie of Cairo, his Janizaries rifling this sepulchre, found there the summe of 500000. Saraffi in readie money, besides the silver-lampes, the chaines, and carpets : but Selim tooke away a great part of that treasure from them. Such as write the Hues of the Mahumetan saints, making very honourable mention of this Na^ssa.ssy that she was descended of the noble family of I/eh\ and that she was most famous for her vertuous and chast life : but the fonde people and the priest of that excecrable sepulchre haue deuised many fained and superstitious miracles.^ In this suburbe also neere vnto the riuer of Nilus is the customers office for such wares as are brought out of the Prouince of Sahid. Without the walled citie stand the magnificent and stately sepulchres of the Soldans, built with admirable and huge arches.^^ But in my time HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 879 a certaine Sollian caused a walke to be built between two high wals from the gate of the citie to the place of the aforesaid sepulchres, and at the endes of both wals caused two turrets of an exceeding height to be erected for marks and directions vnto such merchants as came thither from the port of mount Sinai.^ About a mile and an halfe from the saide sepulchres in a certaine place called Amalthria there is a garden containing the onely balme-tree, (for in The place whole world besides there is not any other tree that beareth growetk. true balme) which balme-tree growing in the midst of a large fountaine, and hauing a short stocke or bodie, beareth leaues like vnto vine-leaues, but that they are not so long ; and this tree (they say) would vtterly wither and decay, if the water of the fountaine should chance to be deminished. The garden is enuironed with a strong wall, whereinto no man may enter without the speciall fauour and licence of the gouernor.^* In the midst of Nilus, ouer against the old citie, standeth the isle called Michias,^ that is to say, The isle of measure, in which isle (according to the inundation of Nilus) they haue a kinde of deuise inuented by the ancient Egyptians, whereby they most certainely foresee the plentie or scarcitie of the yeere following throughout all the land of Egypt. This island is well inhabited and containeth about 1 500. families ; vpon the extreme point or ende whereof standeth a most beautifuU palace built in my remembrance by a Soldan, and a large temple also, which is verie pleasant in regard of the coole streames of Nilus. Vpon another side of the Island standeth an house alone by it selfe, in the midst whereof The manner of there is a fouresquare cestern or chanell of eighteene cubits J^^^^"^ deepe, whereinto the water of Nilus is conueied by a ^^^^^' certaine sluce vnder the ground. And in the midst of the cestern there is erected a certaine piller, which is marked Thispiiieris ,,,.-,. ,. , .ir called by Plinie and diuided into so maqy cubits as the cesterne it selfe NUoscopium. containeth in depth. And vpon the seuenteenth of June when 88o THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE Nilus beginneth to overflow, the water thereof conueied by the said sluce into the chanell, increaseth daily, sometimes two, and sometimes three fingers, and sometimes halfe a cubite in height. Vnto this place there dayly resort certaine officers appointed by the Senate, who viewing and obseruing the increase of Nilus, declare vnto certaine children how much it hath increased, which children wearing yellow skarffes vpon their heads, doe publish the saide increase of Nilus in euerie streete of the citie and the suburbs, and receiue gifts euerie day of the merchants, artificers, and women so long as Nilus increaseth. The foresaid deuise or experiment of the increase of Nilus is this that followeth. If the water reacheth onely to the fifteeneth cubit of the foresaide piller, they hope for a fruitfull yeere following : but if it stayeth betweene the twelfth cubit and the fifteenth, then the increase of the yeere will proue but meane : if it resteth betweene the tenth and twelfth cubits, then it is a sig^e that corne will bee solde tenne ducates the bushelL But if it ariseth to the eighteenth cubite, there is a like to follow great scarcitie in regarde of too much moisture :,and if the eighteenth cubite be surmounted, all Egypt is in danger to be swallowed up by the inundation of Nilus. The officers therefore declare unto the children the height of the riuer, and the children publish the same in all streetes of the citie, charging the people to feare God, and telling them how high Nilus is increased. And the people being astonied at the woonderfull increase of Nilus, wholy exercise them- selues in praiers, and giuing of almes. And thus Nilus continueth fortie daies increasing and fortie daies decreasing ; all which time corne is sold very deere, because while the inundation lasteth, euery man may sell at his owne pleasure : but when the eightith day is once past, the clerke of the market appointeth the price of all victuals, and especially of corne, according as he knoweth HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 88 1 by the foresaid experiment, that the high and lowe grounds of Egypt haue receiued either too little, or too much, or conuienient moisture : all which customes and ceremonies being duely performed, there followeth so great a solem- nitie, and such a thundering noise of drums and trumpets throughout all Cairo, that a man would suppose the whole citie to be turned vpside downe. And then euery familie hath a barge adorned with rich couerings and carpets, and with torch- light, and furnished with most daintie meates and confections, wherewith they solace themselves. The Soldan also with all his nobles and courtiers resorteth vnto that sluce or conduct, which is called the great conduct, and is compassed round about with a wall, who taking an axe in his hand breaketh the said wall, and so doe his nobles and courtiers likewise : inso- much that the same part of the wall being cast downe which stopped the passage of the water, the riuer of Nilus is so swiftly and forcibly carried through that con- duct and through all other conducts and sluces in the city and the suburbes, that Cairo at that time seemeth to be another Venice ; and then may you rowe ouer all places of the land of Egypt. Seuen daies and seuen nights together the foresaide festiuall solemnitie continueth in Cairo ; during which space the merchants and artificers of the citie may (according to the custome of the ancient Egyptians) consume & spend in torches, perfumes, con- fections, musique, & such like ioUities, al their gaines that they haue gotten the whole yeere past. Without the citie of Cairo, neere vnto the suburbe of Ben Zuaila, standeth the castle of the Soldan vpon the side of the mountaine called Mochattan. This castle is enuironed with high and impregnable walles, and containeth such stately and beau- tifull palaces, that they can hardly be described. Faued they are with excellent marble, and on the roofes they are gilt and curiously painted, their windowes are adorned with 882 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE diuers colours, like to the windowes of some places of Europe ; and their gates be artificially carued and beauti- fied with gold and azure. Some of these palaces are for the Soldan and his familie : others for the familie of his wife, and the residue for his concubines, his eunuches, and his garde. Likewise the Soldan had one palace to keepe publique feastes in ; and another wherein to giue audience vnto forren ambassadours, and to exalt himselfe with great pompe and ceremonies : and another also for the gouer- nours and officials of his court. But all these are at this present abolished by Selim the great Turke.^ Of the customes^ rites, and fashions of the citizens of Cairo. THe inhabitants of Cairo are people of a merrie, iocund, and cheerefuU disposition, such as will pro- mise much, but performe little. They exercise merchan- dize and mechanicall artes, and yet trauell they not out of their owne natiue soile. Many students there are of the lawes, but very few of other liberall artes and sciences. And albeit their colleges are continually full of students, yet few of them attaine vnto perfection. The citizens in winter are clad in garments of cloth lined with cotton : in summer they weare fine shirts : ouer which shirts some put on linnen garments curiously wrought with silke, and others weare garments of chamblet, and vpon their heads they Carrie great turbants couered with cloth of India. The attire of The women goe costly attired, adorning their foreheads the women of o • o Cairo, and necks with frontlets and chaines of pearle, and on their heads they weare a sharpe and slender bonet of a span high, being very pretious and rich. Gownes they weare of woollen cloth with streite sleeues, being curiously embrodered with needle-worke, ouer which they cast cer- taine veiles of most excellent fine cloth of India. They couer their heads and faces with a kinde of blacke scarfe, HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 883 through which beholding others they cannot be scene themselues. Vpon their feet they weare fine shooes and pantofles, somewhat after the Turkish fashion. These women are so ambitious & proud, that all of them dis- daine either to spin or to play the cookes : wherefore their husbands are constrained to buie victuals ready drest at the cookes shops : for very few, except such as haue a great familie, vse to prepare and dresse their victuals in their owne houses. Also they vouchsafe great libertie vnto Tke nbertu of , . . r 1 11. « *^ women of their wiues : lor the good man being gone to the tauerne Cairo. or victualling-house, his wife tricking vp her selfe in costly apparell, and being perfumed with sweet and pretious odours, walketh about the citie to solace her selfe, and parley with her kinsfolk and friendes. They vse to ride vpon asses more then horses, which are broken to such a gentle pace, that they goe easier than any ambling horse. These asses they couer with most costly furniture, and let them out vnto women to ride vpon, together with a boy to lead the asse, and certaine footmen to run by. In this citie, like as in diuers others, great store of people carrie about sundrie kindes of victuals to be solde. Many there are also that sell water, which they carrie vp and downe in certaine leather bags vpon the backs of camels : for the citie (as I said before) is two miles distant from Nilus. Others carrie about a more fine and handsome vessell with a cocke or spout of brasse upon it, hauing a cup of Myrrhe or christall in their hands, and these sell water for men to drinke, and for euery draught they take a farthing. Others sell yoonc: chickens and other fowles by measure, which Birds hatched J ^ -^ ' after a strange they hatch after a woonderfuU and strange manner.^^ manner in They put great numbers of egges into certaine ouens built upon sundrie loftes, which ouens being moderately bet, will within seuen dales conuert all the said egges into chickens. Their measures are bottomlesse, which being put into the basket of the buier, and filled full of chickens, 884 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE they lift it vp, and so let the chickens fall into the basket.® Likewise such as buie those chickens hauing kept them a few daies, carry them about to sell againe. The cookes shops stand open very late : but the shops of other artificers shut up before ten of the clocke, who then walke abroad for their solace and recrea- tion from one suburbe to another. The citizens in their common talke vse ribald and filthie speeches : and (that I may passe ouer the rest in silence) it falleth out oftentimes that the wife will complaine of her husband vnto the iudge, that he doth not his dutie nor contenteth her sufficiently in the night season, whereupon (as it is permitted by the Mahumetan law) the women are diuorced and married vnto other husbands. Among the artizans whosoeuer is the ^^^^in-^^ first inuentour of any new and ingenious deuise is clad in a geniousdeuises. garment of cloth of gold, and carried with a noise of musitians after him, as it were in triumph from shop to shop, hauing some money giuen him at euery place. I my selfe once saw one carried about with solemne musicke and with great pompe and triumph, because he had bound a flea in a chaine, which lay before him on a peece of paper for all men to behold. And if any of them chance to fall out in the streetes, they presently goe to buffets, and then a great number of people come flocking about them to see the conflict, and will not depart thence, till they haue reconciled them. Their most usual foode is buffles flesh and great store of pulse : when they goe to dinner or supper, if their familie be little, they lay a short and rounde table-cloth : but if their houshold be great, they spread a large cloth, such as is used in the halles of princes. Amongst the sundrie sectes of religion in this citie, there is one sect of the Moores called Chenesia^: and this sect liueth vpon horse-flesh, so that their butchers when they can heare of any halting or lame iade, buy him foorthwith, and set him vp a fatting, and hauing killed him, the said HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 885 sect of Chenesia come and buy vp his flesh handsmoothe. This sect is rife also amonp^the Turkes, the Mamaluks,and the people of Asia ; and albeit the Turkes might freely vse the foode before-mentioned, yet doe they not inure them- selues thereunto. In Egypt and in the citie of Cairo there are permitted fower seuerall sectes, differing each f^omfj^^.^^^"^^^ other both in canon and ciuill lawes : all which sects haue MaAumetan religion per- their originall from the religion of Mahumet. For there ^}^f^J^ *^^ ^ ^ ^ citie (f Cairo. were in times past fower men of singular learning, who by subtiltie and sharpnesse of wit, founde out a way to make particular deductions out of Mahumets generall preceptes. So that each of them would interpret the opinions of Mahumet according to their owne fancie, and would euery man apply them to his owne proper sense ; and therefore they must needes disagree much betweene themselues : howbeit growing famous among the common people in regard to their diuers canons & precepts, they were the first authors and founders of the saide fower sects : any one of which whatsoeuer Mahumetan professeth, cannot renounce the same at his pleasure and embrace another sect, vnless he be a man of deepe learning, and knoweth the reasons and allegations of both parts. Also there are in the citie of Cairo fower principall iudges, who giue sentence onely vpon matters of great importance : vnder which fower are substituted other inferiour iudges, in euerie streete of the citie, which decide petie contentions and brabbles. And if the parties which are at controuersie chance to bee of diuers sects, the plaintife may summon and conuent the defendant before the iudge of his streete : howbeit the defendant may, if he will, appeale from him vnto the highest iudge of all, being placed ouer the fower principall iudges aforesaid, and being gouernour of the sect called Essasichia®* ; and this high iudge hath authority to dispense withal or to disanul the decrees of the fower principal, and of all the other inferiour iudges, according 886 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE as he shall see cause. Whosoeuer attempteth ought against the canons and precepts of his owne religion, is seuerely punished by the iudge of the same religion. Moreouer, albeit the priests of the foresaid sects differ very much, both in their formes of Liturgie or praier, and also in many other respects, yet do they not for that diuersitie of ceremonies hate one another, neither yet do the com- mon people of sundrie sects fal to mutinie & debate : but men indeed of singular learning & much reading confer oftentimes togither, & as in priuate each man affirmeth his owne sect to be the best, so likewise do they confirm their opinions by subtile arguments, neither may any man vnder paine of greeuous punishment reproch any of the saide fower ancient doctors. And in verie deed they all of them follow one and the same religion, to wit, that which is prescribed in the canons of Haskari the principall doctor of the Mahumetans, which canons go for currant ouer all Africa, and most part of Asia, except in the dominions of the great Sophi of Persia^ ; who bicause he reiecteth the saide canons, is accounted by other Ma- humetans an heretike, and a schismatike. But how such varietie of opinions proceeded from the fowre doctors aforesaid, it were tedious and troublesome to rehearse : he that is desirous to knowe more of this matter, let him read my Commentaries which I haue written concerning the lawe and religion of Mahumet according to the doctrine of Malich^ who was a man of profound learning, and was borne at Medina Talnabi, where the body of Mahumet lieth buried : which doctrine of Malich is embraced throughout all Syria, Egypt, and Arabia: wherewith if any man be delighted, let him peruse my foresaide Com- mentaries, and they will satisfie him to the full. Vpon malefactors they inflict most greeuous and horrible punish- ment, especially vpon such as haue committed any heinous crime in the court. Theeues they condemne to the halter. HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 887 A murther committed trecherously they punish in manner following : the executioners assistants take the malefactor one by the head, and another by the feete, and then comes the chiefe executioner with a two-hand sword, and cutteth his body in twaine, the one part whereof adioining to the head is put into a fire full of vnslaked lime : and it is a most strange and dreadfull thing to consider, howe ^ndlTe^^- the same dismembred and halfe body will remaine aliue in '«^- the fire for the space of a quarter of an hower, speaking and making answer vnto the standers by. But rebels or seditious persons they flea aliue, stuflfing their skins with bran till they resemble mans shape, which being done, they Carrie the saide stuffed skins vpon camels backs through euery streete of the citie, and there publish the crime of the partie executed : then which punish- ment I neuer sawe a more dreadfull, by reason that the condemned partie liueth so long in torment : but if the tormenter once toucheth his nauel with the knife, he The nauei presently yeeldeth vp the ghost : which he may not do pr^ii^Huath. vntill he be commanded by the magistrate standing by.®^ If any be imprisoned for debt, not hauing wherewithall to satisfie the same, the gouernour of the prison paieth their creditors, and sendeth them, poore wretches, bound in chaines, & accompanied with certaine keepers, daily to begge almes from streete to streete, all which almes redoundeth to the gouernor, and he alloweth the saide prisoners very bare maintenance to liue upon. Moreouer there go crying vp and downe this citie certaine aged women, who (though that which they say in the streetes cannot be understood) are notwithstanding inioined by their office to circumcise women according to the prescript of iVonun dr- Mahumet : which ceremonie is obserued in Egypt and ''""'^'^'^ * Syria.^® 888 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE lohn Leo was tkrise in Egypt- The Mama- luks. Of the manner of creating the Soldan, and of the orders^ degrees^ and offices in his court, THedignitie and power of the Soldan was in times past exceeding great ; but Selim the great Turke in the yeere of Christ (if I be not deceiued) 15 17. vtterly abolished the saide dignitie, and changed all the customes and lawes of the Soldan. And bicause it hath beene my hap thrise to trauell into Egypt since the saide woonderfull alteration befell, I suppose it will not be much beside my purpose, if I set downe in this place such particulars as I know to be most certaine true concerning the court of the Soldan. Vnto this high dignitie was woont to be chosen some one of the most noble Mamaluks. These Mamaluks being all Christians at the first, and stolne in their childhoode by the Tartars out of the prouince of Circassia^^ which bordereth vpon the Euxin sea, and being solde at Caffa a towne of Taurica CherSonesus, were brought from thence by certaine merchants vnto the citie of Cairo, and were there bought by the Soldan ; who constraining them foorthwith to abiure and renounce their baptisme, caused them to be instiructed in the Arabian and Turkish languages, and to be trained vp in militarie discipline, to the end they might ascend from one degree of honour to another, till at last they were aduanced vnto the high dignitie of the Soldan. But this custome whereby it was enacted, that the Soldan should be chosen out of the number of such as were Mamaluks and slaues by their condition, began about 250. yeeres sithens, whenas the family of the valiant Saladin (whose name was so terrible vnto Christians) being supported but by a fewe of the kinred, fell to vtter decay and ruine.^^ At the same time when the last king of Jerusalem was determined to sacke the citie of Cairo, which also in regard of the sloth and cowardize of the Mahumeran Califa then raigning ouer it, intended to make it selfe tributarj'^ vnto HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 889 the same king, the iudges and lawyers of the citie with the consent of the Califay sent for a certaine prince of Asia called Azedudifty of the nation of Curdu, (the people where- of liue in tents like the Arabians) which Azedudin togither with his Sonne Saladin^ came with an armie of fiftie thousand horsemen. And albeit Saladin was inferiour in age vnto his father, yet in regard of his redoubted valour, and singular knowledge in militarie affaires, they created him generall of the field, and gaue him free libertie to bestow all the tributes and reuenues of Egypt, as himselfe shoulde thinke expedient. And so marching at length against the Christians, he got the victorie of them without any bloudshed, and draue them out of Jerusalem and out of all Syria. Then Saladin returning backe with triumph vnto Cairo, had an intent to vsurpe the gouernment thereof: whereupon hauing slaine the Califa his guard (who bare principall swaie ouer the Egyptians) he procured the death also of the Califa himselfe, being thus bereft of his guard, with a poisoned cup, and then foorthwith submitted himselfe vnto the patronage of the Califa of Bagdet, who was the true & lawful Mahumetan prelate of Cairo. Thus the iurisdiction of the Califas of Cairo (who had continued lords of that citie by perpetuall succession for the space of two hundred and thirty yeeres) surceased, and returned againe vnto the Califa of Bagdet, who was the true & lawfull gouernour thereof And so the schismaticall Califas and patriarks being suppressed, there grew a contention between Saladin and the Soldan of Bagdet, & Saladin made himselfe a soueraigne of Cairo, bicause the saide Soldan of Bagdet being in times past prince of the prouinces of Mazandran and Euarizin situate vpon the riuer Ganges, and being borne in a certaine countrey of Asia, laide claime notwithstanding, vnto the dominion of Cairo, and intending to wage warre against Saladin^ he was restrained by the Tartars of Corasan, who 3L oj 890 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE made inuasions and inrodes vpon him. Saladin on the other side fearing least the Christians in reuenge of the foresaid iniury would make an expedition into Syria, and considering that his forces were partly slain in the former warres, and partly consumed by pestilence, except a few which remained for the defence and safeguard of his kingdome, began to employ himselfe about buying of The originaii slaucs that Came from Circassia, whom the king of Armenia of the Mama- luks. by those daies tooke and sent vnto Cairo to be sold : which slaues he caused to abiure the Christian faith and to be trained vp in feats of warre and in the Turkish language, as being the proper language of Saladin himselfe : and so the saide slaues within a while increased so exceedingly both in valour and number, that they became not onely valiant souldiers and skilfull commaunders, but also gouernours of the whole kingdome. After the decease of Saladin^ the dominion remained vnto his family I50.yeeres, and all his successours obserued the custome of buying slaues of Circassia : but the family of Saladin growing at length to decay, the slaues by a generall consent elected one Piperis a valiant Mamaluk of their owne companie to be their soueraigne Lord and Soldan : which custome they afterward so inuiolably kept, that not the Soldans owne Sonne nor any other Mamaluk could attaine vnto that high dignitie, vnless first he had beene a Christian, and had abiured his faith, and had learned also exactly to speake the Circassian and Turkish languages. Insomuch that many Soldans sent their sonnes in their childhood into Circassia, that by learning the language and fashions of the countrey they might prooue in processe of time fit to beare soueraigne authoritie ; but by the dissension of the Mamalukes they were alwaies defieated of their purpose. And thus much briefly concerning the gouernment of the Mamalukes, and of their Princes, called euen till this present by a word of their owne mother-toong by the HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 89 1 names of Soldans : let vs now speake of the honourable degrees and dignities inferiour to the Soldanship. Of the principall Peere next vnder the Soldan called Eddaguadare, THis man being in dignitie second vnto the Soldan^ and beeing, as it were, his viceroy or lieutenant, had authoritie to place or displace any magistrates or officers ; and maintained a family almost as great as the family of the Soldan himselfeJ* Of the Soldans officer called Amir Cabir, THis man hauing the third place of honour was Lord generall ouer the Soldans militari forces ; who was by office bound to leauie armies against the forraine enemie, especially against the next Arabians, and to fur- nish the castles & cities with conuenient garisons ; and also had authority to dispend the Soldans treasure vpon such necessarie affaires as hee thought goodJ* Of Nat Bessan, THE fourth in dignitie after the Soldan called Nai Bessan, beeing the Soldan his lieutenant in Syria, and gathering vp all the tributes of Assiria bestowed them at his owne discretion, & yet the Soldan himselfe was to place garrisons in the castles and forts of those prouinces. This Nai Bessan was bound yeerly to pay certaine thou- sands of Saraffi vnto the Soldan?^ Of the Ostadar. THe fift magistrate called the Ostadar, was the great master or steward of the palace ; whose duetie was to prouide apparell for the Soldan^ with victuals and other necessaries for his whole family. And vnto this dignitie 3 L 2 892 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE the Soldan vsed to aduance some one of his most ancient, honourable, and vertuous nobles, vnder whose tuition him- selfe had in times past beene trained up.^* Of the Amiri Achor. THE sixt called the Amiri Achor^ was master of the horse and camels ; and distributed them vnto each man in court, according to his degree^® Oftlu Amiralf. THE seuenth office was performed by certaine princi- pal! Mamalukes, being like vnto the Colonels of Europe ; euerie of Whom was captaine of a thousand inferiour Mamaluks ; and their office was to conduct the Soldans forces against the enemie, & to take charge of his armourJ^ Of the Amirmia, THE eight degree of honour was allotted vnto certaine centurions ouer the Mamalukes ; who were conti- nually to attend vpon the Soldan, either when he road any whither, or when he exercised himselfe in armes. Oftlte Chazendare, THE ninth person was the treasurer, who made an account vnto the Soldan of all tributes and customes of his kingdome, disbursing money for the daily and neces- sarie expenses of the Soldans household, and laying vp the rest in the Soldans castle/® Of the Amirsileh, THE tenth called the Avtirsileh had the armour of the Soldan committed to his charge, which being con- tained in a great armorie was to be scoured, furbushed, and renued at his discretion, for which purpose he had sundrie Mamaluks placed vnder him.^ HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 893 Of the Tesiecana, THe eleuenth called the TestecancP^ was master of the Soldans wardrobe, and tooke charge of all such robes and apparell as were deliured vnto him by the Ostadar or high steward of the household ; which robes he distributed according to the appointment of the Soldan ; for whomsoeuer the Soldan promoted vnto any dignitie, him he apparelled also. All the said garments were of cloth of gold, of veluet, or of silke : and whither soeuer the Testecana went, he was attended upon by a great number of Mamalukes. Certaine other officers there were also : as namely the Serbedare,®^ whose duetie was to prouide delicate drinke for the Soldan, and to haue alwaies in a readines most excellent compound waters tempered both with sugar and with spices. Moreouer there were other officers called * Farrasin,^ that is, diuers chamber- * '^^^ ^. ^;t ' ' an officer %n the laines, who furnished the place of the Soldan with rich ';<'«'^^.^«^- ^ land called, hangings and carpets, and made prouision also of torches T'ArA/ajj/^^ and tapers of waxe mixed with amber, which serued both to shew light, and to yeeld most fragrant and odoriferous smels. Others there were also called Sebabathia,^ to wit, the footemen of the Soldan : and certaine others called Taburchania,** which were the Soldans Halbardiers, who attended upon his person when he road foorth, or sate in publique audience. Adauia were those that tooke charge of the Soldans carriages whithersoeuer he trauelled : out of which number there was a master-hangman or executioner chosen ; and so often as any malefactors were to be punished, all his companions stood by him to learne his bloodie occupation, namely of flaying and skinning men aliue, and of putting them to the torture, to make them confesse their crimes.®* And Esuha were the Soldans foote-postes that carried letters from Cairo into Syria, and trauelled on foote threescore miles a day, because that 894 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE betweene Egypt and Syria there is neither mountainous nor mirie way, but a continuall sandie plaine : howbeit such as carried letters of serious & weightie matters road vpon camels.®^ Of the Soldans militarie forces. OF soldiers or martiall men the Soldan had fower degrees. The first called Caschia were certaine horsemen, & were most valiant and expert warriours : out of which number the Soldan chose gouemours ouer his cities and castles. Some of these were allowed their stipend in readie money out of the Soldans treasurie, and others out of the tributes of townes and castles. The second called Eseifia were a companie of footmen, bearing no armes but swords only, who likewise had their pay allowed them out of the Soldans treasurie. The third called Charanisa being voluntaries or such as serued gratis, had no other pay but onely their victuals allowed them : but when any Mamaluke deceased that was well prouided for, some one of them supplied his roume. The fourth and last of al called Galeb, were the yoong and new-come Mamaluks, being as yet ignorant of the Turkish and Egyptian languages, and such as had shewed no experi- ment of their valour.** Of certaine other great officers and magistrates in the Soldans common-wealth. Of the magistrate called the Nadheasse. HE was as it were the Soldans chiefe receiuer ; for all the tributes and customes of the whole kingdome came through his hands, and were paid from him vnto the treasurer. Also he was customer of Cairo, by which office he gained infinite summes of mony : neither could any HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 895 man attaine vnto this office, vnlesse he first paid vnto the Soldan an hundred thousand Saraffi, which he recouered againe within sixe moneths following.®® Of the Chetebeessere. THis man being the Soldans secretarie, and writing letters, and making answere on the Soldans behalfe, did (besides his secretariship) take notice and account of all the land-tributes in Egypt, and receiued the particular 'summes from the collectors thereof.^ Of the Muachih, THis was a secretarie also, but inferiour ta the former, and yet more trustie vnto the Soldan. His office . was to reuiew the letters and briefes penned by the former, and to examine whether they were agreeable vnto the Soldans minde, and also in the name of the Soldan to subscribe vnto them. But the other hath so many cunning and expert scribes about him, that the Muachih seldome cancelleth any of his writings.®^ Of the Mutesib. THis mans office was to set a price vpon corne and all other victuals ; which price partly according to the increase of Nilus, and partly also according to the resort of ships and other vessels out of the prouinces of Errif and Sahid he either diminished or inhaunsed, and vpon the offenders imposed such penalties as the Soldan thought good to appoint. Being at Cairo, I vnderstood that the said Mutesib got daily by his office about a thousand Saraffi ; hauing his ministers and substitutes not onely in Cairo, but in all other cities and places of Egypt.®^ 896 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE Of the Amir el Cheggi, THe office of the Amir el Cheggi^ being of no lesse charge, then dignitie, was imposed by the Soldan vpon one of his most sufficient and wealthie Mamaluks : vnto whom was committed the conduct of the carouan, which went euery yeere from Cairo to Mecca. Which dutie he could not performe without great expences of his owne purse, for being guarded with a companie of Mama- lukes, he must trauell with maiesticall pompe and costly diet, expecting no recompence for his exceeding charges either at the hands of the Soldan, or of the passengers which he conducted. Other offices and dignities there are, which I thinke needlesse to rehearse. T' Of the citie of Geza. ^He citie of Geza being situate vpon the banke of Nilus, ouer against the old citie before mentioned, and being separated therefrom by the foresaide Island of Nilus, is a very populus and ciuile place, and is adorned with many suinptuous palaces built by the Mamaluks, whither they vse to retire themselues out of the throng and multi- tude of Cairo. Here are likewise great store of artificers and merchants, especially such as buie cattell brought from the mountaines of Barca, the drouers of which cattell being Arabians, do sell their ware in this citie vnto the merchants and butchers of Cairo, to the end they may auoide the trouble of passing ouer the riuer. The temple and other principall buildings of this citie stand vpon the shore of Nilus. On all sides of the citie there are gardens and grounds of dates. Such as come hither in* the morning from Cairo to buy and sell, vse not to returne home againe till the euening. This way they trauell ouer a sandie desert Thepyramidts. v^to the Pyramides, and sepulchers of the ancient Egyptian kings, in which place they affirme the stately citie of HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 897 Memphis to haiie stoode in times past. And albeit the TheHtUof ^ ^ Memphis, way thither be very troublesome in regard of the manifold lakes and pits made by the inundation of Nilus, yet by the direction of a trustie and expert guide it may easily be trauailed.®* Of the towne of Muhallaca, THis little towne built vpon the banke of Nilus, by the ancient Egyptians, and standing three miles from the olde citie, hath a most beautifull temple situate vpon the shore of Nilus, and diuers other stately buildings therein. It aboundeth with dates and with certaine fruites called Egyptian figs ; and the inhabitants vse the very same ^gyp^ia^ ngs, rites and customs that are obserued by the citizens of Cairo.^ Of the citie of Chanca, THe great citie of Chanca** situate about sixe miles from Cairo, at the verie entrance of the desert lying in the way to mount Sinai, is replenished with most stately houses, temples, and colleges. All the fields betweene Cairo and this citie abound with great plentie of dates : but from Chanca to mount Sinai, which is an hundred and fortie miles, there are no places of habitation at all. The inhabitants are but of meane wealth : for when any carouan is to passe into Syria, hither resort a company of people from Cairo, to prouide things necessarie for their iourney, bicause the villages adioining yeeld nought but dates. Through this citie lie two maine roade-waies, the one leading to Syria, and the other to Arabia. This citie hath no other water but such as remaineth in certaine chanels after the inundation of Nilus ; which chanels being broken, the water runneth foorth into the plaines, and there maketh a number of small lakes, from whence it is conueighed backe by certaine sluices into the cesterns of the citie. 898 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE Of the citie of Muhaisira. THis little citie built vpon the riuer of Nilus, 30. miles eastward of Cairo, aboundeth greatly with the graine store of the OX Seed Called Sesama, and containeth sundrie milles to graine called Sesama, gnnde oile out of the same seede. The inhabitants are most of them husbandmen, except a fewe that exercise trade of merchandise.^ Of the towne of Betiisuaif THis towne being situate on the west side of Nilus, is distant from Cairo 1 20. miles. The plaines adiacent Most excellent abound exceedingly with flaxe and hempe, which is so excellent, that it is carried from thence aa farre as Tunis in Barbaric. And this towne furnisheth all Egypt with flaxe, whereof they make very fine and strong cloth. The fields of the same are continually worne & diminished, and especially at this present, by the inundation of Nilus, for now their date-groundes are halfe consumed. The inhabi- tants for the most part are emploied about their flaxe. Crocodiles, And bcyond this towne there are found Crocodiles that will eate mans flesh, as we will declare in our historic of liuing creatures.*® Of the citie of Munia, VPon the same side of Nilus standeth the faire citie of Munia, which was built in the time of the Mahumetans by one Chasib a lieutenant and courtier of the Califa of Bagdet, vpon an high place. Here are most excellent grapes, and abundance of all kinde of fruite, which albeit they are carried to Cairo, yet can they not come thither fresh and newe, by reason that this citie is distant from Cairo an hundred and fower-score miles. It is adorned with most stately temples and other buildings : and here are to be seene at this present sundry mines of the ancient HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 899 Egyptian buildings. The inhabitants are rich, for they trauaile for their gaine as farre as Gaoga, a kingdome of the land of Negros.**^ Of the citie of El Fium, THis ancient citie was founded by one of the Pharaos vpon a little branch of Nilus, and on a high ground, at the same time when the Israelites departed out of Egypt, whom the said Pharao greatly oppressed with making of bricke, and with other seruile occupations. In this citie they say that Joseph the sonne of Jacob was buried, and ^^J%1^j^ that his bones were digged vp by Moses and the Israelites »« ^ned. when they departed. Fruits heere grow great plentie, and especially oliues, which are good to eate, but vnprofitable to make oile of. It is a well gouerned and populous citie, and containeth many artificers especially weauers.^^ Of the citie of Mans Loth, THis great and ancient citie was built by the Egyp- tians, destroied by the Romains, and reedified by the Mahumetans, but not in so stately manner as it was first built. At this present there are found certaine huge and high pillers and porches, whereon are verses engrauen in the Egyptian toong. Neere vnto Nilus stand the mines of a stately building, which seemeth to haue beene a temple in times past, among which ruines the citizens finde sometimes coine of siluer, sometimes of gold, and some- times of lead, hauing on the one side hielygraphick notes, and on the other side the pictures of ancient kings. The fields adiacent being very fruitefull, are extremely scorched by the heate of the sunne, and much haunted with Croco- diles, which was the occasion (as some thinke) why the Romaines abandoned this citie. The inhabitants are men of indifferent wealth, for they exercise traffike in the land of Negros.^^^ 90O THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE Of the citie of Azioth, THis ancient city founded by the Egyptians vpon the banke of Nilus two hundred and fiftie miles from Cairo, is most admirable in regard to the hugenes, and of the varietie of old buildings and of epitaphes engrauen in Egyptian letters ; although at this present the greatest part thereof lyeth desolate. When the Mahumetans were first Lords of this city it was inhabited by honorable per- sonages, and continueth as yet famous in regard of the nobilitie and great wealth of the citizens. There are in this citie almost an hundred families of christians, & three or fower churches still remaining : and without the citie standeth a monasterie containing mo then an hundred monks, who eate neither flesh nor fish, but onely herbes, bread, and oliues. And yet haue they daintie cates with- out any fatte among them. This monasterie is very rich, and giueth three dales entertainment to all strangers that resort thither, for the welcomming of whom they bring vp great store of doues, of chickens, and of such like com- modities.^^* Of the citie of Ichmin. IChmin being the most ancient city in all Egypt, was built by Ichniin the son of *Misraim, the sonne of lthtxfchap!oj Chus, which was the son of *Hen, vpon the banke of Nilus v^tbi i^Gxt vnto Asia, and three hundred miles eastwarde from • DuHum. Cairo. This citie the Mahumetans, when they first began to vsurpe ouer Egypt, so wasted and destroied, for certaine causes mentioned in histories, that besides the foundations and rubbish they left nought remaining : for, transporting the pillers and principall stones vnto the other side of Nilus, they built thereof the citie called Munsia, euen as wc will now declare.'^ HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 9OI Of the citte of Munsia, MVnsia therefore, founded on the other side of Nilus, by the lieutenant of a certaine Califa, hath no shew of comelines or beautie, by reason that all the streetes are so narrow. And in sommer-time there riseth so much dust from the ground, that a man can hardly walke the streetes. It aboundeth, notwith- standing, with corne and cattell. It was once subiect vnto a certaine African prince of Barbaric, whose name was Haoara, and whose predecessors were princes and gouer- nours of Haoara. Which city (they say) was giuen him in regarde of a singular benefite which hee did vnto the fore- saide Dalmatian slaue that founded Cairo : howbeit I cannot be perswaded that the gouernment remained so long a time vnto that familie. But in our time Solinian the ninth Turkish emperour depriued them of the same gouernment.^^ Of the monaster ie called Georgia, THis was in times past a famous monasterie of Chris- tians, called after the name of Saint George, and being sixe miles distant from Munsia. It was inhabited by more than two hundred monkes, who enioying large territories, possessions, and reuenues, shewed themselues curteous and beneficiall vnto strangers ; and the ouerplus of their yeerely reuenues was sent vnto the patriarke of Cairo, who caused the same to be distributed amongst poore Christians : but about an hundred yeeres ago, all the monks of this monasterie died of a pestilence, which spred it selfe ouer all the land of Egypt. Whereupon the prince of Munsia compassed the saide monasterie with a wall, and erected diuers houses for artificers and merchants to dwell in. And being allured by the pleasant gardens situate amidst the beautifull hils, he himselfe went thither to 902 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE inhabite : but the patriarke of the lacobites making his mone vnto the Soldan, the Soldan caused another monas- terie to be built in the same place, where in times past the old citie stoode ; & assigned so much allowance thereunto, as might maintaine thirty monks.^®*^ Emralds. Antonio Gal- uano maketk large mention of this citie. Of the citie of Chian. THis little citie of Chian was built in times past neere unto Nilus by the Mahumetans, which notwithstand- ing is not nowe inhabited by them, but by the christias called lacobites, who employ themselues either in hus- bandrie, or in bringing vp of chickens, geese, and doues. There remaine as yet certaine monasteries of Christians, that giue entertainment to strangers. But Mahumetans (besides the gouernour and his family) there are none at all.i<» Of the citie of Barbanda, BArbanda founded by the Egyptians vpon Nilus, about fower hundred miles from Cairo, was laide so waste by the Romaines, that nothing but the mines thereof remained, most of which ruines were carried vnto Asna, whereof we will foorthwith intreate. Amongst the saide ruines are to be found many peeces of golde and siluer coine, and sundrie fragments of Smaragds or emeralds.*®^ Of the citie of Carta. THe ancient citie of Cana built by the Egyptians vpon the banke of Nilus ouer against Barbanda, and enuironed with wals of sunne-dried bricks, is inhabited with people of base condition, applying themselues vnto husbandrie, by which meanes the citie aboundeth with corne. Hither are the merchandise brought against the streame of Nilus, which are sent from Cairo to Mecca : for the distance from hence ouer the wildernes vnto the HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 903 Red sea, is at least 120. miles, all which way there is no water at all to be founde. And at the hauen of Chossir The hauen of vpon the shore of the red sea are diuers cottages whereinto the saide merchandises are vnladen. And ouer against Chossir on the side of Asia lieth lambuh another hauen of the red sea, whereat traualiers going on pilgrimage to see the tombe of Mahumet at Medina, must make their rendezuous or generall meeting. Moreouer Ghana furnisheth Medina and Mecca with corne, in which places they suffer great and continuall scarcitie.^^ Of the citie of Asna, ASna in times past was called Siene : which name was afterward changed by the Arabians, in whose lan- guage the worde Siene signifieth a filthie or vncleane thing. Wherefore they called it Asna, that is to say, faire and beautifull, bicause it standeth in a pleasant situation vpon the westerne banke of Nilus : which citie though it was brought almost to desolation by the Romaines, yet was it so repaired againe in the Mahumetans time, that the inhabitants grewe exceeding rich, both in corne, cattell, and money: for they transport their commodities partly vp the streame of Nilus, and partly ouer the deserts, into the kingdome of Nubia. Round about this citie there are to be seene diuers huge buildings, and admirable sepulchres, togither with sundrie epitaphes engrauen both in Egyptian and Latine Letters. ^^ Of the citie of Assuan, THe great, ancient, and populous city of Assuan was built by the Egyptians vpon the riuer of Nilus, about fower-score miles eastward from Asna. The soile adiacent is most apt and fruitefull for corne. And the citizens are exceedingly addicted vnto the trade of merchandise, bicause they dwell so neere vnto the kingdome 904 THE EIGHT BOOKE OF THE SutuAtu. of Nubia, vpon the confines whereof standeth their citle : beyond which citie Nilus dispersing himselfe ouer the plaines through many small lakes becommeth innauigable. Also the saide citie standeth neere vnto that desert ouer which they traueil vnto the port of Suachen vpon the red sea, and it adioineth likewise vpon the frontiers of Ethiopia. And heere in sommer time the inhabitants are extremely scorched with the heate of the sunne, being of a swart or browne colour, and being mingled with the people of Nubia and Ethiopia. Heere are to be scene also many buildings of the ancient Egyptians, and most high towers, which they call in the language of that countrey Barba. Beyond this place there is neither citie nor habitation of any account, besides a fewe villages of blacke people, whose speech is compounded of the Arabian, Egyptian, and Ethiopian languages. These being subject vnto the * Bu^ha are peoolc Called *Bugiha, Hue in the fields after the Arabian those which in '^ ^ oide tinu were manner, being free from the Soldans iurisdiction, for there called TrogUh ,.,..,.., dyta. his dominions are limited. And thus much concerning the principall cities standing along the maine chanel of Nilus : Some whereof I saw, others I entered into, and passed by the residue: but I had most certaine intelligence of them all, either by the inhabitants themselues, or by the mariners which carried me by water from Cairo to Assuan, with whom returning back vnto Ghana, I trauellcd thence ouer the desert vnto the red sea, ouer which sea I crossed vnto Imbuth, and Ziddem two hauen-townes of Arabia deserta, of which two townes, because they belong vnto Asia, I will not here discourse, least I should seem to transgresse the limits of The great Africa. But if it shall please god to vouchsafe me longer traueis of /ohn ,.-_. , ., n, . ^.a. «... Leo, life, I purpose to describe all the regions of Asia which I haue trauelled ; to wit Arabia deserta, Arabia felix, Arabia Petrea, the Asian part of Egypt, Armenia, and some part of Tartaria ; all which countries I saw and passed through HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 905 ill the time of my youth. Likewise I will set downe my last voiages from Fez to Constantinople, from Constanti- nople to Egypt, and from thence into Italic, in which lourney I saw diuers and sundry Islands. All which my trauels I meane (by Gods assistance) being returned forth of Europe into mine owne countrie, particularly to describe ; decyphering first the regions of Europe and Asia which I haue seen, and thereunto annexing this my discourse of Africa ; to the end that I may promote the endeuours of such as are desirous to know the state of forren countries.^^^ 3M NOTES TO BOOK VIII. (i) This lake is Menzaleh, and Tenesse, or Tennes (the ancient Tenessus), an island on which are remains of Roman baths, tombs, etc. The wildfowl on the lake and in its vicinity are still as numerous as ever, and the habits of the people are to-day much what they were at the time when Leo visited them. The "dulipan" (dolopani) is equivalent to the turban, and the "chebie" of Leo is evidently the "jubba". (2) Modem Egypt is commonly divided into El-Bahari, or Lower Egypt ; El-Vortani, or Middle Eg>'pt ; and El-Sald, or Upper Egypt. In Ibn Haukal's day, the part of Egypt below Old Cairo (El- Fost^t) — north-east of the Nile — was called " Hauf" and that to the south (properly west) Rif (Er-Rif, the " riviera", a word more familiar as applied to the Moroccan region of the same name, p. 635). — Abu-1- feda, GSographie (ed. Reinaud), t. ii, p. 141. In Ouseley's trans, of Ibn Haukal (pp. 36, 37), Khou/diVid Z^//" are (erroneously, according to De Sacy) the orthography of these districts. — Abd Allatif, Relation d€ VEgypte (ed. De Sacy), pp. 56, 396-398. The divisions mentioned by Leo are still known among the natives. Bechria is Behriyya, the Lake Region. (3) In Hebrew Eg>'pt is Misraim, or Mazor, which in the Prophets means Lower Egypt proper, as distinguished from Pathros, or Upper Egypt. Mazor is preserx^ed in the Arab Misr, pronounced Mazr in the vulgar dialect of Egypt, Mdzar in that of Morocco and other parts of Barbary. It is now applied to both the countiy and the capital. (4) ** Amr figliuolo di Asi, capitano d'un escercito arabo di Omar secondo pontefice" — 'Amr Ibn el -Asi — a.h. 18, A.D. 639. (5) El-Fostit {ut supra), founded in A.H. 21 (a.d. 641), the seat of government till a.d. 751. The mosque of 'Amr is well known as one of the few memorials of the past now standing amid the ruins of " Old Cairo". (6) The numerous places in Egypt with which the name of Joseph (Yusuf) is linked have most probably no connection whatever with the Hebrew patriarch of that name, but, like the Canal, Well, Hall, etc., "of Joseph", refer to En-Naser Sal^h ed-Din Yusuf Ibn Ayyub (Saladin), the famous Kurdish conqueror. Even then the connection is often purely honorary. NOTES TO BOOK VIII. 907 (7) At one time the plague appeared at regular intervals of six, eight, and ten years. But it is now more than sixty years since there has been an outbreak, mainly owing to stricter care regarding the landing of goods and infected persons from Asia and other quarters, including Barbary and the Hejaz, where, if not endemic, it has appeared more than once this century. Even in the age of the Pharaohs, the plague was an Egyptian disease. Cholera is more dreaded nowadays. — Ray, Collection of Curious Travels and Voyages^ tome ii, p. 95 ; Savafy, Letters on Egypt, vol. ii, pp. 218-233; Abd Allatif, Relation de PEgypte, pp. 4, 9 ; Desgenettes, Relation chirurgi- cale de Varmie d Orient^ p. 409, etc. ; Me moires sur PEgypte, t. iv, p. 238, et seq. ; Zagrel, Du Climat de PEgypte ; Pruner, Topographie MMicale du Caire \ Patterson, Egypt as a Health Resort (1867) ; Dalrymple, Medical and Meteorological Observations on the Climate of Egypt {\Z^)\ C\oi-B^y, AperguG^n^ral sur TEgypte; DelaPeste, etc. ; Description de PEgypte, t. xiii. (8) The ancient Busiris in the Delta, the modem Abusir, a name also applied to Busiris, the supposed Nilopolis, and to a village near the Gizeh Pyramids. Lake Bucaira is the modern Mareotis, or Mariut. (9) This, as pointed out more than two centuries ago by Ogleby {Africa^ p. 55), is an error of Leo's ; for Alexandria, instead of being distant from the Nile "verso ponente quaranta miglai", is only twelve miles from the Canopic mouth, and about twice as far from the Rosetta or Bolbitine mouth of the river. (10) Who this "astuto pontefice maumettano" was, is not men- tioned by any other authority. The Khalif Othman demolished the fortifications, and in the ninth century Ahmed Ibn TGlOn pulled down the old walls and erected others more suited to the diminished size of " Iskandriyya". The discovery in 1497 of the route to India by way of the Cape of Good Hope, brought about the temporary ruin of Alexandria, as it did of so many other famous Mediterranean seaports. This was also aided by the conquest of Egypt by the Turks, so that the city, which was still a place of some actual importance, became so utterly insignificant that, when Savary visited it in 1777, he found it a town of ruins "of small extent and six thousand inhabitants", instead of the 300,000 free inhabitants and 600,000 slaves it contained in the time of Augustus. But Savary did not see the place at its worst : for when in 1692 M. de Maillet, French Consul at Cairo, landed here, a city with inhabitants scarcely existed — " Je ne crois pas qu'k bien compter les Chretiens, les Turcs, and les Arabes qui habitent encore cette Alexandrie pr^- tendue, on trouvit une centaine d'hommes parmi les ruines qu^elle renferme." The place was a desert, in which robbers plied their trade 3 M 2 908 NOTES TO BOOK VIIT. almost with impunity {Description de PEgypie^ etc., ed. by L'Abbe Lc Mascrier (1740), t. i, p. 186). The Sieur Ciesar Lambert, who visited it some sixty years earlier, though he does not allude to it in such unflattering terms, evidently did not find it much more flourishing {Trois Relations d'Ecypte^ etc., p. 44). - It is therefore clear that if Alexandria deserved Leo's description, it had not then begun to feel the withering effects of Turkish misrule. Indeed, when Leo first saw it, the Mamluks were still reigning, and what he has to say regarding Alexandria and other parts of Egypt applies almost exclusively to the period of these comparatively enlightened sovereigns. It was Moham- med Ali who restored the commercial prosperity of Alexandria, which now has a population of over 200,000. (11) The Mersa el-Bargi — the Eastern or Great Harbour — called the New Port, is now only frequented by small native vessels. But until the evacuation of Alexandria by the English, when the privilege of using the Mersa Essil Sela, the western harbour, now called the Old Port, was (in common with that of riding on horseback) granted to all Europeans, the Mersa el-Bargi was allotted to " Christian" ships, which were only admitted, under stress of weather, into the exclusive haven. (12) " Ludovico quarto xh di Francia" is a mistake. It should be Louis IV (Saint Louis), who in 1249, at the head of the Eighth Crusade, captured Damietta, but was taken prisoner at Mansura by the Sultan Melek es-Siileh, of the Ayyubite dynasty, and released on the restitution of Damietta and the payment of a million bezants of gold (about ^380,000). — Savary, Letters on Egvpty vol. i, pp. 337-384, etc. The transaction was, however, effected during the brief reign of Melek el-Mo*azzam (TQrin Shah), Melek es-Saleh having died on the 21st November, while the French army did not appear— according to Makrizi, Joinville, and other authorities — before Mansura until the 19th December 1249. But the ransom of St. Louis was the work of that sultan's mother, Sheger ed-Durr, who, after instigating the murder of her predecessor, reigned for three months and married the Mamluk El-Moi'zz, who in 1250 founded the Bahri Mamluk dynasty, and was murdered in 1257 by his jealous spouse (Makrizi, ^/>/. des Sultans Mamlouks de VEgypte^ ed. Quat re- mere, t. i, pp. 7I-73)- As St. Louis made on behalf of the Christian powers a truce with Islam for ten years, the raid of the Cyprians, Venetians, and P'rench must have been much later than the words of Leo seem to indicate ; unless it was that the treaty was indifferently adhered to. The " Soldan " referred to is probably Ez-Zaher Baybers I (a.d. 1260), who fortified Alexandria. (13) The place which Leo takes to be the Roman Monte Testaccio NOTES TO BOOK VIII. 909 is apparently that which used to be known as the Pharillon, near the entrance to the New Harbour. It was evidently the work of the Mohammedan kings, who were unable to re-erect the ancient Pharos. The modem lighthouse has long ago superseded it. (De Maillet, Description de PEgypte^ 1740, t. i, p. 164.) (14) "Pompey's Pillar." The cisterns under the houses to which Leo refers are among the few remnants of ancient Alexandria still existing. They are used for storing the water supply furnished by the Canopic Canal. (15) Copts (Kubti, Gubti), called Jacobites, not, as they pretend, from James the Apostle, but more likely from Jacobus Barada^us, the Syrian heresiarch, who propagated the tenets of the Monophysites, Euty- chians, or Monothelites, condemned by the fourth (Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon. They claim their conversion from paganism to have been the work of St. Mark, and still pretend to have the body of that Apostle in the Coptic convent at Alexandria, though, as stated by Leo, Ddru, and other historians, it was removed by the Venetians about A.D. 828. The inscriptions on the mosaics of St. Mark at Venice admit that the relics v/ere stolen by Rustico of Torcello and Buono of Malanacco, assisted by the monk Staurgius and the priest Theodorus, who were in charge of the sanctuary at Alexandria. (Gardner Wilkin- son, Journ. Brit, Arch. Assoc, vol. vii, p. 258.) The Greeks of Alexandria pretend, on the other hand, that their convent of St. Saba contains the original church of St. Mark. (16) The traditional tomb of Alexander, fabled to exist at various other places, was thought to have been found by Mr. Stoddart amidst the mounds of the old city. This building looks like an ordinary sheikh's tomb, and is near the bath to the west of the road leading from the Frank Quarter to the Pompey's Pillar Gate. Its position, however, does not agree with Strabo's description of the " Soma", while the sarco- phagus, regarded by the Alexandrians as the tomb of "Iskander", is now in the British Museum. But the hieroglyphics on it prove that it belonged to one of the Pharaohs. In Murra/s usually very accurate Guide BvoJt, p. 130, the quotation from Leo is inaccurate. There is nothing about the small edifice " standing in the midst of the moundb of Alexandria ". Nor are Pory and Florian any more correct in refer- ring to the " monument of Alexandria " (in medio Alexandria^ ruderum). All that Leo says is that the " piccola casa a modo di chiesetta" was ** nel mezzo della citti\." (17) '* Bochin" is a misprint for " Bocchir" of the Italian original. This is again a corruption of Abukir, off which the naval battle of that name was fought on the ist of August 1798, Savary calls it 9IO NOTES TO BOOK VIII. "Alboukir"', and mentions that "the place is called Bekier by Mariners". Leo seems to have considered it an ancient city. Most likely it is identical with Canopus, the village of Aboukir a little to the west of it being a modern town, built in part out of the ruins. A small place now, it seems to have been much smaller four centuries ago. — See "Map of Ancient Egypt", iii, Egyptian Exploration Fund's Atlas (iSg4). (i8) Rosetta, the Arabic Rashid, which is simply a corruption of the former. Who built it, is not known. El-Macin mentions that it was founded during the reignof El-Motawakkil 'ala 'llah (Ja'far) about A.D. 870. I't did not, as Maillet and Alpinus imagine, replace Canopus, and therefore is of com])aratively recent date, though it possibly occupies the site of Bolbitinum. Rosetta was founded on account of the silting-up of the Bolbitine branch of the Nile, and for many ages flourished exceedingly. In Leo's day it had not attained the zenith of its prosperity. All the overland trade of India passed through it ; while the coolness of the umbrageous gardens which surround it, and the salubrity of the air, attracted thither the residents of Cairo during the hot season. In Abu-1-feda's day it was "a small cit/', and when Belon visited it in 1530 the place was not half the si of Fua. But, by the close of last century, it was one-half larger than that town. Its population, now about 14,000, must then have exceeded 25,000, Even then the "bogaz" or bar of the branch of the Nile on which it is built, was very troublesome, and for two months in the year totally prevented the commerce of Alexandria entering the river. The Nile Delta, which is constantly increasing and altering without the government making any efforts to survey the mud banks or to provide against the shoaling, told year after year against the trade of Rosetta. Then the cutting of the Mahmudiyya canal by Mehemet Ali diverted the overland trade, and now Ramleh is the favourite summer resort of the Alexandrians and Cairenes. The mosques, propped up by red Corinthian columns from Canopus, like those which form the comer-stones of many private buildings, have not escaped the general decay which has overtaken this once flourishing town. It was here that a British force under General Eraser was defeated by Mehemet Ali in 1807. It was occupied by the French in 1798 — a strategic operation, one of the most important results of which was the accidental discovery of the famous trilingual " Rosetta stone" ; and the Briton to whom the memories of Rosetta are not entirely pleasant, may feel a patriotic compensation by remembering that it was from the old fort on a sand-hill behind the fig-shaded mosque, that Denou, one of the savants who came with Napoleon to Egypt, saw the destruction of the French fleet by Nelson in Abukir Bay. NOTES TO BOOK VIII. 9II (19) This fixes Leo's visit to have been about a.d. 1517, the date of the conquest of Egypt by Selim I, the Great— or, as he is better known in history, " Yawuz Selim"— Selim the Grim. (20) There is no place in Egypt called " Antius", and it is difficult, from the data supplied, to determine what town Leo meant. Marmol — who is, however, no authority — says that it was formerly called Antedon, a place mentioned by Ptolemy. Antinoe, or Antinoopolis, has been suggested mainly from a slight similarity of the name. But, as Leo is describing the Delta, the place he notes as a busy town must be sought for there, and not in the modern village of Sheikh Abadeh in Middle Egypt, among the palm groves of which some ancient remains lie scattered. Arsinoe is still less acceptable : for it was in the Fayum and not on the Nile. The only conclusion permissible is that Anthius is some place on the Delta, of which either Leo or his first editor mistook the name. Busir may, however, be a Busiris— most likely the one on the Gizeh Plateau. — Edrisi, Africa^ ed. Hartmann, p. 506, ed. Dozy et de Goeje, ?• 53 ; Golius, Mohammedis filii Ketiri Ferganenis^ quivulgo Alfra- ganus dicitur^ Elementa Astronomica Arabice et Latine (1699), p. 104 ; Abu-1-feda, ed. Reinaud, p. 157 ; Savary, Letters on Egypt ^ vol. i, p. 454; Bruns., Allgemeine Geog, Ephemenden {A^r\\ 1801), p. 317, where Antinoe is suggested as identical with Anthius. (21) Probably Berimbal el-Kebir, not a city, but only a large village on the Menzaleh Canal. This identification has the imprimatur of Karsten Niebuhr. Most of the rice of the Lower Delta is now shipped from Damietta, an important town, which, curiously enough, is not described by Leo, though mentioned by him. (22) Memphis is mistaken by Leo for Thebes, the form " Thebe " ^being adopted from Pliny and Juvenal. This error is, in kind if not in degree, made by many writers subsequent to Leo's time (Savary, Letters^ vol. i, pp. 257, 258, 388, 392). If Herodotus is even approxi- mately correct — and the appearance of the vicinity is in favour of the story told to him by the priests— Memphis must be as old as Menes — />., according to Mariette, 5004 B.C. Its ruins are, at all events, of immense antiquity. (23) " . . . . trecento fuochi ; ma h omata di belle case." These " three hundred hearths" must have been at the village of Sakkarah, whose houses, however, it is impossible to describe as " belle case". Most probably, much was standing four centuries ago which has now disappeared or been covered with Nile mud. Abd Allatif, writing at the end of the twelfth century, describes the ruins as extensive and marvellous ; and Abu-1-feda, 1 50 years later, speaks of 912 NOTES TO BOOK VIIL Memphis (Menf;, which he believes to be the ancient Misr, as still very considerable. (24) Muse, Mauz—Afusa, plantains, bananas. —Sonnini, yoyai^e dans la haute et basse Egypte^ t. ii, p. 1, etc. ; Sionite, De nonnuUis Orient urbibus^ in G^og, Nub.^ p. 32 ; Abd Allati^ Relation de rEgypte, pp. 20, 86, 104, etc. (25) Fua, Fooah, occupying the site of the ancient Metellis. It is now a poor place. Leo's account of its prosperity four centuries ago is confirmed by Belon, who in the sixteenth century described it as second only to Cairo. The Venetians kept a Consul here, and merchandise was brought thither up the now no longer navigable Alexandrian Canal. The foundation and prosperity of Rosetta were, however, the first blows to the place, which now contains only large ruinous buildings and squares full of rubbish. In the reign of Menelek Adel (a.d. 1200), brother of Saladin, the Crusaders, after plundering the town of much booty, burnt it. Possibly it was affected by tlie hereditary licentiousness of the neighbouring Canopus, which was transmitted from the Egyptians to its later possessors (Savary,Z^//^rj, etc., vol, i, pp. 44, 45, 69). The belief that less than five centuries ago Fua (now nearly eight miles above it) was at the mouth of the Canopic branch of the Nile is not confirmed by Leo, though the increase of the Delta renders this very probable. Modem Uamietta is also supposed to have been a seaport in a.d. 1428 (Shaw, Travels^ ed. 1757 ; Maillet, Description^ p. 26 ; Abd Allatif, pp. 2, 8). In reality, this town was razed in A.D. 1251, as Abu-l-feda and Makrizi tell us, by Melik El-Mo'izz Aybek, on a report that the French again threatened Egypt, and the present town erected about four miles further from the sea. Traces of the old city — a mosque, etc. — can still be seen at the village of Esba. The two towns are confounded by many writers, including Alpinus, Pococke, Karsten Niebuhr, Maillet, Shaw, and others. — Savar)-, Letters^ vol. i, pp. 308-311. (26) Geziret ed-Debub. {27) Mehella. There are several places of that name in the Delta — Mehallet Malik, Mehallet el-Eben,Mehallet Damaneh, Mehallet Rokh, Mehallet El-Kebir, etc. The latter was the capital of the lower, or Garbia, province of the Delta. It is described by Abu-l-feda (ed. Reinaud, t. ii, p. 160), and was still in Savary's day noted for its cloth and sal ammoniac manufactures. This is probably the place meant by Leo, though **the author of Mos1itarcl^\ quoted by Abu-l-fedn, declares ihat in his day there were "about a hundred" villages in Egypt called by the name of Mehella (place, town, quarter). NOTES TO BOOK VIII. 913 (28) Danit is now a pleasant-looking but insignificant village, from which sugar-making has long disappeared. (29) There is a Mehallet-Sa (the town of Sa) on the other side of the Nile from the site of the ancient city of Saiss, which still bears the name of Sa el-Hagar (Sa of the stone). This is apparently Leo's '* Mechillat Cais". — Quatrem^re, M ^moires g^ographiques et historiques sur rEgypte^ t. i, p. 292 ; Hartmann, Africa Edrisiiy pp. 498, 499. See also for a good account of Saiss, Murray's Guide Book^ p. 147. (30) Masr el-Kihira, named from the planet Mars (Kahir) having been in the ascendant on the night that Gauhar el-Kaid laid the foundation. The city was originally named El-Mansuriyya (the Victorious), but was changed to El-KAhira by the Khalif El-Mo'izz on account of the omen mentioned. Mrs. Lane's Englishwoman in Egypt ^ vol. i, p. 124, et seq,. gives details (partly from Mr. Lane's notes) of the history of Cairo and other Egyptian capitals under the Moslems. Leo's etymology — " El Chahera, che tanto dinota quanto coatric^^ — is altogether incorrect. (31) Now nearer 400,000 — or about ten times the population at the beginning of the sixteenth century. — See Lane-Poole's Cairo (1893) ; Makrizi's Kfutat, etc. (Bulak, 1854). (32) JAma el-Azhar, converted into the Moslem "University" of that name by the Khalif el-Aziz. The number of students under he Sheikh el-Azhar sometimes amounts to 12,000— a popularity which has reduced Fez to insignificance. (33) Jebel Mokattam. (34) Bab en-Nasr (Gate of Help to Triumph). (35) Bab es-Zuweylah, now really in the heart of the city, owing to its spread towards the south. (36) J^ma el-Hakem, completed by El-H^kem El-Mansur, third Fatemite Khalif (a. D. 996). (37) Beyn el-Kasreyn— " Between the Palaces," that is, the Great and Little Palaces, which were originally, and until El-Fostit was burnt, the only buildings within the walls of'Gauhar's Cairo. (38) Jima el-Ghoriya, built by the Sultan El-Ashraf K^nsiih el Ghori about 1501. (39) Balabac in the original Italian, Bahlabah in Temporal's translation, Balabach in Florianus' Latin and Leer's Dutch transla- tion. It is Baalbec in Syria. (40) Muslin, from Mosul (aftei which it is named), on the oppobitc bank of the Tigris from the ruins of Nineveh. 914 NOTES TO BOOK VIIL (41) " Panni d'ltalia, come sono rasi damaschenis vellute, tafetta, brocati e altri." (42) Khan Khalili, built by Gokarkis el-Khalili in A.D. 1292, still a sort of " auction mart". (43) The Sok el-'Attirin, at the end of the Hamzow-i, near " the Burse", is at present the principal place for the sale of spices, per- fumes, and drugs. (44) The Sok es-Saigh and the Gohariyya, in the near vicinity are the jewellers' bazaars. The booksellers, bookbinders, paper-dealers and others, may be found by the El-Azhar mosque, just as the same class of shops crowd the vicinity of university buildings all the world over. (45) ". . . . nn grande spedale, il quale fu edificato da Piperis primo soldano de Mammalucchi." There is a mistake here. The first Mamluk Sultan was Melik Mo'izz Aybek, the consort of Sheger ed- Durr, who, however, caused him to be proclaimed Sultan El-Mansur. ["Piperis" may possibly be a corruption of Beybars, the name of the fourth ruler of this line. — E. D. R.] (46) Jima es-Sultan Hasan. The literary class have always strenuously opposed any innovation. Hence the difficulty in introducing any change in the curriculum of the college. Dor Bey, V Instruction publique en Egypte, The " Soldan's Castle " (citadel) is immediately above the mosque of Hasan. (47) Ahmed Ibn T{iian (A.D. 868) was founder of the Ttilunide dynasty. He built the mosque known by his name (JAma Ibn-Tulun) in A.D. 879 (A.H. 265). (48) Bab el-Luk. (49) Esbekiyya is now one of the most fashionable quarters in Cairo. Up to 1867 it was a low haunt, practically flooded during " high Niles". The Jima Ezbek is named after the Emir Ezbek el-Yfisufi, a notable of El-Ashraf Ginbal^t (A.D. 1 500). (50) The beauty and vigour of the Egyptian donkeys have won the admiration of all visitors, and are celebrated by the older writers of the country. Sonnini, Voyage^ t. ii, p. 353 ; Alpinus, Hist. N'phal than the compiler of the travels which pass under the name of Sir John de Mandeville, who affects to have visited Egypt in the reign of Melee Mandebron [Al-Melik al- Mozaffer Baybers], about the year 1335. Suyuti and Kazwini, two Arabic writers, whose MS. works in the National Library of Paris are cited by De Sacy in his edition of Abd Allatif, p. 90, speak of the well as fountains with which the balsam plants at *' Mataria" were watered, with the addition that the virtues of the irrigant were due to the Messiah having bathed in it. The modem Coptic version, also related by Makrizi (MS. in Bibl. Nat. No. 682, fol. 16, vide De Sacy;, is that the water was salt until the arrival of the Holy Family in Egypt, its softness being due to " Our Lady having bathed in it ". In reality the supposed spring is an infiltration from the Nile, while the super- stitions connected with it go back to the early days of Egypt, when it was the " Fountam of the Sun." (60) The island of Raudha (Roda),or the isle of the Mektis, Measurer, or Nilometer. According to Makrizi, it was first known as "the island", or the " island of Misr ". Then it was called the Fort Island, Ahmed Ibn Tiil{in (a.d. 861) having built a fort on it, and later still received the name of Raudha. Here Gureyg the Mukowkis, the traitorous Greek governor, retired with his forces until he could make terms with the Moslem conqueror, into whose hands the frontier of Babylon had fallen. And on Raudha the Khalif Amir biacham-allah reared a plea- sure house (haudaj) for his Bedouin wife, "and Sileh Nejim ed-Din .\yyub built the fortress called Silehiyya". The Bahrite ("river") Mamluks, who derive their name from being quartered here, further peopled it, while Ibrahim Pasha laid out the northern part of the gar- dens. But though no longer resorted to by the Cairenes for a change of air, the foreign visitor comes to inspect the Nilometer, and the NOTES TO BOOK VIII. 917 natives respect it as the traditional spot where Pharaoh^s daughter found the infant Moses. (Arabic MS. in Bibl. Nat., No. 682, fol. 376, vide De Sacy in Abd Allatif, p. 388). For the ceremonies attending the overflowing of the Nile, see Lane, Modern Egyptians (1871), vol. ii, p. 224, et seq. ; Abd-Allatif (ed. De Sacy), pp. 404, 406, 505, etc. (61) In this chapter Leo mixes up descriptions of El-Fostat and Cairo without any warning, except from the context, that he has suddenly shifted his ground. Thus, he is again at Cairo in describing the Citadel (El-KaFa), near to the Bab ez-Zuweyla. It has been much altered since Leo's day, some of the oldest and most interesting parts having been pulled down— among others Saladin's palace. But it is still a little town in itself, and perfectly sodden with the grim chroni- cles from the twelfth century. Here, as in the days which follow, Leo describes the Cairo of the Mamluk Sultans. For though he saw the conquest by Selim — or Selin, as he spells the name — and visited the country thrice subsequently— but, according to my calculation, not later than 1520 — his Egypt is essentially that of the "old Soldans", whose rule ended in 15 17. (62) This description of the customs of Cairo might, making allowance for four centuries having almost elapsed since it was written, stand ver>' well for those of to-day. The " Sakkas ", or water-sellers, of Leo's time are exactly those of ours, as sketched in \.2Xi€% Modem EgyptianSy\o\. ii, p. 16, et seq. (63) Artificial egg-hatching, now familiar enough in Europe and America, where incubators of various kinds are in use, was from a very early date an Egyptian industry, which excited the interest and even disgust of prejudiced strangers. Early in the second century the Emperor Hadrian, in a letter to the Consul Servianus, full of contempt for the Egyptians, adds that he wished them no other curse than to be fed on their own chickens, " which are hatched in a way I am ashamed [/>., lest his veracity might be doubted] to relate." At one time, the trade of "manufacturing chickens", as the Arabs call it, was an oppressive monopoly in the hands of farmers-general, who exercised their lucrative privileges with so liule regard to justice that, accord- ing to Makrizi, it was suppressed in a.h. 716 (a.d. 13 16) by the reigning Sultan. At present, the Copts are the chief "chicken makers". At (iizeh there are many ovens, and at Mansura there used to be a great industry in it ; the villagers of Bermai bearing the repu- tation of being supremely skilful at the art, which is only practised during the first two or three months of spring and early summer, for reasons given by Abd Allatif (p. 1 54). A recent report (1891) of the United States Consul-General in Egypt, 9l8 NOTES TO BOOK VIII. sketches this ancient trade, and the 600 ovens {mammal el fcrdk) in which the hatching takes place. One which he visited was wholly constructed of sun-dried bricks, mortar, and earth. It was 70 ft. long, 60 ft. wide, and 16 ft. high, and was provided with twelve compart- ments or incubators, each capable of hatching 7, 500 eggs, or altogether 90,000, at one time. The season begins in March and lasts until May, and three batches of eggs are hatched in this time, each taking an average of three weeks. The fourth week is given to removing the chickens, and preparing the incubators for a new batch of eggs. The number of eggs treated at this establishment in a single season was therefore 270,000, from which 234,000 chickens are usually obtained. The percentage of chickens would be greater but that the eggs are in some instances procured from long distances and in large quantities, and are therefore liable to damage. The price of eggs is 2i//. per dozen, and the chickens just issued from the shell are sold at y\d. per dozen. The loss of chickens after incubation is comparatively small. The whole staff of the place is a man and a boy, who keep up the fires to a temperature of not less than 98^ F., arrange the eggs, move them four or five times in the twenty-four hours, look after the chickens, and hand them over to the buyers, or to the customers, who generally receive one chicken for every two eggs sent in. In short, it is carried on to-day in all essential details as Herodotus saw it practised in Memphis more than 2,300 years ago. The number of chickens hatched in this manner throughout Egypt is variously estimated at from 10,000,000 to 75,000,000, and would, under ordinary circumstances, at the highest figure named, require 1,500,000 mothers. (64) El Chenefia. (65) " II giudice della religione chiamata Essifichia^^ the followers of the Iman Esh-Shifi (a.h. 150, a.d. 767-68). (66) The Sunnites, in opposition to the Shiites. " Hashari " (Asari) is apparently a misprint or lapsus penncE for Esh-Shdfi (Asafi), ui supra. He was of the Koraish tribe, and descended from Abd-ul Muttalib, the Prophet's grandfather. (67) Malek ibn Anas (a.d. 95-179, a.d. 713-14--795), the first great systematiser of Moslem doctrines, and the founder of the Malekite Rite, as contradistinguished from the Hanefite, the school of Abu Hanefa an-Noman (a.h. 80, A.D. 699-70). Malek was bom in Medina, or Medinat en-Nebt, "City of the Prophet "—" Medina Talnabi," according to Leo's somewhat uncouth transliteration, (68) Such dreadful punishments, contrary to both the spirit and the NOTES TO BOOK VIII. 919 letter of the Koran, were abandoned about the same time that the scarcely less hideous ones, equally inimical to the teachings of Christianity, disappeared from European jurisprudence. (69) This form of mutilation was prevalent in the time of Strabo (pp. 711, 824). Lane informs us that it is still universally practised in every part of Egypt, both by Moslems and Copts, except in Alexandria and perhaps a few other places on the shores of the Mediterranean {Modem Egyptians^ vol. i, p. 73 ; Arabic Dictionary ^ sub voce " Hafeda"). Karsten Niebuhr " heard" that it was in vogue on both shores of the Persian Gulf and at Bagdad. {Description d'Arabie, p. 70). It is known in Somaliland, and Strabo mentions its preva- lence not only in Egypt but in Arabia, where it is still carried out. Indeed, no Arab would accept a bride on whom the operation had not been performed. Roland {De Religione Mohammedica^ ed. 17 17, P« 75), traces an allusion to it in Galen. See also Y^htx^y Egypten und die Biicher MosiSy vol. i, pp. 278-284, etc., and Burton's edition of The Arabian Nights^ vol. v, p. 279. (70) This is not quite accurate. Besides the Circassian (Burgi) Mamluks, there were others of Turkish (Bahri) or Tartar origin, and several whose names suggest even Arab descent, though they appear to have been actually Tartars, and many were Greeks. Nor, of course, did it always follow that their religion had been originally Christian. (71) In 1250, when Melek el-Ashraf was deposed by the Bahrite Mamluk, Melek Mo'izz Aybek. What follows refers to El-'Adid's vizier Shawer, in his struggles with Darghan for office, calling in the help of Nur ed-Din, ruler of Aleppo, who sent Kurdish troops under his son Salih ed-Din (Saladin). With these allies he quarrelled, and by the assistance of Amauri, or Amalrik, King of Jerusalem, drove them out of Egypt. On Amaliri in his turn attempting to capture Cairo, that city was burnt. The Kurds were again called on, and Salih ed-Din became Vizier, and subsequently king by usurping the throne on the deathof El-'Adid. Melek es-S41eh (Negm ed-D in Ayyub) originally imported the Mamluks or white slaves to defend him against the Crusaders and his own kinsmen. (72) Also called Niib es-Saltana, or Viceroy, or Melik el-Umara ("King of Nobles"), who lived in a special palace (Dar en- Niiba) in the Citadel. Lane-Poole, Art of the Saracens^ p. 29. Leo's title for this functionary may perhaps be deciphered as the Emir el-Janddr or Jukendar ; Makrizi, Mamlouks, t. i, pp. 118, 121. 920 NOTES TO BOOK VIII. iy^) He was originally designated Atabck of the Armies (Atabek el-asaker) ; but after the middle of the fourteenth century he was called simply El-Emir el-Kabir ("the chief ruler"). In the £>e Legatione Babylonica (15 16), p. 85, of Peter Martyr (Anglerius) we read that " Emir-Chebir est Magistratus primus post Soldanum." (74) This official is not mentioned by Makrizi under that name ; he always speaks simply of the NAib (Nai), the Viceroy or Governor of Syria. (75) The Ostiddir or Major-domo, who by the year 1400, and during the turbulent reign of En-Nisir, had so encroached on the post of Grand Vizier as to control not only the Royal Household, but the finances and Royal domains also. The title Ost4d-dir means literally chief master of the house. Makrizi, Mamlouks^ t. i, pp. 25-27. (76) Amir-Akhur, assisted by the Sela-Khari or provider of the horses' food, and sometimes by a second Amir-Akhor, usually of the rank of Amirs of the Tabl-khana or Decarions, or " Grand Ecuyer", to use the title of the corresponding French functionary. The as- sistant Amir-Akhors had the control of the different animals. Hence there were Amir-Akhors of the foals, of the camel stables, and some- times of the oxen, the official in that case taking the title of Amir-Akhor as-Sawiki ("the Amir-Akhor of the machines of irrigation "). Von Hammer, Des Osmanischen Reichs Stoats- Verfassung^ vol. ii, p. 409 ; Makrizi, Mamlouks^ t. i, pp. 119, 120. (77) Amir-Alf (commander of a thousand) is apparently the Amir- Alam or Adjutant-general, who took charge of the Sultan's arms (" trattar I'arme del soldano"). (78) Amir-mia (commander of a hundred), a functionary not men- tioned by Makrizi. (79) Really the Gishenkir, or Taster, an office filled by the founder of the Mamluk kings to Melik Saleh. — Makrizi, Hist des Suitans Mamlouks^ t. i, p. 2. (80) The Amir-Sildh, or chief Armour-bearer (Silihdir). In some MSS. of Abu-1-mahasen quoted by De Sacy (Makrizi, t. i, p. 159), it is mentioned that latterly the Amir-Silih became one of the chief dignitaries after the AtAbek-Amir el-Kebir. (81) The Tisht-Khina was the room in which the Royal robes, jewels, etc., were kept. The officials were called TishtdArs and Rakhtw&nis, and were under the direction of two mihtars or superin- tendents. Makrizi, Mamlouks, t. i, p. 162. NOTES TO BOOK VIII. 921 (82) The Shardbdirs of the Sharib-Kh&na were under the control of one or two mihtars. (83) The Firish-Khdna was really the store-room. (84) " Sebabatia, cio h gli staffieri." The Sultan's pages were called Ojakis, and were evidently, from a passage in Makrizi (t. i, p. 108), a set of pampered, mischievous imps. In the reign of Melik MozafTer Kutuz (a.D. 1260) they attacked the Christians of Damascus. (85) Tabarkh4na,or Department of Tabardars (Halberdiers?), under the Amir-Tabar. The was the drum department, the Amir of the Tablkhina being a very high functionary under the Mamluk Sultans. Many of these offices and customs, like the highly-prized privilege of keeping a private band, went^ out when the Turks took possession of Egypt. — Lane-Poole, Ar^ of the Saracens in Egypt^ pp. 29-33 ; Makrizi, Mamlouks^ t. i, p. 173. (86) "Addavia" in the 1632 reprint, " Addauia" in the 161 3 and early editions generally. According to Makrizi, the Amir Gandir, a high official, introduced great persons to the Royal presence, com- manded the gandirs or equerries, and the Berd-dars or chamber attendants, and, besides having charge of the prison (zardkhina), superintended executions and tortures. He was selected from the ranks of the Colonels {mukkadam) or Lords of the Drum. — Lane- Poole, lib, cit,y p. 30. (87) According to Makrizi, the couriers were called "Beridis". They travelled between Cairo and Damascus in four days. (88) The "Ghishia" was a Royal saddle-cloth embroidered with gold and precious stones. It was an emblem of sovereignty always carried before the Sultan by one of the great Amirs, whose rank on that account came to be called Ghdshia. It sometimes means a club, a reunion — "those who habitually surround one man". Burton renders " Ghashiyah" as literally ** a cover", or, as employed nowa- days, "a saddle-cover carried by the gvoom'^— Arabian Nights^ voL iv, p. 131 ; Makrizi, Mamlouks^ t. i, pp. 3-7. The "Escifia"of Leo appear to be the Khassekis, a grade of Mamluks always in attendance on the Sultan, and who accompanied the Mahmil to Mekka. They bore, after the Mamluk fashion, the lofty title of * Kawimil al-Koffal" (the perfect administrators). —Makrizi, Mamlouksy t. ii, pp. 158, 159. (89) The ** Khazindar" was the Mamluk treasurer. 3 N 922 NOTES TO BOOK VIII. (90) The Kitim es-Sirr, the private secretary, who shared with the Dewddir the conduct of the Sultan's correspondence. — Makrizi, Mamlouks^ t. ii, p. 115. (91) There were various other secretaries, such as the K^tib ed-Derej (Cabinet Secretary), the Kitib el- 1 nshi (Secretary of the Chancellery), etc. The Mushidd, a word of similar sound, designated an inspector. (92) The " Mutesib" {muhtesib) is still a familiar official in all the Arab- speaking portions of Northern Africa, and even in Persia under the same name (Quatrem^re, in Makrizi, lib, cit.^ t. i, p. 1 14). The title is, however, spelt so variously by European travellers that it is sometimes almost beyond recognition. Thus, it is the " metassoup" of Albert {Etat de HEgypte^ p. 80), the "metasit" of Sequezzi (Revenus de I Egypt y p. 89), the " metesseb" of Pococke {Descript of the East^ vol. i, p. 165), the "moteheseb" of Host {Efterretmnger^ p. 260), "al motassen" of Ali Bey {Voyages^ t. iii, p. 128, etc.). See also De Sacy, Chrestomathie Arabe^ t. i, p. 468, et seq. ; De Chabrol, Essai sur Us mceurs de PEgypie^ p. 515 ; Lane, Modern Egyptians^ vol. i, pp. 154, 155. (93) The Amir el-Hajj—" Lord of the Pilgrimage" — still a very important office, but no longer the costly dignity it was under the Mamluks. (94) Gizeh. This favourite summer retreat of the Mamluks is now a village of wrecked houses and ruined bazaars. Last century there was a manufactory of sal ammoniac here, and Savary notes the fields of sallflower ^^Carthamus tinctoria) in its vicinity. (95) Probably Helwan or Alban, founded, or at least restored, by the Arabs under the Khalifateof Abd el-Melik. Abu-1-feda (ed. Keinaud, t. ii, p. 140) describes it as a "pleasant place" (Quatrem6re, Mimoires Gdographiques et historiques^ etc., p. 25). The Egyptian fig is the Ficus Sycamorus. (96) El-Khanka, a ruined town, little known except for being one of the places on the caravan route to Mekka. It and Birket el-Hajj, the rendezvous of the pilgrims, are frequently mentioned in old narra- tives. Thus, in the Prefetto of Egypt's journal (1722) from Cairo to Mount Sinai (Maundrell, A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusa- lem^ ed. 1810, pp. 222, 224, 272) places "called Chanke", chiefly inhabited by poor Beda weens and " Ukalt El-bahaar", are noted. (97) El-Masarah, on the route to the Baths of Helwan, though Leo does not mention the great quarries. He describes it as " dope il Cairo sopra il Nilo". " Sesama'* is the s^s2ia\^{Sesamum Jndicum NOTES TO BOOK VIII. 923 and S. Orientaie) still extensively grown in Egypt for the oil, which is used as a cosmetic, and is preferred for cooking purposes to olive oil. (98) Benisuef. The linen manufacture for which it was £a.mous in Leo's day was revived by Mehemet Ali in 1826, and it is still prosperous so far as the weaving of coarse fabrics in demand by the fellaheen is concerned. When Savary visited the town in 1777, he found carpet weaving the only industry, though almost crushed under the exaction of the Bey, who collected " arbitrary taxes sword in hand". Benisuef is less than seventy- three miles by railway from Cairo, but the crocodile is not nowadays found further north than about the twenty- seventh parallel, which is about 120 miles further south. (99) Minieh, a prosperous town of about 100,000 people, and the seat of a considerable sugar manu&ctory. It was called Minyet beni-1- Khassib, after Al-Khassib, Controller of the Finances of Egypt under the Khalifate of Harun ar-Raschid, whose sons received the government of Upper Egypt during the Khalifate of Al-Mamun. The family had their residence here ; but, as the remains of Romano- Grecian architecture show, they were not the founders of the place. (100) Medinet el-Fayum, or Medinet el-Fares — the capital of Fayum, and hence generally called Medineh ("the City")- To the north of it is the site of Arsinoe, or Crocodopolis, Arsinoe being the name by which the Copts still call Medinet el-Fayum. The legends repeated by Leo do not rest on any basis more solid than Arab imagination. Medinet el-Fayum is a comparatively modem town, our author ex- pressly referring to the ancient city, relics of which, in the shape of mounds, are found in its vicinity. Abu-1-feda speaks of Al-Fayum as possessing many artizans, baths, markets and colleges, where the doctrines of Sh^i and Melek were taught. M. Reinaud considers Fayum an alteration of the Egyptian " Piom", which signifies a great mass of water. Ed. of Abu-1-feda, t ii, 158 ; Champollion, LEgypte sous Us PharaonSy t. i, p. 325. (loi) Manfalut, from the Coptic Manbalut, the remains of which, Leo writes, no longer exist, but mounds exist in the neighbourhood ; and though no notice is taken of it by Greek or Roman historians, the name occurs in Coptic MSS., and means (Quatrem^re, Mimoires G^og, el hisioriquesy t i, p. 217) "the refuge of the wild asses". Abu-1-feda (ed. Reinaud, t ii, p. 1 56) describes Manfalut as a small town on the western (not the eastertiy as translated by Quatremfere, Reiske and Michaelis) bank of the Nile, with a single mosque. But when Mr. Richard Pococke, afterwards Bishop of Ossory {^A Descrip- tion of the Easty 1745), visited the place, it stood, owing to alterations of the current, nearly a mile from the river. Now the stream has 3 N 2 924 NOTES TO BOOK VIII. gained ground so rapidly that, unless the encroachments cease, the town must disappear. The crocodile mummy pits are at Maabdel, on the Jebel Abufayda. But the crocodiles described by Leo as haunting "the fields" ("e i coccodrilli fanno dimolti danni") are not now found so feir to the north. In Makrizi's day, the Christians of Man- falut were so brotherly that they all worshipped at the Monastery of Benu Kelb. When Pococke made acquaintance with the place there were 200 Christians, whose church was at Narach. (102) Asiut is still a place of considerable importance, though not so wealthy since the decay of its caravan trade with the Sudan. Except mounds, tombs, and grottoes, there are now few remains of the ancient city of which Leo speaks. The Patriarch Peter of Alexandria mentions Meletius, Bishop of 'Statovr, who is elsewhere referred to as MtXinog 6 dvh Atjxu Trig eti^atdog. St. John of Lycopolis is called St. John of Sioout by the Copts, (///usfn'um Christi martyrum lecti triumphi^ p. 20. Quatrem^re, M^moires^ t. i, p. 275.) The Arabs preserved the Coptic name in the modem desig- nation of the town, which Abu-1-feda (ed. Reinaud, t. ii, p. 1 54) writes as Osiuth (Osyouth) or Soyouth. (103) Ikhmin, or Akhmin, the successor of the Greek Chemmis (Xeiiifng)y or Panopolis (llawwoX/^), the Arabic name being a slight corruption of the Coptic Shmin, The remains of buildings erected by, or in honour of, Thothmes III, Ptolemy, son of Auletes, Dio- cletian, and other sovereigns, fully justify the Arab legends, to which Leo gives voice, about this being a very ancient city, though its foundation by Ikhmin, son of Misraim, " The son of Cush, which was the son [?] of Ham " (" Icmin figliuolo di Misrain, a cui tu padre Cus figliuolo di En" more correctly in the original Italian), is, as usual, apocryphal. Herodotus refers to Chemmis, and Strabo to Panopolis; and it is mentioned by Abu-1-feda, Ibn Haukal, Kaswini, El-Bekri, Makrizi, and other Moslem historians. From Leo's account it seems to have suffered so much at the conqueror's hands— albeit, according to Herodotus, the citizens took more kindly to foreign (to wit, Greek) customs than the rest of the Egyptians. Dulnum, who wrote the -£'/-i^tf/'^r^^tf/ (Experiments), was a native of Ikhmin, as was also Perseus, to whom his descendants ordained festivals here, which rivalled those to Pan, after whom the city was named. For remains of serpent worship here see Savary, Letters^ vol. i, p. 465. When Pococke visited it in 1737, Ikhmin was governed by a Berber Amir. But, like the Howara and other Moghrebin tribes once extending to Egypt (Khalil-Dahery in Ue Sacy, Chrestotnathie arabe^ t. i, pp. 242, 243, 247 : Quatrem^re, M^moires^ t. ii, p. 200, et seq \ the Berber princes of Ikhmin have vanished. These Howara rulers were probably those NOTES TO BOOK VIII. 925 referred to by Leo in his account of Menshiyeh. But in that case there is a slight obscurity ; for, leaving out of account the fact that they were in power until at least 1737, there was never any " impera- dore de' Turchi " called " Sulieman nono " ; what Leo means is pro- bably that the princes in question were (more or less temporarily) suppressed— which is extremely likely — by Selim I on his conquest of Egypt, and that Selim was the ninth Emperor of Turkey, unless, indeed, Solyman (" the magnificent ")i who was the tenth Sultan, and reigned from 1520 to 1566, is intended. The " Dalmatian Slave '*, to whom tradition assigned the elevation of the Menshiyeh Berber chief, was Gowher. (104) Menshiyeh, the Coptish Psoi, the capital of a Greek Nome of the same name, though it is improbable that the place, not appa- rently at any time extensive, occupies the site of Ptolemais Hermii, a town as large as Thebes. (105) Girgeh, or St. George's, a considerable town named from the Coptic convent sacred to the patron saint of Egypt and of England. When Pococke and Norden visited it the town was a quarter of a mile from the Nile. Now we learn (Murray, Guide Booky p. 233) that by the pressure of the river on the eastern bank, part of the place has been washed away. (106) There are many Coptic monasteries in this region. The one named Chean (Khean) is too loosely located to be identified with certainty. But both the huge village monastery of (in the Egyptian- Arabic) Dayr el-abiad, or Amba-Shenudeh, and Dayr el-ahmar, or Amba Bishoi, correspond in some degree to Leo's description. (107) Denderah, where, close to a modem village of that name, there is a Ptolemaic temple to Venus, and other ruins. Tentyres, the vil- lage of crocodile-hunters, stood here. (108) Ken eh, the site of the ancient Caenopolis or Neapolis. It still does a great trade with Kosseir (Chossir), Yambo (lambuh, Emba), and Jiddah. It is actually about eighty miles from the Red Sea. (109) Esneh is confounded by Leo with Syene, which wasAssuan, a blunder followed by Sicard {Mdm. des Missions^i. ii, p. 183), Vansleb, and others. Strabo (lib. xvii, p. 817), Ptolemy (lib. iv, cap. 5), and the Antonine Itinerary {^, 160) mention Lato or Latopolis, and in the Notitia dignitatum imperii (ed. Labbe, p. 320) a corps of Egyptian archers is referred to as stationed at this city. Edrisi and Al-Adfai (cited by Makrizi) also speak of Esneh ; but if the Ansena of Abu-1- 926 NOTES TO BOOK VIII. feda was opposite Oshmunayn (ed. Reinaud, p. 1 57) it could not ha>-c been Esneh, but the modern village of Sheikh Abadeh, the site of the ancient Antinoe, also still called Ansena. It was a " city of magi- cians", from which, according, to the Arabs, Pharaoh brought the conjurors to compete with Moses in miracle working. Hartmann {Edrisii Africa^ p. 505) and Quatrem^re {Mdmotres^ t. i, p. 273) seem to fancy Abu-1-feda's Ansena identical with Leo's Asna. (no) Asuan, Aswan, or Oswan, occupies the site of the ancient Syene, the Arabic name being, however, a corruption by prefixing an I of the Coptic Suan or Senou. This town, situated at Esh- Shellal or the First Cataract of the Nile, 730 miles from the Mediterranean, ended Leo's voyage, as it has terminated that of so many less famous tourists. Beyond, he was correctly enouj^h informed, there were many ruins. But the most extraordinary circumstance connected with Leo's Nile voyage is that he passed close to the actual Thebes, evidently without being aware of that remarkable remnant of the ancient greatness of Egypt. Luxor, the site of the Greek and Roman Diospolis, he must have seen, but before reaching that point he had become blas^ about infidel antiquities. At all events, he went up to Asuan and back ag^in to Keneh, whence he crossed to Kosseir on the Red Sea without noticing Koptos (Kobt) or Karnak. Otherwise, his description is fairly complete. Asuan is still — or was until the Sudan was partially closed to caravans — a great place of trade with inner Africa, Suakim and the Red Sea ports, and the population is about as mixed (as Leo declares) as the language of the races beyond the First Cataract. In those days this region was dominated by the Bejas, the Egyptian jurisdiction ending, as did latterly the Roman rule, at Asuan (Strabo, lib. 17). lOHN LEO HIS NINTH BOOKE OF the Historic of Africa, and of the memorable things therein contained. Wherein he entreateth of the principall riuers, and of the strange liuing creatures, plants, and minerals of the same countrey. Of the riuer of Tenstst. He riuer of *Tensist (that we may * or TcnHjt. begin in Barbarie from the westerne part of Africa) springing foorth of the mountaines of Atlas which are next vnto the citie of Hanimmei, to witte, about the east part of the territorie of Maroco, and continuing his course northwarde ouer the plaines, receiueth many other riuers thereinto, and at Azafi a towne of Duccala dischargeth his streames into the maine Ocean. Into this mightie riuer of Tensist fall two other great riuers, called Siffelmel and Niffis ; the one whereof springeth out of Hanteta a mountaine of Maroco ; and the other issuing foorth of mount Atlas neere vnto Maroca, and winding it selfe along the plaines of that region, disemboqueth at last into the saide mightie riuer. And albeit the riuer Tensist be for the most part of an exceeding depth, yet 928 THE NINTH BOOKE OF THE may it in diuers places be waded ouer, where the water reacheth vnto the stirrups of an horseman : but a footemen must strippe himselfe naked to passe ouer the same. Neere vnto Maroco there is a bridge of fifteene arches builte by king Mansor vpon this riuer : which bridge is accounted one of the most curious buildings in all Africa. Three of the saide arches were demolished by Abu Dubus the last king and patriarke of Maroco, to the ende he might hinder the passage of lacob the first Fezsan king of the Marin familie : but this attempt of his was to none effect, as it sufficiently appeered by the successe thereof. Of the two riuer s called Teseuhin, THe two riuers called by this one name, springing each of them, three miles asunder, out of mount Gugideme, and running through the plaines of Hascora, exonerate themselues into the riuer called Lebich. These two riuers (as I haue said) haue one onely name, being either of them (according to the African language) called Teseut in the singular number, and in the plural Teseuhin, which signi- fieth listes or borders. Of Quadelhabidy that is to say, the riuer of seruahis, QVadelhabid taking his original among the high and chill mountaines of Atlas, and running through certaine narrow and vneeuen valleis, holdeth on his course by the confines of Hascora and Tedle, and then stretching northward ouer a certaine plaine, falleth at length into the riuer of Ommirabih. In Maie when the snow melteth, this riuer increaseth to some bignes. Oftlie riuer oj Ommirabih, THe mightie riuer of Ommirabih issuing also forth of the lofty mountaines of Atlas where the prouince of Tedle bordereth vpon the kingdome of Fez, passeth through HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 929 certain plaines called Adachfun, and being afterward streitned among the narrow valleis, it runneth vnder a stately bridge built by Ibulhasen the fourth king of the Marin family : from thence trending southward it watereth' the plaines situate between the regions of Duccala and Temesne, and lastly disburdeneth it selfe vnder the wals of Azamor into the maine Ocean. About the end of Maye they take great store of fishes in this riuer called by the Italians Lasche, wherwith all Azamur being sufficiently stored, they salt the said fishes and send many ships ful of them into Portugall. Of the riuer of Buregrag, BVregrag arising out of one of the mountaines of Atlas, and continuing his course by sundrie vallies, woods, and hils, proceedeth on ouer a certaine plaine, and neere vnto the townes of Sala and Rabat, being the vtmofet frontiers of the Fezsan kingdome, it falleth into the Ocean sea. Neither haue the two foresaid townes any other port or harbour, but within the mouth of the said riuer onely, which is so difficult to enter, that vnlesse the pilote be throughly acquainted with the place, he is in great hazard of running his ship vpon the shoulds : which shoulds serue instead of bulwarkes to defend either towne from the fleets of the Christians. Of tfie riuer of Baht, THis riuer issuing foorth of mount Atlas, stretcheth northward by the woods and mountaines, and running among certaine litle hils, disperseth it selfe vpon the plaines of the prouince of Azgar, and from thence it falleth into certaine fens, lakes, and moist valleies, where they take great store of eeles, and of the foresaid fishes called Lasche. The inhabitants Hue vpon cattell, and fishing, and by reason of the plentie of milke, fish, and 930 THE NINTH BOOKE OF THE butter which they eate, they are much subiect vnto the disease called in Italian Morphia. This riuer may con- tinually be waded ouer, except it be much increased by abundance of raine and melted snowe. Of the riuer of Subu. THe riuer of Subu beginneth vpon mount Selilgo, standing in Cheuz, a prouince of the Fezsan king- dome. And it springeth out of a great fountaine in the midst of a vaste and solitarie woode, and runneth by diuers mountaines and hils : from whence extending vpon the plaines, it approcheth within sixe miles of Fez, diuideth in sunder the regions of Habat and Azgar, and at lengfth about Mahmora, a place not farre from Sala, exonerateth it selfe into the Ocean sea. Into this river fall diuers others, two of which, namely Guarga and Aodor, spring out of the mountaines of Gumera, and the residue from the mountaines of the territorie of Teza. And although Subu be a large riuer, yet may it in sundry places be waded ouer, except in winter and the spring, when it cannot be crossed but in certaine dangerous and small boats. The same riuer also which runneth through the citie of Fez called in the language of that country, The riuer of perles, entereth into the foresaid riuer of Subu. This riuer of Subu aboundeth exceedingly with fish, and especially with the foresaid fishes called Lasche, which are there of no reckoning. The mouth thereof neere vnto the Ocean sea, being very deepe and broad, is nauigable for ships of great burthen, as the Portugals and Spaniards haue found by often experience : and were not the inhabitants so sloth- full, it might vsually and commodiously be sailed vpon : yea, if the corne which is carried by the merchants of Fez ouer land through the region of Azgar, were conueighed by water vp this riuer, it might be solde at Fez for half the price. HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 93 ^ Of the rtuer of Lucus. LVccus issuing forth of the mountaines of Gumera, and stretching westward ouer the plaines of Hebat and Azgar, passeth by the city of Casar Elcabir, and neere vnto Harais a city of Azgar vpon the borders of Habat, dis- chargeth it selfe into the main Ocean : in the mouth of this riuer lyeth the hauen of the foresaid city, being very difficult to enter. Of the riuer of MuluUo. MVlullo arising out of mount Atlas betweene the cities of Teza, and Dubdu, runneth through the dessert and barren plaines of Terrest and Tasrata, and at length exonerateth it selfe into the riuer Muluia. Of the riuer of Muluna, THe famous riuer of *Muluna taking his originall from * OrMuiuia. that part of Atlas which is situate in the region of Cheuz, about fine and twentie miles from the citie of Gherseluin, and passing ouer dishabited and drie plaines, as also amidst the deserts of Angad and of Caret, and by the foote of mount Beni leznaten, falleth not farre from the towne of Chasasa into the Mediterran sea. This riuer a man may wade ouer alwaies in sommer, in the mouth whereof are caught most excellent fishes. ' Of the riuer of Za, THis riuer springing out of mount Atlas runneth through a certaine plaine of the desert of Angad, whereas the kingdomes of Fez and of Telensin confine one vpon an other : which though it be exceeding dccpe, yet neuer did I .see the water thereof thicke or muddie. It aboundcth with fishes, but the inhabitants being destitute of fit instruments, can not take them, neither indeed be the waters conuenient to fish vpon, bicause they are so cleere. 932 THE NINTH HOOKE OF THE Of the riuer of Tefne, THe small riuer of Tefne issuing foorth of the moun- taines bordering vpon Numidia, and continuing a northerly course ouer the desert of Angad, falleth into the Mediterran sea, about fifteene miles from Telensin, and it affourdeth nought but a fewe small fishes. Of the riuer Mina. THis riuer flowing out of certaine mountaines neere vnto Tegdent, passeth through the fieldes of the citie of Batha, and thence runneth northerly into the Mediterran sea. Of tJie riuer Sele, THis great river falling from the mountaines of Guanferis, and descending through barren plaines to the confines of the kingdomes of Telensin and Tenez, separateth Mezagran from Mustuganin, and then entreth into the Mediterran sea : in the mouth of which riuer are caught very excellent fishes of diuers kinds. Of the riuer Sessaia, THis small riuer beginning from mount Atlas, passeth ouer the plaine of Mettegia neere vnto Alger, and not farre from the ancient towne of Temendesust dis- chargeth it selfe into the Mediterran sea. Of that which is called The great riuer THis riuer ariseth out of the mountaines adioining vpon the region of Zeb, from whence running along, it disemboqueth into the Mediterran sea about three miles from Bugia. It ouerfloweth not but in rainie and snowie weather : neither vse the people of Bugia to fish therein, hauing the sea so neere them. HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 933 Of the riuer called Stisgmare. IT springeth out of the mountaines bordering vpon mount Auras, and passeth on through the barren fields vnto the territorie of the citie Constantina, and gliding along by the borders thereof, it receiueth a small riuer ; and so holding a Northerly course it falleth into the Mediterran sea about the same place where it sepa- rateth the fields of ChoUo from the fieldes of the castle called legel. Of t/te riuer ladog, THis small riuer issuing foorth of the mountaines neere Constantina, and stretching by the same mountaines towards the east, disburdeneth it selfe into the sea not farre from the citie of Bona. Of the riuer called Guadilbarbar, IT proceedeth out of certaine mountaines adioining vpon the fieldes of the citie called Vrbs, and gliding by the hils and mountaines, it runneth in such a crooked chanell, that such as trauell from Bona to Tunis, must crosse ouer it without either boates or bridges aboue twentie times. And so at length it falleth into the sea not farre from the forsaken port of Tabraca, and about fifteene miles from the citie of Bege. Of the riuer of Megerada. THe mightie riuer of Megerada springing foorth of the mountaines neere vnto the citie Tebessa, vpon the borders of the prouince of Zeb, continueth a northerly course, vntil at a place called Gharel Meleh, fortie miles distant from Tunis it exonerateth it selfe into the Medi- terran sea. In rainie weather it so increaseth, that trauellers, bicause there are neither boates nor bridges, are constrained to staie two or three daies by the riuers side till it be de- 934 THE NINTH BOOKE OF THE creased, especially within sixe miles of Tunis. And hereby you may see how the Africans of these times de- generate both in wit and courage from the ancient Africans, who made the people of Rome to tremble so often at their valour. I Of the riuer of Capis. T proceedeth from a certaine southerne desert, and passing through sandie plaines, falleth into the sea by A riuer of hot a towne of that very name. The water thereof is salt, and and salt water. , , , so hot, that whosoeuer listeth to drinke of it, must set it a cooling for the space of an hower. Thus much concern- ing the principall riuers of Barbaric : let vs nowe proceede on to describe the Numidian riuers. Of the riuers of Numidia ; and first of the riuer called Sus, T 'He great riuer of Sus flowing out of the mountaines of Atlas, that separate the two prouinces of Hea and Sus in sunder, runneth southward among the saide moun- taines, stretching into the fields of the foresaid region, and from thence trending westward vnto a place called ♦ Or Quart' * Gurtuessen, where it dischargeth it selfe into the maine guessen, Qccan. In winter time it mightily ouerfloweth, but in sommer it is verie shallow. Of the riuer of Darba, THis riuer taking his originall from mount Atlas about the confines of Hascora, passeth southward to the prouince called Darha : from whence proceeding through the deserts, it is dispersed among certaine fieldes and pastures, where bicause of the abundance of grasse, the Arabians feede their camels. In sommer it is so dried vp, that a man shall not wet his shooes in going ouer it : but it so increaseth in winter, that it cannot be passed ouer in HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 935 boats. And by extreme heate of the sunne the waters thereof prooue bitter. Of the riuer of Ziz, THis riuer springing out of the mountaines of Atlas inhabited by the people called Zanaga, and running along by many other mountaines and by the city of Gher- seluin, holdeth on his course through the fields of Cheneg, Metgara, and Reteb, and entreth the territorie of the city Segelmesse: from whence it proceedeth by the desert castle of Sugaihila, and beyond the said castle falleth into a lake amidst the sandie deserts, where no inhabitants are to be found, whither notwithstanding the Arabian hunters vsually resort, for that they finde great store of game there. Of the riuer of Ghir, THE riuer of Ghir issuing also forth of Mount Atlas, stretcheth southward by certaine deserts, and then passing through the region of Benigumi, transformeth it selfe likewise into a lake in the very midst of the deserts. Whereas in the beginning of this my discourse, intreat- ing of the diuision of Africa, I described the riuer called by Ptolefney Niger, it would here be superfluous to make any repetition thereof : wherefore let vs now proceede vnto the description of Nilus. Of the mightie riuer of Nilus. THE course of this riuer is in very deed most admir- able, and the creatures therein contained are exceed- ing strange, as namely sea-horses, sea-oxen, crocodiles, and other such monstrous and cruel beasts, (as we will after- ward declare) which were not so hurtfull either in the ancient times of the Egyptians or of the Romaines, as 936 THE NINTH BOOKE OF THE they are at this present : but they became more dangerous euer since the Mahumetans were lords of Egypt. Meshudi in his treatise of the memorable thinges of his time, reporteth that when Humeth the sonne of Thaulon was lieutenant of Egypt vnder Gibsare Mutauichil the Califa of Bagdet, namely in the yeere of the Hegeira 270. there was a certaine leaden image about the bignes of a croco- dile found among the ruines of an old Egyptia temple, which in regard of the Hieroglyphick characters & con- stellations, engrauen theron, serued instead of an inchant- met against all crocodiles ; but so soone as the saide lieutenant caused it to be broken in peeces, the crocodiles began then to inuade men, and to doe much mischiefe, Howbeit what the reason should be, why the crocodiles betweene Cairo and the Mediterran sea are harmelesse, and those aboue Cairo towards the maine land, should deuoure and kill so many persons, it goeth beyond my skill to determine.®* But, to returne vnto the description of Nilus, it increaseth (as we have saide) for the space of fortie daies, beginning from the seuenteenth of June ; and it continueth iust so long time in decreasing. For whereas in the higher Ethiopia it raineth most abundantly about the beginning of May, the course and inundation of the water is hindred all the moneth of May, & some part of lune, before it can attaine vnto the plaine countrey of Egypt. Concerning the originall fountaine of this riuer, Sundry opini- there are manifold opinions, and all of them uncertaine. ons concerning ^ , , . , «- , • /- Nilus. Some there are which affirme the same to spnng out of the mountaines, called by themselues, The mountaines of the moone ; and others say that it beginneth vpon certaine plaines situate beneath the foote of the saide mountaines, and issueth out of sundrie fountaines, being a great way distant one from another. Howbeit the former of these two auouch, that Nilus with great violence falleth down from the saide mountaines into certaine deepe caues vnder the HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 937 ground, and commeth foorth againe at the foresaide foun- taines. Both of which opinions are false : for neuer did any man as yet see where Nilus taketh his originall. The Ethiopian merchants which resort for traffike vnto the citie of Dancala, affirme that Nilus towards the south is enlarged into such a mightie lake, that no man can perceiue which way the course thereof trendeth : and that after- ward being diuided into manifold branches running in saueral chanels, and stretching themselues east and west, it hindereth the passage of traueilers, so that they cannot compasse those intricate windings and turnings. Likewise diuers Ethiopians inhabiting vpon the plaines in manner of the Arabians, say that many of them traueiling fiue hundred miles southward to seeke their camels which were straied away in the heate of their lust, found Nilus to be in all places alike, that is to say, dispersed into manifolde armes and lakes, and that they discouered sundrie desert and barren mountaines, where the foresaide Meshudi affirmeth emraulds to be found : which seemeth more pro- bable then that which the same author affirmeth concern- ing sauage men, which wander vp and downe like wilde goates, and feede vpon the grasse of the deserts in manner of beasts. But if I recorded all the fables which our writers report concerning Nilus, I shoulde seeme ouer tedious vnto the Reader. Of tJie strange beasts and other lining creatures of Africa, MY purpose is not in this discourse to make a coplete history of the liuing creatures in Africa, but only of such as are either not to be founde in Europe, or such as differ in any respect from those that are founde : And heere I intend to describe in order certaine beasts, fishes, and foules, omitting many things reported by Plinie, who was doubtlesse a man of rare and singular learning, not- 30 938 THE NINTH BOOKE OF THE withstanding by the default and negligence of certaine authors which wrote before him, he erred a little in some small matters concerning Africa : howbeit a little blemish ought not quite to disgrace all the beautie of a faire and amiable bodie. Of the Elephant. THis wittie beast keepeth in the woods, & is found in great numbers in the forrests of the land of Negros. They vse to go many in one copany ; and if they chance to meet with any man, they either shun him or giue place vnto him. But if the Elephant intendeth to hurt any man, he casteth him on the groud with his long snout or trunk, & neuer ceaseth trampling vpon him till he be dead. And although it is a mightie and fierce beast, yet are there great store of them caught by the Ethiopian hunters in manner following. These hunters being acquainted with 7'A^i«a;i«' camell but of meane stature will carrie a thousand pounds of Italian weight. When any of the saide camels is to be laden, being beaten vpon his knees and necke with a wande, he kneeleth downe, and when he feeleth his load sufficient, he riseth vp againe. And the Africans vse to gelde their camels which they keepe for the burthen, putting but one male camell among ten femals. The second kinde of camels called Becheti, and hauing a double Camels of a bunch, are fit both to carrie burthens, and to ride vpon: swiftnes "other- and thcsc are bred onely in Asia. The thirde kinde called IJromcdaries, Raguahill,^^ are camels of a slender and low stature, which Three kinds ofcamels* HISTOUIE OF AFRICA. 941 albeit they are vnfit to carry burthens yet do they so excell the two other kindes in swiftness, that in the space of one day they will trauell an hundred miles, and will so continue ouer the deserts for eight or ten daies togither with very little prouender : and these doe the principal Arabians of Numidia and the Moores of Libya vsually ride vpon. When the king of Tombuto is desirous to sende any message of importance vnto the Numidian merchants with great celeritie, his post or messenger riding vpon one of these camels, will runne from Tombuto to Darha or Segelmesse, being nine hundred miles distant, in the space of eight daies at the farthest : but such as trauell must be expert in the way through the deserts, neither will they demaund lesse than fiue hundred ducates for euery iourney. The saide camels about the beginning of the spring inclining to their lust and venerie, do not onely hurt one another, but also will deadly wound such persons as haue done them any iniury in times past, not forgetting light and easie stripes : and whomsoeuer they lay holde on with their teeth, they lift him vp on high, and cast him downe againe, trampling vpon him with their feete, and in this madde moode they continue fortie daies togither. Neither are they so patient of hunger as of thirst ; for they will abstaine from drinke, without any inconuenience, for The cameh great absH- fifteen daies togither : and if their guides water them once nencefrom in three daies, they doe them great hurt, for they are not vsually watred but once in fiue or nine daies, or at an vrgent necessitie, once in fifteene daies. Moreouer the saide camels are of a gentle disposition, and are indued as ft were with a kinde of humaine reason : for when as betweene Ethiopia and Barbarie they haue a daies iourney to trauell more than their woont, their masters cannot driue them on, being so tired, with whips, but are faine to sing certaine songs vnto them ; wherewith being exceed- ingly delighted, they performe their iourney with such 942 THE NINTH BOOKE OF THE swiftnes, that their saide masters are scarce able to follow r^ ^f^af them. At my being in Cairo I sawe a camell dance; Cairo learne which arte of dancinef howe he learned of his master I will to dance. ^ heere in fewe words report. They take a yoong camell, and put him for halfe an hower togither into a place like a bathstoue prepared for the same purpose, the floore whereof is het with fire : then play they without vpon a drum, whereat the camell, not so much in regard of the noise, as of the hot pauement which ofTendeth his feete, lifteth vp one legge after another in maner of a dance, and hauing beene accustomed vnto this exercise for the space of a yeere or ten moneths, they then present him vnto the publike view of the people, when as hearing the noise of a drum, and remembering the time when he trode vpon the hot floore, he presently falleth a dancing and leaping : and so, vsc being turned into a kind of nature, he perpetually obserueth the same custome. I could here report other matters concerning the same beast, which for breuities sake I omit. Of the liorse of Barbaric, THis name is giuen vnto the Barbarie horses through- out Italy and all Europe, bicause they come foorth of Barbarie, and are a kinde of horses that are bred in those regions ; but they which so thinke are deceiued : for the horses of Barbarie differ not in any respect from other horses : but horses of the same swiftnes & agilitie are in the Arabian toong called throughout all Egypt, Syria, Asia, Arabia Felix, and Deserta, by the name of Arabian horses : and the historiographers affirme, that this kinde of wilde horses, ranging vp and downe the Arabian deserts, and being broken and managed by the Arabians euer since the time of Ismael, haue so exceedingly multiplied and increased, that they haue replenished the most part of Africa : which opinion sauoureth of truth : for euen at this HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 943 present there are great store of wilde horses founde both in the African and Arabian deserts. And I myselfe sawe in the Numidian desert a wilde colte of a white colour, and hauing a curled maine. The most certaine triall of these horses is when they can ouertake the beast called Lant or the Ostrich in a race : which if they be able to performe, they are esteemed woorth a thousand ducats or an hundred camels. Howbeit very fewe of these horses are brought vp in Barbarie, but the Arabians that inhabite the deserts, and the people of Libya bring vp great numbers of them, vsing them not for trauell or war- fare, but onely for hunting, neither do they giue them any other meate but the milke of camels, and that twise euery Horses fedde ' vnth camels day and night, to the ende they may keepe them nimble, »"V'*- liueiy, and of spare flesh ; and in the time of grasse they suffer them to feede in pastures, but then they ride not vpon them. But those that the princes of Barbarie bring vp, are not of such swiftnes, but being fedde with pro- uender, are more beautifull and comely to the eie ; and these they vse vpon an vrgent necessitie, when they woulde escape the danger of their enimies. Of tlu wilde liorse. THe wilde horse is one of those beasts that come sel- dome in sight. The Arabians of the desert take the wilde horse and eat him, saying that the yoonger the horse be, the sweeter is his flesh : but he will hardly be taken either with horses or dogs. In the waters where this beast keepeth they lay certaine snares, couering them ouer with sand, wherein his foote being caught he is intangled and slaine. Of the beast called Lant or Dant. THis beast in shape resembleth an oxe, sauing that he hath smaller legs and comelier horns. His haire is white, and his hoofs arc as blacke as iet, and he is so 944 T'^^ NINTH WOOKE OF THE exceeding swift, that no beast can ouertake him, but onely the Barbary horse, as is beforesaid. He is easlier caught in sommer then in winter, because that in regard to the extreme fretting heat of the sand his hoofs are then strained and set awry, by which meanes his swiftnes is abated, like as the swiftnes of stagges & roe-deer. Of the hide of this Targets made bcast are made shields and targets of great defence, which of a skin. ^ ^ * will not be pierced but onely with the forcible shot of a bullet ; but they are sold at an extreame price. Of the Wilde oxe, IT resembleth the tame oxe, saue that it is lesse in stature, being of a gray or ashe-color, and of great swiftnes. It haunteth either the deserts, or the confines of the deserts. And the flesh thereof (they say) is ver)' sauory. Of tJie ivild asse. THis beast also being found either in the deserts or vpon the borders thereof, is of an ash-colour. In swiftnes they are surpassed onely by the Barbary horses, and when they see a man, they bray out a loude, kicking and wincing with their heeles, and standing stone-still, till one approcheth so near them, that he may touch them with his hand & then they betake themselues to flight By the Arabians of the deserts they are caught with snares, and other engines. They goe in companies either when they feede or water themselues. Their flesh is hot and vnsauorie, and hath a wilde tast : but being set a cooling two dayes after it is sodden, it becometh very sauory and pleasant. Of tlte oxen vpon t/ie mountaines of Africa, A LI the oxen vpon the mountaines of Africa being tame cattell are of so meane a stature, that in comparison of other oxen they seeme to be but heifers of two yeeres HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 945 old : but the mountainers, vsing them to the plough, say that they are strong and will indure much labour. Of the beast called Adimmain, IT is a tame beast, beeing shaped like a ramme, and of the stature of an asse, and hauing long and dangle cares. The Libyans vse these beasts instead of kine, and make of their milke great store of cheese and butter. They haue some wooll, though it be but short. I my selfe vpon a time being merily disposed, road a quarter of a mile vpon the backe of one of these beasts. Very many of them are in the deserts of Libya, and but few in other places : and it is a rare matter to see one of them in the Numidian fields. Of the African Ramme. THere is no difference betweene these rammes of Africa and others, saue onely in their tailes, which are of a great thicknes, being by so much the grosser, but how much they are more fatte, so that some of their tailes waigh tenne, and other twentie pounds a peece, and they become fatte of their owne naturall inclination : but in Egypt there are diuers that feede them fatte with bran and barly, vntill their tailes growe so bigge that they cannot remooue them- selues from place to place : insomuch that those which take charge of them are faine to binde little carts vnder their tailes, to the end they may haue strength to walke. I my selfe sawe at a citie in Egypt called Asiot, and standing vpon Nilus, about an hundred and fiftie miles from Cairo, one of the saide rams tailes that weighed fower- score pounds, and others affirmed that they had seene one of those tailes of an hundred and fiftie pounds weight. All the fatte therefore of this beast consisteth in his taile ; neither is there any of them to be founde but onely in Tunis and in Egypt. 946 THE NINTH BOOKE OF THE Of the Lyon, THe Lyon is a most fierce and cruell beast, being hurtfull vnto all other beasts, and excelling them both in strength, courage, and crueltie, neither is he onely a deuourer of beasts, but of men also. In some places one Lyon will boldly encounter two hundred horsemen. They range without all feare among the flocks and droues of cattell, and whatsoeuer beast they can lay holde on, they cary it into the next woode vnto their whelpes : yea some Lyons there are (as I haue before said) that will vanquish and kill fiue or sixe horsemen in one companie. Howbeit such Lyons as Hue vpon the colde mountaines are not so outragious and cruell : but the hotter the places be where they keepe, the more rauenous and bolde are they, as namely vpon the frontiers of Temesna, and of the kingdome of Fez, in the desert of Angad neere Telensin, and betweene the citie of Bona and Tunis, all which are accounted the most famous and fierce Lyons in all Africa. In the spring, while they are giucn to lust and venerie, they haue most fierce and bloudie conflicts one with an other, eight or twelue Lions following after one Lyonesse. I haue heard many both men and women report, that if a woman chanceth to meete with a Lyon, and sheweth him her priuie parts, he will with crying and roaringe, cast his eies vpon the grounde and so depart Beleeue it they that list But this I am well assured of, that whatsoeuer a Lyon getteth in his pawes, though it be a camell, he will carrie it away. I myselfewas twice in great hazard to haue beene deuoured of Lyons, but by the goodnes of God I escaped them. Of the Leopard, THese beasts liuing in the woods of Barbarie, will not for all their great strength and crueltie hurt any man, vnlessc it be very seldome, when as they meete with a HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 947 man in a narrow passage, and cannot shun him, or when they are checked and prouoked vnto furie : for then they will flie vpon a man, laying holde vpon his visage with their talents, and plucking off so much flesh as they can catch, insomuch that sometimes they will crush his braines in peeces. They inuade not any flockes or droues of tame cattell, but are at deadly feude with dogs, whom they will kill and deuoure. The mountainers of the region of Constantina hunt them on horsebacke, stopping all passages where they might escape. The Leopard ranging vp and downe, and finding euery place so besette with horsemen that he cannot get away, windeth and turneth himselfe on ail sides, and so becommeth a fit marke for the hunters to discharge their darts and arrowes vpon. But if the Leopard chanceth to escape, that man that lets him passe, is bounde by an vsuall custome to inuite the residue of the hunters vnto a banquet. Of tJie beast called Dabuh, THis beast called by the Arabians Dabuh, and by the Africans lesef, in bignes and shape resembleth a woolfe, sauing that his legges and feete are like to the legs and feete of a man. It is not hurtful vnto any other beast, but will rake the carkeises of men out of their graues, and will deuour them, being otherwise an abiect and silly creature. The hunters being acquainted with his denne, come before it singing and playing vpon a drum, by which melodie being allured foorth, his legs are intrapped in a strong rope, and so he is drawne out and slaine. , Of the duet-cat. THese Cattes are naturally wilde, and are found in the woods of Ethiopia. The merchants taking their yoong whelps or kittes, feede them with milke, branne, and The manner of flesh, and keepe them in cages or grates. But their odori- ciuelT'^ 948 THE NINTH BOOKE OF THE ferous excrement (which is nought else but their sweat) they gather twice or thrise euery day in manner following: first they driue them vp and downe the grate with a wande, till they sweate, and then they take the saide sweate from under their flankes, their shoulders, their necks, and their tailes : which excrement of sweate is commonly called ciuit. Of the Ape. OF Apes there are diuers and sundrie kindes, those which haue tailes, being called in the African toong Monne, and those which haue none, Babuinl. They are found in the woods of Mauritania, and vpon the mountaines of Bugia and Constantina. They represent the shape of man, not onely in their feete and hands, but also in their visages, and are naturally indued with woonderfull witte and subtiltie. They Hue vpon grasse and come, and go in great companies to feede in the corne fieldes, and one of their companie which standeth centinell or keepeth watch and ward vpon the borders, when he espieth the husband- man comming, he crieth out and giueth as it were an alarme to his fellowes, who euery one of them flee immediately into the next woods, and betake themselues to the trees. The shee apes carrie their whelpes vpon their shoulders, and will leape with them in that sort from one tree to another. Such of them as are taught, will do woonderfull feates, but they are angrie and curst, notwith- standing they will soone be appeased. Of the Conies of Africa. THere are great store of wilde Conies in Mauritania, and vpon the mountaines of Gumera ; which albeit they are accounted wilde, yet in my opinion they seeme tame, for their flesh diflereth neither in taste nor colou^ from the flesh of tame conies. HISTOKIE OF AFRICA. 949 Of the strange fishes of Africa ^ and first of tfu fish called A mbara, THe fish called Ambara, being of a monstrous shape and bignes, is neuer seen but when it is cast vp dead vpon the sea-shore : and some of these fishes there arc which containe twentie fiue cubites in length. The head of this fish is as hard as a stone. The inhabitants of the Ocean sea coast affirme that this fish casteth foorth Amber; but whether the said Amber be the sperma or the excrement Amber, therof, they cannot well determine. Howsoeuer it be, the fish may in regard of the hugenes be called a whale. Of the sea-horse, THis creature is commonly found in the riuers of Niger and Nilus. In shape it resembleth an horse, and in stature an asse, but it is altogether destitute of haire. It liueth both in the water and vpon the lande, and swimmeth to the shore in the night season. Barkes and botes laden with wares and sayling downe the riuer of Niger are greatly endangered by this sea-horse, for oftentimes he ouer- whelmeth and sinketh them. Of the sea-oxi. THe sea-oxe being couered with an exceeding hard skinne is shaped in all respects like vnto the land- oxe ; saue that in bignes it excecdeth not a calfe of sixe moneths olde. It is found in both the riuers of Niger and of Nilus, and being taken by fishers, is kept a long time aliue out of the water. I my selfe sawe one at Cairo led up and downe by the neck in a chaine, which (they say) was taken at the city of Asna standing vpon the bank of Nilus, about foure hundred miles from Cairo. 950 THE NINTH BOOKE OF THE Of the Tortoise, THis might be numbred among the land-creatures, because it liueth for the most part in the deserts. In the Libyan deserts are found verie many as big as a tunne. And Bicri the Cosmographer in his booke of the regions and lourneis of Africa reporteth, that a certaine man being weary of trauelling, ascended to his thinking, vpon an high stone lying in the desert, to the end he might free himselfe from the danger of serpents and venemous beasts ; who hauing slept soundly thereupon all night found himselfe in the morning remooued three miles from the place where he first lay downe, and thereby vnderstood that it was not a stone but a tortoise wheron he reposed himselfe, which lying still all the day long creepeth for foode in the night- season, but so slowly, that her pace can hardly be perceiued. I my selfe haue seen some of these tortoises, as big as a barrel], but neuer any so huge as the last before mentioned. The flesh of a tortoise not aboue seuen yeres old being A mediHnefor eaten seueu daies together is said to be a perfect medicine the leprosie. ° '^ against the leprosie. T' Of the Crocodile. ^His cruell and noisome beast commonly frequenteth the riuers of Niger and Nilus, and containeth in length twelue cubites and aboue, the taile thereof being as long as the whole bodie besides, albeit there are but fewx of so huge a bignes. It goeth vpon fower feete like a Lizard, neither is it aboue a cubite and a halfe high. The taile of this beast is full of knots, and the skin thereof is so exceeding hard, that no crossebowe will enter it. Some praie vpon fishes oncly, but others vpon beasts and men. The craft Of Which lurking about the bankes of the riuer, do craftily the Crocodile '^ ^ in taking both lay waite for men and beastes that come the same way, men and beasts. i i i . j i . about whom suddenly wmding their tailes, they draw them HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 95 1 into the water, and there deuour them. Howbeit some of them are not so cruell by nature : for if they were, no inhabitants coulde Hue neere vnto the riuers of Nilus and Niger. In eating theymooue the vpper iawe onely, their neather iawe being ioined vnto their breast-bone. Not many yeeres sithens, passing vp the riuer of Nilus towards the citie of Cana, standing in the vpper part of Egypt, fower hundred miles from Cairo, on a certaine night whilest wee were in the midst of our iourney, the moone being Guershadowed with clouds, the marriners and passengers all fast a sleepe, and the barke vnder sailes, I my selfe studying by candle-light in my cabben, was called vpon by a deuout olde man in the barke, who bestowed the same night in watching and praier, and saide vnto me, call (I praie you) some of your company, who may helpe me to draw vppe this peece of woode floting vpon the water, which will serue to morrow for the dressing of our dinner. My selfe sir (quoth I) will come and helpe you, rather then wake any of our company in the dead of the night. Nay (quoth the old man) I will trie whether I be able to drawe it vp alone or no. And so when the barke was neere vnto the woode, as he supposed, holding a rope in his hande to cast into the water, he was sodainly intangled with a crocodiles long taile, and was in a moment drawen vnder the water. Whereupon I making a shoute, all the people in the barke arose, and striking sailes wee staide for the space of an hower, diuers in the meane time leaping into the water to seeke the man, but altogither in vaine : and therefore all of them affirmed that he was caught by a crocodile. As we sailed farther we sawe great numbers of crocodiles vpon the bankes of Islands in the midst of Nilus lie beaking them in the sunne with their iawes wide open, whereinto certaine little birdes about the bignes of a thrush entring, came flying foorth againe presently after. The occasion whereof was tolde me to be this : The crocodiles 952 THE NINTH BOOKE OF THE uuuHrdsfiy- by rcason of their continuall deuourinc: of beasts and fishes, ing into the ** crocodiUs hauc certainc peeces of flesh sticking fast betweene their wtrmesfrom forked teeth, which flesh being putrified, breedeth a kind teeth, of wormes wherewith they are cruelly tormented. Where- fore the saide birds flying about, and seeing the wormes, enter into the crocodiles iawes, to satisfie their hunger therewith. But the crocodile perceiuing himselfe freed from the wormes of his teeth, ofiereth to shut his mouth, and to deuour the little birde that did him so good a tume, but being hindred from his vngratefull attempt by a pricke which groweth vpon the birds head, he is constrained to open his iawes and to let her depart. The shee crocodile laying egges vpon the shore, couereth them with sand ; and so soone as the yoong crocodiles are hatched, they crawle into the riuer. Those crocodiles that forsake the riuer and haunt the deserts become venemous ; but such as continue in Nilus, are destitute of poison. In Egypt there are many that eate of the flesh of the crocodile, and aflRrme it to be of an excellent taste. His larde or grease is solde very deere at Cairo, and is saide to be very medicinable for The manner of q\^^ and cankercd woundes. They take the crocodile in taking the '' crocodiu, manner following ; The fishers binding a strong and large rope vnto some tree or poste standing for the nonce vpon the banke of Nilus, fasten vnto the end thereof an iron hooke of a cubite long, and about the thicknes of a mans finger, and vpon the hooke they hang a ramme or a goate, by the bleating noise whereof the crocodile being allured, commeth foorth of the water, and swalloweth vp both the baite and the hooke, wherewithal feeling himselfe inwardly wounded, he strugleth mightily, & beateth the ground, the fishers in the meane time pulling and slacking the rope, till the crocodile falleth down vanquished & dead : then they thrust him in with certaine darts and iauelins vnder the shoulders and flanks where his skin is most tender, and so make a quicke dispatch of him. His backe is so harde HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 953 and thicke, that an harquebuse or caliuer will scarce pierce it. Of these beasts I sawe aboue three hundred heads placed vpon the wals of Cana, with their iawes wide open, being of so monstrous and incredible a bignes, that they were sufficient to haue swallowed vp a whole cowe at once, and their teeth were great and sharpe. The Egyptian fishers vse to cut off the heads of crocodiles, and to set them vpon the wals of their cities, and so doe hunters vse the heads of wilde beasts. Of tlie dragon. IN the caues of Atlas are founde many huge and monstrous dragons, which are heauie, and of a slowe motion, bicause the midst of their body is grosse, but their necks and tailes are slender. They are most venemous creatures, insomuch that whosoeuer is bitten or touched by them, his flesh presently waxeth soft & weake, neither can he by any meanes escape death. Of the Hydra, THis serpent being short in proportion of body, and hauing a slender taile and necke, liueth in the Libyan deserts. The poison thereof is most deadly, sb that if a man be bitten by this beast, he hath none other remedie, but to cut off the wounded part, before the poison disperseth it selfe into the other members. Of the creature called Dub, THis creature liuing also in the deserts, resembleth in shape a Lizzard, sauing that it is somewhat bigger, and containeth in length a cubite, and in bredth fower fingers. It drinketh no water at all, and if a man pourc any water into the mouth thereof, it presently dieth. It laieth egges in manner of a tortoise, and is destitute of poison. The Arabians take it in the deserts : and I my 3^^ 1 954 THE NINTH BOOKE OF THE selfe cut the throate of one which I tooke, but it bled a very little. Being flaied and rosted, it tasteth somewhat like a frogge. In swiftnes it is comparable to a Lizzard, and being hunted, if it chanceth to thrust the head into an hole, it can by no force be drawne out, except the hole be digged wider by the hunters. Hauing beene slaine three daies togither, and then being put to the fire, it stirreth it selfe as it were newelie dead. Of the Guaral, THis beast is like vnto the former, sauing that it is somewhat bigger, and hath poison both in the head and taile, which two parts being cut off, the Arabians will eate it, notwithstanding it be of a deformed shape and vgly colour, in which respects I loathed alwaies to eate the flesh thereof Of the Camelian, THe camelion being of the shape and bignes of a lizzard. is a deformed, crooked, and leane creature, hauing a long and slender tayle like a mouse, and being of a slowe pace. It is nourished by the element of ayer, and the sun- beames, at the rising wherof it gapeth, and tumeth it selfe vp and downe. It changeth the colour according to the varietie of places where it commeth, being sometimes black and sometimes greene, as I my selfe haue seen it It is at great enmity with venemous serpents, for when it seeth any How the came- He sleepinfif vnder a tree, it presently climeth vp the same lion kilUtk the , , , . , , t r ■ . , . serpent. tree, and lookmg downe vpon the serpents head, it voideth out of the mouth as it were, a long threede of spittle, with a round drop like a perle hanging at the end, which drop falling wrong, the camelion changeth his place, till it may- light directly vpon the serpents head, by the vertue wherof he presently dyeth. Our African writers haue reported many things concerning the properties and secret qualities of this beast, which at this present I do not wel remember. HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 955 Of the Ostrich. SOmewhat we will here say concerning the strange birdes an.d fowles of Africa, and first of the ostriche, which in shape resembleth a goose, but that the neck and legges are somewhat longer, so that some of them exceede the length of two cubites. The body of this birde is large, and the winges therof are full of great feathers both white and black, which wings and feathers being vnfitte to fly with'all, do helpe the ostriche, with the motion of her traine, to runne a swifte pace. This fowle liueth in dry deserts, and layeth to the number of ten or twelue egges in the sandes, which being about the bignes of great bullets, waigh fifteene pounds a piece ; but the ostrich is of so weake a memorie, that shee presently forgetteth the place where her egges were laide. And afterward the same, or some other ostriche-henne finding the said egges by chance, hatcheth and fostereth them as if they were certainly her owne : the chickens are no sooner crept out of the shell, but they prowle vp and downe the deserts for their foode: and before their fethers be growne, they are so swift, that a man shall hardly ouertake them. The ostriche is a silly and deafe creature, feeding vpon any thing which it findeth, be it as hard and vndigestible as yron. The flesh especially of their legges, is of a slymie and strong tast ; and yet the Numidians vse it for foode, for they take yong ostriches and set them vp a fatting. The ostriches wander vp and downe the deserts in orderly troupes, so that a far off" a man would take them to bee so many horsemen, which illusion hath often dismaied whole carouans. Being in Numidia I my selfe ate of the ostriches flesh, which seemed to haue not altogether an vnsauory tast. 3 1*2 95^ THE NINTH BOOKE OF THE I Of the Eagle, OF eagles there are diuers kindes, according to their naturall properties, the proportion of their bodies, or the diuersitie of their colours : and the greatest kinde of eagles are called in the Arabian toong Nesir. The Africans I teach their eagles to pray vpon foxes and woolues ; which in their encounter seaze vpon the heads of the saide beasts with their bils, and vpon the backes with their talents, to A strange auoide the danger of biting. But if the beast turne his narration, ° ^ belly vpwarde, the eagle will not forsake him, till she hath | either peckt out his eies, or slaine him. Many of our | African writers affirme, that the male eagle oftentimes ingendring with a shee woofe, begetteth a dragon, hauing the beake and wings of a birde, a serpents taile, the feete of a woolfe, and a skin speckled and partie coloured like the skin of a serpent. Neither can it open the eie-lids, and it liueth in caues. This monster albeit my selfe haue not scene, yet the common report ouer all Africa afBrmeth that there is such an one. Of tfufoule called Nesir, THis is the greatest foule in all Africa, and exceedeth a crane in bignes, though the bill, necke, and legs arc somewhat shorter. In flying this birde mounteth vp so high into the aire, that it cannot be discerned ; but at the sight of a dead carkase it will immediately descend. This birde liueth a long time, and I my selfe haue scene many of them vnfeathered by reason of extreme old age : where- fore hauing cast all their feathers, they returne vnto their nest, as if they were newly hatched, and are.there nourished by the yoonger birds of the same kinde. The Italians call it by the name of a Vulture, but I thinke it to be of another kinde. They nestle vpon high rockes, and vpon the tops of wildc and desert mountaines, especially vpon mount HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 957 Atlas : and they are taken by such as are acquainted with those places. Of (he birde called Bezi^ or the hauke, THis bird called in Latine Accipiter^ is very common in Africa. But the best African haukes are white, being taken vpon certaine mountaines of the Numidian deserts, and with these haukes they pursue the crane. Of these haukes there are diuers kinds, some being vsed to flie at partriges and quailes, and others at the hare. OftheBaL THese vgly night-birdes are rife all the world ouer : but in certaine caues of Atlas there are many of them founde as bigge and bigger then doues, especially in their winges : which albeit my selfe neuer sawe,yet haue I heard of them by diuers persons. Oftheparrat or poppiniay. THese parrats are commonly founde in the woods of Ethiopia : but the better sort of them, and such as will imitate mans voice more perfectly, are the greene ones. Parrats there are as big as a doue, of diuers colours, some red, some blacke, and some ash-coloured, which albeit they cannot so fitly expresse mans speech, yet haue they most sweete and shrill voices. Of the locustes, OF locustes there are sometimes seene such monstrous swarmes in Africa, that in flying they intercept the sunne-beames like a thicke cloude. They deuoure trees, leaues, fruites, and all greene things growing out of the earth. At their departure they leaue egges behinde them, whereof other yoong locusts breede, which in the places where they are left, will eate and consume al things euen to 9S8 THE NINTH BOOKE OF THE the very barke of trees, procuring thereby extreme dearth of corne, especially in Mauritania. Howbeit the inhabi- tants of Arabia deserta, and of Libya, esteeme the comming of these locusts as a fortunate boading : for seething or drying them in the sun, they bruise them to powder, and so eate them. And nowe let thus much suffice to haue spoken of the African beastes, foules, fishes, serpents, &c. which are either not to be found in Europe, or such as differ from creatures of the same kinde there. Wherefore hauing once briefly intreated in the chapters following of certaine minerals, trees, and fruits of Africa, I purpose then to conclude this my present discourse. Whereas mine author lohn Leo intreateth but briefly of these locustes, which God vseth as a most sharp scourge between times to disciple all the nations of Africa ; I thought it not vnmeete to adde two other relations or testimonies of the same argument : the one being reuerend in regard of the authors antiquitie ; and the other credible and to be accepted, for that the reporter himselfe was a most diligent and faithfull eie-witnes of the same. HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 959 The first testimonie, taken out of the ii. chap. of the fift booke of Paulus Orosius contra Paganos. Of an huge and pernicious companie of Locusts in Africa^ which after they had wasted the countrey, being drowned in the sea^ and cast vp dead on the s/iore, bred a most woonderftUl pestilence both of man and beast, N the consulship of Marcus Plautius HypscBus, and Marcus Fuluius Flaccus^ Africa scarce breathing from bloudie warres, an horrible and extraordinarie destruction ensued. For whereas now throughout all Africa, infinite multi- tudes of locustes were gathered togither, & had not only quite deuoured the corne on the grounde, and consumed the herbes with part of their rootes, and the leaues and tender boughes of the trees, but had gnawne also the bitter barke and drie woode ; being with a violent and sudden winde hoised aloft in mightie swarmes, and carried a long time in the aire, they were at length drowned in the African sea. Whose lothsome and putrified carcases being by the waues of the sea cast vp in huge heapes farre and wide along the shore, bred an incredible stinking & infectious smell : whereupon followed so general a pestilence of al liuing creatures, that the corrupt dead bodies of foules, cattell, and wilde beasts dissolued by the contagion of the aire, augmented the furie of the plague. But how great and extraordinarie a death of men there was, I cannot but tremble to report : for in Numidia, where Micipsa was then king, died fowerscore thousand persons ; and vpon the sea-coast next adioining 960 THE NTNTH BOOKE OF THE to Carthage and Vtica, aboue two hundred thousand are saide to haue perished. Yea in the citie of Vtica it selfe were by this meanes swept from the face of the earth thirtie thousand braue soldiers which were appointed to be the garrison for all Africa. And the destruction was so sudaine and violent, as they report, that out of one gate of Vtica, in one and the same day, were carried aboue fifteene hundred dead corpes of those lustie yoong gallants. So that by the grace and fauour of almightie God (through whose mercy, and in confidence of whom, I doe speake these things) I may boldly affirme ; that albeit sometime in our daies the locusts in diuers parts, and vsually, doe some domage which is tolerable : yet neuer befell there in the time of the Christians so insupportable a mischiefe, as that this scourge of locusts, which being aliue are by no means sufferable, should after their death prooue farre more pernicious : and which also Huing, the fruits of the earth would haue beene quite deuoured ; it had beene much better they had neuer died, to the plague and destruction of all earthly creatures. Hitherto Paulus Orosius. HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 961 The second testimonie taken out of the 32. and 33. chapters of the Ethiopian historie of Francis Aliiarez, which for the satisfaction of euerie Reader, I haue put downe with all parti- cularities and circumstances. Of the great multitude of Locusts, and the infinite domage that tluy procure in the dominions of Prate lanni, Chap, 32. N this quarter and throughout all the dominion of Prete lanniy there is an horrible and great plague, to wit an innumerable companie of Locustes, which eate and consume the corne, and trees of fruite ; and so great is the number of these creatures, as it is not credible, for with the multitude of them the earth is couered, and the aire so ouerspred, as one may hardlie discerne the sunne : and further I affirme, that it is a thing most strange to him who hath not scene it ; and if the domage they performe were generall through all the prouinces and kingdomes of Prete lanni, his people woulde die with famine, neither coulde men possiblie there inhabite: But one yeere they destroy one prouince, and the next yeere another prouince : as if for example, they waste the kingdome of Portugall or Castile this yeere, an other yeere they are in the quarters of Lenteio, an other in Estre- madura, an other in Beira, or betweene the riuer Dorus and Minius, an other on the mountaines, an other in old Castilia, Aragon or Andaluzia, and otherwhiles in two or three of these prouinces at once ; and wheresoeuer they ^ome, the earth is more wasted and destroied by them, then 962 THE NINTH BOOKE OF THE if it had beene all ouer consumed with a fire. These locusts are as bigge as the greatest grashoppers, hauing yellow wings. Their comming into the countrie is knowne a day before : not for that we can see them, but we know it by the sunne, who is yellow of colour, this being a signe that they draw neere to the countrie, as also the earth looketh yellowe, by reason of the light which reflecteth from their wings : whereupon the people in a manner become presentlie halfe dead, saying, we are vndone, for the Ambati, that is to say, the locustes are come. And I can not forbeare to set downe that which I sawe three sundrie times, and first in Barua, where we had now beene for the space of three yeeres, and heere we heard it saide often, that such a countrey and such a realme was destroied by the Locusts : and being in this prouince we sawe the sunne and the vpper part of the earth looke all yellow, the people being in a manner halfe dead for sorrow: But the day following it was an incredible thing to see the number of these creatures that came, which to our iudgement couered fower and twentie miles of lande, as afterward we were enformed. When this scourge and plague was come, the priestes of that place came and sought me out, requesting me to giue them some remedie for the driuing of them away, and I answered, that I could tel them nothing, but only that they shoulde deuoutly pray vnto God, that he woulde driue them out of the countrie. And so I went to the Ambassadour, and told him, that it would be very good to goe on procession, beseeching God that hee w6ulde deliuer the countrie, who peraduenture in his great mercie might heare vs. This liked the Ambassadour very well : and the day following we gathered togither the people of the land, with all the priests, and taking the consecrated stone, and the crosse, according to their custome, all we Portugals sung the Letanie, and appointed those of the land, that they should lift up their voices aloud as we did. HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 963 saying in their language Zio marina Christos, which is as much to say, as Lord God haue mercy vpon vs : and with this manner of inuocation we went ouer a peece of grounde, where there were fieldes of wheate, for the space of a mile, euen to a little hill : and heere I caused many of these ^ strange locustes to be taken, pronouncing ouer them a certaine coniuration, which I had about me in writing, hauing made it that night, requesting, admonishing, and excommuni- cating them, enioining them within the space of three howers to depart towards the sea, or the lande of the Moores, or the desert mountaines, and to let the Christians alone: and they not performing this, I summoned and charged the birdes of heauen, the beasts of the earth, and all sorts of tempests, to scatter, destroy, and eate vp their bodies: and to this effect I took a quantitie of locusts, making this admonition to them present, in the behalfe likewise of them absent, and so giuing them libertie, I suffered them to depart. It pleased God to heare vs sinners, for in our returne home, they came so thicke vpon our backes, as it seemed that they woulde haue broken our heads, or shoulders, so hard they strooke against vs, as if we had beene beaten with stones and cudgels, and in this sort they went towards the sea: The men, women, and children remaining at home, were gotten vpon the tops, or tarrasses of their houses, giuing God thankes that the locusts were going away, some afore, and others followed. In the meane while towardes the sea, there arose a great cloude with thunder, which met them full in the teeth, and continued for the space of three howers with much raine, and tempest, that filled all the riuers, and when the raine ceased, it was a fearefull thing to behold the dead Locustes, which were more then two * yardes in height vpon the * Or/atkomes. bankes of the riuers, and in some riuers there were mightie heapes of them, so that the morning following there was not one of them found alive vpon the earth. The 964 THE NINTH BOOKE OF THE people of the places adioining hearing this, came in great numbers to enquire how this matter was effected ; many of the inhabitants said, these Portugals be holy men, and by the power of their God, they haue killed and driuen away the locusts : others saide, especially the priests and friers of those places neere about, that we were witches, and by power of enchantments had driuen away the saide creatures, and that for this cause we feared neither lions, nor any other wilde beast : Three daies after this effect, there came vnto vs a Xuum, that is, a captaine of a place called Coiberia, with men, priests, and friers, to request vs, that we woulde for the loue of God helpe them, saying that they were in a manner destroied by the locustes ; and that place was a daies iourney off towards the sea. They came to vs about euening, and at the same instant, I and fower other Portugals departed awaie with them, we went all night, and came thither an hower within daie, where we found, that all those of the countrey, with many of the other places adioining were assembled togither, for they were *also molested by the locusts. And assoone as we were come, we went our procession rounde about the land, which was seated vpon an high hill, from whence we might discerne manie countries and places all yellow by reason of the multitude of locusts. Such inuocations and ceremonies being ended, as we performed in the other place, we went to dinner, & the men that were borderers, requested vs to goe with them, promising vs great rewardes : It pleased God, that as soon as we had dined, we saw all the earth so cleared that there was not soe much as one locust to be scene : The people seeing this and not being satisfied with the fauour and grace receiued, they requested vs to goe and blesse their possessions, for they were yet afraid least the locusts would returne ; and so wee departed. HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 965 Of the dofntnage we sawe done in another prouince by the LocusteSy in two sundrie places. Chap. 33. AN other time also we sawe the Locustes, being in a towne called Abuguna : Prete lanni sent vs to this towne which is in the kingdome of Angote, and distant from Barua, where we continued, thirtie daies iourney, to the ende that there we might be furnished with victuals : Being come thither, I went with the Ambassadour Zagazabo, who came into Portugal!, and fiue Genoueses, towards a certain towne & a moutairve called Aguoan, & we trauailed fiue daies through places all desert & destroied, which places were sowen with Maiz, hauing stalkes as great as those props which we vse about our vines, and we might see them all broken and troden vnderfoote, as if there had beene a tempest, and this had the locusts done. Their wheate, barley, and Taffo da guza were so eaten, as it seemed they neuer had beene either tilled or sowne. The trees were without leaues, and their barkes all gnawne & eaten, and there was not so much as a spire of grasse, for they had deuoured every thing ; and if we had not beene aduised, and forcseene the same (for when we departed, we laded our mules with victuals) we and our beastes had died togither for hunger. The countrey ^vas couered all ouer with winglesse locustes ; and they saide, that those were the seede of them, which had deuoured all, and that when they had gotten wings, they would go seeke out the rest, the number of these was so great, as I am loath to report, bicause I shoulde not perhaps be credited : but this 1 may well affirme, that I sawe men, women, and children, sit as it were amazed amongst these locusts, and I saide vnto them, why sit you thus halfe dead, and doe not kill these creatures, and so reuenge your selues of the wrong, that their fathers and mothers haue done you, or at least that 966 THE NINTH BOOKE OF THE those which you kill may be able to doe you no more harme ? They answered, that they had not the hart, to withstand the scourge of God which hee had sent vpon them for their sins : And all the people of this place de- parted hence, so that we found the waies full of men and women on foot, with their children in their armes, and vpon their heads, going into other countries, where they might finde victuall, and it was great pittie to behold them. We being in the saide prouince of Abuguna, in a place called Aquate, there came such swarmes of locustes as were innumerable : which one day began to fall vpon the grounde about nine of the clocke in the morning, and ceased not while night ; where they lighted, there they staide, and then the next day in the morning went away : so that at three of the clocke in the afternoone there was not one of them to be seene, and in this short time they left the trees vtterly destitute of leaues. On the same day and hower there came an other squadron, and these left neither tree nor bough vngnawen and eaten, and thus did they for fiue days one after another : they said that those were yoong ones which went to seeke their fathers, and they did the like, as those we sawe without wings : the space that, these locustes tooke vp, was nine miles, for which circuit there remained neither barke nor leaues vpon the trees, & the countrey looked not as though it had bin burnt, but as though it had snowed thereupon, and this was by reason of the whitenes of the trees which were pilled bare by the Locustes, and the earth was all swept cleane : It was Gods will that the haruest was alreadie in : wee coulde not vnderstande which way they afterwards went, bicause they came from the sea warde, out of the kingdome of Daucali, which belongeth to the Moores, who are continually in warre, as also we coulde by no meanes knowe the ende of their iourney or course. Thus much out of Francis Aluarez, HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 967 Of the minerals : And first of minerall salt THe greater part of Africa hath none other salt but such as is digged out of quarries & mines, after the maner of marble or free stone, being of a white, red, and graie colour. Barbarie aboundeth with salt, and Numidia is indifferently furnished therewith : but the lande of Negros, and especially the inner part of Ethiopia, is so destitute thereof, that a pound of salt is there solde for halfe a ducate. And the people of the saide regions vse not to set salt vpon their tables ; but holding a crum of salte in hands, they licke the same at euery morsell of meate which they put in their mouthes. In certaine lakes of Barbarie all the sommer time there is faire and white salt congealed or kerned, as namely in diuers places neere vnto the citie of Fez. Of the minerall called Antitnonie. THis minerall growing in many places of Africa in the lead-mines is separated from the lead by the helpe of brimstone. Great plentie of this minerall is digged out of the bottome of mount Atlas, especially where Numidia bordereth vpon the kingdome of Fez. Brimstone likewise is digged in great abundance out of other places of Africa. Of Euphorbium. EVphorbium is the iuice or gumme of a certdine herbe growing like the head of a wilde thistle, betweene the branches wherof grow certain fruits as big in compasse as a greene cucumber ; after which shape or likenes it beareth certain little graines or seedes ; and some of the said fruits are an elle long, and some are longer. They grow not out of the branches of the herbe but spring out of the firme ground, and out of one flag you shall see some- times 20. and sometimes 30. of them issue foorth. The 968 THE NINTH BOOKE OF THE people of the same region, when the said fruits are once ripe, do prick them with their kniues, and out of the holes proceedeth a liquor or iuice much like vnto milke, which by little and little, groweth thick and slimy. And so being growen thick, they take it off with their kniues, putting it in bladders & drying it. And the plant or herb it selfe is full of sharp prickles. OfPitch, OF pitch there are two kindcs, the one being natural), and taken out of certaine stones, which are in fountaines ; the water wherof retaineth the vnsauorie smell and tast of the same ; and the other being artificial, and proceeding out of the iuniper or pine-tree : and this arti- ficiall pitch I saw made vpon mount Atlas in manner following. They make a deepe and round furnace with an hole in the bottome, through which hole the pitch may fall downe into an hollow place within the ground being made in form of a little vessel : and putting into the said furnace the boughes of the foresaid trees broken into small pieces, they close vp the mouth of the furnace, and make a fire vnder it, by the heate wherof the pitch distilleth forth of the wood through the bottome of the furnace into the foresaide hollow place : and so it is taken vp and put in bladders or bagges. Of the fruite called Maus or Musa, THis fruite growing vpon a smal tree which bearcth large and broade leaues of a cubite long, hath a most excellent and delicate taste, and springeth forth about the bignes of a small cucumber. The Mahumetan doctours affirme, that this was the fruite which God forbad our first parents to eat in Paradise, which when they had eaten they couered their nakednes with leaues of the same fruit, as being of all other leaues most meetc for that purpose. HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 969 They grew in great abundance at Sela a towne of the kingdome of Fez ; but in farre greater plenty in the land of Egypt, and especially at Damiata. Of Cassia, THe trees bearing Cassia are of great thicknes, hauing leaues like vnto the mulberie-tree. They bear a broad and white blossome, and are so laden with fruits, that they are constrained to gather great store before they be ripe, least the tree should breake with ouermuch waight. And this kinde of tree groweth onely in Egypt. T Of the fruit called Terfez, Erfez is to be called rather by the name of a root then of a fruit, and is like vnto a mushrom or toad-stoole, but that it is somewhat bigger. It is enclosed with a white rinde and groweth in hot and sandy places. Where it lyeth, it may easilie be perceiued by the swelling and opening of the ground. Some of them are as bigge as a walnut, and others as a limon. The phisicians, which call it Camha, affirme it to be a refrigeratiue or cooling fruit. It groweth in great plentie vpon the Numidian deserts, and the Arabians take as great delight in eating of the same as in eating of sugar. This fruit being stued vpon the coles, and afterward made cleane, and sodden in fat broath they esteeme for great dainties. Also the Arabians seeth it in water and milk, and so eat it. It groweth likewise plenti- fullie in the sandes neare vnto the towne of Sela. Of the date or palme-tree, because we haue sufficiently spoken in our description of Segelmesse in Numidia, we will here in this place say nothing at all. 3Q 970 THE NINTH BOOKE OF THE Of the Egyptian figg called by the Egyptians thentselues Giumeiz, THe tree of this figg resembleth other fig-trees both in outward forme and in ieaues, but it is of an exceed- ing height : neither doth the fruit grow among the Ieaues, or vpon the ends of the twigs, but out of the very body of the tree, where no Ieaues at ail grow. These figs tast like vnto other figes, but they haue a thicker skin and are of a tawnie colour. Of the tree called Ettalche, IT is an high and a thornie tree, hauing such Ieaues as the iuniper hath, and bearing a gum like vnto mastick, wherwith the African apothecaries vse to mingle and adulterate their mastick, because it hath the same colour and yealdeth some smell also. There are found likewise such trees in the Numidian and Lybian deserts and in the land of Negros : but the trees of Numidia being cut in the midst, consist of white wood like vnto the trees before- named, and the Lybian trees of a brownie or tawnie wood, but the trees of the land of Negros are extreame black within. And that black pith or hart of this tree, wherof musical instruments are made, is called by the Italians Sangu. That wood which is of the browne or tawnie colour is vsed by the African phisicians for the curing of the French poxe, whereupon it is commonly called by the name of pock-wood. Of the root called Tauzarghente, THis root growing in the westerne part of Africa vpon the Ocean sea shore, yeeldeth a fragrant and odoriferous smel. And the merchants of Mauritania carry the same into the land of Negros, where the people vse it for a most HISTORIE OF AFRICA. 971 excellent perfume, and yet they neither burne it nor put any fire at all thereto : for being kept onely in an house, it yeeldeth a naturall sent of it selfe. In Mauritania they sell a bunche of these rootes for halfe a ducate, which being carried to the land of Negros is sold again for eightie or one hundred ducates and sometimes for more. Of the roote called Addad. THe herbe thereof is bitter, and the roote it selfe is so venemous, that one drop of the water distilled therout, will kill a man within the space of an hower, which is commonly knowen euen to the women of Africa. Oftlie root called Sumag. THis roote growing also vpon the westerne part of mount Atlas, is said to be verie comfortable and preseruative vnto the priuie parts of man, & being drunk in an electuarie, to stir vp venereal lust, &c. Neither must I here omit that which the inhabitants of mount Atlas do commonly report, that many of those damosels which keepe cattel vpon the said mountaines haue lost their virginity by none other occasion, but by making water vpon the said roote : vnto whom I would in merriment answere, that I beleeued all which experience had taught concerning the secret vertue of the same roote. Yea they affirmed more- ouer, that some of their maidens were so infected with this roote, that they were not only deflowred of their virginitie, but had also their whole bodies puffed vp and swolne. T Hese are the things memorable and woorthie of know- ledge, seene and obserued by me lohn Leo^ through- :)Ut al Africa, which countrey I haue in * all places traueiled \^^^ ?"^' ^^ 3uite ouer: wherein whatsoeuer I sawe woorthy the ^«'«*<'««' * Libya, the )bseruation, I presently committed to writing: and i}[ios^ ianR1NCES OF AFRICA. and the red sea, doe open, and make a passage, for conuei- ance of victual, and trafficke, betweene the Abassins, and the Arabians : And it is not long, since the Lord Bamagasso was constrained to accord with the Turke, and to buie the peace of his countrie with the tribute of a thousand ounces of gold by the yeere. Also the king of Adel procureth hym no lesse molestation : This man confineth with the kingdpme of Fatigar, and extendeth his dominion euen to the Red sea, where he hath Assum, Salir, Meth, Barbora, Pidar, and Zeila. At Barbora manie shippes of Aden and Cambaia arriue with their marchandize for exchange; from whence they receiue much flesh, honie, wax, and victuals for Aden ; and gold, luorie, and other thinges for Cambaia. A greater quantitie of victuall is carried from Zeila, because there is aboundance of waxe, and honie, with corne and diuers fruites, which are laden for Aden, and for Arabia, and beastes also, as namely sheepe, with tayles wayghing more then fiue and twentie poundes, with their heads and necks all blacke, but the rest of them is white : as also certaine other all white with tayles a fathome long, and writhen like a vine branche, hauirig thropples vnder their throtes like bulles. There be also certaine kine with branched homes like to wild hartes, being blacke in colour and some others red, with one onely home vpon their fore- heads of an handfuU and an halfe long, turning backward. The chiefe city of this kingdome is Arar eight and thirtie leagues from Zeila towards the South east. This king being a Mahumetan by a perpetuall profession of making war against the christians of Abassia, who are the subiects of the Prete^ hath obteined of those Barbarians the surname of Holy : He stayeth his oportunitie while the Abassins be weakened, and brought downe with that long and hard fast of fiftie daies, when they can scarcely go about their domesticall affaires ; and then he entreth into the countrey, sacketh the townes, leadeth the people away into seruitude. THE GREAT PRINCES OF AFRICA. 983 and doth a thousand iniuries vnto them. The Abassin slaues are of great valew out of their owne countrey: whereupon the bordering, and other Princes both farre and neere esteeme them much, and many of them by meanes of their industrie in seruice, of slaues haue become captaines and great Commanders, in Arabia, Cambaia, Bengala, and Sumatra: Bicause the Mahumetan princes of the east, being all tirants ouer kingdomes vsurped from the Gentiles, for securitie of their state, put no trust in their owne subiects : but arme themselues with a multitude of strange slaues, to whom they commit their persons, and the gouernment of their kingdome. And among all other slaues the Abassines beare away the bell, aswell for fidelitie, as for sound and good complexion. And bicause the king of Adel, with the multitude of these Abassin slaues, which he taketh in the townes and territories of Prete lanniy filleth all Egypt, and Arabia (in exchange of whom he hath armour, munition, and soldiers, both from the Turke, and the Arabian Princes) in the yeere of our Lord 1550. Claudius king of Abassia, being after this sort sorely oppressed by Gradaamed king of Adel, who now for the space of fowerteene yeeres had with continuall incursions greeuously molested, and dis- turbed him, enforcing him to leaue his confines, and to retire into the hart of his empire, demaunded aide of Stepliano Gama, the Indian Viceroy of lohn the third king of Portugale, who was then with a good fleete vpon the red sea. Whereupon he sent him fower hundred Portugals, with a good quantitie of armes, and small shot, vnder the gouernment of Christopher da Gama his brother. With these men by the benefit of shot, he ouerthrew the enimie in two battailes ; but in the third, the king of Adel hauing receiued a thousand Turkish harquebuziers from the gouernour of Zebit, with ten peeces of artillerie, the Abassins were put to flight, and discomfited, and their captaine taken prisoner, and put to death. But the king 984 THE GREAT PRINCES OF AFRICA. of Adel afterwards sending backe the said Turkes, he and his people were sodainly assailed, neere the riuer of Zeila, and mount Saual, by king Claudius with threescore thousand foote, and fiue hundred Abassin horse, togither with those Portugales, who remained of the former ouer- throw, one of whom wounded Gradamed dangerously. But in the moneth of March, the yeere of our Lord 1559. king Claudius being set vpon againe by the Malacai Mores, he was slaine in the battaile : and the enimie-king acknow- ledging so great a victorie from the handes of God, triumphed vpon an asse. Adamas brother vnto king Claudius succeeded him, against whom (for he was halfe a Mahumetan) the best part of the Abassine nobilitie rebelled, and he was defeated by the Barnagasso in the yeere 1562. who hauing thus for a while disturbed the afifaires of Ethiopia, it seemed that they were at length asswaged, & reestablished vnder Alexander, by the aide of the Portugals, who haue carried thither armes as well of offence, as defence, and stirred vp the mindes and courages of the Abassines, by their example, to warre ; For all those that remained of the discomfiture giuen to Christopher Gatna^ and diuers others which came thither afterwards, and do daily there arriue and staie, do marrie wiues, and haue children ; and Alexander permitted them to elect a iudge, who might execute iustice among them : so that they haue, and do daily bring into Abassia, the manner of warfare in Europe, with our vse of armes, and the manner of fortifying passages and places of im- portance. Afterwards certaine Florentines went into those countries, partly vpon pleasure, and partly for affaires of merchandize. For Francesco di Medici great Duke of Florence, had some commerce with the Abassines. The Prete therefore giues entertainment, and maketh much of the Frankes, (for so do they call the people of Europe) and hardly giueth them license to depart out of his kingdome. THE GREAT PRINCES OF AFRICA. 985 Besides these the Prete lanni hath diuers other enimies, amongst whom is the king of Dancali, to whom the towne and port of Vela vpon the red sea pertaineth ; he confineth with Balgada. The Moores also vexe him greatly, which inhabite the prouirice, called Dobas, deuided into fower- teene Signiories ; for though they be within the confines of Prete lanni his empire, yet notwithstanding for the most part they rebell from him : they haue a lawe, that none of them may marrie, before he first giue testimoniall that he hath slaine twelue Christians. Of the Etnperour of Monomotapa, Concerning the state of this mightie Emperour, and of his neighbour of Mohenemugi, and of the limits of both their dominions, as likewise of the Amazones and Giacchi the chiefe strength of their militarie forces, and other memorable matters ; to auoide tedious repetitions, I referre the reader to the discourse going before the booke : saue onely that I will heere annexe a briefe testimony out of Osorius lib 4 de reb gest. Eman. which may adde some small light vnto the treatise before mentioned. But (saith he) in this part of Ethiopia lying beyond the cape of good hope which is bounded by the south Ocean, there is a most ample kingdome called Benomotapa, where- unto before such time as the Portugals discouered those parts, all the kings vpon that coast were most obedientlie subiect. It aboundeth with gold beyond all credite : which is taken euen out of their riuers and lakes. Yea many Benomotapa kings there are which pay yeerely tribute of gold vnto this^^^/r/. king of Benomotapa. The people worship no Idols, but acknowledge one God the creatour of heauen and earth. In habite and apparell they are not much vnlike to other Ethiopians. They worship their king with woonderfull superstition. This king in his scutcheon or coate of armcs The kings hath two signes of maiestie. One is a certaine little spade *^^"^^' 3 K 986 THE GREAT PRINCES OF AFRICA. A discreet course. A yeerely superstitious custome of dis- tributing fire from the king tohistributarie princes. with a handle of iuorie. The other are two small dartes. By the spade he exhorteth his subiccts to husband rie, that they may not through sloth and negligence let the earth lie vntilled, and so for want be constrained to play the theeues. The one of his darts betokeneth, that he will be a seuere punisher of malefactors ; & the other, that he will by valour & force of armes resist all forren inuasions. The sonnes of his tributarie kings are trained vp in his court ; both to the end that by this education they may learne loialtie and loue towards him their soueraigne, and also that they may remaine as pledges to keepe their fathers in awe and due obedience. He is continually guarded with a mightie armie ; notwithstanding he be conioined in most firme league with all his neighbour-princes. For by this meanes he supposeth that warre cannot procure him any danger at all, knowing right well that oftentimes in the midst of peace it is readie to disturbe the securitie of Princes. Euery yeere this king sendeth certaine of his courtiers and seruants to bestow in his name newe fire vpon all the princes and kings within his dominions, that from them it may be distributed vnto others also. Which is done in manner following. The messenger being come to the house of any prince, his fire is immediately quenched. Then there is a new fire kindled by the messenger : and foorthwith all the neighbours resort thither to fetch of the said new fire for their houses. Which whosoeuer refuseth to performe, is helde as a traiterous rebell, and receiueth such punishment as is liable to high treason ; yea if need be, an armie is leuied to apprehend him, to the end that being taken, he may be put to such torments as are corre- spondent to his disloialtie. Hitherto Osorius. THE GREAT PRINCES OF AFRICA. 987 The Xeriffo^ commonly called The king of Maroco, SuSy and Fez. AMong all the princes of Africa, I suppose that there is not anie one, who in richnes of state, or greatnes of power, may be preferred before the Zeriffo : In that his dominion, which comprehendeth all that part of Mauritania, called by the Romaines Tingitana, extendeth it selfe north & south from Capo Boiador, euen to Tanger, and east and west from the Atlanticke Ocean, as farre as the riuer Muluia, and somewhat further also, in which space is com- prehended the fairest, fruitfullest, best inhabited, and most ciuill part of all Africk, and among other the states, the most famous kingdomes of Maroco and Fez. With the particular description whereof, and of all the prouinces, cities, townes, riuers, mountaines, &c. therein contained, the Reader may satisfie himselfe to the full in the second and third bookes of the historie of lohn Leo before set downe. These kingdomes besides their natural fertilitie, are very traffickable ; for though the king of Fez hath no hauen of importance vpon the Mediterranean sea, neuerthelesse the English, French, and other nations traffick much to his ports vpon the Ocean, especially to * Larache, Santa Cruz, 2/^"'"^^'^^^/^ Cabo de Guer, and in other places perteining partly to the booke vnder the name of Lha- kingdome of Fez, and partly to Maroco ; and they bring rais. thither copper, and brasse, with armes and diuers commo- dities of Europe, for which among other things they returne sugar. But because these kingdomes of Maroco and Fez, and diuers other Signiories, and Principalities, at first separate and deuided, were vnited not long sithence vnder one Prince, who is called * the Xeriffo, it will not be much from * Or Miranw- nin. our purpose (because among the accidents of our times, I think there is not any one, more notable or wonderfull then this) to set downe here how the matter passed. 3 R 2 988 THE GREAT PRINCES OF AFRICA. About the yeere of our Lord 1508 a certaine Alchaide TAe maner haw \^orne in Tigumcdet a towne of Dara, whose name was aspired to the Mahutfiet Beiiametto^ and who caused himselfe to be called kingdotnt's of Maroco, Sus, Zeriffo^ being a subtile man, and of a minde no lesse ambitious, then learned in those sciences, whereunto the Mahumetans are most addicted, began to grow famous in the townes of Numidia. This man vaunting himselfe to be descended of Mahumets progenie, was possessed with an imagination (trusting in the deuision of the States of Affricke, wherein then the Portugals bore great sway) of * Or the king' taking into his owne hands all * Mauritania Tingjitana. domes of Maro- /- « . i /• i • i CO, and Fet. For performance of this, he first sent his three sonnes, Abdel, Abnety and MaJiumety in pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, there to visit & do reuerence to the sepulchre of their Seductor Mahumet. The yoong men performed this voyage with so great fame and reputation of sanctitie and religion (if these words may be vsed, in declaring of such an impietie) that in their returne, the people came out to meete them, kissed their garments, and reuerenced them as saints. They fayning themselves to be rauished into deepe contemplation, went vp and downe the streetes sighing, and crying out in words interrupted with lamentation & yerning : Aid, Aid ; and they liued of nothing but almes. Their father hauing taken them home with great mirth and ioy : but yet not minding to suffer this sudden applause & credit, which they had obtayned by such a pilgrimage, to freeze and wax cold ; he sent two of them which were "" Or Abnft. * Aftiet and Mahumet to Fez; where being courteously rcceiued by the king, one of them became a Reader in the Amodoraccia, a most famous colledge of that citie, and the yoongest was made tutor to the same kings yoong sonnea These two seeing themselues so entirely beloued of the king, and in so great fauour with the people, being aduised by their father, and taking occasion vpon the damage which the Arabians & Moores did to those of their owne THE GREAT PRINCES OF AFRICA. 989 law and sect, vnder the ensignes of the Portugals, in whose paie they serued. They demaunded leaue of the king to display a banner against the Christians, putting him in hope, (as indeed it fell out) that they would easily draw those Moores vnto him, who were followers of the crowne of Portugall, and by this meanes secure the prouinces of Sus, Hea, Ducala, Maroco, with others molested, & euilly entreated by the Portugals. This request was contradicted by Mullet Nazer^ brother to the king : for (said he) " if these men, vnder pretence of holines, and defence of their law, shall haue some prosperous proceedings with armes in hand, it will not afterwards be in thy power (O king) to bridle or bring them downe : for armes make men couragious, & by victories they prooue insolent, & the rout of ambitious people are alwaies desirous of innouation." But the king who had a great opinion of their sanctitie, making small account of the reasons his brother alleaged vnto him, gaue them a banner, and drumslade, and twentie horse to accompanie them, with letters of recommenda- tion to the Arabians, the princes, and the cities of Barbaric. With these beginnings many people running headlong after their fame, they ouercame Ducala, and the countrey of * Saphia, and went forward euen as farre as Cabo de * ^^ Atapki. Guer (which places then were subiect to the Portugals) and finding themselues strong, both in retinue and credite, they demanded of the people (who at that time liued for the most part freely, and came in to none, but such as they liked of themselues) that seeing they now tooke vp armes for the Mahumetane law against the Christians, they should aide them with their tenthes due vnto God : the which were presently yeelded vnto them by the people of Dara, and so they seazed by little and little vpon Tarodant (where their father was made gouernour) and likewise of Sus, Hea, Ducala, and other places adioining. They first planted themselues in Tcdnest, and then in Tesarote, and 990 THE GREAT PRINCES OF AFRICA. in a conflict ouerthrew Lopes Barriga, a famous captaine amongst the Portugals : but so they lost their owne elder brother therein. And afterwards by fairc words entring into the citie of Maroco, they poisoned the king, and in his stead made Antet Zeriffo to be proclaimed king of Maroco. In the meanewhile the Arabians of Ducala, & Xarquia came to hand blowes with those of Garbia, each partie holding themselues in the Xeriffoes fauour ; but the Zeriffos perceiuing the skirmish to grow hot, and that many both of the one and of the other party went to wrack, turned their armes against them both, and enriched themselues with their spoiles. In former times they vsed to send vnto the king of Fez the fift of all those booties which they got : but after this victory, making no reckoning of their said custom, they presented him only with six horses, and six camels, & those but silly ones : wherat being mooued, he sent to demand of them the fift part of their spoiles, and the tribute that the king of Maroco paid him, threatning otherwise warre vpon them. But in the meane while, this man dying, Antet his sonne, who was scholler to the yoonger Zeriffo, was not onely content, but further con- firmed A met in the Signiorie of Maroco, so that in some small matter he would acknowledge the kings of Fez for soueraigne Princes ouer that citie. But on the other side the Xeriffi, whose reputation and power daily encreased, when the time of paying tribute came, sent to certifie this yoong king, that being lawfull successors to Mahumet^ they were not bound to paie tribute to any, and that they had more right to Affrica then he : so that if he would haue them his friends, so it were ; otherwise if he ment to diuert them from this their warre against the Christians, thev should not want courage nor power to defend themselues. Wherewith the Fessan king being offended, proclaimed warre against them, and went himselfe in person to the siege of Maroco : but at the very first he was driuen to THE GREAT PRINCES OF AFRICA. 99I dislodge : and afterwards returning with eighteene thousand horse, amongst whonn were two thousand harquebuziers, or bowmen, he was vanquished by the Xeriffi, who had no more but seuen thousand horse, and twelue hundred harquebuziers which were placed on the way at the passage of a riuer. By meanes of this victorie the Xeriffi shooke off the tribute of that countrie, and passing ouer Atlas, they tooke Tafilete, an important citie : and partly by faire meanes, partly by force, they brought diuers people of Numidia to their obedience, as also those of the moun- taines. In the yeere of our Lord 1536. the yoonger Xeriffo who was now called king of Sus, hauing gathered toglther a mightie armie, and much artillerie, taken in part from the king of Fez, and partly cast by the French Renegados, he Artuutiecast went to the enterprise of Cabo de Guer, a very important Renegados. fortification, held then by the Portugals, which was built and fortified first at the charge of Lopes Sequeira: and afterward, knowing their opportunitie from the king Don Emanuel^ there was fought on both sides a most terrible battell. In the end, fire taking hold on the munition, and vpon this the souldiers being daunted that defended the fortresse, the Xeriffo entred thereinto, tooke the towne, and made the greatest part of the garrison his prisoners. By this victorie the Zeriffi brought in a manner all Atlas and the kingdome of Maroco to their obedience, & those Arabians who serued the crowne of Portugall. Whereupon klnglo/tn the third seeing that his expences farre exceeded the reuenues which came in, of his owne accord gaue ouer Safia, Azamor, Arzilla, and Alcazar, holds which he had on the coast of Mauritania. This prosperitie was an occasion of grieuous discord betwixt the Brothers: the issue whereof was, that the younger hauing in two battels subdued the elder (whereof the second was in the yeere of our Lord 1554) and taken him prisoner, he banished him to Tafilet : and afterwards 992 THE GREAT PRINCES OF AFRICA. turning his armes against the king of Fez, after hauing taken him once prisoner, and then releasing him, he yet the second time (because he brake promise) got him into his handes againe, depriued him of his estate, and in the end caused both him and his sonnes to be slaine ; and by meanes of his owne sonnes he also tooke Tremizen. In the meane while Sal Araes viceroy of Algier fearing the XeriflTos prosperous successe, gathered together a gpreat armie, with which he first recoured Tremizen, & afterwards defeating the Xeriffo, conquered Fez, and gaue the gouern- ment thereof to Buasson Prince of Veles : but this man ioyning battaile with the Xeriffo, lost at one instant both his citie and kingdome. In the ende Mahumet going to Tarodant was vpon the way slaine in his pauilion by the treason of some Turkes, suborned thereunto by the viceroy of Algier, of whom one Assen was the chiefe : who together with his companions went into Trodant, and there made hauocke of the kinges treasures : But in their returne home, they were all, but fiue, slaine by the people, in the yeere 1559: and Mullet Abdala the Xeriffos sonne, was pro- claimed and saluted king. Let thus much suffice to haue bin spoken of the Xeriffo : whose proceed inges appeare much like to those of Fsfnael the sophie of Persia. Both of them procured followers by bloud and the cloake of religion : both of them subdued in short time many countries : both of them grew great by the ruine of their neighbours both of them receiued greeuous checkes by the Turkes, and lost a part of their states: for Selym tooke from Ismaely Cacamit and diuers other cities of Diarbena : And the viceroy of Algier did driue the Xeriffo out of Tremizen, and his other quarters : And euen as Selim won Tauris, the head citie of Persia, and afterwardes gaue it ouer : so Sal Araes took Fez the head citie of Mauritania, and then after abandoned the same THE GREAT PRINCES OF AFRICA. 993 TIte Xeriffo his reuenues, or cominges in, THe Xeriffo is absolute Lord of all his subiects goods, yea and of their persons also. For though he charge them with neuer so burdensome tributes, and impositions ; yet dare they not so much as open their mouthes: He receiueth from ^his tributarie vassals, the tenthes, and first fruits of their corne and cattell. True it is, that for the first fruits he taketh no more but one for twentie, and the whole being aboue twentie, he demandeth no more then two, though it amount to an hundred. For euery dayes tilth of grounde he hath a ducate and a quarter, and so much likewise for euerie house ; as also, he hath after the same rate of euerie person aboue fifteene yeers old, male, or female ; and when need rcquireth, a greater sum me : and to the end that the people may the more cheerefullie pay that which is imposed vpon them, he alwaies demaundeth halfe as much more as he is to receiuc. Most true it is, that on the mountaines there inhabite certaine fierce and vntamed people, who by reason of the steep, craggie, and inexpugnable situation of their countrie cannot be forced to tributes ; that which is gotten of them, is the tenth of their corne and fruits, onely that they may be permitted to haue recourse into the plaines. Besides these reuenues, the king hath the towles and customes of Fez, and of other cities : For at the entring of their goods, the naturall citizen payeth two in the hundred, and the stranger ten. He hath further, the reuenues of milles, and many other thinges, the summe whereof is very great : for the milles yeelde him little lesse then halfe a royall of plate, for euerie Haneg:a of corne that is ground in Fez, where, (as they say) ^ ° ° \ • • / Caruuen the there are aboue foure hudred mils. The moschea olprincipaii Mahumetan Caruuen had fourescore thousand ducates of rent : the temple in Fez, colledges and hospitals of Fez had also many thousands. /«rf (7/1 Aa//> Al which the king hath at this present. And further he "i^o, /id. l" 994 THE GREAT PRINCES OF AFRICA. is heire to all the Alcaydes, and them that haue pension of him, and at their deaths he possesseth their horses, armour, garments, and al their goodes. Howbeit if the deceased leaue any sonnes apt for the seruice of the warres, he granteth them their fathers prouision ; but if they be but young, he bringeth vp the male children to yeeres of seruice, and the daughters, till they be married. And therefore, that he may haue some interest in the goods of rich men, he bestoweth vpon them some gouernment, or charge, with prouision. Wherefore for feare of confiscation after death, euery one coueteth to hyde his wealth, or to remoue far from the court, and the kings sight For which cause the citie of Fez commeth far short of hir ancient glorie. Besides, his reuenues haue beene augmented of late yeeres by mightie sums of gold, which he fetcheth from Tombuto and Gago in the lande of Negros ; which gold (according to the report of some) may yeerely amount to three millions of ducates. His Forces, THe Xeriffo hath not any Fortresses of great import- ance, but only vpon the sea-coast, as Cabo de Guer, Larache, and Tetuan : for as the Turks and Persians do, so he placeth the strength of his state in armed men : but especially in horse. And for this cause he standeth not much vpon his artillerie ; although hee hath very great store (which his predecessors tooke from the Portugals and others) in Fez, Maroco, Tarodant, and in the foresaide portes ; causing also more to bee cast, when neede requireth ; for he wanteth not masters of Europe in this Science. He hath an house of munition in Maroco, where they make ordinarily six and fortie quintals of powder euery moneth ; as likewise also caliuers and steele-bowes. In the yeere of our Lord 1569. a fire tooke hold on these houses with such furie, that a great part of the citie was I THE GREAT PRINCES OF AFRICA. 995 destroied therewith. But for the Xeriffoes forces, they are of two sorts : the first is of two thousand seuen hundred horse, and two thousand harquibuziers, which he hath partly in Fez, but most in Maroco (where he is resident) bein^ as it were of his daily guard. The second is of a roiall squadron of sixe thousand gentlemen, being all of noble parentage, and of great account These men are mounted vpon excellent horses, with furniture and armes, for varietie of colour most beautifull, and for riches of ornament beyonde measure estimable : for euery thing about them shineth with gold, siluer, pearle, iewels, and whatsoeuer else may please the eie, or satisfie the curiositie of beholders. These men, besides prouision of corne, oile, butter and flesh, for themselues, their wiues, children, and seruants, receiue further in wages, from seuentie to an hundred ounces of siluer a man. The third sort of forces which he hath, consisteth of his * Timariotti : for the These are a Xeriffo granteth to all his sons, and brothers, and other order, like r ... , 1 /• vnto them persons of account or authontie among the people oi which hold Africke, or to the princes of the Arabians, the benefite o{ ^der'lhe great Lordships & tenures for sustentation of his Cauallarie : 'kni^htfservia and the Alchaides themselues till the fields, and afterwardes reape rice, oile, barly, butter, sheepe, hens, and monie, and distribute the same monethly to the souldiers ; according to the seuerall qualitie of their persons. They also giue them cloth, linnen, and silke to apparell themselues, armes of offence, and defence, and horses, with which they serue in the warres, and if they die or be killed, they allow them other. A thing which was also vsed in Rome, towards them that serued on publike horses. Euerie one of these leaders contendeth to bring his people into the fielde well ordred, for armes, apparell, and horses : besides this, they haue betweene fower and twentie and thirtie ounces of siluer wages euery yeerc. His fourth militarie forces, are the Arabians, who liue continually in their Auari, (for so 996 THE GREAT PRINCES OF AFRICA. they call their habitations, each one of them consisting of an hundred, or two hundred pauilions) gouemed by diuers Alchaides, to the end they may be readie in time of need. These serue on horse-backe, but they are rather to be accounted theeues, then true soldiers. His fift kinde of forces militarie, are somewhat like vnto the trained soldiers of Christian princes ; and among these, the inhabitants of cities and villages of the kingdome, and of the mountaines are enrolled. It is true, that the king makes but little account of them, & very seldome puts armes into their hands, for feare of insurrections and rebellions, except in the warres against the Christians, for then he cannot con- ueniently forbid them : For it being written in their law, that if a Moor kil a Christian, or is slaine by him, he goeth directly into Paradise, (a diabolicall inuention) men, women, and those of eueiy age and degree, run to the warres hand ouer head, that at least they may there be slaine ; and by this meanes (according to their foolish opinion) gaine heauen. No lesse zeale, to our confusion, may we perceiue in the Turks especially for defence of their sect : for one would thinke the)' went to a marriage, and not to the warre, scarcely being able with patience to attend their prefixed time of going thither. They repute them holy and happie, that die with armes in hand against their enimies ; as on the contrarie, those men vnhappie, and of little woorth, that die at home, amidst the lamentation of children, and outcries of women. By the things aboue set downe, we may easily com- prehend, what numbers of men the Xeriffo can bring into the field : but yet we may learne better by experience. For Mullet Abdala in the yeere 1562. besieged Mazagan with two hundred thousand men, choaking the ditch with a mountaine of earth, and beating downe the walles thereof with his Artillerie : but for all this, he was enforced by the valour of the Portugals, and the damage which he receiued I THE GREAT PRINCES OF AFRICA. 997 by their mines, to giue ouer his siege. Besides, this Prince can not continue a great war, aboue two, or three moneths : and the reason hereof is, because his forces liuing on that prouision which he hath daylie comming in, as well for sustenance as for aparrell, and not being able to haue all this conducted thither, where the war requireth, it foUoweth of necessitie, that in short time they must needs returne home for their maintenance of life : and further it is an euident thing, that no man can protract a war at length, except he be rich in treasure. Molucca who ouerthrew Sebastian king of Portugal, had in pay vnder his ensignes fortie thousand horse, and eight thousand foote besides Arabians and aduenturers : But it is thought, he could haue brought into the field, seuentie thousand horse, and more foot then he did. Of the dofPiinions and fortresses which the king of Spaine hath vpon the Isles and niaine landes of Africa^ and of the great quantity of treasure and other com- modities which are brought from thence, BEsides Oran, Mersalquibir, Melilla and Pennon which the king of Spaine possesseth within the streights ; as likewise ^euta, Tanger, and Arzil, which by the title of Portugal he holdeth very neere the streights of Gibraltar ; and Mazagan in like sort without the streights mouth, twentie miles to the southward of Arzil : he hath along the coast of Affrick, from Cape de Guer, to that of Guardafu, two sorts of states : for some are immediately vnder him, and others are as it were his adherents. The Hands of Madera, Puerta Santo, the Canaries, the Isles of Arguin, of Cabo Verde, the isle Del Principe, with that of Sant Thomas, and others neere adioining, are immediately vnder his dominion. These islands are maintained with their owne victuall, and prouision, and yet they haue also some out of Europe, as in like manner they send some thither : 99^ THE GREAT PRINCES OF AFRICA. especially sugars and fruits, wherewith the isle of Madera woonderfully aboundeth, as also with wine. And the ilarid of Sant Thomas likewise hath great abundance of sugars. These States haue no incumbrance, but by the English and ligYrTmuck^^ French men of warre,* which for all that go not beyond Zi^tr'/^ ^^ Cape Verde. At the ilands of Arguin, and at Sant George de la Mina, the Portugals haue planted factories in forme of fortresses, by meanes of which, they trade with the bordering people of Guinie and Libya, and get into their hands the gold of Mandinga, and other places neere about. Among the adherent Princes^ the richest and most honour- able, is the king of Congo, in that his kingdome is one of the most flourishing and plentifuU countries in all Ethiopia. The Portugals haue there two Colonies, one in the citie of S. Saluador, and an other in the island Loanda. They haue diuers rich commodities from this kingdome, but the most important is euery yeere about 5000. slaues, which they transport from thence, and sell them at good round prizes in all the isles and maine lands of the west Indies: and for the head of euerie slaue so taken vp, there is a good taxe paid to the crowne of Portugall. From this kingdome one might easily go to the countrie of Prete lanni, for it is not thought to be very farre of: and it doth so abound with Elephants, victuall, and all other necessaric things, as would bring singular ease and commodity to such an enter- prise. Vpon the kingdome of Congo confineth Angola, with whose prince of late yeeres Paulo Dias a Portugall captaine made war: and the principall occasion of this warre are certain mines of siluer, in the mountaines of Cabambe, no whit inferior to those of Potossi ; but by so much are they better, as fine siluer goeth beyond that which is base, and course. And out of doubt, if the Portugals had esteemed so well of things neere at hand, as they did of those farther off and remote, and had thither bent their forces wherewith they passed Capo de bueno esperan^a, 1 THE GREAT PRINCES OF AFRICA. 999 and went to India, Malaca, and the Malucoes ; they had more easily, and with lesse charge found greater wealth : for there are no countries in the world richer in gold and siluer, then the kingdomes of Mandinga, Ethiopia, Congo, Angola, Butua, Toroa, Maticuo, Boro, Quiticui, Monomo- tapa, Cafati, and Mohenemugi. But humane auarice esteemeth more of an other mans, then his owne, and things remote appeere greater then those neere at hand. Betweene Cabo de buena esperan^a, and Cape Guardafu, the Portugals haue the fortresses of Sena, Cephala, and Mozambique. And by these they continue masters of the trade with the bordering nations, all which abound in gold and iuorie. By these fortresses they haue special commo- ditie, for their nauigation to the Indies ; bicause their fleetes sometimes winter, and otherwhiles victuall, and refresh themselues there. In these parts the king of Melinde is their greatest friend, and those of Quiloa, and other neighbour-islands, are their tributaries. The Portugals want nothing but men. For besides other islands, which they leaue in a manner abandoned, there is that of Saint Laurence, one of the greatest in all the world (being a thousand two hundred miles long, and fower hundred and fower-score broad) the which, though it be not well tilled, yet for the goodnes of the soile it is apt and fit to be manured, nature hauing distinguished it with riuers, harbours, & most commodious baies. These States belonging to the crowne of Portugall, feare no other but such sea-forces, as may be brought thither by the Turkes. But the daily going to and fro of the Portugall fleetes, which coast along vp and downe those seas, altogither secureth them. In the yeere 1589. they tooke neere vnto Mombaza, fower gallies, and a galliot, belonging to the Turkes, who were so bold as to come euen thither. lOOO THE GREAT PRINCES OF AFRICA. The dominions of the great Turke in Africa, THe great Turk possesseth in Africa all the sea-coast from Valez de Gumera, or (as some hold opinion) from the riuer Muluia, which is the easterne limitie of the kingdome of Fez, euen to the Arabian gulfe or Red sea, except some few places (as namely Mersalcabir, Melilla, Oran, and Pennon) which the king of Spaine holdeth. In which space before mentioned are situate sundrie of the most famous cities and kingdomes in all Barbarie ; that is to say, Tremizen, Alger, Tenez, Bugia, Constantina, Tunis, Tripolis, and all the countrey of Egypt, from Alexandria to the citie of Asna, called of old Siene, togither with some part of Arabia Troglodytica, from the towne of Suez to that of Suachen. Also in Africa the grand Signor hath fiue viceroies, called by the names of Beglerbegs or Bassas, namely at Alger, Tunis, Tripolis, at Missir for all Egypt, and at Suacher for those places which are chalenged by the great Turke in the dominions of Prete lanni. Finally, in this part at Suez in the bottome of the Arabian gulfe, is one of his fower principall Arsenals, or places for the building, repairing, docking, and harbouring of his warlike gallies, which may lie heere vnder couert, to the number of fiue and twentie bottomes. A stDnmarie discourse of the ma7tifold Religions professed in Africa : and first of the Gentiles. Frica containeth fower sorts of people different in religion : that is to say, Gentiles, lewes, Mahumetans, and Christians. The Gentiles extend themselues along the shoare of the Ocean, in a manner from Cabo Blanco, or the white Cape, euen to the northern borders of Congo ; as likewise, from the south- erly bounds of the same kingdome, euen to Capo de buena Esperan^a : & from thence, to that of De los Corrientes : and within the land they spred out from the Ethiopick Ocean, euen vnto Nilus, and beyond Nilus also from the Ethiopick, to the Arabian sea. These Gentiles are of diuers sorts, for some of them haue no light of God, or religion, neither are they gouerned by any rule or law. Wherupon the Arabians call them Cafri, that is to say, lawlesse, or without law. They haue but fewe habitations, and they Hue for the most part in caues of mountaines, or in woods, wherein they finde some harbour from winde and raine. The ciuilest among them, who haue some vnder- standing and light of diuinitie and religion, obey the Monomotapa, whose dominion extendeth with a great circuite, from the confines of Matama, to the riuer Cuama : but the noblest part thereof is comprehended betweene the mightie riuer of Magnice or Spirito Sancto, and that of Cuama, for the space of sixe hundred leagues. They haue no idols, and beleeue in one only God, called by them 3S ICX)2 THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. Mozimo. Little differing from these we may esteeme the subiects of Mohenemugi. But among all the Cafri, the people called Agag or Giacchi, are reputed most brutish, inhabiting in woods and dens, and being deuourers of mans flesh. They dwell vpon the left banke of Nilus, betweene the first and second lake. The Anzichi also haue a shambles of mans flesh, as w^ haue of the flesh of Oxen. They eate their enimies whom they take in war ; they sell their slaues to butchers, if they can light on no greater prise : and they inhabit from the riuer Zaire, euen to the deserts of Nubia. Some others of them are rather addicted to witchcraft, then to idolatrie : considering that in a man, the feare of a superior power is so natural!, that though he adore nothing vnder the name and title of a God, yet doth he reuerence and feare some superioritie, although he know not what it is. Such are the Biafresi, and their neighbours, all of them being addicted in such sort to witchcraft, as that they vaunt, that by force of enchantment, they can not onely charme, and make men die, muoh more molest and bring them to hard point : but further, raise windes and raine, and make the skie to thunder and lighten, and that they can destroy all . herbes and plants, and make the flockes'and heards of cattell to fall downe dead. Where- upon they reuerence more the diuell then any thing else : sacrificing vnto him of their beasts and fruits of the earth, yea their owne bloud also, and their children. Such are likewise the priests of Angola, whom they call Ganghe. These make profession that they haue in their hands dearth and abundance ; faire weather and foule ; life and deatli. For which cause it can not be expressed, in wJjLat venera- tion they are held among those Barbarians. In the yeere 1587. a Portugall captaine being in a part of Angola with his souldiers, a Ganga was requested by the people to refresh the fields, which were drie and withered, with some quantitie of water. Hee needed no great intreatie, but THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. IOO3 going forth with diuers h'ttle bels, in presence of the Portugals, he spent halfe an hower in fetching sundry gambols & skips, & vttering diuers superstitious nriurmur- ings : and behold, a cloud arose in the aire, with lightning and thunder. The Portugals grew amazed ; but all the Barbarians with great ioy admired and extolled vnto heauen, their Ganga, who now gaue out intolerable brags, not knowing what hung ouer his head : For the windes outragiously blowing, the skie thundring after a dreadfull manner, in stead of the raine by him promised, there fell a thunderbolt, which like a sword cut his head cleane from his shoulders^ Some other idolaters not looking much aloft, worship earthly things: such were the people of Congo before their conuersion, and are at this day those, that haue not yet receiued the Gospell. For these men worship certaine dragons with wings, and they foolishly nourish them in their houses, with the delicatest meates that they haue. They worship also serpents of horrible shape, goats, tygers, and other creatures, and the more they fearc and reuerence them, by how much the more deformed and monstrous they are. Amongst the number of their gods also, they reckon bats, owles, owlets, trees, and herbes, with their figures in wood and stone: and they do not onely worship these beasts liuing, but euen their very skins when they are dead, being filled with straw, or some other matter : and the manner of their idolatrie is, to bow downe before the foresaid things, to cast themselues groueling vpon the earth, to coucr their faces with dust, and to offer vnto them of their best substance. Some lifting vp their mindes a little higher, worship starres, such be the people of Guinie, and their neighbours, who are enclined to the worship of the sunne, the greatest part of them : and ihey hold opinion, that the soules of those dead that liued well, mount vp into heauen, and there dwell perpetually ncerc vntb the sunne. Neither want there amongst these, certaine 3 S 2 I004 THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. others so superstitious, as they worship for God the first thing they meete withall, comming out of their houses. They also hold their kings in the account & estimation of Gods, whom they suppose to be descended from heauen, & their kings to maintaine themselues in such high reputation, are serued with woonderfuU ceremonies, neither will they be seene but very seldome. Of the I ewes. THe lewes who haue bene dispersed by god throughout the whole world, to confirme vs in the holie faith, entered into Ethiopia in the Queen of Sabas daies, in companie of a son that Salomon had by her, to the number (as the Abassins affirme) of twelue thousand, and there multiplied their generation exceedingly. In that they not onely filled Abassia, but spred themselues likewise all ouer the neighbour prouinces. So that at this day also the Abassins affirme, that vpon Nilus towards the west, there inhabiteth a most populous nation of the lewish stock, vnder a mightie K. And some of our moderne Cosmo- graphers set downe a prouince in those quarters, which they call The land of the Hebrewes, placed as it were vnder the equinoctiall, in certaine vnknowne mountaines, betweene the confines of Abassia, and Congo. And likewise on the north part of the kingdome of Goiame, and the southerly quarter of the kingdome of Gorham there are certaine mountaines, peopled with lewes, who there maintaine themselues free, and absolute, through the inaccessible situations of the same. For in truth by this means, the inhabitants of the mountaines (speaking generally) are the most ancient, and freest people : in that the strong situation of their natiue soile secureth them from the incursions of forraine nations, and the violence of their neighbours. Such are the Scottes in Britaine, and the Biskaines in Spaine. But to return againe to our purpose : the Anzichi, THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. lOOS who extend from the bankes of the riuer Zaire, euen to the confines of Nubia, vse circumcision, as also diuers other bordering people do, a thing that must necessarilie haue been brought in by the lewes, & yet remayning stil in vse, after the annihilation of the Mosaicall law amongst them. Some also think, that the people called Cafri or Cafates at this day, who are gentiles, draw their originall from the lewes, but being enuironed on euery side by Idolaters, they haue by little and little swarued from the law of Moses : and so are become, as it were, insensibly. Idolaters. On the other side, the lewes being woonderfully increased in Spaine, passed one after an other into Affricke and Mauri- tania, and dispersed themselues euen to the confines of Numidia, especiallie by meanes of traffick, and the pro- fession of goldsmithes, the which being vtterly forbidden the Mahumetans, is altogether practised amongst them by the lewes, as are likewise diuers other mechanicall crafts, but principallie that of black smithes. A thing which notablie appeareth in mount Sessaua in the kingdome of Maroco, and in mount Anteta. It is said that Eitdeuet, a towne in the kingdome of Maroco, was inhabited by the lewes, of the stock (as they aflfirme) of Dauid^ who not- withstanding by little and little are growne Mahumetans. The lewes encreased afterwards in Affirick, when first Emanuell king of Portugal, put them forth of their dominions : For then many went ouer into the kingdomes of Fez and Maroco, and brought in thither the artes and professions of Europe vnknowne before to those Barbarians. In Bedis, Teza, Elmedina, Tefsa, and in Segelmesse euery place is full of them. They passe also by way of traflfick euen to Tombuto, although lohn Leo writeth how that king was so greatly their enemie, that he confiscated the goods of those that traded with them. It importeth me not to speake of Egypt, because it hath euer beenc, as well by reason of the neernes of Palestina, as for the commodity of 1006 THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. traffick, whereunto they are much enclined, as it were, their second countrie. Here in great number, and in a manner in all the cities and tovvnes thereof, they exercise mechani- call arts, and vse traffick and merchandize, as also take vpon them the receit of taxes and customes : but aboue all other places, in Alexandria and Cairo, where they amount to the number of fiue and twentie thousand, and the ciuiller sort among them do vsually speake the Castilian toung. Thus much may suffice to haue bin spoken concerning the lewes. It now remaineth, that we come to intreat of the Mahumetans of Africa. Concerning whom, before we make any particular relation, it will not be amisse ; for the readers more perfect instruction, to speake somewhat in generall : as namely of the sinister proceedings of their first seducer Mahumet ; of the variety and propagation of their damned sects ouer the east and south parts of the world ; of the fower principall nations which are the main- teiners and vpholders of this diabolicall religion ; and of sundry other particulars most worthie the obseruation. M Of Mahumet^ and of his accursed religion in generalL Ahumet his father, was a certaine prophane Idolater called Abdaldy of the stock of Ismael, and his * OrEmina mother was one *Hennina a lew, both of them being of very humble, and poore condition. He was borne in the yeere of our Lord 562. and was endowed with a graue countenance and a quick wit. Being growne to mans estate, the Scenite Arabians, accustomed to rob, and runnie all ouer the countrie, tooke him prisoner, and sold him to a Persian merchant, who discerning him to be apt, and subtile about busines, affected and held him in such account, that after his death his mistresse remaining a widow, scorned not to take him for her husband. Being therefore inriched by this meanes, with goods and credit, he raised vp his minde to greater matters. The times then answered THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. IOO7 very fitly for one that woulde disturbe or worke any in- nouation. For the Arabians vpon some euill entreatie were malecontented with the Emperour Heraclius. The heresies of Arrius and Nestorius, had in a miserable sort shaken and annoied the church of God. The lewes, though they wanted power, yet amounted they to a great number. The Saracens preuailed mightily, both in number and force. And, the Romaine Empire was full of slaues Mahuniet therefore taking hold on this opportunitie, framed a law, wherein all of them should haue some part, or prerogatiue. In this, two Apostata lewes, and two here- tikes, assisted him : of which one was /^A;;, being a scholler of Nestorius schoole ; and the other SergiuSy of the sect of Arrius, Whereupon the principall intention of this cursed law was wholie aimed against the diuinitie of our Sauiour lesus Christ, wickedly oppugned by the lewes and Arrians. He perswaded this law, first by giuing his wife to vnderstand, and his neighbours by her meancs, and by little and little others also, that he conuersed with the angell Gabrielly vnto whose brightnes he ascribed the falling sicknes, which many times prostrated him vpon the earth : dilating and amplifying the same in like sort, by permitting all that which was plausible to sense and the flesh ; as also by offering libertie to all slaues that would come to him, and receiue his law. Wherefore being pro- secuted hard by the masters of those fugitiue slaues led away by him, he fledde to Medina Talnabi, and there remained some time. From this flight the Mahumetans fetch the originall of their Hegeira. But questionless^ there was nothing that furthered more the enlargement of the Mahumetan sect, then prosperitie in armes, and the multitude of victories ; whereby Mahumet ouerthrew the Persians, became lord of Arabia, and draue the Romaines out of Syria. And his successors afterwards extended their empire from Euphrates to the Atlantick Ocean, and I008 THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. from the riuer Niger to the Pirenei mountaines, and beyond. They occupied Sicilia, assailed Italy, and with continuall prosperitie, as it were, for three hundred yeeres, either subdued, or encumbred, both the east & west But to returne to Mahumet his law, it embraceth circumcision, & maketh a difference between meats pure, & vnpure, partly to allure the lewes. It denieth the Diuinitie of Christ, to reconcile the Arrians, who were then most mightie ; it foisteth in many friuolous fables, that it might fit the Gentiles : & looseth the bridle to the flesh, which is a thing acceptable to the greatest part of men. Whereupon Auicen (though he were a Mahumetan) writeth thus of such a law: Lex nostra (saith he) quatn dedit Makumeth^ &c. that is to say. Our Law^ which Mahumet gaue vs, regardeth the disposition offelicitie or misery^ according to the body. But there is another promise^ which concemeth the minde, or the soule: whichwise Diuines had a farre greater desire to apprehend^ then that of the body^ which though it be giuen vnto theniy yet respect they it noty 'nor liold it in any estima- tion in comparision of that felicitie which is a coniunction with truth. Or iiaiy. Mahumet being dead, *Alld, Abubequer, Omar^ and Odoman his kinsemen, each of them pretending to be his true successor, wrote distinctly euerie one by himselfe. Vpon which there did arise fower seuerall sects. AlU was head of the sect Imemia, being followed by the Persians, Indians, and many Arabians, and Gelbines of Africa. Abubequer gaue foundation to the sect Melchia, embraced generally by the Arabians, Saracens and Africans. Omar was author of the Anesia, which is on foote among the Turks in Syria, and in that part of Africk which is called Zahara. Odman left behind him the Banesia, or Xefaia, as we may terme it, which wanteth not followers among the foresaid nations. Of these fower sects, in processe of time, •haue growen sixtie eight other verie famous, besides some THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. IOO9 of lesse renowne and fame. Among the many Mahumetan sects, there are the Morabites, who lead their Hues for the most part in Hermitages, and make profession of Morall Philosophie, with certaine principles differing from the Alcoran. One of these was that Morabite, which certaine yeeres past, shewing Mahumet his name imprinted in his brest (being done with Aqua Fortis, as I suppose, or some such thing) raised vp a great number of Arabians in Africk, and laide siege to Tripolis ; where being bctraied by his captaine, he remained the Turkes prisoner, who sent his skin to the grand Signor. This man being in prison, said to an Italian slaue, his familiar, who went to visite him ; I greeue at nothing but you Christians, who haue abandoned me. In that the knights of Malta onely sent him small succour, of powder and shot. These Morabites affirme, (to declare some of their fooleries) that when AlU fought, he killed ten thousand Christians with one blow of a sworde, and that this sword was an hundred cubits long. Then there is the foolish, and brutish sect of Cobtini, One of these shewed himselfe not many yeeres sithence in the market places and quarters of Algier, mounted on a reed, with a bridle and raines of leather, giuing the multitude to vnderstand, that vpon that horse in one night, he rid an hundred leagues ; and he was for this greatly honored and reuerenced. In tract of time, there grew amongst the Mahumetans, through the vanitie of their law, and the incredible variety and difference of opinions, great disorders : For their sect being not onely wicked, and treacherous (as we haue declared) but also grosse aud foolish, those that made pro- fession thereof to defend and maintaine it, were enforced to make a thousand interpretations and constructions, far sometimes from reason, and otherwhiles from the expresse words of Mahumet him selfe. The Califas endeuoured mightily to reforme this ; but their prouisions of greatest lOlO titE RELIGIONS Ot AFRICA. importance were two. For first, Moauia (this man florished about the yeere of our Lord 770) called an assembly of learned and ludiciall men, to establish that which in their sect should be beleeued, and to this end he caused all the bookes of Mahumet, and his successors, to be gathered together. But they not agreeing amongst them- selues, he chose out of them, sixe of the most learned, and shutting them within an house, with the said writings, he commaunded them, that euery one should make choise of that which seemed best vnto him. These men reduced the Mahumetan doctrine into sixe books, setting downe the pennaltie of losse of life, to them that should otherwise speake, or write of the law. But because the Arabians gaue their mindes to Philosophic, in the vniuersities of Bagdet, Fez, Maroco, and Cordoua (and being of piercing and subtile wits) they could not but looke into the fopperies of their sect. There was added vnto this another prouiso, which was a statute, that forbad them the studie of Philo- sophic : by meanes of which statute, their Vniuersities before most flourishing, haue within these fower hundred yeeres daily declined. At this day the sects of Mahumetan impietie are distinguished more through the might and power of those nations that follow them, then of themselues: and the principall nations are fower, that is to say, Arabians, Persians, Tartars, and Turks. The Arabians are most superstitious, and zealous. The Persians stand more vpon reason and nature : the Tartars hold much gentilisme and simplicitie : and the Turkes (especially in Europe) are most of them Libertines, and Martialistes. The Arabians, as they that esteeme it for great glorie, that Mahumet was of their nation, and buried in Mecca (or as others thinke in Medina Talnabi) haue laboured with all arte, and yet procure to spread their sect ouer the whole world. In India they first preuailed with preaching, and afterwards with armes. Considering that seuen hundred THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. 101 1 yeeres sithence (king Perimal reigning in Malabar) they began there to sow this cockle : and to bring the Gentiles more easily within their net, they tooke (and at this daie take) their daughters to wife, a matter greatly esteemed of them, by reason of these mens wealth. By this policie and the traffike of spices, which yeelded them infinite profite, they quickly set foote, and fastned it in India. They built townes, and planted colonies, and the first place, where they grew to a bodie, was Calicut, which of a small thing, by their concourse and traffike, became a mightie citie. They drew king Perimal to their sect, who at their perswasion resolued to go and end his daies at Mecca ; and for that purpose he put himselfe onward on the voiage, with certaine ships laden with pepper and other precious commodities : but a terrible tempest met him in the midst of his course, and drowned him in the sea. They inhabite in Malabar, where two sorts of Arabians or Moores (as we may terme them) haue more exceedingly increased and preuailed, then in any other part of the Indies : one is of strangers that arriue there by reason of the traffike of Arabia, Cambaia, and Persia : and the other be those that dayly are borne of a Moorish father, and a mother Gentile, or both of father and mother Moores, and these (who are* called Nateani, and differ from the other people, in person, customes, and habit) make as it were a fourth part of the inhabitants of that countrey. From Malabar, they went to the Maldiuc, and Zeilan. Here they began to take vpon them the managing of the customs and impositions of cities and townes ; and by making them greater then in times past, they attained to the grace and fauour of the Princes and Lords, together with great reputation and authority, yea preeminence and superiority ouer the common people : and favouring those who embraced their sect, daylie preached and diuulged by the Papassi ; but holding their hands heauie ouer such as shewed themselues 1015 tME RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. repugnant, they incredibly aduanced Mahumetisme. After- wards perceiuing themselues strong and mightie, both in richesse, and followers, they seized on the townes and cities. So that at this day, they commaund a good part of the Maldiuae, and the ports of the most noble iland of Zeilan, except that of Columbo where the Portugals haue a fortresse. By like stratagem are they become masters of the west part of Sumatra, within little more then these two hundred yeeres, first preuailing by trade, and commerce, then by marriage and affinitie, and last of all by armes. From hence going forwarde, they haue taken into their hands the greatest part of the ports of that large Archi- pelago of the Lu^ones, Malucos, lauas, &c. They are Lords of the citie of Sunda, in the greater laua, they enioy the greatest part of the Hands of Banda, and Maluco; they raigne in Burneo, & Gilolo. They came once as far as Lu^on, a most noble Iland, and one of the Philippinas, & had planted therein three colonies. On the other side, they conquered vpon the firme land, first the rich kingdome of Cambaia, & there established their sect, as they did the like, in all the places adioining ; from hence they went to Bengala, and became Lords thereof They cut off by little and little, from the crowne of Siam, the state of Malaca, (which the Portugals holde at this day) as likewise those of lor, and Pam ; and more then two hundred leagues along the coast. Finallie they are entred into the most ample kingdome of China, and haue built Moscheas in the same ; and if the Portugals in India and the Malucos, and after- wards the Spaniards in the Philippinas had not met them on the way, and with the gospell and armes, interrupted their course, they would at this instant haue possessed infinite kingdomes of the east : yea in this they are so industrioui and bould, to our confusion, that euen the Arabian mariners, that go in the Portugall ships will tarrie behind in the Gentile-townes, there to publish their sect ; THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. IOI3 and in the yeere 1555. one of these men had passed euen as far as lapon, for this purpose ; so that if the Portugals had not remedied it in due time, he would peradventure haue wrought there some alteration. The Persian nation, as touching their sect, a little before our time, haue beene made renowmed among those bar- barous people, by the valor and armes of Ismaely called the Sophi. This man accounting himselfe to be of the race and blood of Alle, brought his owne sect into credit and reputation, and waged warre against those borderers, who would not accept of it. He wore a redde Turbant, with twelue points or comers, in memoriall of the twelue sonnes of Oceriy the sonne of Alle^ willing that all his followers should weare the like ; and many people came in vnto him, and in a maner all those nations which inhabite betweene the riuers Euphrates and Abianus, and between the Caspian sea & the Persian gulphe. Tantmas his sonne sent the said twelue-cornered Turbant to the Mahumetan Princes of Malabar and Decan, perswading them to receiue it with his sect, and bestowing the title of a king, on whomesoeuer would accept of it, but no others receiued it, saue Nizza- maluco. It is a common voice and opinion, that the greatest part of the Mahumetans of Syria and the lesser Asia follow and affect inwardly the sect of All^, and of the Persians ; the which the Turkes perceiuing in the vproare of Techelle, made a mightie slaughter of them, carrying the kinsemen of the slaine, and those suspected, out of Asia into Europe. But now let vs passe to the Tartars. These (*as other- g. b. b. Rei. whiles we declared) descended of the ten tribes of Israel, ^/dnr AsU, being transported by the order and commission of Sal- manazar, king of the Assirians, beyond India, into the land of Arsareth. Here degenerating into rude and barbarous customes, and forgetting in a greate part, or altogether, the Moysaicall ceremonies, they hardly reteined circumcision. IOI4 THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. They came out of this their banishment, in the yecre of our Lord 1 200. and in a small time, with the ruine of infinite nations, made themselues terrible to all the east, and no lesse to the north. Pope Innocent the fourth, being amazed at the horrible storme, that hung ouer the head of Christen- dome (for they had spread themselues like locusts euen to the bankes of Danubius) sent from the councell of Lyons, \Viih this frier prvcr Asccllzno, of the order of Dominicus, with other A see lit ne was sent lohannes Frycrs, to the great C A N in the yeere 1 246. to exhort de Piano Car- pint, whose him to embrace the name and faith of Christ ; or at least voiaj(eisput i ^-^i . • • >rx,- , . doivneinthe to let the Christians alone m peace. Of baptisme he tk4 English accepted not, but promised a league with the Christians, VQ a^a, J.QJ. f^^^ yeeres. Others notwithstanding will needes haue it, that he was conuerted, and that taking vp armes in fauour of the Christians, he caused Mustaceno the Califa of Baldach, to dy with famine, amidst the treasures heaped vp by him. But afterwards either hee, or his successor, together with his people, denying their Christianity, became Mahumetans in religion. And sithence that time, the Tartarian name and fame growing obscure, that of the Turkes began to flourish. The Tartars Petegorski not- withstanding vpon the mountaines of Cumania, remained firme in the Christian faith, but yet corrupted with the errors of the Greckcs and Moscouites. The Colmugi neere the Caspian sea, continued in Paganisme, who are termed Capigliati, because they shaue not off their hayres, as the other Tartars do. The Kirgessi also be Idolators, as other- whiles we declared. The other Tartars that are come on this side of Imaus, haue all, ixota one to an other, embraced Mahumetisme. And amongst others the Zagatai, who through the emulation they haue with the Persians (vpon whome they border and contend for Empire) as concerning sect, follow the opinion of the Turkes, as also the Mogores their descendents, who in these our dayes haue enlarged their Empire, betweene mount Caucasus and the Ocean, THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. IOI5 and between Ganges, and Indus. But the Tartars of Cataya, resident beyond Imaus, and vpon the desert called Lop, remaine generalliein Idolatry, although their continue many Christians amongst them, of the sect of Nestorius, neither want there some Mahumetans. -^Now let vs come to the Turkes, who in largenes of Empire, are superior to the other sects. Of these, part inhabite in Asia, part in Europe. Those of Asia incline much to the opinion of the Persians, and especially they that inhabite in Natolia, and the borders. But those of Europe are generally lesse superstitious then the Asians, and by reason of their daily conuersation with Christians, they haue a deeper opinion and conceit of Christ then the others, yea, and many of them hold him for God, and Redeemer. And it is not long sithence there were diucrs put to death in Constantinople with speciall constancie on their part : and it was thought that many of the grand Signors court held the same opinion. The Turkes, especially those of Europe, are of two sorts : for some arc naturall Turkes, others accessorie, or accidentall. Natural! I terme them, that are borne of Turkish parents : and them I call accidental, who leauing our sacred faith, or the Moysaicall law, become Mahumetans : the which the Christians performe by circumcising themselues, and the lewes by lifting vp a finger. Now the Christians become Turkes, partly vpon some extreme & violent passion. Cherseogli {\y\iO afterwards was great with BdzaietK)\Mxn^dL Turke to bee reuenged of his father, who tooke from him his wife, amidst the solemnitie of the marriage. V/ucciali OrOhuchaii. denied the faith to be reueged of a slauc, his companion in the gallie, who called him scald pate. Some abiure the faith to release themselues of torments and cruelties ; others for hope of honors and temporall greatnes : and of these two sorts there are a great number in Constantinople, being thought to be Christians in hart : and yet through IOl6 THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. slothfulnes, or first to gather togither more wealth, or expecting opportunitie to carrie with them, their wiues and children, or for feare of being discouered in their departure and voiage, or else through sensualitie, and for that they would not be depriued of the licentiousnes and libertie of the life they lead, resolue not to performe that they are bound vnto ; deferring thus to moneth to moneth, & from yeere to yeere, to leaue this Babylon & sinke of sin. But the greatest part of Renegados become Mahumetans with- out perceiuing it In that the grand Signor sendeth euery fower yeers, more or lesse, according as need requireth, to take through his States of Europe, of euerie three christian male children one, at the discretion of his Commissaries, by way of tribute, and they take them from the age of ten, to the yeeres of seuenteene. These being brought to Con- stantinople, are without other ceremonies circumcised, and part of them are sent into Natolia and Caramania to learn the toong, religion and fashions of the Turkes : and part are emploied about the seruice of the Seraglios, or palaces of Constantinople, Pera, and Andrinople. Heere liuing among the Turkes, farre from their parents, separate from all conuersation with the faithfull, and depriued of all spirituall aide and helpe, without perceiuing it, they are made Turkes. The author of this, the most diabolicall institution that euer was made, was a certaine Turkish saint, called Abeuiras, in the daies of Amurath the second : and in the beginning the number was but three thousand, and afterwards they exceeded not twelue thousand, vntill the time of Amurath the third, who increased them to the number of fower and twentie thousand. But returning to their education : after some time they are called home againe to the Seraglios of the Zamoglans (for so are they termed, till they be enrolled among the lanissaries) to lemaine there vnder their heads and gouernours : and in short time they became lanissaries, or Spahies, and either THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. IOI7 they go to the vvarre, or are bestowed in some garrison, or else are resident in the court of the Turke. They are called The sonnes of the grand Signor : they Hue with great license and libertie : they do whatsoeuer pleaseth themselues : neither can they be iudged by any but the Agaes : during their Hues they are seldotimes punished, and yet when it is done, it is with great secrecie : in buying they make their owne prizes. These snares are strong enough to procure, that they neuer care for returning any more to the bosome of the church. But that which is woorst of all : euery new Prince bestoweth on them a great larges, and augmenteth their pay, at the Christians charge. They also kill and robbe whomsoeuer they please, especially the Christians throughout the whole countrie, or in march- ing to the warre, and the Christians dare not so much as in a word finde themselues agreeued : whereupon there groweth in them such a scornc and contempt of the Christian name, that they remaine strangers to it. That which I haue said of yoong male children taken from out their mothers bosomes, who without perceiuing it become Mahumetanes, hapneth in like manner vnto them, whom the pirates by sea, or soldiers by land, make slaues, presenting them to the grand Signor. Besides the foresaid deuises, the Turkes further spread abroad their sect with all kind of vantage and furtherance. For they abase and bring to extreme miserie the Christians and Moores their subiects, not permitting them to ride, nor beare any kinde of armes, nor to exercise any maner of iustice, or gouern- ment They make it lawfull to take Christian women that are not married. If the wife of a Christian turneth Turke, and marrieth herselfe with a Turke, their law permitteth, that the Christian husband by turning Turke may take her 2^aine. They forbid the Christians to repaire their ruinate Churches, and suffer them in no wise to reedifie them fallen downe, without great bribes ; and so the Christians through 3T IOl8 THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. pouertie let them come to ruine : by meanes whereof the publike worship of God faileth, and in progresse of time also, the very Christian faith and beleefe. In Asia they will not permit the Greekes the vse of their language, but onely in sacred administrations, to the end that togither with their language, they may also loose and forget their Christian fashions and customes. The Spahi being Lords for terme of life, of infinite villages, take such young men into their seruitude, as best pleaseth them ; who in processe of time, by couersation with their maisters, and the fauours they hope after, and by the wicked fashions and customes which they learne, as also through the sinnes and vices, wherein they are drowned, do become Turkes. And the Greekes children, after the example of their companions, being thus fauoured and made much of, incline in such a sort vnto this euill, that vpon euery light occasion, they threaten their fathers and mothers to turne Turkes. Further it is forbidden the Mahumetanes to make restitu- tion of any place, once taken with armes, and wherein they haue built a Moschea. To conclude, they vse all manner of circumstances, by meane of which they may amplifie or enlarge their dominion and sect. Of the Mahumetans of Africa in particular, THe Mahumetan impietie hath spred it selfe throughout Africa beyond measure : this pestilence entred into Egypt in the yeere of our Lord 637. by the armes of Omar. From whence a captaine of Odoman first passed into Africa in the yeere 650. with fower-scorc thousand fighting men, who there defeated Gregorius Patritius. But they per- petually cast out of Africk the Romaines with the people of Absimacus, and Leontius the emperour, in the yeere 699. and wholie impatronized themselues of Barbaric. They pierced into Numidia & Libya in the yeere 710. and ouer- threw the Azanaghi, and the people of Gualata, Oden, and THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. IOI9 Tombuto. The yeere afterwards 973. hauing passed Gambea, they infected the Negroes, and the first that drunke of their poison were those of Melli. In the yeere 1067. laiaia the sonne of Abubequer entred into the lower Ethiopia, and by little and little subuerted those people which confine vpon the deserts of Libya and Egj'^pt, piercing euen to Nubia & Guinea. The Arabias haue augmeted their sect in Africk, first with force of armes, by banishing of the naturall inhabitants, the which they might well do, by reason of their infinite multitude : and of them, that verse of Dauid may well be vnderstood : In circuitu impij ambulant : secundum altitudinem tuam^ multiplicasti filios hominufn, drc. The wicked walke round about ; according to thy greatnes, thou hast multiplied the sonnes of men. Where they could not come, nor giue no blow with armes ; there they haue ingraffed themselues, by preaching and traflfike. The heresie of -^rr/«j furthered their enterprize, wherewith the Vandales and Gothes being then inhabiters of Africa were infected. To further their designments they brought in the Arabicke language and letters. They founded Vniuersities and Studies, both for riches of reuenew, and magnificence of building most notable, especially in Maroco, and Fez. But there is nothing that hath greatlier furthered the progression of the Mahumetan sect, then perpetuitie of victorie, & the greatnes of conquests, first of the Califas in the east, & afterwards of the Miramo- lines in Aflfrick : In that the greatest part of men, yea, and in a manner all, except such as haue fastned their confi- dence vpon the crosse of Christ, and setled their hope in eternity, follow that which best agreeth with sense, and measure the grace of God by worldly prosperitie. And yet Christ (as lustinus the Philosopher, and glorious martyr testifieth) promised no earthly reward to good works. Carnal men therefore perceiuing the empire of the Califas and Mahumetans continually to cncrcase in the east and 3 T 2 I020 THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. west, taking into their hands both sea and land, (for this their feh'citie in armes continued three hundred yeeres, wherein they conquered all that which lieth betwcene the riuer Abianus and the Atlantike Ocean, and subdued Spaine, Sicilia, and apart of Italic and France) and iudging that temporall prosperitie and victories were the effects and fruits, or at least the arguments and signes of the grace and fauour of God, they easily fell into Apostasie, where- unto the impietie of A rn'us dind other, heretikes opened the way, who for long tract of time estranging themselues more and more from the Euangelicall truth, fell in the end into Atheisme : as we see hath fallen out in the course of some moderne enormities. But to returne from whence we haue digressed ; in progresse of time there grew great differences betweene the Mahumetans : for their sect being no lesse sottish and foolish, then wicked and perfidious, the main- teiners of it were driuen to fetch reasons farre off for defence of the same. But the Arabians not contented in Africa to haue subiugated with armes, and with false doctrine to haue pestered Barbaric, Numidia, Libya, and the countrey of Negroes, they further on the other side assailed the lower Ethiopia, both by sea and land. By lande entred thereinto in the yeere 1067. laiaia the sonne of Abu- bequer, and by meanes of certaine Alfachi, he dispersed that pestilence into Nubia, and the neighbour prouinces. On the other side passing the Red sea, they first tooke knowledge of the coast of Ethiopia, euen to Cabo de los corrientes, by their continuall traffike thither: and after- wards being encouraged by the weakenes of the naturall inhabitants, they erected the kingdomes of Magadazo, Melinde, Mombazza, Quiloa, Mozambique, and seazed on some ports of the island of Saint Laurence : and gathering force by little and little, they enlarged their empire within the land, and established therein the kingdomes of Dangali and Adel. So that on the one side they haue spred their THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. I02I sect, from the Red sea to the Atlantike Ocean, and from the Mediterran sea to the riuer Niger, and farther : and on the other, haue taken into their hands all the easterne coast of Africk, from Suez to Cape Guardafu, and from this, euen to that De los corrientes, and the adioining islands. In which places though the people be not altogither Mahume- tans, yet haue the Mahumetans the weapons & dominion in their hands ; the which how much it importeth for the bringing in of sects, we may easily conceiue. To conclude, they haue often assailed the Prete lanni ; sometimes the Turkes, who haue taken from him the ports of the Red sea ; and otherwhiles the Moores, vnder the conduct of the king of Adel, who hath, and doth molest them greatly, leading into captiuitie a great number of Abassins, where they become for the most part Mahumetans. Of the Christians of Africa. NOw that we haue declared the miseries and darknes of AfFrick, it remaineth that we set downe that little light of true religion which there is ; the which I can not passe ouer, without exceeding glorie to the Portugall nation. In that they with inestimable charge, and infinite trauaile, haue first sought to open the way to Ethiopia, and to bring the great Negus of Abassia, called by vs Prete Janniy to the vnion of the christian church of Europe, performing whatsoeuer, after this, for the conuersion of the princes of Guinia and Meleghette to the faith, and yet more happily of the king of Congo and the Princes of Angola ; and likewise with diuers colonies sent to the ilands of the Atlantick Ocean, they haue no lesse aduaced the honor of their owne nation, then the propagating of the christian faith. And finally, passing beyond Cabo de buena esperan^a, they haue resisted the Mahumetan sect, which had now extended it selfe on the backside of Africa, as far as Cabo de los corrientes. I022 THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. Of tJu Christians in Egypt, THe Christians of Egypt are partly strangers, partlie home-borne in the country ; strangers come thither in regarde of traffick which there flourisheth aboue measure, especiallie in the cities of Alexandria and Cairo ; by reason that this kingdome being most commodiously situate between the Red and Mediterran seas, vniteth the west parts of the world with the east, by meane of an infinite traffick ; and therefore is it as it were a ladder, whereby the wealth of India and of the Eoan Ocean, passeth into the lesser Asia, into Africke, and Europe. Whereupon not onely the Venetians, Florentines, and Ragusians come thither in great numbers ; but also the French, and English. The naturall Christians of Egypt, remaining after the spoiles and hauock of the Barbarians and the crueltie of the Saracens, Mamalucks, and Turkes, exceed not the number of fiftie thousand persons, and these dwell dispersed here and there, but principallie in the cities of Cairo, Messia, Monfalatto, Bucco, and Elchiasa, all placed vpon the bankes of Nilus. There are also many in the prouince of Minia, in which quarter appeare diuers monasteries. But among the monasteries of Egypt those of Saint Anthonie^ Saint Paul, and Saint Macarius are the principal. The first Heth in Troglodytica right ouer against Sait vpon a hill, where Saint Anthony was said to be beaten by diuels : the second is seated not far from this, in the middest of a desert : the third standeth in the wildernes, to the west of Bulac. This is the monasterie which in some histories is called Nitria, as I thinke, bicause in that quarter the waters of Nilus, being thickned by the heate of the sun in low places, are conuerted into salt and niter. Georgia stood vpon Nilus, six miles from the city of Munsia, a rich and magnificent Conuent, so called after the name of Saint George, There were in the same more then two hundred THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. IO23 monkes, to the notable benefite and ease of pilgrimes & strangers, who were there curteously lodged. But they dying all of the plague, (about some hundred and fiftie yeeres sithence,) the place was abandoned. Now to deliuer somewhat concerning the estates of these Christians : They are called by some *Cofti, and by others, * Or Coptiue. Christians from the girdle vpward : for albeit they be baptized, as we are, yet do they circumcise themselues like to the lewes : so as a man may say, their Christianitie comes no lower then the girdle-stead. But that which is woorse, they haue for these looo.yeers followed the heresie of Euiiches, which alloweth but of one nature in Christ : by which heresie they also separate and dismember them- selues, from the vnion of the Church of Europe. The occasion of this separation and schisme, was the Ephesine councell, assembled by Dioscorus in defence of Etitiches, who was now condemned in the Calcedon councell by sixe hundred and thirtie fathers congregated togithcr, by the authoritie of Leo the first. For the Cofti fearing, that to attribute two natures vnto Christ, might be all one, as if they had assigned him two hypostases or persons, to auoid the heresie of the Nestorians, they became Eutichians. They say their diuine seruice in the Chaldean toong, often- times repeating Alleluia. They read the Gospell first in Chaldean, and then in Arabick. When the priest saieth Pax vobis, the yoongest amongst them laieth his hand vpon all the people that are present. After consecration, they giue a simple pecce of bread to the standers by : a cere- monie vsed also in Greece. They exercise their function in the church of Saint Marke amidst the ruines of Alexan- dria, and in that of Suez, vpon the red sea : they obey the Patriarke of Alexandria, and affirme themselues to be of the faith of Prete lanni. In our daies two Popes haue I attempted to reduce them to the vnion of the Romish church ; Pius the fourth, and Gregorie the thirteenth. I024 THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. Pius the fourth in the yeere 1 563. sent two lesuit-priests for this purpose to Cairo ; who staled there almost a yeere, but to no purpose, and with great danger of life : for one of them was appointed to the fire, from which he escaped by meanes of a merchant ; who with eight hundred crownes pacified the Turkes, and caused the priest sodainly to flic away. But Pope Gregorie entred into this enterprise with more hope : for Paulo Mariani a famous Christian merchant, was at the same time in Cairo, who for his wisdome, magnificence, knowledge of toongs, and long practise in the affaires of the world, ioined with woonderfuU eloquence, and presence of bodie, was in great esteeme and reputation, not onely among the Christians, but also with the Turkes, who equally loued him for his liberality, and honored him for his valour. This man had conference with the Patriarke of Alexandria about the reconciling of his people to the Romish church : whereunto the Patriarke not shewing himselfe difficult, or hard to be entreated, Avas contented to call by his letters into those parts, two priests of the same order, who were then with the Maronites in mount Libanus. In the meane while the Pope, who was aduertised of al this busines, taking the matter quickly in hand, wrote vnto the two priests, appointing one of them to go directlie to Cairo ; and the other to returne back to Rome. Wherefore in the yeere 1582 in the moneth of October one of the said priests arriuing at Cairo, was courteouslie receiued by Mariani, and afterwards conducted to the Patriarke, who also made shew of great ioy and consolation. One might likewise perceiue a reasonable disposition in others who had any authority among the Cofti. He aduertised the Pope of all ; who sent a certaine other priest, with one brecfe to the Patriarke, and an other to the lesuites, wherein he exhorted them to go forward, and to bring the vnion, whereof so assured hope was con- ceiued, to good effect. The Patriarke receiued the breefe THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. IO25 with great reuerence, he kissed it, and according to their custome, laid it vpon his head, and afterwards demanded what it comprehended : the which with great feeling, and contentment hauing vnderstood, within fewe daies he instituted a Synod of some bishops, and certaine other principall persons of the nation. Heere the said priests hauing declared vnto them vpon how little ground they, who at the first receiued the faith from Saint Marke^yfer^ sequestred from the western church by the authoritie of one heretike, tooke much paines afterward in making them capable of the difference that is betwecne a nature and an Hypostasis or person, to their exceeding great admiration, bicause they were in a manner destitute of all learning. For the Patriarke euen from his youth had led his life in the monasterie of Saint Macarius, farre not onely from the studies of learning, but also from the conuersation of men, neither appeered there any greater knowledge in the bishops. They had scarcely any booke qf the ancient fathers, and yet those they had, were all dustie, and eaten with mothes": That whereof they made chiefest account, was an old volume, being torne and rent, which they called The confession of tJie Fathers^ full of diuers dreames and fables, whereof notwithstanding, and of some other Arabicke bookes, the priests made speciall good vse, for the conuinc- ing of them in their errors. Also hauing framed a com- pendium of most necessarie doctrine, they caused diuers copies of the same to be drawne, and gaue them to the learned of the Cofti, to be considered of, who wondring at the strangenes of the things propounded vnto them, and not knowing how to answer the arguments of the priestes, demaunded time to search their owne writings, and to see what opinion their predecessors had held as concerning that point. In the meane while, they came often to the priests, and inquired of them the doctrine and forme of speech vsed in the Romish church. Whereupon they I026 THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. shewed them how greatly the same church had euer detested heresies : and how seuerely it had condemned the impietie oi Nestor ius, and contrariwise highly esteemed the authoritie of Cyrillus AlexandrinuSy and the decrees of the first Ephesine Councell. Neither (bicause it confesseth two natures in Christ, ioined in one person without con- fusion) doth it therefore inferre two hypostasis or persons. In that a nature and a person are not the selfe same things. The which may cleerely be vnderstoode by the deepe mysterie of the holy Trinitie, wherein we acknowledge one nature, and three Hypostasis or persons. We auer therfore, that there are two natures in Christ, one diuine, which he hath eternally from his Father, the other humane, which he tooke temporally from the immaculate wombe of his mother ; both of them ioined in one hypostasis or person. By these and other like demonstrations, they cleered the vnderstandings, and confirmed the mindes of the Cofti. Howbeit, all this notwithstanding, the Synod being againe assembled (wherein were present, the Patriarke, fiue bishops, diuers abbots of monasteries, and thirtie other principal! persons) they plainly answered the priests that they had turned ouer their Annales & writings, & were resolued in no wise to depart from the doctrine and faith of their pre- decessors. This vnlooked-fcr answer, though it greatly troubled and displeased the priests, yet were they deter- mined still to continue, and to proceed further in the enterprise. Whereupon declaring vnto them againe, how farre they were by Dioscorus meanes estranged from the doctrine taught in the Nicen, Constantinopolitan, and first Ephesine councels, grounded on the authoritie of holy Scripture, and the ancient Fathers : and that to disallow ot two natures in Christ, was no other but to denie that he was neither true God nor man, (a matter abhominable, not only to their eares, but euen to their very vnderstadings) they preuailcd so much, as that the matter was yet deferred THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. 102; off to an other moneth. Being therefore congregated the third time, it seemed that God himselfe furthered this affaire more then vsually : for first with common consent they abrogated the law of circumcision, and withall after a disputation of sixe howers continuance, it was decreed, that as concerning the truth of this point, the priests were to be beleeued, that there were two natures in Christ, and that the Cofti though they auoided the name and title of two natures, yet denied they not, but that Christ was true man, and true God. Onely they were warie of the two natures, for feare of falling by litle & litle into two hypostases. Thus this busines being brought to so good a passe, was by the ambition and obstinacie of one man vtterly crossed and hindred. This was the Vicar or Suffragan to the Patriarke, who aspiring himselfe to the Patriarkship, and seeing that if he followed this vnion begun with the Romaine church, he could not attainc to that dignitie, but by the Popes authoritie, (which he altogither misdoubted) he first made the decree of two natures to be deferred, commanding afterwards that none should subscribe thereunto, and finally caused the Patriarke wfiolie to giuc ouer this busines, and to retire himselfe into the wildernes ; whereas he continued for certaine months. Afterwards the priests vnderstanding where he was, wrot vnto him a letter, signifying therein, what a special desire they had to see him, and what domage the retiring of himselfe would procure to the sillie sheepe recommended vnto him by God, if he ratified not fully those things, which were decreed vpon in the last assemblie. He curteously answered, making shew, that he would returne, when he had visited his dioces, and in the meane while they should expect him at Cairo. But while he thought vpon returne, his owne death interrupted him. The Cofti haue a law, or custome, that betweene the death of one Patriarke and the creation of an other, there must be in a maner an whole yeeres space, for so long it is 1028 THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. requisite, say they, that the church should bewaile the death of her spouse. Whereupon the priests, not to loose so much time, determined to go home into Italy, to acquaint the Pope with the successe of all things, and afterwards (neede so requiring) to returne. The Cofti vnderstanding thus much, writ letters to the Pope, wherin they partly thanked him for the care he had of them ; & partly lamented, that their recociliation with the Romish church was not fully confirmed and finished. While the priests were about to depart on Saint Mathewes day in the morning, there came a route of armed Turkes to their lodging. These layde hands suddenly on two priests, and another companion of theirs, and on three Fryers of the order of Saint Francis, lodged in the same house. No man knew the reason of this hurly burly, but for as much as could be learned, all this grew through the enuie of a Frenchman. This man aspiring to the degree of Consull or Gouernor ouer his nation, which Mariani had obtayned, maliciously gaue the Bassa of Cairo to vnderstad, that Mariani suborned the people against the grad Signor, & that he had order from the K. of Spaine to leuie Christian men. And that to this end he kept in his house certaine priests, who practised in this behalf with Mariani for the king. There was nothing that more preiudiced the priests, then the Cofties letters, which bred a vehement suspition in the Turkes, that such an vnion might be concluded with the Roman Church, as might worke some extraordinarie innouation. They were therefore cast into a filthie and stinking prison. The Venetian Consull assayed first by word of mouth, and after by suite and supplication, to asswage the furie and anger of the Bassa ; Howbeit he receiued such bitter and nipping answeres, that he himselfe was also afraid. But nothing preuaileth further with the Turkes then money. For it seemeth that with this onely their sauage furie is mitigated, and their fiercenes appeased. THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. IO29 Fiue thousand crownes therefore were disbursed for the priests libertie, wherein the Cofti shewed themselues verie friendly, the richest of them offering one after another to lend money without any interest for the same. But this matter cost Mariani more then ten thousand crownes ; and besides that, he was depriued of his degree of Consulship. The priests being thus freed out of prison, and obseruing how things went, returned one after another backe to Rome. A relation touching the state of Christian Religion in the dominions of Prete lanni, taken out of an oration o{ Mattheiv DresseruSy professour of the Greeke and Latine toongs, and of Histories, in the Vnitiersitie of Lipsia. Who hauing first made a generall exordium to his auditoriCy proceedeth at length to the peculiar hand- ling of t/ie foresaid argument, in manner following, Ondum (saith hee) vnius seculi <£tas exacta est, &c. The space of one hundred yeeres is not as yet fullie expired, since the fame of the Ethio- pians religion came first vnto our eares. Which, because it is in many points agreeable vntoChristian veritie, and carrieth an honest shew of pietie therewith, is to be esteemed as a matter most worthie of our knowledge. Of this therefore, so far forth as the short time of an oration will permit, I purpose to intreate ; to the end it may appeare, both where, and what manner of Christian church that of Ethiopia is, and what were the first beginnings thereof * As the church Thls Ethiopian, not vnfitly called *The southerne church, hither parts of is situatc in Africa far south, namely vnder the Torrid b\rnf called the Zon^y bctwcene the Tropique of Cancer and the Equi- )Tifo/Gn'fce noctial ; some part thereof also stretching beyond the Z'!tcniT'^^' Equinoctial, towards the Tropique of Capricorne. Two church. summers they haue euery yeere, yea in a manner, one THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. IO3I continual summer : so that at the very same time in some fields they sowe, and in others they reape. Somewhere also they haue euery moneth ripe, some kinde of earthlie fruits or other, especiallie pulse. The people are skorched with the heate of the sun, and they are black, and go naked : saue onely that some couer their priuites with cloth of cotton or of silke. The countrie is very great, and con- taineth well nie twentie kingdomes ; * so that it is almost * iv/iaisoeuer Dresserus as large as Europe, or as all Christendome in these parts, thinketh; yet ... 1., diuers other At the begmnmg mdeed it had not aboue two kmgdomes ; authors of good but in processe of time it was mightily enlarged by Hd't^dominions of conquest of countries adiacent. For it is enuironed on all benothlnglo *^ sides by vnbeleeuing gentiles and Mahumetans, who are'^'^'^" most deadlie enimies to the Christian religion ; with whome the emperour of Ethiopia is at continuall wars, endeuouring by all possible meanes to reclaime them from their heathenish Idolatry to the faith of lesus Christ. It is reported that certaine bordering *Mores beare such im- *^f^^//j^^'^'" placable hatred against these Christians, that none of them ^^^'"■ may marry, before he bringeth testimony, that he hath slaine tuelue of them. The Emperour of Ethiopia is not called (as some imagine) Presbiter or priest; but Pretious lohn. For in the Ethiopian toung he is termed Belul Gian, and in the Chaldean, Encoe Gian, both which additions signifie pretious or high ; so that in a maner he commeth neer vnto the titles of our princes, who are called Illustres, Excelsi, Serenissimi, &c. to signifie, that they are exalted and aduanced aboue other people. And this is a common name to all the christian kings of Ethiopia ; as Pharao was to the Egyptian kings, and Augustus, to the Roman emperours. Neither is this Pretious lohn a priest by profession, but a ciuil magistrate ; nor is he armed so much with religion and lawes, as with military forces. Howbcit he calleth himselfe The piller of faith ; because I032 THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. he is the maintainer of the Christian faith, not onely enioining his owne subiects to the obseruation thereof; but (what in him lyeth) enforcing his enemies also to embrace it. In times past Ethiopia was gouerned by Queenes onely. Whereupon we reade in the history of the old testament, that the Queene of the south came to King Salomon from Saba, to heare his admirable wisdome, about the yeere of the world 2954. The name of this Queen (as the Ethio- pians report) was Maqueda^ who from the head-city of Ethiopia called Saba (which like an Isle, is enuironed on all sides by the riuer Nilus) trauelled by Egypt and the Red sea to lerusalem. And she brought vnto Salomon an hundred & twenty talents of gold, which amount to 72000a golden ducates of Hungarie, that is, seuen tunnes of gold, and 20000 Hungarian ducates besides. This mightie sum of gold, with other things of great value, she presented vnto Salomon, who likewise requited her with most princely giftes. She contended with him also in propounding of sage questions, & obscure riddles. Amongst other matters (as it is reported by Cedrenus) she brought before him certaine damosels, and yoong men in maides attire, asking the king, how he could discerne one sexe from another. He answered, that he would finde them out by the washing of their faces. And foorthwith he commanded all their faces to be washed, and they which washed themselues strongly, were found to be males ; but the residue by their tender washing bewraied themselues to be damosels. The Ethiopian kings suppose, that they are descended from the linage of Dauid^ and from the family of Salomon, And therefore they vse to terme themselues the sonnes of Dauidy and of Salomon, and of the holy patriarkes also, as being sprung from their progenie. For Queene Maqueda (say they) had a sonne by Salofnon, whome they named Meilech, But afterward he was called Dauid. This THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. IO33 liTeilech (as they report) being growen to twentie yeeres of age, was sent backe by his mother vnto his father and instructor Salomon, that he might learne of him, wisedome and vnderstanding. Which so soone as the said Meilech or Dauid had attained : by the permission of Salomon^ taking with him many priests and nobles, out of all the twelue tribes, he returned to his kingdome of Ethiopia, and tooke vpon him the gouernment thereof. As likewise he carried home with him the law of God, and the rite of circumcision. These were the beginnings of the Jewish religion in Ethiopia. And it is reported, that euen till this present none are admitted into any ministry or canonship in the court, but such as are descended of their race that came first out of lury. By these therfore the doctrine of God in Ethiopia was first planted, which afterward tooke such deepe root, as it hath since remained to all succeeding ages. For the Ethiopians did both retaine the bookes of the Prophets, and trauailed also to Jerusalem, that they might there worship the true God reuealed in the kingdome of Israel. Which manifestly appeereth out of the Historie Acts oj the of the Ethiopian Eunuch, whose name was Itidichy which verL 26. was a principall gouernour under Queene Candaces, properly called ludith. For he about the tenth yeere after the death and resurrection of our blessed Sauiour, trauailed for the space of two hundred and fortie miles, to Jerusalem. Where hauing performed due worship vnto God, returning homeward, as he sate in his chariot, he read the prophet Esaias, And by the commandement of the holy Spirit, Philip one of Christ his disciples was sent vnto him. And when they were both come to the citie Bethzur, three miles distant from Jerusalem ; the Eunuch at the foote of a mountaine espied a certaine water, wherein he was baptized by Philip. And being returned into Ethiopia, this Eunuch baptized the Queene, and a great part of her 3^ 1034 -THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. family and people. From which time the Ethiopians began to be Christians, who since that haue continually professed the Christian faith. They beleeue also that Philip sent into Ethiopia a disciple of his called Lycanon, who (as they suppose) ordained the verie forme of religion which they now holde. Now these beginnings aswel of the Jewish as the christian religion among the Ethiopians being thus de- clared : we are next to intreat of the doctrine & religion it selfe, togither with the rites & ceremonies vsed at this present in the Ethiopicke church, so far foorth as we can gather out of the ambassages which haue bin performed from these parts thither, & backe againe. Besides which there is no historie nor discourse of any worth to be found, which entreateth of the religion, maners, and customes of the Ethiopians. So as it is a matter very strange, that for so many hundred yeeres togither, Ethiopia was so barred from our knowledge, that we had not so much as any report thereof. Vntill about the yeere of our Lord 1440. certaine ambassadours sent from thence to Pope Eug^enius^ returned backe with his letters, and Papall benediction to their king. Which letters are most charily kept among the records of this Ethiopian king, and are preserued for perpetuall monuments. ' From which time also, as though Ethiopia had beene againe quite debarred from the knowledge and conuersa- tion of our men, there were not any Europeans that went into Ethiopia, till the yeere of our Lord i486, what time John the second king of Portugall sent Pedro de Couiiham, and Alon^o de Paiua^ to search out Ethiopia. This Pedro was a man very learned, eloquent, skilful! in sundrie languages, painfull in his endeuors, fortunate in his attempts, and most desirous to finde out new countries and people both by sea and land. He therefore in the yeere aboue mentioned, togither with his companion Alonqo de THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. IO35 Paiua, (who died in the voiage) triuailed first to Alexandria and Cairo in Egypt : from whence in the com pan ie of certaine Mores of Fez and Tremizen, he proceeded on to El Tor, an hauen towne vpon the, Arabian shore of the Red sea, and thence to Aden, situate without the entrance of the Arabian gulfe. Where hauing embarqued himselfe in a ship of Mores, he trauailed to Calicut, Gba, and other places of the East Indies; and being fully informed of the state of the Spiceries, he crossed ouer the maine Ocean to 9ofala, sailed thence to Ormuz, and then returned backe to Cairo. From whence (hauing dispatched letters vnto his king) in the company of Rabbi Joseph a lew, he made a second voiage to Ormuz ; and in his returne he tooke his iourney towards Ethiopia, the Emperour whereof at that time, was called Alexander, Vnto whom when he had deliuered a letter and a mappe of the world sent from king lohn^ he was most kindly entertained, and rewarded with many rich gifts. And albeit he most earnestly desired to returne into his owne countrey, yet could he neuer obtaine leaue ; but had wealth, honour, and a wife of a noble family bestowed vpon him, to asswage his desire of returning home. Wherefore in the yeere 1526. which was fortie yeeres after his departure out of Portugall, hee was left, by Rodrigo deLima the Portugall ambassadour, still remaining in the court of Prete lanni. In all this meane while sundry Portugals came out of India to the court of the Prete, not so much to visite and salute him, as to declare the good will and kinde affection of their king towards him. Whereupon Queene Helena, which was then protectresse of the Ethiopian or Abassin empire, to requite the king of Portugal with like friendship ; sent vnto him i i the company of the foresaid Portugals an ambassador or mcsscnq;er of hers, called Matthew, who was a merchant borne in Armenia, being a man skilfull in sundry languages and in many other matters. This 3 U 2 1036 THE RELIGIONS OF AFRICA. Afafihnvike Mutthew slic not onclv furnished with letters requisite for first atnbassa- ^ ^ lior sent jfrom such an ambassage ; but enioined him also to declare by Aethiopiato , - « * 1 • r •* 11 • • 11 Portu^^aii. word of mouth vnto the king of rortugal the principall heads of their doctrine or beleefe, together with their rites and customes, and the present state of the whole church of Ethiopia. Moreouer shee presented him with a little crosse made (as they suppose) of a piece of that very crosse, whereon our sauiour Christ was crucified ; with many other tokens and pledges of mutuall christian amity. Thus Matthew being dismissed, tooke his iourney to the east Indies ; from whence he was conducted by sea into Portugal; where arriuing in the yeere 1513, he did his message, according to Queene Helenas directions, vnto the king Don EmanueL The king taking wonderfull delight at this message, and at these guiftes which were sent him from a Christian prince ♦ This ambas-. go far rcmote, not long after prepared a new *ambassage, sagewas atthe ' t> r- r o ' first vnder- ^Jth letters, and presents of exceeding value: in which taken by Odo- > r & » ardo Gaiuano : ^xnh^,ss^.g^ the pietic and vertue of Francis Aluares ^ 7v ho dying at , ,. ., « t-« i • • the isle of Ca- Portugal priest extraordinarily appeered. For he remaining maran in the . ,, ., , •rT-»t.» i?